
2020-02-28 其他范文 下载本文



A: 陈华彬 and B:陈长安C:林瀛海 and D:郭志杰



A: Hey, 林.C: Hey, 华 I did not expect to meet you here.,没想到在这里见到你

A: Me too.Oh ,this is 杰!We have not seen each other for many days.What’s wrong with your

我也是 哦,这不是杰么,我们有好几天没见面了,怎么了?

D: En(苦笑),It’s hard to describe。


A: Anything at all interesting happing in your life these days? 郭。


D: Well, you know, same old.嗯,你知道的,老样子。

A: How are you handing this? I mean in the coming oral exam.你是怎么处理这事呢?我是说接下来的口语考试.D: En, Too be honest, it’s just a bad time in my life.I’m really anxious about it.额。老实说,这几天很糟糕,我很担心这次考试。

And you know, my English was terrible, but I have to try to get the credit


A:Oh yeah.No pain no gain!Good luck to you.是的一分耕耘一分收获!祝你好运。

D: Thinks.谢了

B: Hey,Let’s talk about some serious things,嘿,让我们来谈些正经事吧



C: ”Living in Harmony ”?


B:Yes, this is what I want to say.In my opinion, harmony makes small thing grow, lack of it makes great things decay


A: Sure.harmony is golden.First, I think we should learn to forgive others.It's the kindest of traits.It takes great courage to forgive.的确和睦就是财富。首先我们必须学会原谅他人,这是最仁慈的品质原谅,也需要很大的勇气。

C: yeah, you are right.Forgiving gives you a fresh start.That is good for your heart.That's also good for your spirit and mind.恩,你是对的。原谅能让人重新开始,这对你的身体、精神、心灵都有益处1

B: I agree with you,A wise man will make haste to forgive and forget.And I know A smile is the closer together the best way.A genuine smile may have the power to heal broken relationships.赞同,聪明人总会选择既往不咎。而且我认为微笑是拉近彼此距离的最有效方式。真诚的微笑能修复人与人之间的矛盾。

C: No, no, no,I don’t think so!You know,“Easier said then done”!To forgive may be divine, but ,When someone has deeply hurt you, it can be surprisingly beneficial to your grudge.But forgivene is poible

不不不 我不这么认为,你知道的,“说比做的容易”宽恕或许是神圣的,但是,当有人深深伤害你时,你很难做到不记恨心头

D: Yeah, but, somebody has to make conceions.So I always make that first move even it not my foul.是的,但总得有人做出让步.所以迈出第一步的人总是我,A:I know,we all know ,you are a big gentleman


B: Ok, Let's discu this problem in the next time.I’m going to have dinner.Are you come with me?


ACD: Let’s go!



C: “Learn to work Together”?


B: Yes, this is what I want to say.Do you prefer teamwork or working individually? 是的这正是我想说的你喜欢团队工作还是单独工作?

C:Actually I prefer working on my own,but I understand the benefits of teamwork.


A:Why don't you like teamwork 林?

你为什么不喜欢团队工作.C: Sometimes people are lazy when they work in teams and do nothing!


A :That's not a good team then. Everyone should do equal work and take equal credit.


D:I'm very confused too.What are the main benefits of teamwork?


B: If you work as a team,you can hear ideas and solutions that you would never have thought about by yourself.


A:Yeah.More important, we can share our experience and ideas by each other, during the team working you will find the task becomes easier than you work alone.更重要的是,我们可以分享彼此的经验和想法,在团队工作,你会发现比你单独工作的任务变得更加容易。

C:So teamwork has some major benefits then?


B:Right!Just like when we study English as a team!


D: Oh I know.A: Ok, Let's discu this problem in the next time.I’m going to have dinner.Are you come with me?


BCD: Let’s go!



C: OK, May I ask you a question?


B: Of course.当然。

C: How do you think about the ability of creative thinking?


B En, It is very important.We all need the ability of creative thinking.这是非常非常重要的。我们都需要有创造性思维能力

C: you are right, but, for what?


B: you know, our society is developing so quickly that new things happened every day.So if you don’t have the ability of creative thinking, how can you deal with the new things?


C: I know.Then How to develop the ability of creative thinking?


D: Yeah.I am also very confused


B: Oh no, you let me on the stop.噢,你难倒我了。

A:Maybe I can answer you question.At first, we should know what creative thinking is.Creative thinking means a new kind of thinking, which means we can not use rigid thinking to understand things.For example, we know the Cup is used to store water in.what we need to know is whether it has other uses.And the different answers mean you are using the creative thinking to deal with the problem.So, the Cup, You can use it as a pen holder,just like it.首先,我们应该知道什么是创造性思维。创造性思维就是新的思维方式,这意味着我们不能用僵化的思维来认识事物。例如,我们知道杯子是用来盛水的,我们需要知道的是它是否有其他用途。而你思考的方向不同的话,结果

也就不同了。所以,你也可以把它当笔筒来使用,就像这样的D: You mean the creative thinking asks us to understand things from different aspects.And different thinking can make different results.你的意思是创造性思维需要我们从不同方面思考问题。而不同的思维模式将会产生不同的结果

A: You are almost there.If we want to develop the ability of creative thinking.Think more about the things.As the answer and the result are not the only one, we can get new things from every thinks.As long as you can insist that you can develop the ability of creative thinking.就像你说的。如果我们想发张创造性思维能力。我们要更懂得思考。这样得到的结果就将不是唯一的,我们可以从每一个有思想的新事物去寻找。只要你能坚持,你就能。

C: It’s not easy to Stick.Thank you for your answer.I will try.这并不容易坚持。谢谢你的回答。我要试试。

A: It’s my pleasure.Ok, let's discu this problem in the next time.I’m going to have dinner.Are you come with me?


BCD: Let’s go!



C: OK, May I ask you a question?


B: Of course.当然。

C: Who is in the eyes of the succe off your idol?


B: Flying man-Michael Jordan.飞人-乔丹

D: Oh, I love him-The God of American basketball.是的,我的最爱——美国的篮球之神

He led his team to six league championships and who the MVP award five times.他带领他的球队赢得了六次总冠军并当选五届MVP.C: En, I know, he is a great man.恩,我知道,他很伟大

A: you are right, but he is not always kied by fortune.He had no prospects at all, you know, lost of championship….!


B: yes, but, he never give up and then succe in the end, he Let the world revere.是的,但是他从没放弃最终他成功了,也受到了世人的敬仰

C: En, how can we be succeful.额。我们要怎么做才能成功呢

A: First, we should have our dream.We must learn the knowledge well!When we encounter difficulties should not give up easily!We must never-ending hard work!If you then you will


B:yeah,in order to become succeful, we must learn to struggle in the shadowland of dream.是啊,要想成为成功的,我们必须学会在虚幻的梦想奋斗。

C:Ok, think you for you answer,I will try and struggle for my dream.我知道了,谢谢你的回答,我会为了我的梦想努力奋斗的D: me too.我也是。


成功王:Hi.everybody.李:Oh,I am glad to meet you here.孙:yeah.me too.as we all know ,people are very interting to talk about what is succe.How do you define succe?......






1: The next will be No.2 .Their topic is Pleasant goat and big big wolf ,and contestant No.3get ready ,please.2: 接下来有请2号选手,他的话题是“喜羊羊与灰太狼”。......


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