
2020-02-28 其他范文 下载本文



1.What is friendship?

What is friendship? Different people may have different opinions.But generally speaking, friendship means the feeling or relationship between friends.It involves affection and intimacy, and is based on warmth, trust and shared experience.2.The importance of friends.Friends are very important in our life.A friend will undoubtedly help us if we are in trouble, and a friend will patiently listen to us when we talk about our problems.That’s why people often say that share your joy with your friends, and your joy will double;pour your sorrow to your friends, and your sorrow will be reduced by half.3.How to make friends and promote friendship?

Don’t try to win a friend with gifts only.The only way to have a friend is to be one.We should make friends with those who are kind-hearted, compaionate, caring, honest and thoughtful, because they are sincere and reliable.(to be continued)

Sharing your joy and sorrow with your friends can nurture friendship and keep friendship alive;keeping your friends informed about yourself can improve friendship, and make friendship permanent;remembering important days in your friends’ lives can promote friendship and keep friendship fresh in our minds.Unit2

1.What do cultural differences mean?


People from different cultural back-grounds may have different beliefs, religions, customs and habits.These differences are generally called cultural differences.Cultural differences are subtle and are often unrecognized or overlooked.It is upsetting to find people who behave differently from us.We may, at first, aume that something is wrong with them.2.How do cultural backgrounds influence people’s way of thinking?


Cultural backgrounds may influence people’s way of thinking.First, cultural background influences what people consider to be good manners or bad manners.Second, it influences what they consider to be polite or rude.Third, it influences what they consider to be on time or late.For example, different cultures may have different ways of responding to compliments;some cultures consider it polite not to take something the first time it is offered;eye contact may convey sincerity and attentivene in some Oriental cultures but too much eye contact may embarra people in some Western cultures.3.What problems may be caused by our failure to recognize cultural differences?


Failure to recognize cultural differences may cause many problems.On the one hand, those who are uninformed about cultural differences may have difficulty communicating with their busine aociates from other cultures.On the other hand, inability to recognize cultural differences can make mutual understanding difficult.In a word, failure to recognize cultural differences lies at the root of many everyday misunderstandings and irritations among people of different countries or races.4.How can we deal with cultural differences?


There are many ways to deal with cultural differences.On the one hand, having respect for other cultures can help us avoid offending others.On the other hand, learning about other cultures can help us avoid misunderstandings.In addition, it is a good policy to let a foreign friend know our expectations with regard to time and punctuality.So long as we pay attention to these aspects, we can solve the problems caused by cultural differences.5.What does “culture shock” mean?


“Culture shock” means confusion and disorientation caused by contact with a civilization other than one’s own.You will undergo culture shock when you encounter entirely different ways of life in another culture.Don’t panic when some customs in a foreign country catch you off guard.You must understand that people living in varied cultures handle many small daily things differently.Whether you plan to stay for a week or for a year in a new place, you’ll benefit a lot from learning about the place before you go.6.How can we cope with culture shock?

There are several things we can do to prevent or reduce the negative effects of culture shock.Before we enter a strange culture, we can learn about it and prepare ourselves for the new experience.When we are in the new culture, we should maintain an open attitude toward people and things, and try to adjust to the new environment.When we run into problems, we should not panic but keep calm, and try to get aistance from the natives.Finally, if we are going to have a long stay in the culture, we should make an effort to gradually blend in the new surroundings and make ourselves comfortable there.Unit 6

1.What is the general attitude toward wealth in our society?

3.Do you think money can bring happine? Why or why not?

Unit 7Anti-smokingWhy do some young people pick up smoking?

For one thing, they may have picked up smoking out of curiosity / because of peer preure / because they thought it was cool;for another, the nicotine in tobacco can stimulate / energize thesmokers for a brief period of time.一来他们是出于好奇或是来自同辈吸烟人的压力亦或是他们认为那样很酷,二来烟草中的尼古丁可以在短时间内刺激/兴奋他们这些吸烟者.How harmful is smoking to smokers?

Smoking is harmful / damaging to one’s health.Smoking is known as

a fatal cause of lung cancer.You run a greater risk if you are a chain smoker/ if you smoke to exce / if you smoke 20 cigarettes a day.Smoking is also found to be related to / connected with / aociated with / linked to other types of cancer.Studies show that cigarette smokers are much more likely to die from a heart attack than nonsmokers.So, Smoking is not only a waste of money but is also a danger to one’s health.吸烟有害健康.吸烟是肺癌的致命性诱因.如果你过量吸烟,你就很危险了.而且,吸烟也与其他类型癌症有关.研究表明吸烟者比不吸烟者更易死于心脏病突发.所以,吸烟不仅浪费金钱而且还对生命造成危险.Q3:Is smoking also harmful to nonsmokers? In what way?

Smoking is dangerous not only to the smokers themselves but also to the non-smokers around them.Paive smoking / Inhaling(吸入)secondhand smoke can also cause lung cancer.Unit 8AgingWhat does aging mean? How old are people considered elderly?

Aging is the natural proce of growing old.People over 65 years old are generally considered elderly / senior citizens.Aging is a decline in all areas of a person’s mental and physical abilities.What should be the right attitude toward aging?

Aging comes to everyone after they reach a certain age.No one gets any younger with each paing day.Age offers no le opportunity than youth, though in different forms.Old people are an aet of society.They are more experienced and responsible.衰老是一个自然的生长过程。一般认为超过65岁就是老年人。老年人的机会并不少于年轻人,只是形式不同。老年人是社会的财富,他们 经验更丰富,责任心更强。What problems may people have as they grow old?

Some old people are rather conservation.Some think they are always right.Some are slow to accept new thing.Some disapprove of everything new.Some frown on the behavior of the young.Some yearn to be recognized, admired and praised by the young.Some cling to their past glories.Many elderly people have difficulty remembering recent events but may retain vivid memories of what happened to them a long time

ago /suffer from varying degrees of memory lo.很多老年人记不清最近发生的事情,但清楚地记得 很久之前发生的事情 / 患有不同程度的记忆衰退


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