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起源: Celtic festival of Samhain(pronounced sow-in).The Celtic peoples lived over 2,000 years ago.In the area that is now Ireland, the United Kingdom, and Northern France.For the Celtic peoples, the New Year was celebrated on November 1st of every year.This date marked the end of Summer and the beginning of Winter.This time of year was often aociated with human death The Celts believed that on the night before the new year, the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred as the dead searched for the afterlife.Thus, on the night of October 31st, they celebrated Samhain, when it was believed that the ghosts of the dead returned to Earth to cause trouble.To commemorate the event, people built huge sacred bonfires where animals and crops were sacrificed to the Gods for protection, and to help scare ghosts away.The Celts also wore costumes to disguise themselves, in an attempt to confuse the spirits roaming the Earth.By the A.D.800’s, the influence of Christianity had spread into Celtic lands.Pope Boniface IV designated November 1st

All Saints Day, a time to honor Saints and Martyrs.It was known as All Hallowmas.Thus, October 31st became known as All Hallows Eve, and eventually was shortened to the current day title, Halloween.在2000多年前的爱尔兰地区及法国北部,住着一群凯尔特人,而万圣节就是起源于古塞尔特人的一个叫做Samhain的节庆。



凯尔特人借着神圣的营火,燃烧献祭的动物和尸体,以赶走可怕的鬼魂并祈求神的保护。同时,凯尔特人也会假扮成鬼的样子,企图混淆跑到阳间的鬼魂。西元八百年時,基督教傳入塞爾特人居住的區域。當時的教宗明訂十一月一日為萬聖節All Saints Day,又稱 All Hallowmas,來紀念所有的聖人和騎士。因此,十月三十一日就成了萬聖節前夕,英文稱之All Hallows Eve,而後來人們便簡稱十月三十一日為Halloween Even later, in A.D.1000, the Christian church made November 2nd All Soul’s Day, a day to honor the dead.It was celebrated with big bonfires, parades, and dreing up in costumes as saints, angels, and devils.Together, the three celebrations, All Hallows Eve, All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day, were called Hallowmas.公元一千年左右,基督教订定十一月二日为All Souls’ Day(万灵节)来纪念所有的死去的灵魂。借着大型营火,游行和变装打扮成圣人,天使或恶灵的方式来庆祝。综合这三个节日All Hallows Eve(万圣节前夕),All Saints’ Day(万圣节)和 All Souls’ Day(万灵节),就叫做Hallowmas.Halloween arrived in North America courtesy of Irish and Scottish emigrants who brought stories of Samhain and Hallowmas, as well as tales of ghosts and spirits with them in the 1840’s, during the Irish Potato Famine.The holiday flourished into what is now modern day Halloween.1840年代,爱尔兰区发生了饥荒,一些爱尔兰及苏格兰人移民到北美洲,也把这些习俗和鬼故事带到了北美洲,渐渐地,北美洲人也开始庆祝Halloween(万圣节)。Many of the traditions aociated with Halloween can be traced back to the ancient festivals of Samhain and Hallowmas.Traditions include costuming, trick-or-treating, bobbing for apples, pumpkin carving, and the lighting of bonfires.许多关于Halloween(万圣节)习俗,包括变装打扮,不捣蛋就给糖的游戏,咬苹果的游戏,刻番瓜灯笼,和点燃大营火等习俗,都可以追溯到凯尔特人Samhain节,或是Hallowmas这些节日。

Trick-or-treating The modern day custom of Trick-or-Treating originated from the very old custom of “Going-a-souling” or begging for soul cakes.Soul cakes were baked goods offered to souls of the departed.The Christian Church encouraged the practice of the needy going from home to home gathering food(Going-a-souling)at Harvest time.Prayers for the recently deceased from the needy were exchanged with the giving family.不给糖就捣蛋的游戏起源于要灵魂饼干的习俗,所谓的灵魂饼干就是将烤好的饼干祭祀过世的人。后来,基督教会鼓励贫穷的人在收获的季节里挨家挨户地乞求食物,若是得到食物,这些穷人就会帮这家庭中过世的人祈祷以谢谢他们。

Those not offering goods were usually punished with a trick on Halloween night or hexed with misfortune for the next year.The term “trick-or-treat” is thought to have first originated in Britain where Halloween was known as “Mischief Night” and the practice of “going-a-souling” was common.而穷人们对那些吝啬不给食物的人通常会以恶作剧来惩罚他们,或是诅咒他们下一年都会厄运缠身。大部分人都认为不给糖就捣蛋是起源于恶作剧之夜和要灵魂饼干(going-a-souling)的习俗。


Carved pumpkins are traditionally known as “Jack-o-lanterns.”

Traditionally, the jack-o-lantern was carved from a turnip, potato, or beet and lit with a burning candle.These lanterns represented the souls of departed loved ones and were placed in windows or set on porches to welcome the deceased.They also served as protection from evil spirits freed from the dead on Halloween night.In North America, turnips, potatoes, and beets were not as readily available, so the pumpkin was used and found to be a suitable replacement.众人皆知的杰克番瓜灯是刻在番瓜上,但人们一开始是在萝卜,马铃薯或甜菜上刻灯笼,然后挖空并点燃蜡烛在里面,形成灯笼。这些灯笼代表着过世的亲友,并被放置在窗边或门廊上,以欢迎他们回来。他们也被视为可趋魔避邪的象征。在北美洲,萝卜,马铃薯和甜菜很罕见,因此常见的番瓜就成了非常适合的代替品。People have been making Jack-o-lanterns at Halloween for centuries.The practice originated from an Irish myth about a man known as “Stingy Jack.” Stingy Jack one day invited the Devil to have a drink with him.Not wanting to pay for the drink, he tricked the Devil into turning himself into a coin, and then put the Devil into his pocket next to a cro that prevented the Devil from changing back into his original form.Jack freed the Devil after the Devil promised not to bother Jack or, should he die, claim his soul.Eventually, when Jack did die, God would not take him into Heaven, and the Devil, who had promised not to claim Jack’s soul, could not take him into Hell.Thus, the Devil sent Jack’s spirit into the night with only a burning candle to light his way.Jack put the candle into a carved out turnip and has been roaming the Earth ever since.The Irish began to refer to this ghostly figure as “Jack of the Lantern,” and then simply as “Jack-o-lantern.”


到小器杰克死掉后,上帝不允许他进入天堂,而魔鬼曾答应过他不会让他下地狱,所以杰克死后哪都去不了。因此,魔鬼就让他的灵魂漂泊在黑夜里,只留给他一根燃烧的蜡烛来指引他.从此以后,杰克就把蜡烛放在挖空刻好的萝卜里,并且一直留在人间吓人。爱尔兰人一开始称之为杰克的南瓜灯笼(Jack of the Lantern),后来简称为杰克南瓜灯(Jack-o-lantern)。


装鬼的由来:Costumes were worn by the Celts for Samhain and the Christians for All Hallows’ Eve as a disguise to confuse and/or scare away the spirits/ghosts they believed were freely roaming the Earth from poeing their souls.Today, although we no longer believe that spirits are flying freely, modernized costumes are worn at Halloween by children going trick-or-treating and by adults seeking fun and amusement.过去,变装打扮是为了让鬼魂们搞不清楚,免得惹祸上身。现在,虽然人们不再相信鬼魂们会在阳间跑来跑去,但是小孩子还是会装扮自己到处玩不给糖就捣蛋的游戏﹔而大人则是觉得装扮自己有趣又好玩。

Dreing up in costumes is one of the most popular Halloween customs,especially among children.According to tradition,people would dre up in costumes(wear special clothing,masks or disguises)to frighten the spirits away.盛装是一个最流行的万圣节习俗,特别是儿童。按照传统,人们会穿上戏服(穿着特别的服装,面具和伪装)来吓跑鬼魂。Festival proceion,former people dre up like all kinds of monsters but now people in addition to dre up as zombies,witches,vampire,ghosts or medusa claic monster outside,many people pursue innovation still dre up like AoTeMan,spider-man,or various other cartoon image.节日游行时,以前的人们会把自己打扮成各种各样的怪物但是现在的人们除了打扮成僵尸、巫婆、吸血鬼、幽灵或美杜莎等经典的怪物外,有许多人追求创新还会把自己打扮成奥特曼,蜘蛛侠等或是其他各种动漫形象。

Once in costume, children go from house to house saying ”Trick or treat!”In the past, children might play a ”trick” on people who did not give treats.They might pelt(扔,掷)houses with eggs or old tomatoes, or play other pranks(恶作剧).Today, children’s cries of “Trick or treat!” are usually rewarded with candy.(不请客就捣乱不给糖吃就捣乱)






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