
2020-02-28 其他范文 下载本文


Many people think that the government should spend the large amount of money it is channelling into artistic and cultural projects on basic infrastructure projects instead.Do you agree or disagree?

Some people are critical of the government weighing infrastructure constructions over artistic and cultural projects in terms of budget making, complaining that artistic and cultural cultivation is more beneficial to the society comparing to the monotonous constructions of highways and fly-overs.I beg to differ.Investitures are of great importance in terms of improving the quality of cultural policies.For example, high ways or high speed railways programmes may help people who live in remote areas fulfill their dreams of receiving a better education, thus could better develop their potentials of becoming a prominent cultural figure in stead of staying in places like these for the rest of their lives.This is particularly true in many developing countries with vast territories like China and India, where infrastructure constructions become more important than cultural policies in many aspects, for it provides a relative equal opportunities to their huge populations living in different areas of the country.Moreover, infrastructure construction could help develop the economy of a nation, a case in which country could therefore collect more tax to aist the cultural policy in the long run.Additionally, erections of basic infrastructures could also arouse the public attention to artistic and cultural policy-making, as it is the case in nowadays China.After the opening-up policy put forward by Deng Xiaoping in the 1970's, Chinese people had actually became more choosy in terms of the aesthetic appearance and a more human design of the buildings.People interact with and comment on the infrastructures around them, while putting higher demand on architects and artists to challenge with their precedent designs.In recent years, TV channels featuring of architectural design started to have an increasing number of audiences, being another good example on how

infrastructure construction could improve the artistic taste of the public, even it seems that there is no close relationship between the two.To conclude, it is shortsighted to put more attention to the cultural policy making over the infrastructure construction for the reason that 'developing human potentials of culture and art is more important than improving the material, money-wasting basic infrastructure construction.In fact, infrastructures is of vital importance for society to improve its artistic and cultural taste, for it provides a solid basis for a better population mobility as well as a changing reference for public to think over the question of architectural design and the human side of the buildings.


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