张业遂大使在第63届联大“和平文化”议题高级别全会上的发言 中英对照_联合国文化议题

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张业遂大使在第63届联大“和平文化”议题高级别全会上的发言 中英对照由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“联合国文化议题”。



Statement by H.E.Mr.Zhang Yesui, Ambaador and Permanent

Representative of the People's Republic of China to the United Nations, at the Plenary Meeting of the 63rd Seion of the United Nations General

Aembly under Agenda Item “Culture of Peace”November 2008, New York


Mr.President,Excellencies,Ladies and Gentlemen,中国代表团支持联大主席应沙特国王阿卜杜拉的倡议在全会“和平文化”议题下举行高级别辩论会,相信本次会议有助于进一步促进不同宗教和文化间的对话与合作,增进各国间的理解与和睦共处。

The Chinese delegation supports the initiative of President of the General Aembly to hold a high-level plenary discuion under the agenda item “Culture of Peace” in response to the suggestion by His Majesty King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al Saud of Saudi Abrabia.We are convinced that this debate will help further the interfaith and intercultural dialogue and cooperation and enhance the mutual understanding among member states as well as their harmonious coexistence.主席先生,Mr.President,宗教和文化多样性是人类社会的共同财富,是推动社会进步、人文交流及世界和平的重要力量。当今世界,全球性问题更加突出。恐怖主义以及气候变化、粮食


Religious and cultural diversity is an aet of the human society and an important driving force for social development, cultural exchange and world peace.In today's world, more global problems emerge and the challenges such as terrorism, climate change and food, energy and

financial crisis pose grave threat to human development.The fates of all countries are more closely interlinked than ever before.At the same time, racial and religious discrimination has led to unprecedented collisions and shocks among cultures and civilizations.The international community is faced with not only the shared responsibility to enhance cooperation in coping with challenges, but also daunting task to minimize differences and seek common grounds.Against this backdrop, it has become all the more important to strengthen interfaith and intercultural dialogue and cooperation.主席先生,Mr.President,中国主张在相互尊重的基础上促进不同宗教和文化的平等相待。宗教和文明的起源和发展有先后之分,但无高低之别。所有宗教和文明都是人类智慧的结晶,都为人类社会进步与发展作出了贡献,都应受到同样的尊重。不同宗教和文明应秉持开放、真诚的态度,相互借鉴、取长补短、和平共处。

China believes that it is neceary to promote equality among different religions and cultures on the basis of mutual respect.While different religions and cultures originated and developed at different times in history, there is no difference as far as their status is concerned.All religions and cultures are the crystallization of human wisdom and have contributed to the progre and development of human society and as such, they deserve equal respect.Different religions and cultures can in the spirit of openne and sincerity learn from each other's strength and live in peaceful coexistence.中国主张尊重差异,和平解决冲突。冲突常常源于因差异而产生的疏远、歧视、恐惧直至仇恨。中国一贯反对极端主义,反对基于宗教、种族等原因的歧视、排外和不容忍现象,反对将恐怖主义与某一特定国家、民族和宗教挂钩,对反伊斯兰主义、新法西斯主义等极端主义思想死灰复燃表示关切。我们主张,国际社会应在互信、互利、平等、协作的基础上,促进地区热点问题的解决,消除不同宗教和文化间的隔阂、误解和分歧,谋求互惠共赢和共同发展。

China believes that it is neceary to respect differences in order to peacefully addre conflicts.Conflicts are often originated from the alienation, discrimination, fear, even hatred caused by differences.The Chinese government has always opposed extremism and all forms of

discrimination, xenophobia and intolerance based on religion, race or any other grounds, as well as the attempt to link terrorism to a specific nation, ethnicity or religion.We are concerned with the resurgence of extremism, such as Islamophobia, new fascism.We believes that the international community should work towards the long term resolution of regional hot iues, eliminate the estrangement, misunderstanding and dispute among religions and cultures based on the principles of mutual respect, mutual benefit, equality and cooperation, and seek win-win outcome and joint development.中国主张通过教育帮助青年人树立正确的文明观和世界观。青年是人类社会的未来。各国政府责无旁贷,应采取长期、有效的措施,向青年人传达容忍、理解、尊重等和平文化思想,培养青年人抵御宗教仇恨和反对歧视的能力。

China believes that education is a useful mean to help young people adopt a correct perception of civilization and the world.Young people are the future of the mankind.National government shall take the primary

responsibility and introduce long term and effective measures to spread the philosophy of culture of peace, such as tolerance, understanding and respect and improve the ability of the young generation to fend off religious hatred and discrimination.中国主张媒体应自觉承担社会责任,充当传播和平文化的使者,促进社会包容、理解与和谐。媒体作为信息传播的载体,在求新、求快的同时,更应该追求质量,向公众传播正确、有益的信息,维护社会道德和正义,避免散布煽动、侮辱性的言论,挑起宗教和文化间对抗。

China believes that the media shall voluntarily take the social

responsibility to be the meenger of culture of peace and to promote the tolerance, understanding and harmony of the society.Media, as the carrier of information, while seeking speedy and quick diemination of

information to the public, should also pay attention to the quality of information.It is desirable for the media to transmit healthy and truthful information which uphold the moral standard and justice of the society and refrain from dieminating provocative and insulting comment that trigger confrontation among religions and cultures.主席先生,Mr.President,中国五千年文明史证明,宗教和文化可以成为社会和谐发展的积极因素。中国是一个多民族、多宗教的国家。56个民族平等相待。佛教、道教、伊斯兰教、基督教、天主教等主要宗教和谐共处、不断壮大。中华文化有尚“和”的传统。从先古的孔孟圣贤到近代的民主先驱,无不信奉“以和为贵”、“和而不同”、“和衷共济”。这种“和”的精神贯穿中华文明的发展历程,其内涵在于相互认同、相互尊重、求同存异及共生共长。

The history of five thousand years of the Chinese civilization shows that religion and culture can be positive factors in a society's harmonious development.China is a multi-ethnic and multi-religious country.In China, 56 ethnic groups treat each other on equal basis;main religions like Buddhism, Taoism, Islamism, Christianity and Catholicism coexist harmoniously and grow continuously.The Chinese culture advocates

“harmony and accord”.From ancient sages like Confucius and Mencius to pioneers of democracy in modern history, the ideas of “harmony”,“harmonious but different” and “working together with one accord in time of difficulties” have been among the main elements of their thinking.Throughout the history of its development, the Chinese civilization has been imbued with the spirit of “harmony”, which has as its eence mutual recognition, mutual respect, seeking commonalities while putting aside differences, coexistence and common growth.主席先生,Mr.President,中国宪法确立了宗教信仰自由、各宗教一律平等、政教分离的原则。中国政府尊重宗教信仰自由,坚持独立自主办教的政策,颁布了“以维护宗教和睦与社会和谐”为宗旨的《宗教事务条例》。中国宗教界积极参与国际合作,主办了“世界佛教论坛”、“国际道德经论坛”等。今年,中国佛教协会、道教协会和伊斯兰教协会还积极参与了沙特国王和西班牙国王共同主办的“世界对话大会”。我们期待并支持该倡议继续健康、深入发展,为促进不同宗教和文化间的理解做出更大贡献。

The Constitution of the People's Republic of China has established the principles of freedom of religious belief, equality of all religions and separation of church and state.China respects the freedom of religion, pursues the policy of autonomy in handling religious affairs and has promulgated the “Regulations on Religious Affairs”, the purpose of which is to maintain religious and social harmony.China's religious community takes an active part in international cooperation and has hosted a number of international forum, such as the “World Buddhist Forum”, the

“International Forum on Taoism”.This year, China Buddhist Aociation, Taoist Aociation and Islamic Aociation took an active part in the “World Conference on Dialogue” co-hosted by the king of Saudi Arabia and the king of Spain.We expect and support this initiative to continue to evolve in a healthy and in-depth way and make greater contributions to the facilitation of interfaith and intercultural understanding.主席先生,Mr.President,中国坚定支持并积极参与国际社会促进宗教和文化间对话与合作的努力。2007年,第三届亚欧会议不同信仰间对话会在中国举行并通过了促进不同信仰间对话的《南京宣言》。中国政府还建设性地参与了联合国涉及文明对话的多个倡议和机制,包括“不同文明对话年”、“文明联盟”、“宗教和文化间合作促进和平三方论坛”等。

China firmly supports and actively participates in the efforts of the international community to promote interfaith and intercultural dialogue and cooperation.In 2007, the Third ASEM Interfaith Dialogue was held in China and adopted the Nanjing Statement on Interfaith Dialogue.The Chinese government also participates in an constructive manner in multiple initiatives and mechanisms of the United Nations related to

dialogue among civilizations, including the “Year of Dialogue among Civilizations”, “Alliance of Civilizations” and the “Tripartite Forum on Interfaith Cooperation for Peace”.英国哲学家罗素曾表示,“不同文明之间的接触常被证明是人类进步的里程碑”。我们希望这些倡议与机制能互为补充,形成合力,真正构架一座沟通与合作的桥梁,促进人类社会共同发展,为推动建立美好的和谐世界贡献力量。

The British philosopher Bertrand Ruell said “Contacts between different civilizations have often in the past proved to be landmark in human progre”.We hope that the relevant initiatives and mechanisms can create synergy by complementing each other so as to form a bridge of communication and cooperation with a view to promoting the common development of human society and helping to build a better, more harmonious world.谢谢主席先生。

Thank you, Mr.President.

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