英语情景剧_骄傲的孔雀(A proud peacock)
合唱:Hello(40‘)Hello, good morning How are you? How are you? Hello, good morning, hello, hello.How are you? How are you? I’m fine, thank you.(重复四次)
小狐狸:Hear you are.Stop playing any more.It’s time for the forest concert.Let’s go.你们都在这儿!别再玩儿了。森林音乐会将要开始了。我们走吧!
小猴:Look, we are doing a rehearsal.我们不正在排练吗?
小猴: Hello,good morning, How are you? 小松鼠: Hello,good morning, Hello, Hello? 大象:How are you? How are you? 小鹿:I am fine, thank you.小兔:I am fine, thank you.小鸟:I am fine, thank you.小猴:I am fine, thank you.狐狸:You naught monkey!Don’t waste time any more.Let’s go.你这个调皮的猴子,别浪费时间了,走吧。
所有小动物:Let’s go to the forest concert.我们一起去参加森林音乐会吧。
小猴:Don’t you want to go to the forest concert, Fox?
狐狸:Yes, of course.But I have to find the peacock and invite her to the concert.I’ll be there with peacock.我当然要去,但是我必须找到孔雀让她来参加音乐会。我马上就到。
众小动物:See you!
狐狸:See you!
狐狸:Peacock!Peacock!Where are you? Can you hear me!
孔雀:How pretty I am!Look at my beautiful feathers.大家好!我是孔雀。看!我多漂亮啊!我五彩缤纷的羽毛。
狐狸(狐狸上):Hello!Good morning.You look so pretty, peacock.I have been looking for you.你好!早上好,美丽的孔雀。我正到处找你呢。
孔雀(孔雀表情很不屑):Looking for me? For What? 找我?干嘛?
狐狸:Oh!My friends and I are going to attend the forest concert today。We Would like to invite you to join us? Are you coming?
孔雀:Oh, no, no.I don’t want to play with you and your friends.哦,不,不,不。我不想和你和你的朋友一起玩儿。
(孔雀面对观众指指狐狸和自己)孔雀:Look at me and him, look at his ugly ears.He looks ugly, his friends look ugly too.I do not want to play with them.看看我,看看他,看看他难看的耳朵。他看起来很丑,他的朋友也很丑。我不想和他们在一起。
狐狸:That’s true.We are not as pretty as you.But we want to be your friends.Please join us.We all like your dance.你说的没错,我们没有你漂亮。但是我们想和你交朋友。来吧!我们都喜欢你的跳舞。
(孔雀仍然不屑)孔雀:Oh, no, no.I never dance for ugly ones.And I don’t need friends.I am good on my own.哦,不,我从不为丑陋的人跳舞。并且我不需要朋友。我自己呆着很好。
狐狸:Peacock…Please...孔雀……来吧...孔雀:(打断狐狸的话)Shut up.You ugly fox.闭嘴,丑陋的狐狸。
狐狸:What a pity!You are too proud.I have to go.真是遗憾,你太骄傲了。我必须走了。
孔雀:(独白)Oh, what a lovely day.The sun is shining.Why not to have a good sleep under the tree?
大灰狼:(自言自语)I’m hungry.I’m hungry.I need to catch a rabbit for lunch.But those small animals are always staying together, it is too hard to catch one.我太饿了。我太饿了。我得抓个兔子当午餐。可是那些小动物总是呆在一起,很难抓到啊。
大灰狼:(步履蹒跚地走到大树下)I’m so hungry.I am tired.我太饿了!我太累了。
大灰狼:(突然他发现了什么)Oh, what is this? Let me have a look.咦,这是什么?让我看看。
大灰狼:A peacock.I think I won’t be hungry any more.一只美丽的孔雀。我想我不会再饿肚子了。
大灰狼:Look at those two fat legs.They look delicious.看!那两只腿,看着就是美味的。
(打大灰狼扑向孔雀, 孔雀惊醒,跑开,大灰狼追孔雀)
孔雀:(惊吓的)Oh!My god.Who are you? What do you want?
大灰狼:Stop running.Don’t be afraid.I’m your good friend.I want to play with you.别跑了。别害怕。我是你的好朋友。我想和你一起玩儿。
孔雀:I haven’t got any friend.我从来没有朋友。
大灰狼:That’s it!Otherwise,how can I have such a good chance.?
孔雀:You big bad wolf, stay away form me.你这只大灰狼。离我远点。
大灰狼:Come here, baby.I’m so hungry.You must be delicious.Come here.过来呀,宝贝。我太饿了。你一定很美味。过来呀!
大灰狼:Stop running.My little dear!
所有小动物:Stop it!Stop it!
集体合唱 32‘30“
Who is afraid of big bad wolf? 谁怕一只大灰狼?大灰狼,大灰狼!Big bad wolf, big bad wolf.Who is afraid of big bad wolf? Big bad wolf, big bad wolf.Who is afraid of big bad wolf? Big bad wolf, big bad wolf.Ha, ha, ha, ha ,ha...(大灰狼被赶跑了,大家开心大笑,围在孔雀身边。)
孔雀:That big wolf is going to eat me!那个大灰狼要吃我!
狐狸:Don’t be afraid.The wolf has run away.别害怕!大灰狼已经跑远了。
小鹿:Don’t be afraid.We are here, we are together.We are your friends.别害怕,我们大家都在这。我们是你的朋友。
孔雀(很感动):Thank you very much.I would have died without you!
猴子:Don’t cry any more!
小鹿:Are you all right? Are you injured?
孔雀:I am OK.Thanks a lot.美丽的孔雀,让我来帮助你。
小兔子:You are welcome.We are your friend.We should help each other.别客气。我们是朋友。我们应该互相帮助。孔雀: Let me be your friend.I want to dance for you.谢谢你们,让我成为你们的朋友吧!让我为你们表演最美的舞蹈。
小鹿:Now, let’s go to the forest concert together.现在让我们一起去森林音乐会吧!
众:Ok!Let’s go!
(孔雀和所有动物们来到在音乐会上快乐地歌唱,跳舞。)集体合唱: 朋友 12’10”
Me and you, you and me.I’m your friend, you are my friend.You and me, me and you.You are my friend, I’m your friend.We love singing.We love dancing.We are friend.We are friend.We love swimming.We love playing.
小学英语情景剧_ A proud peacock (骄傲的孔雀)人物:Squirrel松鼠、Monkey猴子、Rabbit兔子、Peacock孔雀、Tiger老虎、LeoLouisCiCiJeniferJack Wolf大灰狼、Birds鸟(2只)、Elep......
英语剧本:骄傲的孔雀(A proud peacock)Characters(角色):小松鼠、小猴、狐狸、孔雀、大灰狼、鹿 小松鼠:(上) 小猴:(围着小松鼠) Great! Great! Let me have a try.棒极了!棒极了!让我也......
英语剧本:骄傲的孔雀(A proud peacock)小蓝兔:(软翻上) 小猴:(围着蓝兔) Great! Great! Let me have a try.棒极了!棒极了!让我也来一个。 小白兔:(追上) Hi! You two, don’t play any mo......
Subject:He is as proud as a peacock.情景对话A: Wendy got good grades again.She is clever but she is as proud as a peacock!B: Well, never mind.proud as a peacock1......