高考英语 考前突破阅读理解能力 社会生活 美国大法官法庭上沉默七年再度讲话素材_美国大法官

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高考英语 考前突破阅读理解能力 社会生活 美国大法官法庭上沉默七年再度讲话素材由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“美国大法官”。


US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, who has not asked a question in court for nearly seven years, has spoken to a lawyer presenting a case.美国最高法院大法官克拉伦斯·托马斯日前与一位陈述案情的律师讲话,他近七年在法庭中未曾说过一句话。

Clarence Thomas has not spoken in court since February 2006

Justice Thomas, 64, made a comment during a joke about lawyers who studied at Harvard and Yalelawyers in court said.He said “Well, he did not...”, according to court transcripts, prompting several justices to laugh.Justice Thomas has not asked a question in court since 22 February 2006.Correspondents say the justice's comments were not clear, other than that he seemed to be joking about Ivy League law school graduates.One lawyer said the joke was at the expense of Yale Law School, where Justice Clarence studied, while another lawyer said Harvard Law School was the target of the joke, the Aociated Pre reported.The nine-member bench was hearing arguments in the case of Boyer vs Louisiana, in which Jonathan Boyer is seeking to have his murder conviction overturned because he was held in jail for seven years before trial.His lawyers say Boyer's constitutional right to a speedy trial was violated.Correspondents say that one iue in the case is whether Boyer's court-appointed lawyers in the early stages of his case were qualified to represent him.Justice Antonin Scalia asked the lawyer representing the state of Louisiana to confirm which law schools two of the lawyers in question had attended, when Justice Thomas made his comments.Justice Thomas is the only member of the bench who has a habit of not asking questions when oral arguments are heard by the court.

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《高考英语 考前突破阅读理解能力 社会生活 美国大法官法庭上沉默七年再度讲话素材.docx》
高考英语 考前突破阅读理解能力 社会生活 美国大法官法庭上沉默七年再度讲话素材
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