
2020-02-27 其他范文 下载本文


1)这标志着中国在攀登世界科技高峰的征程上迈出了具有重大意义的一步。marks tremendous progre/ a significant step forward in our miion of scaling /effort to rise up to the heights in science and technology.1,国际关系的巨大变化tremendous /big / profound change in international relations 1)整个国际关系正在经历着深邃的变化 the whole international relationship is undergoing profound changes 2)怀着对贵国人民的深厚感情with profound and amicable sentiments/attachments for your people(get attached to sb依恋某人/ get too much involved with sb于某人剪不断,理还乱)3)总裁的话说到了我们员工的心坎中the president’s words echo the sentiments among the staff.4)亚洲是地球上最大的洲,聚居着世界60%的人口,资源十分丰富,历史源远流长,文化博大精深。

Asia has the biggest land in the world.It has 60% of the world’s population, rich/abundant natural resources, a long /time honored history , wealthy and profound cultures.2,对形成一个新的世界格局产生积极的影响(shaping)leave a positive impact/influence on the shaping/forming/formation of a new world patterns.1)国际格局 world configuration of power(政治色彩浓烈)2)因特网的普及改变了世界的面貌the growth/spread of internet has changed the face of the world/ reshaped the world.(强调往好的方向发展)。

(popularize the knowledge of laws, 普法,普及环保知识 popularize the importance of environmental protection)如果涉及到具体的情况,可以进一步细化:Popularize the importance of the preservation of clear rivers, popularize the importance of the protection of pasture lands.(草原的保护)3)近年来在亚洲国家的共荣努力之下,包容,平等和渐进的地区合作意识正在加强,开放,健康和互利的合作局面正在形成。(featuring)in recent years, with the joint efforts of Asian countries, the awarene of regional cooperation featuring




is growing/improving;an open, healthy and mutually beneficial cooperation is taking shape.4)(我们要建立互利,互补,共同发展的新型国际关系establish new international relations featuring mutual benefit, support and common development)3,借此机会,我想向成功地举办了这次会议的泰王国政府表示衷心的感谢(on this occasion/taking this opportunity/here, I would love to extend/expre my sincere/heart-felt thanks to the government of Thailand kingdom for succefully hosting/holding this meeting), host主办 host country主办国.china will host the 2008 Olympic games.1)感谢董事长先生得盛情邀请,使我们来到装饰得如此华丽得大厅,参加如此欢快得圣诞晚会

Thank Mr.President for his nice invitation which has brought us to this luxuriously decorated hall to attend this Christmas party.加拿大温哥华兰戈拉社区学院对本次研讨会的成功召开给予了很大的帮助,对此我谨致以诚挚的谢意

I would like to thank the Langara Community College of Vancouver, Canada for its great help which has made this succeful opening poible.4,新的方法 new approach

1)将革命的热情和科学的方法结合combine revolutionary paion with scientific approaches

2)这取决我们如何看待/处理这个问题 depends on how we view/ see and handle this matter.How we approach this matter.3)Such never-say-die approach is the sine qua non for the ultimate triumph in entrepreneurship and technological breakthrough.这种永不言败的作风是企业成功和技术创新必不可少的条件

5,伙伴关系必须建筑在—的基础上 such a partnership should be based on----,注意强记一些基础性的东西:P-和平,E平等,F友谊,B互利互惠 1)向管理向技术要效益(improve by relying on, 科教兴国)improve economic benefits by relying on management and technology.Improve national strength by relying on advances in science and technology.8加强技术交流与合作(step up/ strengthen)

step up: 比较具体的东西price, exchanges, cooperation, efforts, law enforcement执法力度

build up:比较抽象的东西friendship, cooperation, trust, confidence.1)你认为中国式的管理模式有无优点,将其与美国式的管理模式便比较,你的看法如何

do you see any advantage/strength with the Chinese way of management, how do you compare it with the American way of management.注意从中文和英文的不同,很可能一个英文的句子需要两个中文的句子来对应。

This day has brought terrible news and great shock to our nation 今天噩耗传来,举国悲痛。

2)你认为如何评价美中两种不同的经营之道的利弊 how do you comment on the advantage and disadvantage with the Chinese and American ways of management.(weakne and strength)3)中国及东亚一些其他亚洲国家的经济成功不是简单模仿西方文明的结果,恰恰相反,他代表了一种新的文化的诞生,一种集东西方传统优点之大成的新的价值体系。

The economic succe in china and some other countries in East Asia is not a simple/mechanical imitation /copy of the western culture, on the contrary, it represents the birth of a new culture, a new values system that Incorporates /combines the strengths of the east and west cultures.4)根据事情本身的是非曲直来判断问题judge things on their own merits/ put things in their right/true perspective正确地认识把握


1, share with you my thought 我赞同许多东亚学者的观点,即东方文明可以医治盛行西方世界的顽疾(一个城市的特质:随处可以感觉到的深厚的文化底蕴)I share with many scholars......


1) 香港是在国家走向盛世的背景下回归到祖国的怀抱的HK returned to its motherland at the time of her rise to power 6,中国是世界上经济增长最快的国家之一1) 众所周知,亚洲......


8,促进各国生产力的发展 expand productive forces (当然,此处用promote也是可以的。) 1)扩大对外开放 open wider to the outside world.2)扩大对外开放的领域和地域 expand a......


1) This is because most Chinese companies keep to the bottom-up, the top down and then bottom-up decision-making principle which involves many people at differe......


1, share with you my thought 1) 我赞同许多东亚学者的观点,即东方文明可以医治盛行西方世界的顽疾(一个城市的特质:随处可以感觉到的深厚的文化底蕴)I share with many schola......

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