
2020-02-27 其他范文 下载本文


U1 61.据报道,自从11月份以来,村里的条件有所改善。

It is reported that conditions in the village have improved somewhat since November.62.教授的建议只适用于一些大学生。

The advice given by the profeor only applies to some of the college students.63.学校将重点强调外语和计算机学习。

The school will give priority to English and computer studies.64.回顾过去,我真希望自己选择英语专业。

In retrospect, I wish that I had chosen English as my major.65.说到教育,多数人认为教育是终身学习。

When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that it is a lifetime study.62.我想只要我努力的话,在本学期末我能实现拿六个A的目标。

If I work hard, I think I can accomplish my goal of getting 6 A‘s at the end of the semester.64.我们公司的产品质量比那家公司的好多了。

The quality of our products is far superior to that of that company.65.那位女士告诉我,步行不到五分钟就可到达附近的公共汽车站。

That lady told me that it took fewer than five minutes to walk to the nearby bus station.【Translation】


It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the

tradition.2.汤姆过去很腼腆,但这次却非常勇敢能在大庭广众面前上台表演了 Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience.3.很多教育家认为从小培养孩子的创新精神是很可取的。

Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age.4.假设那副画确实是名作,你觉得值得购买么?

Auming(that)this painting really is a masterpiece, do you think it’s worthwhile to buy/purchase it?


If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problem we are investigating.U2 61.这位企业家承诺向非洲贫困地区捐赠100万美元。

The entrepreneur promised a donation of one million US dollars to poverty-stricken areas in Africa.62.面对困难时我们决不能放弃。

We should never give up when confronted with difficulties.63.那位时髦女性否认了从超市里偷东西。

That fashionable girl denied stealing things in the supermarket.64.在当今高度商品化的社会里,没有人愿意默默无闻。

In today's highly commercialized society, nobody wants to be a nobody.65.在这个社团中,大家都非常热情友好,我感觉到真正的归属感。

As people in this society are very hospitable and friendly, I feel a genuine sense of belonging.62.乘客逃离不久,那辆车就爆炸了。

The bus exploded shortly after the paengers fled away.63.他的穿着和这样庄重的场合显得格格不入。

On such a grand occasion, his way of dreing is obviously out of place.64.那一年,他有幸被一所名牌大学录取。这成为他人生旅途中最值得纪念的转折点。

That year he was lucky to be admitted into a famous university.That became a most memorable turning point in his personal journey.62.警察捏造了个事实来逮捕那位教授。

The police fabricated a story to arrest the profeor.64.这位老人的一生经历了很多挫折。

This old man has gone through ups and downs in his life.【Translation】


The company denied that its donations had a commercial purpose.2.每当他生气时,他说话就有一点结巴。

Whenever he was angry, he would begin to stammer slightly.3.教育是我们家庭最看重的传统,这就是为什么我父母从不带我到昂贵的饭店吃饭,却送我到最好的私立学校上学。

Education is the most cherished tradition in our family.That’s why my parents never took me to dinner at expensive restaurants, but sent me to the best private school.4.手术康复后不久,他失业了,因此经历了人生的又一次困难阶段。

Shortly after he recovered from the surgery, he lost his job and thus had to go through another difficult phase of his life.5.与我们富裕邻居相比,我们的父母就相当穷了,但是他们总是努力满


In contrast to our affluent neighbors, my parents are rather poor, but they have always tried hard to meet our minimal needs.U4 61.校长就我们学校上个学期的教学改革做了一些评论。

he president made some remarks on the teaching reform carried out last semester in our school.62.很多年轻人并不喜欢街头黑帮,但是他们身不由己地卷进去了。

A lot of youngsters don't like street gangs, but they find themselves getting sucked in.63.越战期间,很多美国年轻人逃离祖国来逃兵役。

During the Vietnam War period, a lot of young Americans fled their country to avoid military


Governmental officials should never abuse their power.65.那些起初看似高级的享受如今却成为一种逃避形式。

What first seemed like a luxury has become a form of escape.61.在电脑前坐了三个多小时后,我站起身来伸展一下身体。

I stood up to stretch myself after sitting for over 3 hours before the computer.63.我们球队的失利看似必然,但是,足球场上什么事情都有可能发生。

The failure of our team seems inevitable, but then, anything is poible in football.64.一个月已经过去了,但是解决问题的方法还是遥遥无期。

One month is gone, yet the solution to the problem is not yet in sight.65.在达成一个客观的看法前,我们应该尽可能地从多个角度考虑这个问题。

We need to look at it from all poible angles before we can form an

objective opinion.64.据我所知,上海目前有将近1600万人口。

To my knowledge, currently Shanghai has a population of nearly 16

million.65.他承诺几天后把钱还给我。现在几天已经变成了几个月, 我却没有从


He promised to repay me in several days.But the days stretched into

months and I never got a cent back from him.【Translation】


Research shows that laughter can bring a lot of health benefits.2.互联网连接速度慢真让人心烦。

A slow Internet connecting speed is really annoying.3.法律规定,帮助他人自杀是犯罪。

As the law stands, helping someone commit suicide is a crime.4.玛丽在他的报告中试图从一个完全不同的角度来解释这些数据。

In her report, Mary tries to interpret the data from a completely different angle.5.苏是一个很有天分的女孩。她那惊人的记忆力使她在同班同学中显得


Sue is a girl of great talent.Her amazing memory sets her apart from her clamates.U5 61.实验结果证实了我们的说法是对的。

The experiment results bear out our claims.62.一个年轻人不知从哪里冒了出来,安静地站在我们身边。

A young man had appeared out of / from nowhere and silently stood beside us.63.他说的情况和事实相符。

What he said coincides with the fact.64.他已婚的事实使她面对现实。

The fact that he is married brings her back to earth.65.一个日益受到关注的问题是退休年龄迅速降低。

One growing iue is the rapid decrease in the retirement age.63.大学生必须学会自律。

College students must know how to discipline themselves.64.自从上周的边界冲突发生后,两国间紧张关系再度升温。

Tensions between the two countries have risen again since the border clash last week.61.他的生活似乎很枯燥,就是工作完了睡觉,睡完觉又工作。

His life seems very dull and alternates between work and sleep / alternating between work and sleep.62.实验结果证实了我们的说法是对的。

The experiment results bear out our claims.64.我们应该推动农产品生产、加工和销售的有机结合。

We should integrate the production, proceing and marketing of agricultural products.【Translation】


It is the creativity and dedication of the workers and executives that turned the company into a profitable busine.2.食品和药物的价格在过去的三个月里急剧增长。

The prices of food and medicine have soared in the past three months.3.我们打算重新粉刷这栋办公大楼的上面几层楼。

We plan to repaint the upper floors of he office building.4.他的成功表面流行与艺术价值有时候是一致的。

His succe shows that popularity and artistic merit sometimes coincide.5.我不愿意看见我所敬爱的祖母躺在医院床上痛苦地呻吟。

I don’t want to see my beloved grandmother lying in a hospital bed and groaning painfully.U6 61.我妹妹对舞蹈很懂,但是对足球一窍不通。

My younger sister knows a lot about dance, but she doesn't understand / know the first about football.62.他根本没有显露自己的任何情感。

He gave no indication of his own feelings at all.63.日本是一个发达国家,但是谈到自然资源时,它则是一个比较贫穷的国家。

Japan is a developed country, but when it comes to natural resources, it is relatively poor.64.我的工作时间比较灵活,因此我经常能到世界各地旅游。

Owing to my flexible working time, I am often able to travel around the world.65.我们对员工的挑选是非常严格的。

We are very selective about our employees.61.水泵因机械故障而关闭了。

The pump shut off as a result of mechanical failure.63.当你去和一位女孩约会时应该穿得体面点。

You should wear decent clothes when you are to date a girl.64.我是学语言的,因此跟他们辩论科技方面的话题时我经常处于下风。

I majored in languages, so I am always at a disadvantage when debating with them on the iue of science and technology.65.一提到电子游戏,这个男孩能在嗡嗡作响的电脑前坐上好几个钟头也不觉得累。

When it comes to video games, this boy can sit in front of the buzzing

computer for several hours without getting tired.【Translation】



He is a man of few words, but when it comes to playing a computer games, he is far too clever for his clamates.2.无知的孩子们可能认为这些动物很可爱并开始跟他们玩起来。

Children who don’t know any better may think these animals are pretty cute and start playing with them.3.没有办法获得贷款,所以,要购买新设备,我只得咬紧牙关,卖掉我的混合型动力汽车。

There is no way to obtain a loan, so to buy the new equipment, I will just have to grit my teeth and sell my hybrid car.4.如果猎人没有看到一群大象朝他的营地走来,他就不会开枪。

The hunter would not have fired the shots if he hadn’t seen a herd of elephants coming towards his campsite.5.我觉得具有讽刺意味的是汤姆的记忆是选择性的,他好像不记得过去


I find it ironic that Tom has a selective memory---he does not seem to remember painful experiences in the past, particularly those of his own doing.


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