
2020-02-28 其他范文 下载本文


Group1 Script Buyer—Janice/Seller—姚总



Janice:Mi Yao and Mi Teng, nice to meet to you!This is my interpreter and aistant, Diana.姚总:欢迎你们来到长沙!本人谨代表公司向您的到来致以最诚挚的问候!Janice:Wow!Thank you so much!By the way, what will we do in the next days? 姚总:是这样的,今日您可下榻华天酒店,好好休息。接下来我们为您安排了两天的旅程。明天我将带您游览长沙名胜,品尝长沙美食。最后一天,我们会前往公司总部讨论合作事宜。希望您能在长沙玩的开心!也希望我们合作愉快!Janice:Thanks for your hospitality!I look forward to having a nice trip in Changsha with you and also wish a pleasant cooperation!姚总:现在我带您前往华天,这边请。Janice:Ok, thank you.S2—长沙一日游


Janice:Good morning!Mi Yao.I certainly had a sweet dream last night.The hotel is very comfortable.姚总:如此甚好。今天我们将前往火宫殿。

Janice:What is Chili Garden? Are there many beautiful but spicy flowers? 姚总:不是的,这是长沙著名的美食汇聚地,长沙特色琳琅满目!Janice:I gue there are tremendous specialties!What will you introduce to me? 姚总:第一个要介绍的是长沙有名的臭豆腐。

Janice:Stinky Toufu!I once know it from a Chinese document called A Bite of China!姚总:是吗?没想到您对中国美食如此感兴趣!那您来长沙是来对了,这里可以说是小吃的天堂了!

Janice:Heaven of snacks!Amazing!姚总:言归正传,我先给您介绍一下臭豆腐。相传毛主席曾经在1958年4月12日来火宫殿时说过“长沙火宫殿的臭豆腐还是好吃”,许多游客也慕名而来。虽然闻着臭,但却吃着香!

Janice:I know it’s pretty special and everyone likes it!But I never know Chairman Mao also praised it!姚总:现在我们面前的就是火宫殿,这就是臭豆腐,您尝一口。Janice:Wow!Smell smelly but taste tasty!Once I try it, I can’t stop it!


Janice:I am overwhelmed by its fragrance.It tastes good after I ate that stinky toufu!姚总:是的,这样吃会更爽口!这儿还有许多长沙特色小吃,我们一样一样地吃,希望您能喜欢!

Janice:I can’t wait to try more snacks here!



Janice:Can you show me your sample? I want to make sure that I get the right one as you have produced too many types of products.姚总:好的,这就是您预订产品的样品。Janice:Ok, any brief introduction to it? 姚总:如您所见,这款产品是按贵公司要求定制的。机身简洁大方,重量轻,耗能低,效率快。重点是材料环保,经久耐用!

Janice:Fantastic!I am convinced that it will be popular among British market!姚总:那是肯定的,这款产品定能热卖。

Janice:I want to order 50,000 laundries, how long it will be before you finish it? 姚总:大概两个月可以完成。Janice:Two months? It’s too long…how about one month? I need it before this winter.姚总:您是想趁着入冬前的一段时间,做下广告,刺激消费者购买欲望? Janice:Yep, you know people don’t like cold water in winter, which may lure them to buy a laundry.姚总:想法不错,但一个月实在是时间太短。匆忙赶工可能导致产品质量不达标,怕是会影响您的销售业绩。这样吧,我们能承诺一个半月制成所有产品并运往贵公司,但之前邮件中提到的8%的折扣率,需要降低至3%,您看如何? Janice:I think 5% is better.If it’s a deal, I can promise you more opportunities and broader market in the UK.姚总:既然如此,那就改为5%吧。也希望我们有后续合作!Janice:Great!I also look forward to further cooperation with you!



Janice:Not at all!You are all kind and I think the trip is interesting and enjoyable!I will come back in my next vacation!姚总:我们欢迎您的再次到来!届时您也可以联系我们。Janice:I will and thanks for your kindne in these days.姚总:您客气了。

Janice:I have to go now because the plane is noticed to take off 20 minutes later.Thank you again and bye~ 姚总:再见,祝您旅途愉快!


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