
2020-02-28 其他范文 下载本文




Plato柏拉图 ——The Republic 《理想国》

Giovanni Boccaccio薄伽丘 ——Decameron 《十日谈》

M.D.Cervantes塞万提斯——Don Quixote de la Mancha 《堂吉诃德》 Francois Rabelais拉伯雷——Gargantua and Pantagruel 《巨人传》

William Congreve威廉.康格里夫——Incognita:Or,Love and Duty Reconciled《隐姓埋名》

Daniel Defoe笛福——Robinson Crusoe《鲁宾逊漂流记》

Nathaniel Hawthorne霍桑——The Scarlet Letter《红字》 Young Goodman Brown《好小伙布朗》

Herman Melville赫尔曼.梅尔维尔——Moby-Dick《鲸》(《莫比-迪克》)Aristotle亚里士多德——Poetics《诗学》

Washington Irving欧文——Rip Van Winkle《拮取花温》

William Faulkner福克纳——A Rose for Emily《献给Emily的一朵玫瑰》 John Updike厄普代克——A&P Jack London杰克伦敦——Call of the Wild《野性的呼唤》 George Orwell奥威尔——Animal Farm《动物庄园》

F.Scott Fitzgerald斯科特.菲茨杰拉德——The Great Gatsby《了不起的盖茨比》 J.D.Salinger塞林格——The Catcher in the Rye《麦田里的守望者》 E.M.Forster福斯特——Aspects of the Novel Charles Dickens狄更斯——Great Expectations《远大前程》(《孤星血泪》)Kate Chopin——The Story of an Hour Charlotte Bront夏洛特.勃朗特——Jane Eyre《简爱》

Thomas Hardy托马斯.哈代——The Poor Man and the Lady《穷人和妇人》 Desperate Remedies《绝望的补救措施》 Under the Greenwood Tree《绿茵树下》 The Hand of Ethebeta Far from the Madding Crowd 《远离尘嚣》 The Return of the Native《还乡》 The Woodlanders

The Mayor of Casterbridge《布卡卡斯特桥》

Te of the D’Urbervilles《苔丝》 Jude the Obscure《无名英雄》 The Winter Words《冬天的话》

Charles Dickens狄更斯——David Copperfield《大卫.科波菲尔》 Little Dorritt《小杜丽》 The Pickwick Papers《匹克威克传》 Oliver Twist《雾都孤儿》 Nicholas Nickleby《尼古拉斯.尼克贝》 The Old Curiosity Shop《老古玩店》 Bleak House《荒凉山庄》

Hard Times《艰难时世》 A Tale of Two Cities《双城记》 Great Expectations《远大前程》

Nathaniel Hawthorne霍桑——Twice-Told Tales《再讲一遍的故事》 Moes from an Old Manse《古宅青苔》(it includes some of his best short stories:Young Goodman Brown《好小伙布朗》,The Celestial Railroad,Rappaccini’s Daughter《拉伯西尼医生的女儿)The Scarlet Letter《红字》 The House of the Seven Gables《带七个尖顶的阁楼》 The Blithedale Romance《福谷传奇》 The Marble Faun《玉石人像》 The Life of Franklin Pierce Our Old Home William Faulkner福克纳——A Rose for Emily

The Marble Faun《大理石牧神》 Soldier’s Pay《士兵的报酬》 Sartoris《沙多里斯》 The Sound and the Fury《喧哗与骚动》 As I Lay Dying《我弥留之际》 Sanctuary《圣殿》 Light in August《八月之光》 Absalom!Absalom!《押沙龙,押沙龙!》 The Unvanquished《不败者》 The Hamlet《村子》 Go Down Moses《去吧,摩西》 Intruder in the Dust《坟墓的闯入者》 Knight’s Gambit Requiem for a Nun《修女安魂曲》 A Fable《寓言》 The Town《镇》 The Mansion《大宅》 The Reivers《掠夺者》

William Shakespeare莎士比亚——Sonnet 18十四行诗

The Comedy of Errors《错误的喜剧》 The Taming of the Shrew《驯悍记》 A Midsummer Night’s Dream《仲夏夜之梦》 The Merchant of Venice《威尼斯商人》 The Twelfth Night《第十二夜》 As You Like It《皆大欢喜》 Romeo and Juliet《罗密欧与朱丽叶》 Julius Caesar《朱利叶斯.凯撒》 Hamlet《哈姆雷特》 King Lear《李尔王》 Macbeth《麦克白》 Othello《奥赛罗》 The Winter’s Tale《冬天的故事》 The Tempest《暴风雨》

Robert Frost弗罗斯特——A Boy’s Will《少年的意志》 North of Boston《波士顿以北》 Mountain Interval《山间》 New Hampshire《新罕布什尔》 Collected Poems《诗歌选集》 A Further Range《又一片牧场》 A Witne Tree《一颗作证的树》

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening《雪夜林边小驻》 Mending Wall《修墙》 Birches《白桦树》 After Apple-picking《摘苹果之后》 The Road Not Taken《未选择的路》 名词解释:

一、What is literature?

Literature is imatation, is function, is an expreion of emotions.二、What is fiction?

It is a vague and general term for any literary narrative which is an account of imagined or invented events instead of something that in fact happened.The world of fiction is a world of the poible or the probable, rather than the actual.三、Elements of fiction.1、Plot: is the plan, design, arrangement and organization of interrelated events and characters in such a way as to induce curiosity and suspense in the reader.It is an intellectual formulation about the relations among the incident and is, therefore, a guiding principle for the author and an ordering control for the reader.故事是按时间顺序安排的事件的叙述,情节也是事件的叙述,重点在因果关系上。

 Exposition阐述:provides the eential background information the reader needs to make sense of the situation in which the characters are placed and the actions take place. Conflict冲突;斗争:is the tension between characters, or the actual opposition of characters. Climax高潮:is the moment at which a crisis is reached and resolution achieved. Denouement结局:is the event or events following the climax at the end of a fiction.It is the resolution of the conflict or conflicts.2、Character: characters are the persons represented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with particular moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from the dialogue and the action, but not always people.It must have some distinct human qualities. A hero(heroine): is the character on whom a novel or story centers. Main or major characters主角: are those who are important to the plot and are in close and dynamic relation with the protagonist. Minor characters配角: are those in remote relations with the protagonist. A “flat character”扁平人物: also called a “type”, is built around “a single idea or quality”. A “round character”圆形人物:is one who is complex and fully developed.3、Setting: An event takes place in a particular time and place.This particular time and place is referred to as “setting”.4、Point of view: A point of view is the vantage point from which an author presents a story.5、Symbol: a symbol is “something chosen to stand for or represent something else, usually because of a resemblance in qualities or characteristics”.6、Theme: The theme of a piece of fiction is the meaning or concept the reader is left with after reading it.四、What is poetry? Poetry诗: is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings;is eentially rhythmic, usually metrical and rhymed, and frequently structured in stanzas.1、Diction措辞: refers to the choice of words, sentence structures and figurative language in a literary work, and to the manner or mode of verbal expreion.2、Imagery意象: refers to the verbal creation of any experience in the mind, which may be auditory, visual, tactile, olfactory, gustatory, kinesthetic, or even organic.3、Sound: sound in poetry refers to the vocal rhythms and the sounds words make.4、Rhythm韵律: is the regular recurrence or alternation of contrasting elements of sound or speech, such as streed and unstreed syllables in poetry.5、Symbol: a symbol may refer to something that means more than what it literally is, something that has both a literal and figurative meaning.


书籍目录: 前言一、《文学通论》编写的缘由及思路二、《文学通论》内容、体例的设计三、《文学通论》的撰写分工 第一章 文学的特征一、文学表现的对象和内容(一)文学的表现对......

课程名称德语文学导论 (上)

课程名称:德语文学导论 (上) 课内学时:40 学分:2 开课时间:秋季 授课时间:周一8:00 – 10:00 授课地点: 校本部逸夫馆II-302 教学对象:德语语言文学专业研究生教学目的:通过对各类文学......







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