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全新版大学英语综合教程第五册 UNIT 1 Vocabulary

1.(P18-19)(1)allot(2)go through fire and water(3)reside(4)sobbed(5)made no mention of(6)sacrifice(7)came upon(8)rhythm(9)volume(10)something of a 4.(P20)(1)Ambition, ambition, regardle of(2)discourse, by the way(3)is engraved, inward Cloze(P24)

(1)go through fire and water(2)salary(3)give… no peace(4)sink into(5)ambition(6)By way of(7)expreive(8)churned(9)engraved(10)not hold a candle to(11)inward(1)Succe(2)literacy(3)significantly(4)promoting(5)appropriate(6)too(7)later(8)repetition(9)invented(10)le Translation(P25)我的祖母不识字,可是她有一箩筐的神话和传奇故事。小时候我总是缠着她,要她给我讲故事。而她在忙完家务后,总会把我抱在膝上,一边讲故事一边有节奏地晃动我。


Although my grandmother was illiterate, she had a good stock of myths and legends.When I was young I gave her no peace, constantly asking her to tell me stories.After she had finished her housework, she would lift me onto her lap and tell stories, all the while rocking me in rhythm.Having noticed my interest in stories, my parents lost no time in initiating me into reading.They bought many storybooks with illustrations, and whenever free, they would read these stories to me over and over again.By and by I had a vocabulary large enough to read on my own.UNIT3 Vocabulary

1.(P83)(1)invitation(2)eloquent(3)concede(4)contradictory(5)conceals(6)guilty(7)generalize(8)get caught in(9)for now(10)as a last resort 4.(P85)(1)In general, that irritates, arrogant(2)adamant, never indulge in, absurd, a romantic(3)be aware, nonethele, acceptable to Cloze(P88)

(1)go along(2)honesty(3)straightforward(4)indulge in(5)What about(6)dodge(7)aert(8)absurd(9)resort(10)juggle(1)aerting(2)go along(3)because(4)part(5)Mistakes(6)exceptions(7)end(8)resort(9)dying(10)freedom Translation(P25)我们大学的新任校长不赞成在某些情况下容许说慌的看法。他要求校内所有的教师和学生诚实行事,永不说谎。他认为一旦人们习惯于说任何一类的谎言,他们就会纵容自己,最终无法摆脱说谎恶习。是否讲谎话有时会成为棘手的难题,但是我们的校长坚持认为在教育青年人的过程中,所有教育界的人士都不得逃避将诚实放在首位的责任。我同意他的看法。你的意见呢?/ 5

The new president of our university disapproves of the idea that we should be allowed to tell lies under certain circumstances.He believes that if people get used to telling any kind of lie, they will indulge themselves and eventually be stuck with the bad habit.To tell or not to tell a lie can sometimes become a very sticky iue, but our president insists on the notion that nobody in the world of education should dodge the responsibility of attaching primary importance to honesty while teaching the young.I agree with him.What about you? UNIT 4 Vocabulary

1.(P117)(1)for myself(2)concluded(3)infinite(4)internal(5)misery(6)mode(7)ventured(8)visible(9)observation(10)commended 4.(P119)(1)an energetic, ardent, The investigation, a wretched, To leave them to their own devices(2)entrusted, explicit, did not commend itself to, look him in the face, turning to(3)my subsequent, The latter, part with, with reluctance Cloze(P123-124)

(1)Enrolling(2)specimen(3)leave him to his own devices(4)investigation(5)By and by(6)content with(7)entrusted(8)reluctance(9)infectious(10)observation(11)mode(12)grounded in(1)known(2)only(3)doing(4)aistance(5)aignment(6)simply(7)But(8)turned(9)singled(10)because Translation(P124)在注册上数学202这门课时,我就与料到会有困难,因为我在高中读书是数学不好。这门课是由理查森教授讲授的,他是一位典型的老派的先生,对学生非常热情友好。然而,在学术问题上他一点儿也不马虎。在正式授课之前,他热情洋溢地阐述了他有条不紊的工作、课前做好充分的准备和不满足于所学知识的重要性。他的工作态度具有很强的感染力,渐渐地,我也爱上了数学。

When I enrolled in Math 202, I anticipated difficulties because I was not well grounded in mathematics in high school.The course was taught by Profeor Richardson, a fine specimen of an old-fashioned gentleman, very cordial to his students.However, when it came to academic matters, he was by no means an easy person.Before he started his lecture, he discoursed enthusiastically on the importance of working in an orderly fashion, of being thoroughly prepared before each cla, and of not being content with what you have learned.His attitude towards work was infectious, and by and by I became an ardent math lover, too.UNIT 6 Vocabulary

1.(P198)(1)the hard way(2)solemn(3)wrote out(4)champion(5)ownership(6)privilege(7)To be sure(8)handicap(9)surge(10)cut the ground from under…feet 4.(P200)(1)prospered, the underlying, To begin with, in relation to, of obligation to, enthusiasm for(2)the collision, implicit, personality(3)in common, to combat, own destinies, hung on, the notion Cloze(P204)

(1)personalities(2)embody(3)underlying(4)collision(5)leadership(6)ownership(7)2 / 5

ideals(8)champion(9)the hard way(10)prospered

(1)indication(2)sensitive(3)career(4)resign(5)supply(6)disciplined(7)promoted(8)criticized(9)surrender(10)respected Translation(P205)1807年,罗伯特.李出生在弗吉尼亚州的一个颇有地位的家庭。他的父亲不仅是乔治华盛顿的私人朋友,还担任过三届弗吉尼亚州的州长。不幸的是,他父亲的生活一直为投资不当所困扰,他两次因欠债不还而入狱,最终被迫逃离美国。李的母亲对立的个性影响最大。面对丈夫那让人痛心的失败,她决心不让这个悲剧在孩子身上重演。她将美德灌输给李,如自制力、责任心以及不屈不饶的精神。1825年,怀着挽回家族荣誉的强烈愿望,李开始了在西点军校的学习。这是他生活中的一个新篇章。四年里,他们门功课名列前茅。

Robert Lee’s father’s life had been plagued by poor financial investments.He was jailed twice for unpaid debts and in the end was forced to flee the country.Lee’s mother was the dominant force in shaping Lee’s personality.Against the poignant failure of her husband, she was determined that he tragedy should not be repeated in the life of her children.Self-control, a sense of obligation and an indomitable spirit were the virtues she taught Lee.In 1825, with an aspiration to win back the family honor, Lee began studying at West Point Military Academy.This began a new chapter of his life.Over the four years, he consistently finished near the top of every course.UNIT 8 Vocabulary

1.(P264)(1)fragment(2)terrific(3)scratched out(4)strode(5)presumably(6)token(7)tame(8)engagement(9)cursed(10)see through 4.(P266)(1)prominent, genius for, Whoever(2)had a paion for, at random, no doubt, fill in, make an effort to(3)in particular, are trustworthy, applause, airing their own views Cloze(P270)

(1)pluck up courage(2)in mourning(3)unexpected(4)distre(5)paradise(6)token(7)intrude(8)no doubt(9)foreseen(10)fell to

(1)behaviors(2)eliminate(3)distance(4)positive(5)participating(6)genuinely(7)keen(8)concern(9)attentive(10)respect Translation(P271)亨利,一个看上去体质虚弱的五十岁男子,比他那体魄强健的妻子玛丽年长二十岁。他就都认为他会死在他妻子的前面。所以,当亨利一个星期没有上班之后穿着丧服来到办公室并告诉我们说他的爱妻突然意想不到地去世了的时候,你可以想象我们是多么的吃惊。没有一个人,包括亨利自己在内,预见到事情结果竟会是这个样子。这一悲剧使亨利心中充满了悲哀。好几个星期,他都非常痛苦,人的样子也全变了。他甚至想到天堂与妻子重新团聚是不是会更好。虽然我们每个人都表示了极大的同情,但考虑到他一家人的安宁和隐私,我们都认为在这个时候如果没有受到邀请而去打扰他们是不合适的。

Henry, a frail-looking man of fifty, was older than his robust wife Mary by 20 years.Everyone aumed that she would outlive him.So no one, including Henry himself, had foreseen that Mary would die a sudden, unexpected death.For several weeks, he looked greatly distreed and became a completely changed person.He even speculated whether it would be better for him to 3 / 5

rejoin his wife in paradise.Though each of us expreed our deep sympathy, no one thought it appropriate to intrude upon his family uninvited, in consideration of their need for peace and privacy at such a moment.全新版大学英语综合教程第六册 UNIT 1 Vocabulary

1.(P22)(1)sensation(2)per capita(3)fad(4)worship(5)revolutionary(6)flourish(7)haven(8)productive(9)derive(10)applauds 4.(P24)(1)wound up, worthy to, the recognition(2)played a(cruel)trick on, depreive, scribbling(3)notorious for, on one level, on another level Cloze(P27-28)

(1)singled out(2)play a trick(3)aby(4)hospitalized(5)delusions(6)intensified(7)scribbling(8)vacant(9)loyal(10)miraculous(11)awkward(12)die down(1)widely(2)explain(3)test(4)activities(5)grouped(6)distinct(7)difference(8)motivated(9)curiosity(10)recognition Translation(P28)在得到加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校的研究生奖学金后,玛丽对人类行为各个方面的研究的兴趣变得浓厚起来。她渴望尽早完成计划中的各项实验。当前,她特别想搞清楚优雅的举止在商业谈判中具体有何种举足轻重的分量。她希望她的研究结果能够通过媒体广为流传,以便从事商业谈判的人们能够从她的研究中受益。

Having been granted a fellowship at the University of California at Berkeley, Mary’s interest in research on all dimensions of human behavior has come alive.She is now itching to carry out the various experiments she has planned as soon as poible.At present she is particularly keen on finding out how important a role graceful manner can play in busine negotiations.She dreams that her findings will be circulated widely with the help of the media so that people engaged in busine negotiations will benefit from them.Test Yourself I 中国烹饪是中国文化的一个重要的组成部分,就像西方烹饪是西方文化的重要组成部分一样。然而,中国烹饪和西方烹饪又有许多不同,前者主要以植物性食材为主(plant-based),而后者以肉类和奶油为主。中国人将原料(ingredient)切成小块,而后煸炒(stir-fry)或蒸,而西方人则是将原料大块地烹饪,在进餐时用刀叉在盘中切开。中国烹饪中使用的某些原料或调料,如海参(sea cucumber)、酱油等,西方烹饪时很少用。但西方烹饪中却会加进像迷迭香(rosemary)之类的香草(herb)。正常情况下,在中国食物中是见不到这些香草的。中国人添加姜、葱和白胡椒。而你几乎不会在传统的中餐中见到奶酪、黄油、奶油或牛奶的。(245个汉字)

Chinese cuisine is an important component of Chinese culture, as is Western cuisine.Neverthele, Chinese cuisine and Western cuisine are different in many ways.The former is mainly plant-based whereas the latter is meat and cream-based.Chinese cut the ingredients in small bits and then stir-fry or steam the ingredients while Westerners cook the ingredients in big pieces and cut the food on their plates with knives and forks at table.There are some ingredients or seasonings in Chinese cuisine which are seldom used in Western cuisine, such as sea cucumber, soy sauce, etc.On the other hand, in Western cuisine, herbs like rosemary, etc.are added.You 4 / 5

would normally not find these herbs in Chinese food.Chinese add ginger, Chinese green onion and white pepper.You can hardly find any traditional Chinese food that contains cheese, butter, cream or milk.Test Yourself II 全球气候变暖造成的重大变化已在中国出现了。例如:2007年中国的平均气温是1951年来最高的。而且是连续第11年中国记录下的异常高温。西藏高原(the Tibetan plateau)的气温过去30年升高了1°C,冰川和雪的覆盖正以较一百年前快10倍的速度缩小着。2003年中国的海平面比1975年至1986年期间全球的海平面高出600毫米。上海、天津以及其它一些城市的海平面正以惊人的速度上升,这还给饮用水的供给造成污染。过量的提取地下水引起地面下沉,使问题更加恶化。(292个汉字)

Significant changes attributed to global warming have already occurred in China.For example, the average temperature in China in 2007 was the highest it had been since 1951.It was also the 11th year at a stretch that China recorded abnormally high temperatures.Temperatures on the Tibetan plateau have risen 1℃ in the past 30 years and glaciers and snow cover there are shrinking 10 times faster than during the previous 100 years.Sea levels in China in 2003 were 600 millimeters above worldwide levels between 1975 and 1986.Sea levels are rising at alarming rates in Shanghai, Tianjin and other cities, contributing to the contamination of drinking water supplies.The problem is aggravated by exceive taking of ground water which is causing ground levels to drop.test yourself(units1-4): 阅读理解答案:section A36-45:FHGBK MDINO SectionB:46-55FEABE GHICD Section C:56-60CBACC

61-65DCADA test yourself(units5-8): 阅读理解答案:section A36-45:LFOKI DCHAN SectionB:46-55CGBED HGFAG Section C:56-60CBDAC

61-65CAADB 5 / 5


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