qq137701368 accumulated earnings 积累收益
a circular economy 循环经济
a convenient method of payment 方便的付款方式 an economic boom 经济兴旺
an economic depreion(slump, receion)经济萎缩 an economic takeoff 经济起飞 anti-dumping measures 反倾销措施 aets depreciation range 资产折旧幅度 balance the two-way trade 保持双边贸易的平衡 bonded/free trade area 保税区
bonded warehouse 保税仓库 bottleneck restrictions 瓶颈制约
break regional blockades and trade monopolies 打破地区封锁和待业垄断 capital market 资本市场
cargo handling capacity 货物吞吐量 commiion/brokerage 佣金 commodity economy 商品经济
confeional/favorable terms 优惠条件 cost and benefit analysis 成本收益分析 cost-of-living index 生活费指数 cro-border takeover 跨国并购
currency depreciation/appreciation 通货贬值/升值 current account balance sheet 流动资产负债表 current aet loes in suspense 待处理流动资产损失 current debt ratio 流动负债比率
current fund employment rate 流动资金占有率 current liability 流动负债
current tangible aets 有形流动资产 domestic funds 国内配套资金 earning capacity 盈利能力
E-commerce/E-busine 电子商务 economic aggregate 经济总量 economic efficiency 经济效益 economic growth point 经济增长点 economic indicators 经济指标 economic measure 经济手段 economic strength 经济实力 economy of scale 规模经济
efficiency in operation 经营效率
emerging market economy 新兴市场经济 equity capital transaction 产权资本转让 equity earnings 参股收益;股本盈利 equity investment 股本投资 equity ownership 资本所有权 exceive consumption 超前消费
export-oriented/outward-looking economy 外向型经济是 extensive/intensive operation 粗放/集约经营 fair trading practice 公平贸易行为 financing channels 融资渠道
fixed-aets accounting 固定资产核算
fluctuate in line with market conditions 随行就市 foreign exchange-earning enterprise 创汇型企业 foreign exchange market 外汇市场
foreign investment in actual use 实际利用外资 general retail price index 社会零售物价总指数
generous pension and healthcare plans 优厚的养老金和医疗卫生保障 green power 财力;金钱
gro foreign export value 外贸出口总额
gro output value of industry and agriculture 工农业总产值 guidance plan 指导性计划
2-hour economic zone 两小时经济圈 import/export quota 进出口配额 in a period of transition 在过渡时期 income tax return 所得税申报表
income to net worth ratio 净值收益率 industrial policy 产业政策
industrial redeployment/relocation 产业转移 inflation-proof bank savings 保值储蓄 investment in fixed aets 固定资产投资 investment portfolio 投资组合 invisible trade 无形贸易 ironclad job protection 铁饭碗
knowledge economy 知识经济 letters patent/certificate of patent 专利证书 low-profit era 微利时代
macro-economic control 宏观调控 maintenance of value 保值
majority shareholding 占有多数股权
managerial decision-making proce 管理决策程序 managerial know-how 管理专门知识 mandatory plan 指令性计划 margins desired 期望的毛利
market demand price 市场需求价格
marketing channel 销售渠道,市场渠道 market regulation 市场调节 market value method 市价法
medium-sized enterprise 中型企业 merchandise inventory 商品库存 mild inflation 温和通货膨胀 negative growth 负增长
non-core busine 非主营业务 non-performing loan 不良贷款
outbound/overseas investment 海外投资 petrol chemistry 石油化工
property right market 产权市场 public financing rate 财政
purchasing power parity 购买力平价法 qualitative analysis 定性分析
quality guarantee 质量保证 quantitative analysis 定量分析
rate of return on equity 股本收益率
risk investment/ venture capital 风险投资 seller’s market 卖方市场
social benefits/returns 社会效益 start-up company 新兴企业 state revenue 财政收入 sub-prime crisis 次贷危机
tax reduction and exemption 减免税收 the globalization of capital 资本的全球化 The Internet of Things 物联网 the law of demand/supply 需求/供应定律
the linkage system between the US dollar and the HK dollar 港币的联系汇率制
the primary/secondary/tertiary industry(the service sector)第一/第二/第三产业
the real economy 实体经济
the sub-prime mortgage market 房产次贷抵押市场 tighten the money supply 紧缩银根
total volume of retail sales of consumer goods 社会消费品零售总额 total volume of retail sales 社会商品零售总额 trade barrier 贸易障碍
trademark registration 商标注册
Lower export demand and reduced foreign direct investment are more likely to hit urban jobs harder.出口需求下降和外国直接投资的减少,更有可能使城市就业形势更为严峻。
Some developing countries are struggling with the fact that money transfers sent from migrants back home have declined substantially, causing the lo of foreign exchange and household income.一些发展中 家正面临这样一个事实,外出务工人员汇回家的钱大幅养活,造成外汇和家庭收入损失。
Unlike previous crises, developing countries have le room to adjust to the deteriorating economic conditions.与以往发生危机时不同,发展中国家适应日益恶化的经济条件的空间缩小。
The economic crisis also comes on the heel of the food and fuel crisis.继食品和燃料危机之后,经济危机接踵而至。
Hunger and poverty often compel the poor to overexploit the resources on which their own livelihoods depend.饥饿和贫困常常迫使穷人过度开采其赖以生存的资源。
It would be confronted with the bottleneck affecting the sustainable development at certain stage of its economic development.在经济发展到一定阶段后,即将陷入瓶颈,经济无法再获得高速的持续增长。
A resurgent American economy would do more to restore the confidence of the world in its own future than anything else.如果美国经济复苏了,那就会比任何其他事情更能使世界经济恢复对前途的信心。
Stock and commodity markets have been rattled.股市和商品市场出现动荡。
Economic growth has averaged about 9% a year.经济的年均增长率都在9%左右。
These measures are widely used to promote the local economy.广泛采取这些措施以促进当地的经济发展。
They manufacture products at the price of land, resources, environment and sustainability.他们以土地、资源、环境和可持续发展为代价来生产产品。Capital continually circulates in search of maximum investment opportunities.资本持续地流动以寻求最大的投资机会。
Net profit is the most important figure for working out if a company is healthy or not.纯利润是衡量公司健康运作与否的一个最重要的数据。The economy is still in a receion.经济仍牌衰退期。
The economic globalization has become an irreversible historical trend.世界经济全球化的发展趋势已成为不可逆转的历史潮流。The information-based new economy represented by the Internet economy is advancing vibrantly.以信息化为基础,以网络经济为代表的新经济正蓬勃发展。The enormous vitality and promising future of the new economy has caught attention from the governments and enterprises of all countries around the world since it is regarded as a new growth point for the world economy.新经济以其巨大的活力和良好的发展前景,倍受世界各国政府和企业界的关注,成为全球经济新的增长点。
Developed countries, with their strong economic strength and technological advantages, has taken the lead in grasping the growth opportunities generated from the new economy.发达国家以自己雄厚的经济实力和科技优势,抢占了新经济发展先机。
The economic foundation is far from being sound, and the current situation remains severe.经济基础还很不稳固,目前的形势依然严峻。
This contract is made by and between the buyers and the sellers, whereby the buyers agree to buy and the sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below.本合同由买卖双方订立,因此买卖双方同意按照下面规定的条款购买以下商品。
The more dynamism there is in an economy, the greater the opportunity.经济越活跃,机会就越多。
A much more positive kind of competition could emerge if managers thought about strategy in the right way.如果所有的管理者能够正确理解战略的意义,那么行业内就会形成良性竞争。
Many economists and marketing gurus predict a rosy season for online shopping.许多经济学家和管理大师们都认为网上购物的旺季即将到来。The price of gold surged ahead on Friday, but dropped back when busine resumed on Monday.黄金价格在上周五急剧上升,但在本周一开盘时又呈跌势。Even so, the job creation could not keep pace with the surge in the labor force.即便如此,新增的工作机会仍然赶不上激增的求职人口。
保持发展后劲 bring about a sustainable development 保持国有股 keep the state-held shares 并购 merger & acquisition 财政收入 fiscal revenue 仓储式超市 stockroom-style/warehouse-type supermarket 产权制度改革 reform of property rights system 产销直接挂钩 directly link production with marketing 产为的升级换代 upgrading of industries 产业结构调整 industrial restructuring 地方保护主义 regional protectionism 地方财政预算 local government budgets 调整改组国有企业 readjust and reorganize state-owned enterprises 对外开放广度和深度 opening up in scope and depth 多种经济成分 diverse sectors of the economy 非公有制经济 non-public sectors of the economy 费改税 transform administrating fees into taxes 个体户 the self-employed 个体、私营经济 self-employed and other private businees/private economy 股权分置改革 reform of listing non-tradable shares of listed companies 骨干企业 backbone/key enterprise 固定资产重估 reevaluation of fixed system 规范税制 standardize the tax system 规模经济 scale economy;economy of scale 国际收支状况 balance of payments国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要》 Outline of the National Program for Long-and Medium –Term Scientific and Tecit
国民经济的支柱 mainstay of the national economy 国民经济的综合平衡 overall balance in national economy 国民经济信息化 informationize the national economy 国民经济支柱产业 pillar industry in national economy 国有资本经营预算制度 budget system for managing state capital 国有资产流失 lo/erosion of state aets 合同管理制 contract management system 即期消费 immediate consumption 集体经济、合作经济 collective and cooperative sectors of the economy 集约经济 intensive economy 技改项目 technological upgrading projects 假日经济 holiday economy 健全项目法人责任制 system of holding the legal person responsible for projects 经济不发达地区 economically underdeveloped areas 经济发展后劲 future economic growth 经济复苏 economic resurgence 经济杠杆 economic lever 经济过热 overheated economy 经济滑坡 economic downturn 经济技术开发区 economic and technological development zone 经济结构战略性调整 strategic restructuring of the economy 经济开发区 economic development zone 经济良性循环 a beneficial economic cycle 经济圈和经济带 economic rim and belt 经济渗透 economic infiltration 经济失调指数 misery index 经济实力 economic strength 经济实体 economic entity 经济适用房 low-cost housing 经济体制改革 reform of economic system;economic restructuring 经济运行 economic performance 居民消费价格涨幅 rise in the CPI 具有国际竞争力的大企业集团 internationally competitive conglomerates 开放国内市场 open domestic market 开拓农村消费市场 develop consumer markets in rural areas 开展区域经济合作 carry out regional economic cooperation 科技成果产业化 application of scientific and technological achievements in production 可支配收入 disposable income 扩大内需,刺激消费 increase domestic demand and stimulate consumption 劳动密集型产业 labor-intensive industry 利益攸关方 stakeholder 《两岸经济合作柜架协议》 Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement(ECFA)面向市场 market-oriented 泡沫经济 bubble economy 片面追求发展速度 seek an unduly high growth rate 品牌资产 brand equity 平等保护物权 equal protection of property rights 千年发展目标 Millennium Development Goals 人均纯收入 net per capita income 人均国内生产总值 per capita gro domestic product(GDP)三角债 chain debts 商品流通体制改革 reform of commodity circulation 社会主义市场经济 socialist market economy “十一五”计划 the Eleventh Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development 市场多元化 a multi-outlet market 市场分割 market segmentation 市场占有率 market share 市场战略多元化 the strategy of market diversification 市场准入制度 market acce rules 收入分配 income distribution 收入分配秩序 pattern of income distribution 提高扶贫开发水平 make poverty reduction more effective through development 投资环境 investment environment/climate 外商直接投资 foreign direct investment 外引内联 act as an intermediary for introducing foreign capital and establishing domestic connection 网上拍卖 online auction 物流 logistics 西部大开发 large-scale development of western China 现代产权制度 modern system of property rights 现代企业制度 modern enterprise/corporate system 新的经济增长点 new points of economic growth 沿海经济特区 special economic zones in coastal areas 一站式服务 one-stop service 一支笔审批 one-chop approval 在线采购 online procurement 增强国有经济活力、控制力、影响力 enhance the dynamism, leverage and influence of the state sector of the economy 债转股 debt-to-equity swap 招商项目 project proposals for investment 支柱产业 pillar industry 知识密集型产业 knowledge-intensive industry 中部地区崛起 development of the central region 中等发达国家水平 the level of moderately developed countries 中华全国工商联合会 All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce 中央政府公共投资 the central government’s public investment 重合同,守信用 observe contracts and maintain commercial integrity 资本充足率 capital adequacy ratio 资源节约型社会 resource-conserving society 自主创新能力 capacity for independent innovation 自主经营权 full right to independent operation 科学技术是第一生产力。
Science and technology are the primary productive forces.在巩固公有制主体地位的同时,促进多种经济所有制共同发展。While maintaining the dominance of the public sector, we encourage diverse sectors of the economy to develop side by side.中国的国有企业正在根据建立现代企业制度的目标要求,探索能够转换经营机制和增强企业活力的途径,吸收外商投资进行改组改造是其中的重要措施之一。
The Chinese enterprises are exploring new ways to alter their operational mechanism and rejuvenate themselves in accordance with the goal of establishing modern corporate system.One of the major measures is to absorb foreign capital in the reorganization and restructuring proce.人均国民生产总值达到中等发达国家水平。
The average per-capita GNP will reach the standard of moderately developed countries.我们必须抓住新的机遇,迎接新的挑战,采取更加有力的措施,以更积极的姿态扩大对外开放,力争对外贸易和吸收外资有新的增长。
We must seize new opportunities to meet new challenges.By taking more effective measures and being more active in opening to the outside world, we will strive to expand our foreign trade and absorb more foreign capital.实施开放政策以来,海外企业在中国经济发展中扮演了十分重要的角色。
Since the implementation of the opening-up policy, foreign enterprises have played a crucial role in China’s economic development.经济运行中的突出矛盾虽有所缓解,但尚未根本解决。
Although the outstanding problems in economic activities have been somewhat alleviated, they have yet to be fundamentally solved.这次会议为两国进一步加强持续的经济联系奠定了坚实的基础。This meeting laid a solid foundation for the two countries to forge enduring and constant economic ties.导致价格持续增长的一个重要原因在于物价的逐步放开及价格结构调整。
An important factor contributing to substantial price hikes lies in the gradual lifting of its control and its structural adjustment.中国作为世界上最大的发展中国家,也在密切注意新经济的发展情况,深入研究其带来的机遇和挑战。
China, as the biggest developing country, is also closely following the evolvement of the new economy and making an in-depth study of the opportunities and challenges arising thereof.中国拥有强大的科技人才队伍,巨大的市场也富有吸引力。In China, we have a strong contingent of talents in science and technology, and a magnetic, huge market.我们希望双方能加强合作与交流,共同促进新经济健康有序地发展。
We hope that the two sides shall strengthen collaboration and exchange, so as to jointly foster an orderly and sound development of the new economy.中国将继续实施扩大国内需求的方针政策,加快经济结构的战略性调整。
China will continue implementing the policy of stimulating domestic demand and accelerating strategic economic restructuring.以公有制为主体、多种相对经济万分共同发展,是中国在相当长的一个历史阶段内需要坚持的一项基本经济制度。
Maintain the dominance of the public sector and allowing diverse sectors of the economy to develop side by side will be a basic economic system China will adhere to in a considerable period.改革开放以来,在国有经济不断发展的同时,中国的集体经济、个体私营等非公有制经济发展迅速,在国民经济中发挥着越来越重要的作用。
Since the reform and opening up, amid continuous development of the state sector of the economy, other non-public sectors, such as collective and private ones, have also been playing an increasingly important role in the national economy.我国的外经贸体制改革进一步深化,扩大对外开放的步伐明显加快。China’s reform of its foreign trade and economic cooperation regime is further deepened, and its opening up is notably accelerated.我们要更好地实施以质取胜、市场多元化和科技兴贸战略。We shall carry out the strategies of achieving succe on the strength of quality, market diversification and reinvigorating trade by science and technology.经济全球化拉近了世界各国人民的距离,使得整个世界的经济以及其他各方面的交流都更加密切。
The economic globalization has shortened the distance among the people all over the world, maintaining close ties in the world economy and other areas.中国的经济规模翻了两番,经济结构得到明显改善,市场经济体制已初步建立。
China’s total GDP has quadrupled, with the economic structure notably improved and a market economy preliminarily established.中国将完善全方位、多层次、宽领域的对外开放格局,发展开放型经济,积极参与区域经济合作和全球多边贸易体系。China will improve its multi-dimensional, multi-tiered and wide-ranging pattern of opening up, develop an open economy and actively participate in regional economic cooperation and the global multilateral trading system.
Air 空气 airplane飞机airport机场animal动物answer回答,答案 apartment 公用apple苹果 arm 臂 art 艺术 aunt 阿姨,姑姑,伯母,救命 autumn秋天Baby婴儿 bag bakery面包店 ball......
货运英语名词运输 transportation | | transit | | conveyance运送 to transport | | to carry | | to convey运输业 transportation busine | | forwarding busine | | car......
典范英语6全套典范7(1至5本)名词词性归类 典范6-1典范6-2 Walrus 海象grey 灰色 North Pole 北极miser 守财奴 show 表演penny 便士 Arctic Fox 北极狐smile 微笑 Polar Bear......
顺差:surplus/favorable balance 逆差:deficit/unfavorable balance 过境贸易:transit trade 转口贸易:entrepot trade 定程租船:voyage charter 整箱货 FCL 拼箱货 LCL无船承运......
1.名词 名词按意义分可以分为专有名词和普通名词,专有名词是某个(些)人,地方,机构等专有的名称,如Beijing,China等。普通名词是一类人或东西或是一个抽象概念的名词,如:book,sadne等。......
