
2020-02-28 其他范文 下载本文


汉英色彩语言差异 blue films色情电影 blue gag下流笑话 blue ruin大丑闻 blueblood贵族血统

blue ribbon蓝绶带,最高荣誉 blue gown蓝袍---妓女 blue bottle大苍蝇 blue coat警察 blue fish青鱼 blue jacket水手 blue stocking女才子 a blue moon稀罕的事 in a blue mood情绪低落 the blue大海,蓝天 blue baby天生苍白的小孩 a blue blood出生高贵的人 blue talk色情言语、污言秽语 to have the blue忧伤、伤感 the blue moon千载难逢的机会

be beaten black and blue被打得鼻青脸肿 out of the blue突然地 once in a blue moon千载难逢 till all is blue到了极点

red alert 紧急警报 red flag禁止 red ideas革命思想 have red hands犯杀人罪 red ruin火灾 red herring题外话 red tape官僚作风 a red battle血战 red ball特别快车 red tapism文牍主义 red meat牛羊肉 red cap车站搬运工 redfish鲑鱼

red-handed沾满鲜血的 red hat红衣主教 red-blooded精力充沛的 red-lit street红灯区

red letter days纪念、喜庆日子 catch sb red-handed当场抓获 to paint the town red狂欢、痛饮 to turn red in the gills发怒 red eye 廉价威士忌酒 a redeye flight红眼航班 red channel报关通道 red guard红卫兵 see red愤怒

to roll out the red carpet for sb隆重欢迎某人 to wave a red flag in front of sb惹人生气 开门红get off to a good start 满堂红succe in every field 红榜honor roll 红白喜事weddings and funerals 红豆love pea 红人a favorite with sb in power 红火flourishing;prosperous 红利(extra)dividend 红运good luck 红尘the world of mortals 红娘matchmaker;go-between yellow pages电话号码簿 yellow ribbons黄飘带 yellow journalism哗众取宠的杂志

to hang yellow ribbons for sb热烈欢迎…的归来 yellow dog卑鄙的小人 yellow look尖酸多疑的神情 yellow fever/yellow jack 黄热病

yellow-dog contract劳方向资方保证不加入工会的合同:一种劳方和资方之间的合同,被雇佣时,被雇者保证不加入工会,现为非法

yellow-back/the yellow pre哗众取宠的书刊

yellow book黄皮书,是法国等政府或议会的报告书、文件(封面黄色,故名)yellow jacket黄马褂 yellow boy金币 black day凶日 black dog不开心

be in a black mood情绪低落 a black stranger陌生人 a black look怒视 the black art妖术 black despair绝望 a black mark污点

blackguard恶棍、流氓,(德国)党卫军 go black in the face气得脸色发青 black sheep害群之马,败家子 black act妖术 black ball反对票 black flag海盗旗 black death黑死病,鼠疫 black future暗淡前程 black lie不可饶恕的谎言 black and white白纸黑字 black deed 恶劣行径 black-hearted黑心的 blacklist;black book黑名单

black market(illegal/underground market)黑市 a black-letter day倒霉的一天 be or run in the black经营赢利

black(blue)Monday倒霉的(黑色的)星期一 black tea红茶

black coffee未加任何添加品德纯咖啡 black swan稀罕的事 black hand黑手党 in the black 忧伤 look black at sb 怒视

paint sb black把某人描写成坏人 be in/get into the black有盈余

黑心evil-hearted 黑面包brown bread 黑话argot 黑市free market 黑帮reactionary gangs 黑手evil backstage manipulator 黑钱money earned illegally 黑货smuggled goods white day吉日

days marked with a white stone幸福的日子 White Christmas洁白的圣诞

white nights不眠之夜(也指极地的白昼)white men忠诚可靠的人 a white lie毫无恶意的假话 whitewash洗刷,开脱(罪责)white coal白煤;水力发电 white sale床上用品大减价 white book白皮书 white day吉利日子 white gas无铅汽油 white hand诚实 whitesmith银匠

white caps/pony白浪滔滔

white elephant中看不中用的东西;累赘之物 white alert解除警报 White House白宫

white light白光;公正的裁判 bleed white榨尽血汗 a white war不流血的战争 white light district不夜城 a white room无尘室 a white slave被迫为娼者 a white witch做善事的女巫

to put on /stand in a white sheet 公开认错 to show the white feather显示胆小 to leech sb white吸干某人的血 a white cow(or, a blue moon)罕见之物 to call white black颠倒黑白 不白之冤unrepreed injustice 白纸a blank sheet of paper 白开水plain boiled water 白卷unanswered examination paper 白手起家to build up from nothing;to start from scratch 一穷二白poor and blank 白搭no good, no use 白费waste 白给free of charge 白干in vain 白眼dirty look 白刃naked sword 白描straightforward style of writing 白班day shift 白薯sweet potatoes/yams 白话vernacular 白痴idiot 白字mispronounced character 白区Kuomingtang(or Nationalist)-controlled area 白色据点stronghold of reaction 清白无辜innocence 白拿to obtain without paying 白吃to have meals without paying 白干work without any good result(做)白案making dishes of vegetables 白费力be all in vain, a waste of time 白送give away(often as a gift)for nothing, free of charge 遭白眼be received with a blank face, receive a cold shoulder from sb green old age老当益壮 green peace绿色和平 green table赌桌 green food绿色食品 greenhouse温室 green finger园艺技能 green apple青苹果

a green hand, a greenhorn新手 greenroom演员休息室 green wound未愈合的伤口 green power金钱的力量 green channel不需报关的通道 green with envy十分嫉妒 the green years青春年华 to be in the green tree处于佳境 golden sayings金玉良言 golden opinion极高的评价 golden country昌盛的国家 golden opportunity绝好的机会 Golden Age黄金时代;太平盛世 Golden hour幸福时刻 in the purple在皇室的 in the pink非常健康

be born in/to the purple出身高贵 brown paper牛皮纸 brown suger红糖 brown rice糙米

in a brown study遐思冥想

黄眼人those who bite the hand that feeds them 黄书pornography;pornographic/filthy/vulgar/trashy/obscene/dirty books(做)红案making dishes of meat 红五月thriving May 红光满面ruddy complexion 红白喜事happy occasions of(wedding and funerals)紫竹black bamboo trees 色情电影blue/dirty/porn films 绿帽子to be cuckold(whose wife has had an affair with someone else)青山绿水green mountains and clear(blue)waters 清一色all in the same color;all the same


两性的语言差异 来源:英语毕业论文 http://www.daodoc.com/依据以往社会学家和语言学家的研究成果,从语言的六种功能方面即情感功能、指令功能、寒喧功能、指称功能、定义功......




南阳市十一中____年级_______学科导学 _____年___月____日编制人:_____《淡妆浓抹总相宜 ——语言的色彩》导学案[学习目标]1、了解语言的各种“色彩”2、引导学生正确运用......




