知识产权 吴仪中美知识产权圆桌会议发言(双语)_中美知识产权笔记

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知识产权 吴仪中美知识产权圆桌会议发言(双语)由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“中美知识产权笔记”。



Fourth, protect intellectual property rights(IPR).IPR protection is vital to driving innovation and development.To safeguard IPR is to safeguard the source strength of innovation.It is important for the international community to jointly improve capacities for IPR creation, application, protection and management and build a balanced and effective IPR protection system on the basis of respecting the national conditions of all countries and accommodating the interests of all parties, especially those of developing countries, and through dialogue and cooperation under the principle of equality and mutual benefit.China stands firm on IPR protection.We will continue to implement our national IPR strategy, take strong measures to foster a legal, market and cultural environment for IPR protection, see to it that all fruits of innovation be respected and rewarded and translate inventions and discoveries of all kinds into real forces of production.吴仪副总理在中美知识产权圆桌会议上的讲话

Wu Yi’s Speech at the China-US IPR Round Table Conference

WU Yi(Vice Premier of the State Council, People’s Republic of China)

Beijing, January 13th, 200

5女士们、先生们: Ladies and Gentlemen,很高兴再次参加中美知识产权圆桌会议。我首先向参加此次会议的中美政府的代表和美国企业的代表致以诚挚的问候。

I am very pleased to attend the China-US IPR Roundtable again.Let me first extend my sincere greetings to all the representatives of the Chinese and American governments and the American busine community present.中美知识产权圆桌会议已经成功地举办了两次,会议的举办对加强中美在知识产权领域的沟通和了解,特别是加强对中国知识产权保护工作的了解发挥了积极作用。在上次的圆桌会议上,我应邀发表了演讲,着重谈了中国政府在保护知识产权方面所做的努力,介绍了中国的知识产权法律体系和具体工作情况。与会的朋友们也就中国知识产权保护情况进行了热烈讨论,对加强保护知识产权的刑事执法和行政执法提出了不少建议。我认为,象这样本着合作的精神,加强交流,增进理解,有助于促进保护知识产权工作的健康发展。

The China-US IPR Roundtable has been succefully held twice, playing a positive role in enhancing the communication and understanding between China and the US in the field of IPR, especially in improving the knowledge of IPR protection work in China on the part of the American businees.At the last Roundtable, I delivered a speech on invitation, underlining the effort made by the Chinese government in protecting intellectual property and gave a briefing on the legal system and concrete work of IPR protection in China.Participating friends conducted heated discuions of IPR protection in China at the meeting and came up with many suggestions with regard to strengthening criminal and administrative enforcement in IPR protection.I believe that to intensify exchanges and enhance understanding in a cooperative spirit like this is conductive to promoting the sound development of IPR protection work.在座各位多年来对中国知识产权的发展非常关心,你们不仅是前两次圆桌会议的见证人,同时也是中国知识产权保护工作不断发展和进步的见证人。相信你们已经看到,在刚刚过去的一年中,中国的知识产权保护工作又有了新的进步,我们重点在加强内部协调,强化刑事执法和开展专项整治等方面做了大量工作,并取得了


You have all been following closely the development of IPR in China over the years.You are not only the eyewitnees of the two roundtables, but the eyewitnees of the constant progre and advancement of IPR protection work in China.I believe that you have already seen the new headway made by China in protecting intellectual property in the past year, during which a huge amount of work was done in intensifying internal coordination, strengthening criminal enforcement and staging specialized campaigns.Marked progre was made.Over the past one year, we have done the following work.一,国务院成立了由最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、商务部、公安部、工商总局、国家版权局、国家知识产权局、海关总署等十二个部门组成的保护知识产权工作组,我是这个工作组的组长。保护知识产权工作组负责领导并统筹协调全国的知识产权保护工作,督办重大案件。在工作组的统一部署下,我们已经建立了跨部门的知识产权执法协作机制,加强了工作的衔接和协调。工作组还就全国范围内知识产权的宣传、培训工作做了具体部署,卓有成效地开展了相关工作。目前,各省、自治区、直辖市也相应成立了保护知识产权工作组,按照“全国统一领导、地方政府负责、部门指导协调、各方联合行动”的工作格局开展日常工作和专项知识产权行政执法。

First, the State Council set up an IPR Protection Working Group where I serve as director and which is composed of 12 departments, the Supreme People’s Court, Supreme People’s Procuratorate, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Public Security, State Administration for Industry and Commerce, National Copyright Office, State Intellectual Property Office, General Administration of Customs among others.The Working Group is responsible for leading and coordinating IPR protection work all over the country and overseeing the handling of major cases.Under the uniform deployment of the Working Group, a cro-department IPR Enforcement Collaboration System has been set up to enhance working communication and coordination.The Working Group also made specific arrangement for nationwide publicity and training, moving forward the relevant work in a highly efficient manner.At present, all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government have correspondingly established their own IPR protection task force, and under the working pattern featuring uniform leadership by the central government, responsibility taken by the local government, guidance and coordination by relevant departments and joint action by all parties involved, they are engaged in routine and specialized IPR enforcement work.二,国务院决定,从2004年9月到2005年8月,由国家保护知识产权工作组牵头在全国范围内组织开展保护知识产权专项行动。这次专项行动,将突出重点领域、重点环节和重点地区,以点带面,全面推动。在这次行动中,以知识产权权利人反映强烈、情节严重、影响恶劣的重大侵权案件作为突破口,坚决打击侵犯知识产权的违法犯罪分子,已经产生了积极效果。

Second, the State Council decided to launch a specialized campaign for IPR Protection throughout the country from September 2004 to August 2005 under the auspices of the National IPR Protection Working Group.The specialized campaign will identify priority areas, linkages and regions to drive comprehensive progre by extending from focused places to wider coverage.Having as breakthroughs the major infringement cases where the complaints from right holders are strong, the circumstances are serious and the implications are severe, the campaign has firmly cracked down on criminals violating IPR.Positive results have already been yielded.为了配合这次专项活动,去年10月中旬到11月上旬,由保护知识产权工作组牵头组织,公安部、监察部、新闻出版总署(国家版权局)、知识产权局、法制办及高法院、高检院派人参加,分6个组,以国务院督查组的名义,分别到河北、山西、浙江、福建、山东、河南、湖南、广东、四川、云南、甘肃和宁夏等12个省、自治区进行了重点督查。

In a bid to support the specialized campaign, from mid October to the first half of November last year, the IPR Protection Working Group organized 6 teams composed of staff from the Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Supervision, the Pre and Publications Administration(National Copyright Office), State Intellectual Property Office, Office of Legal Affairs of the State Council, Supreme People’s Court and Supreme People’s Procuratorate and sent them to 12 Provinces including Hebei, Shanxi, Zhejiang, Fujian, Shandong, Henan, Hunan, Guangdong, Sichuan,Yunnan, Gansu and Ningxia for focused supervision and inspection, in the name of State Council Supervising and Inspecting Team.据不完全统计,在这次专项行动开始后的两个月内,全国公安机关针对侵犯知识产权犯罪立案1000多起,涉案金额达5.5亿元。全国工商部门共查处商标侵权案件9800多件,没收侵权商标标识1000多万件,没收、销毁侵权商品1000多万件。全国各地在这次行动中都积极行动起来了。例如,广东省江门市恩平公安局查获一家生产盗版VCD光碟工厂,现场捣毁两条正在非法生产VCD的生产线,抓获犯罪嫌疑人4人。云南省勐腊海关连续查获两起侵权案件,使昆明关区在知识产权案件查获方面实现了“零突破”。

According to incomplete figures, within 2 months as of the launch of this specialized campaign, public security units all over China prosecuted over 1,000 cases, involving a value of RMB 550 million.Authorities for industry and commerce throughout the country investigated into and handled more than 9,800 trademark infringement cases, confiscated over 10 million infringing trademarks, forfeited and destroyed over 10 million infringing commodities.The whole country has been mobilized in the campaign.For example, Enping Public Security Bureaus of Jiangmen City in Guangdong Province hunt down a factory producing pirated VCDs, destroyed on the spot two production lines that were illegally manufacturing VCDs and captured 4 criminal suspects.MengLa Customs Authority of Yunnan Province detected two infringement cases in succeion, realizing zero-breakthrough in the number of detected cases in Kunming Customs District.三,顺利出台了知识产权侵权刑事犯罪司法解释。去年4月,我在访问美国期间曾明确表示,2004年年底前将出台有关降低刑事处罚门槛的司法解释。现在,我们如期履行了这一承诺。在此次司法解释的起草工作中,我们先后多次、多渠道、采取多种方式听取了中国外商投资企业协会、欧盟委员会、中国商业软件联盟、美国电影协会、中国美国商会、美国信息产业机构等行业协会和部门的意见。这是以前起草司法解释从未有过的。

Thirdly, Judicial Interpretation on IPR Infringement Crimes was smoothly promulgated.When I visited the US last April, I made it clear that the Judicial Interpretation on lowering the threshold for criminalization would be unveiled before the end of 2004.We have already honored that commitment as scheduled.In the drafting of the Judicial Interpretation, views were solicited, on different occasions, through multiple channels and in various ways, from China Aociation of Enterprises with Foreign Investment, European Commiion, China Busine Software Alliance, Motion Picture Aociation of America Inc., American Chamber of Commerce in China, US Information Technology Office and other industrial aociations and institutions, which was never seen in the previous drafting work of judicial interpretations.新的司法解释明确了定罪量刑标准,大幅度降低了刑事责任门槛,对假冒注册商标罪,销售假冒注册商标的商品罪、非法制造注册商标标识罪和侵犯著作权罪的起刑标准从非法经营数额20万元和10万元降低为5万元,违法所得数额由5万元降低为3万元;新的司法解释对刑法条文中易引起分歧的术语也做了规定,解决了关于“进出口侵权”和“在线盗版”的法律适用问题。此外,新的司法解释还明确了触犯不同罪名时的处罚原则,降低了单位犯罪的标准,增加了共犯的规定。

The new Judicial Interpretation specifies the criteria of conviction and sentencing and considerably lowers the threshold for criminal penalty.It reduces the bottom line for applying criminal penalties for the crime of counterfeiting registered trademarks, crime of selling commodities carrying counterfeit registered trademarks, crime of illegally manufacturing signs of registered trademarks and crime of infringing upon a copyright from RMB 200,000 and RMB 100,000 to RMB 50,000 in terms of the amount of illegal busine volume and from RMB 50,000 to RMB 30,000 in terms of the amount of illegal gains.The new Judicial Interpretation clarifies the terminologies that are apt to cause divergences contained in the provisions of the Criminal Law and resolves the iues of legal application of IPR infringement in import and export stages and on-line piracy.Besides, the new Judicial Interpretation makes clear principles of punishing different crimes, lowers the standard for unit crimes and adds the stipulation of complicity.知识产权刑事责任司法解释的出台,是中国司法机关加大知识产权司法保护的又一重大举措,为进一步加大对知识产权的刑事司法保护力度,有效打击侵犯知识产权犯罪,维护市场经济秩序,不断提高中国知识产权的法律保护水平打下了坚实的基础。

As another important measure taken by the Chinese Judicial Organ to intensify IPR protection, the promulgation of the Judicial Interpretation on Criminal Responsibility for IPR Infringement has laid down a solid foundation for further strengthening judicial protection of intellectual property, effectively cracking down on crimes of IPR infringement, maintaining market economic order and constantly improving the legal protection of IPR in China.四,继续加强了与有关国家在知识产权方面的交流与沟通。中国政府重视有关国家政府和企业对中国知识产权发展的意见和建议,并积极通过多种渠道和机制,与有关各方就知识产权问题进行交流和沟通。2004年我率团赴美主持第十五届中美商贸联委会期间,中美双方就知识产权问题达成了广泛共识,成立了知识产权工作组,推进了双方的合作,加强了相互间的交流与沟通,促进了中美经贸关系的稳定发展。2004年,中欧第一次知识产权对话也在北京召开,会后,双方签署了中欧第一次对话会议纪要,就知识产权合作和下一步工作计划达成了初步意向。去年11月,我们还成功举办了“世界海关组织知识产权保护地区论坛”,产生了积极的国际影响。此外,商务部、保护知识产权工作组会同国内有关部门与外商投资企业共同建立了定期沟通协调机制,为外国的知识产权权利人提供了一个充分表达意见的渠道。

Fourthly, we have continued to intensify exchanges and communication with relevant countries in IPR.The Chinese government attaches importance to the opinion and suggestion expreed by governments and enterprises of relevant countries on IPR development in China and has actively conducted exchanges and communication on IPR with relevant parties through various channels and mechanisms.During my visit to the US to chair the 15th JCCT in 2004, the two sides of China and US reached broad consensus on the iue of intellectual property and established an IPR Working Group, thus accelerating bilateral cooperation, strengthening mutual interaction and communication and facilitating the stable progre of Sino-American economic and trade relations.In 2004, the first China-EU IPR Dialogue was convened in Beijing.After that, the two sides of China and EU signed a summary of the meeting, identifying preliminary intent for IPR cooperation and next-step working plan.In November last year, we succefully held WCO Regional Forum for IPR Protection, yielding positive international influence.What is more, the Ministry of Commerce and IPR Protection Working Group joined hands with relevant domestic departments in setting up a regular communication and coordination mechanism with foreign invested enterprises, providing foreign IPR holders with a channel to fully air their views.女士们、先生们: Ladies and gentlemen,上次圆桌会议以后,时间过去了一年。令我高兴的是,短短的一年之后,我们又有了许多新的情况值得向朋友们介绍。作为国务院分管知识产权工作的副总理,我对中国知识产权事业一年来的发展表示满意,更对她的未来充满信心。

One year paed since the last roundtable.To my delight, during the time as brief as one year, we have got much good news worth sharing with our friends.As the Vice Premier responsible for IPR work in the State Council, I am satisfied with the development of IPR undertaking in China over the last year and I am full of confidence in its future.当然,我们非常清楚,中国知识产权的发展毕竟起步较晚,仍然存在不少问题。同时我们也知道,长期以来,美国政府和企业对中国的知识产权保护工作十分关注,部分美国企业对中国的知识产权保护还存有疑虑,对此我们都表示理解。借此机会,我想开诚布公地和朋友们谈谈我的看法。

Of course, we are pretty clear that anyway, IPR development began relatively late in China and there still exists many problems.We also know that American government and companies have been much concerned with IPR protection work in China for a long time, some even hold misgivings over the iue.We understand how you feel.Taking this opportunity, I would like to share my thoughts with the friends present candidly.第一,我再次重申,中国政府高度重视知识产权保护工作。我们充分认识到,在经济全球化进程不断加快的形势下,对知识资源的创造、占有和运用,已经成为各国取得竞争优势和提升综合国力的关键因素。加大知识产权保护力度,既是进一步扩大开放,创造良好投资环境的需要,也是规范市场经济秩序,保证中国经


First, I would reiterate once again that the Chinese government lays special emphasis on IPR protection work.We are fully aware that against the ever accelerated economic globalization, creation, occupation and application of knowledge resources have become key factors for countries to win competitive advantages and uplift their comprehensive national strength.To intensify IPR protection is not only a need of further opening up and creation of a sound investment environment, but also an objective requirement of standardizing market economic order and safeguarding the comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of the Chinese economy and society.On March 5th last year, in his Government’s Working Report delivered at the Second Seion of the Tenth National People’s Congre, Premier Wen Jiabao explicitly pointed out that we should intensify protection of intellectual property and punish piracy and other infringing behaviors according to law.This fully demonstrated the clear-cut position and decisive resolve of the Chinese government in IPR protection.第二,中国政府一贯在以负责任的态度积极推动知识产权保护工作,这些年所取得的成绩也是有目共睹的。但是也必须承认,保护知识产权制度的建立与完善不是一朝一夕之事,它与一国的经济、科技发展水平是密切相关的。特别是在拥有13亿人口,现阶段经济、科技发展水平还不高的中国,更需要政府、企业和广大消费者一起通过艰苦细致的工作和长期不懈的努力,才能从根本上改变知识产权保护的现状。对此我们有充分的思想准备,也一定会始终不懈地把这项工作开展下去。我希望美国政府和企业对此也能够给予理解,希望你们能看得到中国知识产权事业已经取得的成绩,也请你们相信中国知识产权发展的未来。

Second, the Chinese government has always adopted a responsible attitude, laid special emphasis on and energetically promoted IPR protection and our achievements over the years are obvious to all.But we have to admit that the establishment and perfection of IPR protection system could not be realized overnight, and they are closely linked with a country’s level of economic and scientific development.China in particular, as a country with 1.3 billion people where the economic and scientific development level is not high at the current stage, badly needs the government, the enterprises and the vast number of consumers to do hard and meticulous work and make long-term unremitting efforts so as to fundamentally change the status quo of IPR protection.We are fully prepared for this mentally and we will surely carry on the job unswervingly.We hope to have the understanding of American administration and companies about this and we hope that you could see the accomplishments that China already scored in its IPR undertaking and please be confident of the future of IPR development in China.第三,中国政府将认真履行自己的国际义务,愿意以积极的态度同世界各国和国际组织加强知识产权领域的广泛合作,共同努力,为推动世界范围内尊重知识,崇尚科学,保护知识产权良好制度和氛围的形成做出贡献。同时,我们欢迎世界各国和国际组织对中国知识产权事业的发展给予帮助和支持,我们欢迎一切建设性的意见和建议,也欢迎善意的批评。中国和美国,是当今世界最大的发展中国家和最大的发达国家,我们在经济领域中的合作是富有成效的。特别是近几年来,中美贸易的发展取得了可喜的成绩,这与两国政府、企业和民间团体间的共同努力是分不开的。我希望我们在知识产权领域也能开展卓有成效的合作,共同促进知识产权工作的健康发展。

Thirdly, the Chinese government will earnestly honor its international obligations and is ready to strengthen widespread IPR cooperation with the rest of the world and the international organizations.Through concerted efforts, we hope to contribute to the shaping of a sound system and atmosphere featuring respect for knowledge, pursuit of science and protection of intellectual property.In the meantime, we welcome help and aistance from all countries in the world and international institutions for our IPR development, welcome all constructive opinions and suggestions and welcome well-intentioned criticism.China and the US, as the world’s biggest developing country and developed nation, have conducted effective cooperation in the economic field.In particular over recent years, China and the US have scored gratifying results in our trade progre, which is inseparable from the joint efforts of the governments, enterprises and non-governmental groups of the two nations.I hope that we could forge similarly effective collaboration in the area of IPR and jointly expedite the IPR work in a healthy manner.


吴仪中美知识产权圆桌会议上的讲话(中英)女士们、先生们: Ladies and Gentlemen, 很高兴再次参加中美知识产权圆桌会议。我首先向参加此次会议的中美政府的代表和美国企业的......




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《知识产权 吴仪中美知识产权圆桌会议发言(双语).docx》
知识产权 吴仪中美知识产权圆桌会议发言(双语)
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