Welcome the guest
早上/下午/晚上好,先生/小姐,欢迎光临XXX餐厅.Good morning/afternoon evening,sir/Madam,Welcome to XXX restaurant.2. 确认客人的预定和姓名
Check on reservation status and verify name of guest 先生/小姐,请问您贵姓?有预定吗?sir/Madam,may I have your name sir/Madam?Do you have a reservation with us ? 情形一;(客人有预定);
Situation A;Guest have a reservation 请问您预定的姓名是?先生/小姐,这边请.May I have your reservation name? XXX sir/Madam,this way please!情形二;(客人没有预定); Situation B;Guest does not have a reservation 先生/小姐,请问怎么称呼您呢?
May I have your name for our reference? How may I adre you, sir/Madam? 请问,你们一共有几位?
Great and May I know how many people are there in your party? XXX先生/小姐,我们马上为您安排一间房,这边请!We have a room for you ,Mr,Mrs,Mi(XXX)!This way ,please!3. 给客人提供帮助(例如;外套,行李)
Offer aistance with guest’s belongings.(Includes coasts,baggage)打扰一下,先生/小姐,需要我帮您提一下包吗? Excuse me, sir/Madam.May I help you with your bag? 4. 安排客人坐下 ≤60sec Escort the guest 请问您是第一次光临我们餐厅吗?(如上下楼梯提醒客人小心台阶)May I know if this is your first time to our restaurant?(Mention guest be carefull the step when go up or downstair)请问您对这间房满意吗?
How about this room? Mr,Mrs,Mi(XXX)!引领客人到休息区或餐桌上(拉椅)坐下,XXX 先生/小姐,请坐!Please take your seat,sir/madam.情形A;客人不满意这间房,我们也没有其他的房;Situation A;Guest is unsatisfy with the room but there is no other room available.您先请坐,我现在马上查看我们的预定情况尽快为您安排.I apologised that we do not have any other room availble at the moment.Please take a seat first and I will try to find another room for you as soon as poible.情形B;客人不满意这间房,但是我们还有其他房 Situation B;Guest is unsatisfy with the room but there is another room available.我们还有其他房,请这边走.We have another room for you!This way please!祝您用餐愉快(将客人的信息转告服务员)Please enjoy your meal!
1.递上礼貌茶 Present tea 先生/太太/小姐,您想喝点什么茶呢?我们有…… Mr,Mrs,Mi(XXX),Which tea would you like to drink? We have ……
Mr,Mrs,Mi(XXX),Please enjoy your tea.2.呈上菜牌(包括食物和酒水)Present menu(both food and beverage)打扰一下,先生/女士,这是我们的菜单!XXX sir/Madam。This is our menu.我很快就为您们点单
We will take your order shortly.3.呈上餐前小食 Give snack()先生/太太/小姐,这是我们的餐前小食,请慢用!(如果客人已入座)Mr,Mrs,Mi(XXX)。This is our snack,please enjoy.4. 知道客人的人数需要增减餐位
Add or decrease setting 5. 打开席巾 Unfold napkin 6. 尽量站在客人左边上毛巾
Service towel on the left of the guest()先生/太太/小姐,请用毛巾!
Excuse me,.Mr,Mrs,Mi(XXX),Please use towel.7. 询问客人是否可以点单,提供,推荐和点食物单,尽可能的推销食物
Inquire guest is having to take order.Offer,recommend and take food order,up-sell food 打扰一下,()先生/太太/小姐,请问现在可以为您点单吗?
Excuse me, Mr,Mrs,Mi(XXX).May I take yoe order now? 情形A,客人还没有准备好
Situation A;guest is not ready yet.请您慢慢看,我很快回来!
Please take your time!I will be back shortly.请问可以为您点单了吗?您对菜式有什么要求吗?
Excuse me,sir/madam,May I take your order now ?Have you decide on what would you like? 情形B,客人已经准备好。
Situation B;Guest is ready for order XXX 菜很受客人欢迎,是我们的招牌菜,您要试一下吗 ? The()is very popular!It is our signature dish,would you like to try? 8. 当领班或者经理在点单时,须把前菜和汤,海鲜提早输入点单系统
When take order by manager,waiter pre-check food into Micros.9. 重复一下点单 Repeat food order to the guest.()先生/太太/小姐,让我重复一下你的点单,您点了…………,对吗?
Mr,Mrs,Mi(XXX),let me repeat your order.You have ordered().Is that right? 10. 再次将点单输入点单系统
Pre-check into Micros 11.提供,介绍,点单,尽可能的为客人推销酒水 请问需要喝点什么酒水呢?
May I recommend a gla of()to start ? 谢谢,你们的饮品马上就到!
Thank you!I will be back with your drinks!12.从酒吧处拿到饮品
Pick up beverage order from the bar 13.服务饮品
Excuse me,Sir/madam,this is your().Please enjoy.14.上第一个开胃凉菜
()先生/太太/小姐,这是()菜,请慢用!Excuse me,Sir/madam,this is your().15.服务牙签 Offer toothpicks 16.继续上下一道菜
打扰一下,先生/女士,XXX 菜,请慢用
Excuse me,Sir/madam,this is your().17.是否需要米饭
打扰一下,先生/女士,请问需要米饭吗? Excuse me,Sir/madam,Would you like some rice? 18.提供额外的饮品当杯中饮品只剩1/4时 打扰一下,先生/女士,您还需要再来一杯()吗? Excuse me,Sir/madam,May I offer you another gla of()? 19.倒酒时,不能倒太多,并要保持酒杯不能空
Serve Wine 20.不断的检查桌子和注意客人的肢体语言,当客人交谈时尽量不要打扰
Check table maintenance or baby lanuage of the guests constantly.21.服务过程中不可以夹着客人.Serve guests do not squeeze 22.在客人用鲍参翅肚/贝壳类/水果后更换毛巾 Change
shark’s fin/abalone/sea-cucumber/fish/fruit 23.清理脏盘子(包括配料)及烟灰缸(不能超过两个烟头),尽量不要打扰客人
打扰一下,先生/女士,我能为您清理一下桌子吗? Excuse me,Sir/madam,May I clean your table? 24.服务过程中,如果客人去洗手间时,要亲自带领客人到洗手间门口
()先生/太太/小姐,洗手间,请这边走!Excuse me,Sir/madam,this way please!25.上齐菜要告诉客人 Tell guest when the dish all coming 先生/太太/小姐,您的菜已经上齐了,请慢用!Excuse me,Sir/madam。The dish all coming.Please enjoy your meal.26.清走脏的碟子,杯子 Clear soiled plates and gla 打扰一下,先生/女士,我能撤走这个吗? Excuse me,Sir/madam,May I take this away? 27.上甜品 Offer the deert 先生/太太/小姐,请问可以上甜品了吗? Excuse me,Sir/madam,May I serve the deert? 先生/太太/小姐,这是你们点的()
Excuse me,Sir/madam,this is your deert()28.问客人是否满意 Check guest satisfaction 先生/太太/小姐,您对今天的用餐满意吗? Excuse me,Sir/madam,how is the food? 29.准备账单 Prepare guest check 30.根据客人的要去结账
Upon request please present check to guest 是的,先生/小姐,我马上把您的账单拿过来
Yes,Mr/Mrs/Mi()!I will be right back with your bill!打扰一下,先生/小姐,这是您的账单。一共…… Excuse me, Mr/Mrs/Mi()!This is your bill.The total ……
情形一,用现金结账 Charges with cash 非常感谢,我马上为您找钱,先生/小姐
Thank you very much!I will be right back with your change, Sir/madam.情形二,入房账结算 signing the charge to their room 请签上您的姓名和房号,请稍等
May I have your name ,your room number and your signature,please? 非常感谢!Thank you very much!情形三,用信用卡结算 the charge with their credit card 非常感谢,我马上回来
Thank you very much!I will be right back, Sir/madam.打扰一下先生/太太/小姐,请您在账单和银行单上签名,请稍等
Excuse me, Mr/Mrs/Mi()!May I have your signature on both the check and the credit voucher,please!非常感谢 Thank you very much!情形四,用挂账的形式结算 the charge with city leager 打扰一下,先生/太太/小姐,请您在账单上签上公司名称和您的名字,请稍等
Excuse me, Mr/Mrs/Mi()!May I have your signature and your campany name on the check,please!非常感谢!Thank you very much!客人准备起身离开时 When guest is leaving 请各位带齐随身物品
Please do not forget your belongings!31.送客服务员,亲自送客人到电梯门口 Thank you for the guest.您需要我在大堂吧或是酒吧为您安排一张台吗? Would you like me to arrange a table fou you at our Lobby lounge? 非常感谢,期待您下次光临
Thank you very much!Looking forward to see you soon!
TY酒吧服务流程培训服务流程分为:一:迎宾服务、二:为客人点酒、三:为客人调酒、四:为客人送酒服务、五:为客人验酒、六:开瓶与斟酒服务、七:送客服务.一.迎宾服务 1 问候客人到达酒......
餐饮服务流程培训1.迎客。应笑脸迎宾客,自然大方并亲切问候:“您好!欢迎光临!请问您有预定吗?”如果是熟客,应热情称呼客人姓氏。主动上前帮客人拿酒水、大件物品等。 2.带位。......
服务员培训及服务流程一、卫生流程: 1、更换桌布清理台面并按规定摆放好台面物品2、打扫地面卫生3、拖洗地面卫生3、检查卫生是否打扫合格(要求:桌面干净整洁,地面干净无杂物烟......