亚太经合组织APEC 石油输出国组织OPEC 东盟ASENA 上海合作组织SHCO 北西洋公约组织NATO 方兴未艾hasn't run its full course 礼仪规范etiquette patterns 政府换界government reshuffle 政企分开separate governmental functions from busine operation 技术改造technological upgrading 康复中心rehab center 西气东输transport the gas resources from the west to the eastern coastal cities 南水北调channel the water resources from the south to the thirsty north 借此机会on this occasion 盛情邀请gracious hospitality 深层次的原因the underlying reasons 拜访老朋友结交新朋友renew old friendships and establish new contacts 逐步淘汰phase out, 逐步引进phase in 招商引资 attract investments(from overseas)政府搭台,部门推动,企业唱戏 Governments set up the stage, various departments cooperate and enterprise put in the show.知识产权 intellectual property rights 致命要害 Achilles' heel 智囊团、思想库 the brain trust;think tank 中华世纪坛 China Millennium Monument 众口难调 It is difficult to cater to all tastes 综合国力 comprehensive national strength 抓住机遇 seize the opportunity 一言既出,驷马难追 A real man never goes back on his words.以经济建设为中心 focusing on the central task of economic construction 有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律 with lofty ideals, integrity, knowledge and a strong sense of discipline 与国际市场接轨 integrate with the world market;become integrated into the global market 欲速则不达 Haste does not bring succe.撞了一下腰knock into my waist搂住某人的腰hold sb by the waist 邂逅encounter 优化出口商品结构rationalize the export mix 产业结构industrial structure/能源结构energy mix 制定相关法律lay down/formulate a set of laws.颁布enact 立足中国,放眼世界take our root in China, and cast our sight to the world 在过去的几十年in the past several decades 国情national circumstances 全面推向现代化的进程中in an all-out drive for its modernization 基本国策a fundamental state policy 本着互惠互利精神in the spirit of mutual benefit 世人many people of world over 本末倒置put the cart before the horse 高度关注watch with interest 硕果累累yield more fruits in days to come 造福于民in the service of your people 既可耻又势利a shameful piece of snobbery 酗酒成性drunk brute 巴结cozy up to 个人主观能动性individual initiative 骄傲荣幸be proud and honored 字面意思literally means 翻了两番quadrupled 双方优势最大化maximizes he strengths of both parties 幅员辽阔maive land 自然资源丰富abundant natural resources 投资意向investment proposal 起步embark on 外汇储备foreign exchange reserve 权益关系the relation of rights and interest 合作期限the term of partnership 正合我意coincide with my ideas 大有收获a rewarding day 远道而来come all the way from 据说it is said that 正确的看法correct observation 特价special offer 月票monthly pa 穿梭于两地间的航班shuttle and commuter flights 获得诺贝尔奖的Nobel prize winning 自暴自弃的self-defeating 空谈futile talk 强制性化验mandatory testing 公务为先的心态the get-down-to-busine first mentality 商务活动busine practices 归属感a sense of belonging in a community 利与弊merit and demerit 气象万千diversity 民间组织non-governmental sector 文明的摇篮cradle of civilization 共同愿望a common aspiration 祝酒propose a toast 贸易集团trade bloc 政经一体化political and economic integration 远未能满足需求a far cry from meeting demands 相对来讲comparatively speaking 美妙音乐splendid music 融洽的气氛congenial atmosphere 热情雄辩的讲话gracious and eloquent remarks 不受外力干扰free of outside interference 嘉宾distinguished guests 明月当空moon-lit evening 全体同仁delicates 从百忙中拔冗光临take your time off your busy schedule 新春联欢晚会new year celebrating party 尽情品尝taste to your heat content 美酒佳肴cuisine and vintage wine 万事如意very best of lick of everything 借鉴merits one’s reference
分工协作division of responsibilities 拿固定工资的人pocket-protected people 付出惨重的代价take a heavy toll 性价比versioning 重视地位status-conscious 毗邻akin to / adjacent to /admit of / in the neighbourhood of 没有确定答案的问题 opening questions 得寸进尺give aninch take a mile 转租sublet;租房房东letter 紧缩资金fiancial retrechment 让人心动eye-poping 张灯结彩festoon with lights 足疗师chiropodist 人才流失brain drain 隔墙有耳pitcher have ears 每天都活得精彩make every day counts 一笑而过grin and bear it 将人才收入麾下attract the right talent into their folds 绝妙图景marvelous picture 凄美beautiful and sad 尖端武器sophisticated weapon 色彩斑澜的城市生活sophisticated city life 不坐班no office hour 桃面朱唇rosy cheeks and red lips 眼前利益immediate yield 立杆见影instant effect 研究结果显示research findings show 竭诚seeks to 坦诚相待be honest and candid to each other 说梦话talk in sleep 钟点工accommodator 差旅费fares tickets 恍然大悟enlightening 攀登rise up to the heights 讲到心坎里echo te sentiments among the staff 历史源远流长a time honoured history 永不言败的精神作风never-say-die approach 回顾过去展望未来look forward look backward 求同存异seek common ground and put aside our differences 达成共识reach an agreement 推陈出新accumulation and innovation 金融英语词汇“译”网打尽(转)
account number 帐目编号 depositor 存户 pay-in slip 存款单 a deposit form 存款单
a banding machine 自动存取机 to deposit 存款
deposit receipt 存款收据 private deposits 私人存款 certificate of deposit 存单 deposit book, pabook 存折 credit card 信用卡 principal 本金
overdraft, overdraw 透支 to counter sign 双签 to endorse 背书 endorser 背书人 to cash 兑现
to honor a cheque 兑付 to dishonor a cheque 拒付 to suspend payment 止付 cheque,check 支票 cheque book 支票本 order cheque 记名支票 bearer cheque 不记名支票 croed cheque 横线支票 blank cheque 空白支票 rubber cheque 空头支票
cheque stub, counterfoil 票根 cash cheque 现金支票
traveler's cheque 旅行支票 cheque for transfer 转帐支票 outstanding cheque 未付支票 canceled cheque 已付支票 forged cheque 伪支票 Bandar's note 庄票,银票 banker 银行家 president 行长
savings bank 储蓄银行 Chase Bank 大通银行
National City Bank of New York 花旗银行
Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation 汇丰银行
Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China 麦加利银行 Banque de I'IndoChine 东方汇理银行
central bank, national bank, banker's bank 中央银行 bank of iue, bank of circulation 发行币银行 commercial bank 商业银行,储蓄信贷银行 member bank, credit bank 储蓄信贷银行 discount bank 贴现银行 exchange bank 汇兑银行
requesting bank 委托开证银行
iuing bank, opening bank 开证银行 advising bank, notifying bank 通知银行 negotiation bank 议付银行 confirming bank 保兑银行 paying bank 付款银行
aociate banker of collection 代收银行 consigned banker of collection 委托银行 clearing bank 清算银行 local bank 本地银行 domestic bank 国内银行 overseas bank 国外银行 unincorporated bank 钱庄 branch bank 银行分行
trustee savings bank 信托储蓄银行 trust company 信托公司
financial trust 金融信托公司 unit trust 信托投资公司
trust institution 银行的信托部 credit department 银行的信用部
commercial credit company(discount company)商业信贷公司(贴现公司)neighborhood savings bank, bank of deposit 街道储蓄所 credit union 合作银行 credit bureau 商业兴信所 self-service bank 无人银行 land bank 土地银行
construction bank 建设银行
industrial and commercial bank 工商银行 bank of communications 交通银行 mutual savings bank 互助储蓄银行
post office savings bank 邮局储蓄银行 mortgage bank, building society 抵押银行 industrial bank 实业银行 home loan bank 家宅贷款银行 reserve bank 准备银行 chartered bank 特许银行 corresponding bank 往来银行
merchant bank, accepting bank 承兑银行 investment bank 投资银行
import and export bank(EXIMBANK)进出口银行 joint venture bank 合资银行 money shop, native bank 钱庄 credit cooperatives 信用社 clearing house 票据交换所 public accounting 公共会计 busine accounting 商业会计 cost accounting 成本会计
depreciation accounting 折旧会计 computerized accounting 电脑化会计 general ledger 总帐
subsidiary ledger 分户帐 cash book 现金出纳帐 cash account 现金帐
journal, day-book 日记帐,流水帐 bad debts 坏帐 investment 投资 surplus 结余
idle capital 游资
economic cycle 经济周期 economic boom 经济繁荣
economic receion 经济衰退 economic depreion 经济萧条 economic crisis 经济危机 economic recovery 经济复苏 inflation 通货膨胀 deflation 通货收缩 devaluation 货币贬值 revaluation 货币增值
international balance of payment 国际收支 favourable balance 顺差 adverse balance 逆差 hard currency 硬通货 soft currency 软通货
international monetary system 国际货币制度 the purchasing power of money 货币购买力 money in circulation 货币流通量 note iue 纸币发行量 national budget 国家预算
national gro product 国民生产总值 public bond 公债 stock, share 股票 debenture 债券
treasury bill 国库券 debt chain 债务链
direct exchange 直接(对角)套汇 indirect exchange 间接(三角)套汇 cro rate, arbitrage rate 套汇汇率
foreign currency(exchange)reserve 外汇储备 banker 银行家 president 行长
savings bank 储蓄银行 Chase Bank 大通银行
National City Bank of New York 花旗银行
Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation 汇丰银行
Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China 麦加利银行 Banque de I'IndoChine 东方汇理银行
central bank, national bank, banker's bank 中央银行 bank of iue, bank of circulation 发行币银行 commercial bank 商业银行,储蓄信贷银行 member bank, credit bank 储蓄信贷银行 discount bank 贴现银行 exchange bank 汇兑银行
requesting bank 委托开证银行
iuing bank, opening bank 开证银行 advising bank, notifying bank 通知银行 negotiation bank 议付银行 confirming bank 保兑银行 paying bank 付款银行
aociate banker of collection 代收银行 consigned banker of collection 委托银行 clearing bank 清算银行 local bank 本地银行 domestic bank 国内银行 overseas bank 国外银行 unincorporated bank 钱庄 branch bank 银行分行
trustee savings bank 信托储蓄银行 trust company 信托公司
financial trust 金融信托公司 unit trust 信托投资公司
trust institution 银行的信托部 credit department 银行的信用部
commercial credit company(discount company)商业信贷公司(贴现公司)neighborhood savings bank, bank of deposit 街道储蓄所 credit union 合作银行 credit bureau 商业兴信所 self-service bank 无人银行 land bank 土地银行
construction bank 建设银行
industrial and commercial bank 工商银行 bank of communications 交通银行 mutual savings bank 互助储蓄银行
post office savings bank 邮局储蓄银行 mortgage bank, building society 抵押银行 industrial bank 实业银行 home loan bank 家宅贷款银行 reserve bank 准备银行 chartered bank 特许银行 corresponding bank 往来银行
merchant bank, accepting bank 承兑银行 investment bank 投资银行
import and export bank(EXIMBANK)进出口银行 joint venture bank 合资银行 money shop, native bank 钱庄 credit cooperatives 信用社 clearing house 票据交换所 public accounting 公共会计 busine accounting 商业会计 cost accounting 成本会计
depreciation accounting 折旧会计 computerized accounting 电脑化会计 general ledger 总帐
subsidiary ledger 分户帐 cash book 现金出纳帐 cash account 现金帐
journal, day-book 日记帐,流水帐 bad debts 坏帐 investment 投资 surplus 结余
idle capital 游资
economic cycle 经济周期 economic boom 经济繁荣
economic receion 经济衰退 economic depreion 经济萧条 economic crisis 经济危机 economic recovery 经济复苏 inflation 通货膨胀 deflation 通货收缩 devaluation 货币贬值 revaluation 货币增值
international balance of payment 国际收支 favourable balance 顺差 adverse balance 逆差 hard currency 硬通货 soft currency 软通货
international monetary system 国际货币制度 the purchasing power of money 货币购买力 money in circulation 货币流通量 note iue 纸币发行量 national budget 国家预算
national gro product 国民生产总值 public bond 公债 stock, share 股票 debenture 债券
treasury bill 国库券 debt chain 债务链
direct exchange 直接(对角)套汇 indirect exchange 间接(三角)套汇 cro rate, arbitrage rate 套汇汇率
foreign currency(exchange)reserve 外汇储备 foreign exchange fluctuation 外汇波动 foreign exchange crisis 外汇危机 discount 贴现
discount rate, bank rate 贴现率 gold reserve 黄金储备
money(financial)market 金融市场 stock exchange 股票交易所 broker 经纪人 commiion 佣金 bookkeeping 簿记 bookkeeper 簿记员
an application form 申请单 bank statement 对帐单 letter of credit 信用证 strong room, vault 保险库
equitable tax system 等价税则 specimen signature 签字式样
banking hours, busine hours 营业时间
1、嘉宾—distinguished(honored) guest明月当空—a moon-lit sky 全体同仁—all our colleagues 百忙中拨冗光临—take time out from a busy„„新春联欢晚会—spring fe......
Paage 1 女士们、先生们:很高兴能有机会参加这次“中国日”年会。亚洲是世界上最大的洲,拥有世界60%的人口。它资源丰富,历史悠久。中国是亚洲的一员,同所有亚洲人民一样,中国人......
1.Ingredients + cooking methods/seasoning 炒:sautéed, stir-fry 宫保鸡丁:sautéed chicken cubes with chili and peanuts=Kung Pao Chicken 炒辣子鸡丁: fried chicken c......
