新东方中高级口译词汇必备MP3+文本 Chapter 09 Health_新东方中高级口译词汇
新东方中高级口译词汇必备MP3+文本 Chapter 09 Health由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“新东方中高级口译词汇”。
第九章 健康
a period of debility n.体能低落、衰弱期
acne n.痤疮,粉剌
active sleep n.积极睡眠
acute adj.急性的adrenalin n.肾上腺素
adverse effect n.反作用
aerobics n.有氧运动
AIDS(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)
alcoholic poison n.酒精中毒
alkalinity or acidity n.酸碱性
allergy n.过敏
Alzheimer’s disease n.老年痴呆症
amino acids n.氨基酸
anemia n.贫血
anoxia n.缺氧
anthrax n.炭疽
anti-aging adj.抗衰老
antibiotics n.抗生素
antibody n.抗体
antipruritic adj.止痒剂,止痒的anti-SARS campaign n.抗非典斗争
artery n.动脉
arthritis n.关节炎
artificial heart n.人造心脏
artificial hormones n.人造激素
asthma n.哮喘
avian influenza(bird flu)n.禽流感
B.O.(Body Odor)n.体臭
backache n.背痛
balm n.止痛膏,香油
behavioral therapy n.行为疗法
belch n./v.打嗝
bioengineering n.生物工程
biologist n.生物学家
bird flu n.禽流感
bleeding n.出血
blemish n.瑕疵,疤痕
blister n.水泡
blood circulation n.血液循环
blood veel n.血管
bone marrow n.骨髓
bronchitis n.支气管炎
bruise n./ v.瘀伤,擦伤,青紫
BSE(bovino spongiform encephalopathy)n.疯牛病
burp n.饱嗝儿,打嗝 v.打饱嗝
callus n.老茧
calorie n.卡路里
cancer n.癌,毒瘤
capillary n.毛细管
carbohydrate n.碳水化合物
cardiac adj./n.心脏(病)的cardiologist n.心脏病专家
cataract n.白内障
cellulite n.脂肪团块
chest cavity n.胸腔 chickenpox n.水痘 cholera n.霍乱
cholesterol n.胆固醇
chronic adj.慢性的chronic asymptomatic HBV carriers 慢性无症状乙型肝炎病毒携带者
cirrhosis of liver n.肝硬化
(masked palm)civet n.果子狸
cleanse v.清洗,净化
colic n.绞痛,疝气
coma n.昏迷
comatose adj.昏睡的,昏迷不醒的communicable diseases 传染病
corona virus 冠状病毒
condom n.安全套
congenital defects n.先天性缺陷
contagious adj.传染性的contraceptive coil n.避孕环
convulsion n.惊厥,痉挛
coronary disease n.冠心病
cough v./n.咳嗽
coughing fit n.咳嗽发作
craving n.强烈的愿望
dandruff n.头皮屑
deadly adj.致命的debilitate vt.使衰弱,使虚弱
dehydration n.脱水
dementia n.痴呆
deodorize vt.除臭
dermatologist n.皮肤科医生
dermatology n.皮肤病学
diabetes n.糖尿病
diagnosis n.诊断
dialysis machine n.透析机
diarrhea n.痢疾,腹泻
die a grim death 惨死
diet plan n.食物计划
dietitian n.营养专家
dilated pupil examination n.瞳孔放大检查
disinfectant n.消毒剂
dizzine n.头昏眼花
dose n.剂量
dream cycle n.做梦周期
dropsy n.水肿,浮肿
duodenal ulcer n.十二指肠溃疡
dyspepsia n.消化不良
eating disorder n.食欲紊乱
elasticity n.弹力,弹性
embryo n.胚胎
embryology n.胚胎学
epidemic adj.流行的,传染的 n.时疫,流行病
epidemic encephalitis B n.流行性乙型脑炎
epidemiology n.流行病学
euthanasia / mercy killing n.安乐死
extrovert n./adj.性格外向的(人)
fatal n.致命的fertilization n.授精
fetus n.胎儿
fever n.发烧
fitne center n.健康中心
fitne n.健康
flatulence n.肠胃气胀
flu shot n.(打)抗流感针
foot-and-mouth disease n.口蹄疫
fructose n.果糖
futile adj.无效的G
gasp v.喘气,倒吸气
genes n.基因
genetic information n.遗传信息
genome n.基因组
germicide n.杀菌剂
gestation n.怀孕
GM food(genetically modified food)n 转基因食品
GMOs(Genetically Modified Organisms)n.转基因生物
gingivitis n.齿龈炎
gland n.腺
glucose n.葡萄糖
gum n.齿龈
hair-raising adj.使人毛骨悚立的hatch v./n.孵化
health care products n.保健品
herbal medicine 草药
heart attack n.心脏病发作
heart failure n.心力衰竭
hemorrhoids n.痔疮
hepatitis n.肝炎
hepatitis A n.甲肝 hepatitis B n.乙肝
herbal eence n.草药精,草本精华 heredity n.遗传
herpes n.疱疹
hiccup n./ v.打嗝
high blood preure n.高血压
high cholesterol n.胆固醇过高
HIV(human immunodeficiency virus)人体免疫缺损病毒,艾滋病病毒
HIV-positive adj.艾滋病病毒测试呈阳性
hoarsene n.嘶哑,刺耳
holistic medicine n.全身(整体)治疗的药物,如中药
homosexually transmitted disease n.由同性恋传播的疾病
hormone n.荷尔蒙,激素
human genome n.人类基因图谱
hypertension n.高血压,过度紧张
hypotension n.血压过低 I immune system n.免疫系统 immunity n.免疫性
implant v./n.植入
impotence n.阳萎
in a vegetative state 处于植物人状态
incubator n.孵卵器,早产儿保育器
infected adj.被感染的infertility n.不孕,不育
inflamed skin n.皮肤发炎
injection n.注射
inoculate v.打预防针,接种疫苗
insemination n.授精
insomnia n.失眠,失眠症
insulin n.胰岛素
introspective adj.内省,内向的,introvert n./ adj.性格内向的(人)
irregular pulse n.脉律不齐
irritable adj.急躁的isolation n.隔离
itching adj.发痒的、渴望的itchy adj.使人发痒的,不安静的,神经质的IVF(in-vitro fertilization)[ ] n.试管受精
kidney stones n.肾结石
kidney transplant n.肾移植 L lactose n.乳糖
laser treatment n.激光疗法
lesion n.感染的皮肤,损伤
living donor n.(活体)器官捐献者
lobe n.耳垂,(肺,肝等的)叶
malaria n.疟疾
mandatory testing n.强制测试
manicure n.修指甲
mate v.交配
maternity leave 产假
matrix n.子宫
menopause n.更年期
mental deterioration n.神经退化、衰弱
mental disorder n.精神紊乱
metabolism n.新陈代谢
microbe n.微生物,细菌
micro-organism n.微生物
microproceor n.微处理器,单片机
migraine n.偏头痛
molecule n.分子
morbidity rate n.发病率
morning sickne n.(孕妇)晨吐
mortality rate n.死亡率
mouth hygiene n.口腔卫生
near-sighted adj.近视的nerve pathway n.神经通道
neurological adj.神经学的neurologist n.神经科医师
neuropathy n.神经病
nicotine n.尼古丁
numbne n.麻木
nutrient adj.有营养的,养分
nutrition n.营养,营养学
obesity n.肥胖症
odds n.可能的机会;几率
odor n.气味
offspring n.后代
OTC drugs n.非处方药
outbreak n.(疫情等)暴发
paralysis n.瘫痪
Parkinson’s disease n.帕金森综合症
paive smoking / second-hand smoking n.被动吸烟
pediatrics n.小儿科
pedicure n.修脚,修脚指甲
perceptual skill n.感知能力
person in a vegetative state;vegetable n.植物人 personal hygiene n.个人卫生
pharmaceutical n./adj.药物,制药学的pharmacist n.药剂师
physical endurance n.体力、体能
pimple n.丘疹,面泡,青春豆
plague n.瘟疫
plethora n.多血症
PMS(pre-menstrual Syndrome)n.月经前不快症状
pneumonia n.肺炎
pore n.毛孔
pregnancy n.怀孕
preure n.压力
protein n.蛋白质
psychological rest n.心理休息
pulse n.脉搏
quarantine n./v.隔离
rabies n.狂犬病
regenerate v.再生
remedy n.药物,治疗,矫正
renal adj.肾脏的respirator n.口罩;人工呼吸器
a canister respirator n.防毒面具
rheumatism n.风湿
ringing in the ears n.耳鸣
rinse n./ v.冲洗掉,清洗,冲洗
royal jelly n.蜂王浆
saccharin n.糖精
SARS-affected area n.非典疫区
SARS epidemic n.非典型性肺炎
scarlet fever n.猩红热
secretion n.分泌,分泌物
sedative n.镇静剂,止痛药 adj.镇痛的shiatsu n.(日)指压,指压按摩疗法
schistosomiasis n.血吸虫病
skin rash n.皮疹
slow-wave sleep n.慢波睡眠
smallpox n.天花
sneeze v./ n.打喷嚏
snore n./ v.打鼾,鼾声
sore throat n.喉咙痛
sorene n.痛,痛楚
spasm n.痉挛
sperm bank n.(为人工授精提供精子的)精子库 sperm donor n.捐献精子的人 sprain n.扭伤
STD(Sexually Transmitted Disease)n.性传染病
stem cell n.干细胞
sterile adj.不育的,无结果的,消毒过的,无菌的sterilization n.消毒,绝育
steroids n.类固醇
stroke n.中风
stiff neck n.落枕
stimulant n.刺激物
stinky feet n.臭脚
stolid adj.神经麻木的,感觉迟钝的stre n.压力,焦虑
stroke n.中风
sub-consciousne n.潜意识
surgeon n.外科医生
swelling n.肿胀
symptom n.症状
syndrome n.综合病症
syphilis n.梅毒
test tube n.试管
the terminally ill n.患绝症者;病入膏肓者
thrush n.鹅口疮
toxic adj.有毒的toxin n.毒素
transplant n./ v.移植
trauma n.外伤,(心理)创伤
trial version n.试验版
tumor n.瘤
typhoid fever n.伤寒
ulcers n.溃疡
unconsciousne n.无意识,意识不清
upset stomach n.反胃,肚子痛
urinary incontinence n.小便失禁
vaccination n.接种疫苗
vaccine n.疫苗
varicose veins n.静脉曲张
vellus n.毫毛
vicious circle n.恶性循环
virus n.病毒
visual disturbance n.视力障碍
vivacious adj.性格活泼的,快活的voluntary and confidential testing
wart n.疣
womb n.子宫
wrinkle n.皱纹
中医 TCM(Traditional Chinese medicine)
1.中医名着 famous TCM work
2.《黄帝内经》 Huang Di’s Claic of Internal Medicine / Yellow Emperor'sChinese Medicine
3.《神农本草经》 Shennong’s Herbal Claic
4.《本草纲目》 Compendium of Materia Medica
5.《易经》 I Ching;Book of Change
6.万物人为贵 nothing compares to a human life
7.救死扶伤 healing the sick and saving the dying
8.阴阳 yin-yang, the two opposing and complementary principles in nature
9.相生相克 mutual generation and restriction
10.对立制约 mutually opposing and constraining
11.互根互用interdependent and mutually promoting
12.相互转化mutually transformational
13.新陈代谢 metabolism
14.针灸 acupuncture
b)艾炙疗法 moxibustion
15.推拿 medical maage
16.穴位acupuncture point
17.针刺麻醉 acupuncture anesthesia
18.综合医院 general hospital
19.中医部 TCM section/ department
20.拔火罐疗法(Chinese)cupping therapy
21.刮痧疗法skin scraping therapy with water, liquor or vegetable oil
22.理疗 physical therapy
Canon of Traditional
23.切脉 feeling the pulse
24.偏方folk prescription
25.秘方 secret prescription(normally of excellent curative effect)
26.祖传秘方 secret prescription handed down from one's ancestors
27.阴阳五行学说 the theory of yin-yang and five elements(metal, wood, water, fire and earth)
28.心 heart
29.肝 liver
32.肺 lung
33.肾 kidney
34.内伤七情(喜、怒、忧、思、悲、恐、惊)internal causes(joy, anger, worry, thought, grief, fear and surprise)
35.外感六淫(风、寒、暑、湿、燥、火)external causes(wind, cold, heat, wetne, dryne and fire)
36.中药四性 four properties of medicinal herb a)寒cold b)热hot c)温warm
37.中药五味five tastes of medicinal herb
38.按摩meage therapy
39.减肥 lose weight
40.经络 main and collateral channels inside human body;meridian
41.食补保健maintain good health through the intake of nourishing food
42.太极拳 Tai chi quan;Tai chi Chuan;Taijiquan boxing
43.延缓衰老 to defer senility
45.有机整体 an organic whole
46.瑜珈 yoga
47.中国古代药王神农氏 Shennong, herbal medicine master of ancient China
48.中华医学会 Chinese Medical Aociation
49.安全第一,预防为主 safety first, precaution crucial.
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