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(一)《孙子兵法》(The Art of War)是中国古代最重要的一部军事著作之一,是我国优秀传统文化重要组成部分。孙子(Sun Tzu),即该书作者,在书中揭示的一系列具有普遍意义的军事规律,不仅受到军事家们的推崇,还在经济领域,领导艺术,人生追求甚至家庭关系等诸多方面,均有广泛的指导作用。《孙子兵法》中许多名言警句(epigram),富有哲理,意义深远,在国内外广为流传。如今《孙子兵法》中的语言,在世界军事史上具有重要地位。


1、普遍意义的——universal,军事规律——military laws

2、具有广泛的指导作用——play an extensive guiding role.“广泛的”还可以翻译为far-reaching或broad

3、人生追求——the pursuit of life

4、名言警句——famous sayings and epigrams5、意义深远——have profound meanings

6、广为流传—— be widely circulated。”流传“还可用spread表示

参考译文:The Are of War is one of the most important ancient Chinese military literary works,and serves as an important part of outstanding traditional culture in China.Sun Tzu,The author of the book,revealed a series of universal military laws which are not only valued by militarists but also play an extensive guiding role in several fields such as economy,art of leadership,the pursuit of life and even family relationship.There are a lot of famous sayings and epigrams in The Art of War that are rich in wisdom and have profound meanings and are thus widely circulated both at home and abroad.Nowadays The Art of War has been translated into many languages and it also plays an important role in the military history of the world.(二)太极(Tai Chi)是中国文化史上的一个重要概念。太极拳(traditional Chinese shadow boxing)包含一系列缓慢的动作,旨在修炼身心。它是一种舞蹈却不需要随音乐起舞,你只需聆听内心的节奏。太极拳是中国武术(martial art)的一种,他创自数千年前,原本是一种自卫的技艺。全世界成千上万人练习它,主要是由于它对人类健康的神奇作用。因为他将身体动作,平静、冥想(meditative)心境结合起来,所以他长被称作“冥想运动(meditation in motion)”。


修炼身心——physical and spiritual practice或者physical and mental practice。

不需要音乐起舞——dot no need to dance to music,其中dance...to固定表达,随着...起舞

一种自卫技艺——a self-defensive skill,defensive 译为防御的,防卫的。

它对人类健康的神奇作用——its miraculous effects on human’s health

将身体动作,平静、冥想(meditative)心境结合起来——combines the body’s movements with the calm and meditative state of mind。将...与...结合起来可译为combine...with...state of mind心境


Tai Chi is a significant notion in Chinese cultural history.Traditional Chinese shadow boxing includes a series of slow movements aiming at the physical and spiritual practice.It is a kind of dance but you do not need to dance to music.You just need to listen to the rhythm of your heart.Traditional Chinese shadow boxing is a kind of Chinese martial art.It was created thousands of years ago and originally used as a selfdefensive skill.It is practiced by thousands of people around the world mostly because of its miraculous effects on human’s health.It is often called “meditation in motion”because it combines the body’s movement-s with the calm and meditative state of mind.(三)电子书(e-book)通常指数字化出版物,它可以包含文字、图片、声音、影像或几者兼有。现在人们经常使用智能手机(smartphone)、平板电脑(tablet)或者专门为电子书制造的电子阅读器来阅读电子书。电子书内容丰富,便于存储,而且价格低廉,有助于阅读的普及。从传统意义上讲,电子书是纸质书的电子化,但现在许多电子书并没有纸质的对应物。电子书以数字形式存储,因此人们随时都可以阅读。2012年,美国电子书的销量首次超过精装书(handcover book)。



2、专门为...制造译为specially made for...3、阅读的普及:the popularity of reading

4、版本的英文表达version,纸质书译为printed books


6、超过:可用surpaed表示,还可以用exceed表示 冲刺备考建议




翻译原文:E-books generally refer to digitized publications.They can include words,pictures,sounds,images,or a combination of two or more.Now people often read e-books with smartphones,tablets,or e-books readers that are specially made for e-books.E-books have colorful contents and are convenient to store.Their prices are cheap and they are conductive to the popularity of reading.E-books are traditionally believed as an electronic version of the printed books.but now many e-books exist without any printed equivalent.E-books are stored digitally,so they can be read at any time.In 2012,e-books sales in the United States surpaed hardcover book sales for the first time.(四)孔子是中國著名的思想家,教育家,以及儒教(Confucianism)的創立者。他的學說深刻影響了中國兩千多年的歷史。孔子因其哲學家思想而著名,他在當時說過很多著名的言論。這些言論幫助人們認識自然,世界和人類行為。他也幫助過政府和帝王。孔子教他們如何成功管理自己的王國。孔子的言論主要收錄在《孔子論語》(Analects of Confucius)一書中。它們反映了孔子政治和道德觀。

Confucius is a famous ancient Chinese thinker ,educator ,and founder of Confucianism which deeply influences China for more than two years.Confucius is famous for his philosophy because he made many wise sayings in ancient China.Those sayings helped people learn about nature ,world ,and human behavior.He also helped the government and the emperor.He taught them leons on how to rule his kingdom succefully.Confucius's thoughts were mainly collected in the Analects of Confucius.They relects Confucius's thoughts on politics and ethics.解析:

第二句的學說即是儒教,所以可以用定語從句將其與第一句連接起來。影響可以說influence,have an influence on···

Be famous for=be known for因···而著名。

Teach sb.Sth.教某人某事

(五)京剧(Peking Opera)已有200多年的历史,是中国的国剧。与其他地方戏相比,京剧享有更高的声誉,但其实京剧融合了多种地方戏的元素。京剧演员的脸谱(facial make-up)和戏服都很精美,相比之下舞台布景则十分简单,表演者主要应用四种技能:唱、念、做、打。京剧较擅长于表现历史题材的政治,军事斗争,故事大多取自历史演义和小说话本(historic and fictional stories)。在古代,京剧大多是在户外演出的,因此演员们形成了一种有穿透力的唱腔,以便每个人都能听到。


1,享有更高的声誉——enjoys a higher reputation

2, 戏服——costume

3,相比之下——by contrast


5,政治军事斗争——political and military struggle,斗争还可译为battle。

6,在户外——in the open air或者outdoors。

7,形成可用develop表示,而不用shape或form。”有穿透力的“译为piercing。唱腔乍看可能不好翻译,其实就是歌唱的风格,即style of song。


Peking Opera,as the national opera of China,has a history of more than 200 years.Compared with other Chinese local operas,Peking Opera enjoys a higher reputation,but actually it absorbed many elements of other local operas.The facial make-up and costumes of the performers are very delicate;by contrast,the backdrops are quite plain.During performance,the performers mainly utilize four skills:song,speech,dance,and combat.Peking Opera is better at performing political and military struggle with historical themes and the performed stories are mainly from historic and fictional stories.In ancient times,Peking Opera was mostly performed in the open air,so the performers developed a piercing style of song that could be heard by everyone.自驾游(self-driving tour)属于自助旅游的一种类型,是近年来我国新兴的旅游方式,以自由、灵活、富有个性化等突出特点被旅游者接受和喜爱。自驾游在选择目的地、参与旅程设计和体验自由等方面,给旅游者提供了极大的灵活性,与传统的参团旅游(group tour)相比更具有自身的特点和魅力。随着自驾旅游者增多,自驾游市场已经成形,越来越多的旅行社、汽车俱乐部、汽车租赁公司(car rental companies)看好这个市场,并涉足这一市场的开发。


1、自助旅游——self-help travel/self-service travel

2、新兴的旅游方式——a new travel mode/a new way of travel

3、自由、灵活、富有个性化等突出特点——striking characteristics of being free,flexible and personalized。striking——显著的,突出的

4、提供了极大的灵活性——provides travelers with great flexibility5、目的地——target place/destination

6、看好这个市场,并涉足这一市场的开发——are optimistic about this market and get involved in the development of the market,其中“看好”——are optimistic about表示“对...持乐观态度”“涉足”——get involved in


Self—driving tour,a sort of self—help travel,is a new travel mode in China in recent years.It has won traveler's acceptance and love for its striking characteristics of being free,flexible and personalized.It provides travelers with great flexibility in selecting target place,participating in devising travel procedures and experiencing freedom,which endows it with its own characteristics and charm compared with traditional group tour.As self—driving tourists increase,self—driving tour market has taken shape.More and more travel agencies,car clubs and car rental companies are optimistic about this market and get involved in the development of the market.颐和园是世界上保存最完整的皇家园林,也是当今中国最大的皇家园林。它坐落于北京西北部的郊区,占地290公顷,主要由万寿山和昆明湖构成。在1998年12月,联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)将颐和园列入《世界遗产名录》。该名录宣称“颐和园的人工景观与自然景观和谐地融为一体,堪称中国风景园林设计中的创造性杰作”。

The Summer Palace is regarded as the best-preserved imperial garden in the world,and is the largest of its kind in modern-day China.Situated in the northwestern outskirts of Beijing,the

palace occupies an area of 290 hectares and consists mainly of Longevity Hill and Kunming Lake.In December 1998 , UNESCO included the Summer Palace on its World Heritage List.It declared

the Summer Palace an“ outstanding expreion of the creative art of Chinese Landscape Garden Design,incorporating the works of humankind and nature in a harmonious whole.”

汉语多重复,而英语则常常需要避免重复,因此在翻译重复的汉语是,多采用桶词异译法,或者采用代词来进行替代。该句中of its kind来翻译重复的皇家园林。最后一句,对原文据需进行了调整,原文的两个分句是因果关系,而译文采用了伴随性定语从句来翻译。

六级 翻译

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