
2020-02-29 其他范文 下载本文


overseas department post and telecommunications tour around Shanghai come all the way from…to…in in person feel honored and pleased worthwhile=rewarding rewarding receive one's gracious invitation to do gracious invitation at the invitation of sb.关于

extend one's invitation extend warm welcome extend sincere thanks extend warm greetings to sb.distinguished distinguished guest have long been doing long-expected feel grateful have high expectation on especially for

海外的 邮电

逛逛,游览,参观上海 远道而来 亲自


有价值的,有意义的 有收获的 受到盛情邀请 盛情邀请 承蒙某人的邀请 “extend“

向某人发出邀请 向某人表示热烈欢迎 向某人表示衷心的感谢 向某人表示热烈的问候 杰出的,优秀的贵客

表示“一直都……”的类似的意思 期盼已久的,梦寐以求的 万分感激

对。。。寄予厚望 ……专用的a 15-minute car ride/bus ride/horse ride/bicycle ride/walk 15分钟的路程 look over the sea ”look over the sea“ literally means literally … a country of islands a city state have much in common with accommodation fees accommodate sb.at… a big concern what concerns sb.most is that… hold a reception party in one's honor hold a good-bye party in one's honor I've long heard of you

能眺望到海的面向国际的=internationally-oriented 字面的意思是

毫不夸张地说=without an exaggeration 岛国


与……有许多共同点 住宿费



为某人接风洗尘 为某人饯行 久仰,久闻大名make sb.feel at home a good sense of humor share/exchange my thoughts with share(v)= exchange(v.)exchange(n.)= flow(n.)cultural exchanges a growing number of sth.is on the rise 对象必须使数字

I'd like to hear them.= I'm all ears to it.使某人舒适如归 很有幽默感 与,某人交流看法 交流 交流



呈上升趋势 = sth.is climbing 这里的主语的洗耳恭听

投资flock into = pour into = swarm into 蜂拥而至,纷至沓来等类似的意思 investment destination = investment attractions(热)点 tourist attractions Shanghai and its surrounding areas quadruple triple double ever rising investment fever a growing trend of / a move toward the fastest growing economies economy(n.)apart from the fact that… Chinese central government local governments provincial delegation delegation miion coastal cities US pacific coastal cities interior areas West China focus a lot of attention on


上海及其周边地区 是原来的四倍 是原来的三倍 是原来的二倍




经济大国,经济强国,经济体 此外

中央政府 地方政府



代表团,使命团(政治性的)沿海城市,港口城市 美国沿太平洋港口城市 内地 = China's inland 中国西部

高度重视 = highly value = pay great efforts to = center on = place emphasis on open China up to 开放中国 open China wider 扩大中国的开放 complete opening-up = sufficient opening-up 高度开放 institutional investors

团体投资者,企业投资者individual investors individual personal / private profitable lucrative yield high economic returns yield = reap = achieve preferential policy foreign policy preference follow the policy carry out the policy policy direct foreign investment maximize

个体投资者 侧重个体性 侧重私有性 有利可图的 利润丰厚的 取得高经济回报 优惠政策 对外政策 偏好,喜好 遵守政策

制定政策 实施政策

后有具体关于policy的内容出现,用 在华直接投资 最大程度地发挥 concerning…,governing…,in terms of…连接

maximize the strengths of both parties concerned 最大程度地发挥双方的优势 the actual economic strengths 经济实力 both parties concerned = both parties interested 涉及的)双方

market / improving infrastructure / sound investment environment / sufficient funds / managerial expertise China boasts… 中国有 boast import and export trade imports intend to do = have interest in doing literature at a given time Given… joint ventures solely-foreign funded company

这个“有”表示后面所有的是种优势,财富 进出口贸易 进口产品 有意做某事

(以某一课题为主题的)宣传资料,研究资料 在一个特定的时间 面对着…… 合资企业 外商独资

(所maive land / abundant natural resources / huge cheap iabor / low taxation / growing consumer company through the cooperation between Chinese and foreign parts 中外合资 foreign-funded joint ventures 三资企业(统称)capital funds 资金 machinery

机械management management staff top management jointly run by supervised by take all the benefits as well as risks within the boundary of Chinese laws


管理人员 高层管理

由……共同经营,管理 由……监督管理


在中国法律许可的范围内=under Chinese laws laws and regulations concerning… = laws and regulations governing…

关于(……内容)的法律法规 enlightening 令人豁然开朗的 we'd like sb.To do

expect the early arrival of discu with sb.the poibilities of doing cordle phones mobile phones investment proposal propose a toast to… join in the toast to… seek foreign investment manufacturing industry manufactured products semi-manufactured products your initiative is most welcomed individual initiative initially at one's initial stage the direct result is… economic results convincing expre train welcome aboard embark on the trip get down to the busine conduct research on moderate rate and safe size



与某人讨论一下看看是否有做某事的可能性 无绳电话 移动电话 投资提议

提议为……祝酒 与某人一起为……祝酒 寻求外商投资 生产业 产成品 半成品


个人能动性,主观能动性 一开始,起初

在……起步阶段,初期=at the embryo stage 直接结果是……,直接效果是…… 经济成果,经济回报 很令人信服,很有说服力 快车,直达车

欢迎上车,船,飞机,比喻为欢迎加入 开始……之旅=start 谈正事,言归正传 对……进行调查研究


a good size 适中的规模 a good price 优惠的价格 how much would you share in this partnership? 个合作中你方投资比例占多少?

在这a 50 to 50 distribution in busine management and profits share 公司管理经营和利润分成比例是五五开 be in high demand a 50% domestic marketing market(v.)foreign exchange reserve foreign currency foreign exchange convertible enjoy free convertibility for the rainy day term of partnership start with a 2--year term start with… extend contract expire

a board of directors hold another round of talks on it has been a rewarding day It is said that / I've heard that… car-driven it is not an exaggeration that… observation observe laws which says something about


在国内销售50%的产品 销售 外汇储备 外汇

对外交流 可兑换的 可自由兑换


合作期限,合同期限=term of contract 一开始签一个2年的合同 一开始……做

(合同到期后的)展期,要区别延期 合同到期,届满 董事会


今天是很有收获,很有成就的一天 据说

由汽车驱动的毫不夸张地说=literally 观点,看法 遵守法律

大致说明了……=give a bird's-eye view give a brief introduction of = give a brief introduction of = outline(v.)简介 drive-in bank / restaurant / movie be supposed / expected to do drive under the speed limit a minimum / maximum speed of posted car rental services service service travel agent CNTA tourism = tourist service way of paying = terns of payment

免下车银行…… 应该


标牌所规定的 租车公司

可解释为“公司”,特指服务型公司 如 tourist 旅行社

中国国家旅游管理局 旅游业 付款方式Shanghai office take credit card demand a major credit card 大的信用卡主要指三张卡: 万事达卡 威萨卡


pay a high deposit on their rate is lower(make)special offers long distance coach(company)offer monthly pa regulated price shuttle and commuter flight commuter bus commuter overpopulation cab = taxi cabby = taxi driver telephone directory company listed in Yellow Pages

上海办事处 可以用信用卡 只能用大的信用卡 Master Card


American Expre

他们的区别只是在于加入了不同的货币组织 付很高的押金 他们的收费更低 优惠价 长途巴士 有月票出售 单一票价

穿梭航班 班车,厂车

通勤者,上班族,朝九晚五的人 人口过剩,人口膨胀



在纽company listed on New York Stock Exchange 约股票交易所上市的公司

a listed company = a public-owned company 上市公司 tipping is optional expreway = super highway = freeway highway = main road on a busine trip paenger rail service transfer from subway line I to line 2 an interview with sb.on Nobel prize wining microbiologist AIDS epidemic exert an impact on public health 施

on an international scale nation-wide(a.)

付小费是自愿的 高速

大马路,交通要道 出公差 铁路客运服务

对某人关于……的采访 获得诺贝尔奖的微生物家 艾滋病(的传播)对……产生影响

公共卫生/hygiene 卫生(学)/sanitation卫生设在全世界范围内 在全国范围内a national drive for modernization drive four parts in Chinese modernization undermine countries the middle ages of population carry out the functions of the society homosexual population homosexually transmitted diseases maive educational campaign take a severe risk seriousne / severity(n.)ultimate solution to ultimate purpose objectives(n.)self-defeating(a.)HIV virus AIDS carrier AIDS patients HIV positive be infected with quarantine(v.)futile mandatory testing voluntary and confidential testing traumatic = disturbing drive sb.underground leading cause leading busine play a leading role appropriate better off knowing than not knowing take action to take concrete steps to interpret symptoms plague(v.)conceivable Sino-American US-Chinese busine communication style

……的全民进程,建设 现代化进程,现代化建设 四个现代化 危害国家生计 中年人群


由同性恋传播的疾病 大型的宣传教育活动 冒巨大的风险 严重性

……的最终解决方法 最终目的 目的自暴自弃 艾滋病病毒 艾滋病携带者 艾滋病患者

艾滋病检测呈阳性 感染了…… 隔离


患者自愿的,化验结果保密的化验 令人不安的把某人吓走,赶跑

最主要的原因,最直接的原因 行业领头羊 处于龙头的地位 适合的,可行的 知道比不知道好 采取措施

坚信不移地,脚踏实地地,一步一个胶印地 解释症状,说明症状(象瘟神一样)困扰着 可以想得到的 中美 美中

商务交谈风格 do sth.With pleasure …,as opposed to oppose to socializing(n.)social active agreeable = kind ”get-down-to-busine-first“ mentality






”bottom-up, then top-down and then bottom-up“ decision-making principle decision-making proce decision-makers top management busine practices practices I'd say…=I think

a firm busine relationship advantages = merits = strengths careful planning frustrate a joy of participation and fulfillment a sense of dedication to make sense of sth.a sense of belonging in a community community belonging(n.)gain social importance view sth.as in view of maintain one's position on be recognized by humane(a.)humanitarian(a.)humanitarianism executives time-consuming and nerve-racking membership individual-oriented 成了一个中性词)our entire party Long March

自下而上,自上而下,再自下而上的决策原则 决策环节,决策过程 决策者,决策层 高层(管理者)商务惯例 做法

紧密的,牢固的商务联系 优势


令人感到沮丧,挫败 一种参与的快乐和成就感 一种兢兢业业的奉献精神 使……有意义 一种社会归属感

获得社会的认可 把……视作 鉴于

坚持对于某事的立场,态度 受到……的认可 人道的人道主义精神的 人道主义精神 行政管理者 费时费力的 会员资格

自我为中心的(不再只是贬抑,随着改革开放整个随行团 长征 acquire a keen sense of diversity dynamism under the policy of have a special regard to old and nostalgic home utmost courtesy genuine friendship set on road to take the road to… students in exchange nonethele = however iues of differences resolve differences iues of common interest reach consensus on former government leader the late Mr.… in this context in this case this is not the case non-governmental sectors

切身体会到,强烈感受到 多样性 活力


对……有特殊的情感,敬慕之情 思念的故乡,梦中的故乡 高度的礼貌 诚挚的友情

踏上……的道路,走上……的道路 走……的道路 交流生

分歧 解决分歧 共同关心的问题 对……达成共识 政府前领导人


在……的形势下,在……的环境下 鉴于此

事实并非如此 非政府组织

there's no doubt that = it goes without saying 毋庸置疑 reach a new stage 发展到一个新阶段,达到一个新高度 push to a new stage a new upsurge in commercial ties = trade ties good faith good-will visit flourish / prosper(v.)strategic relations mutual benefits overshadowed by extensive exchanges cradles of civilization originate from + place originate with + people Yellow River Valley] Yangtze River Valley


在……方面掀起新的高潮 商业联系 良好诚意 友好访问 繁荣,昌盛 战略关系 互惠互利

因为……而显得不重要,因为……而黯然失色 广泛的,深入的交流 文明的摇篮,发源地

起源于某地=take one's origin in 由某人开创 黄河流域 长江流域Indus River Valley Your Excellency = You Honor 印度河流域 阁下

会会His / Her Excellency renew old friendship and establish new contacts 老友,结交新友 busine contacts It is absolutely vital that

商业伙伴,商业联系 至关重要……

countries, big or small, strong or weak, should…

国不论大小,强弱…… conduct relations = handle relations 处理关系 regarding the problems of a constant source of encouragement a strong force to… to at one's earliest convenience return(v.)propose a toast to join me in the toast to cheers!in the service of in the name of in the guise of in the interest of in the spirit of be in the persistent pursuit of affirm(v.)make unremitting endeavors in closing last but not least first and foremost 用)

feel privileged to Asian affaires International affaires hereby thereby constructive expand cooperative relations

鉴于……的问题 不断的鼓舞


take the opportunity to = on the occasion of 值此……之际=avail oneself of the opportunity

在某人最方便的时候 回报


与我一同举杯,为了…… 干杯

为了……服务 在……的名义下 假借……的名义 从……的利益出发 本着……的精神

对……坚定不移,对……不懈的追求=不懈的追求 最后 最后

第一(这两个只有在很大的,很正式的场合才感到荣幸做…… 亚洲事物 国际事物 在此 因此

具有建设性 拓展友好合作关系trade bloc GDP GNP foreign trade volume unified tariffs agricultural and fishery policy initially establish initiative(n.)initiator


国内生产总值 国民生产总值 外贸额


农业和渔业政策 初步建立……

主观能动性,积极性 创始者,发起者

enjoy high level of political and economic integration 高度的政治经济一体化 in other words 换言之 before long = soon export market


market(v.)销售 market share 市场份额 have a share in the market = grab the market 占有市场 lag behind


current Euro-Asian economic and trade contacts 现有的亚欧经贸联系 a far cry from meeting demands 远不能满足需求 emerge(v.)出现,形成 emerging(a.)新兴的Asian-pacific Economic Cooperation=APEC 亚太经和组织 European Union via the forum of Given… forge(v)equal partnership witne a rapid rise to prosperity a miraculous rise as… witne witne robust economic zone monetary union alliance = alignment resolve differences on behalf of incomparable hospitality



面对着……=faced with… 牢固建立 平等合作关系

见证了快速崛起到繁荣的整个过程 奇迹般的崛起,成为…… 的用法:年份,时间做主语

做宾语表示在这段时间内发生了…… 活跃的经济区 货币联盟

解决分歧 代表…… 无比盛情pay tribute to conclude in a congenial atmosphere 赞颂,无比感谢


沿着start on different roads leading to the same goal 殊途同归的道路…… restructure(v.)form of government course of development causes = undertakings lofty free of outside interference or domination socio-political system grumble at critics critique(n.)impose sth.on deeply rooted in depth of one's mind well side by side live side by side ae in identical fashion see eye to eye on inconceivable fundamental need for watch with great interest hatred(n)have the vision to envision(v.)foreseeing(a.)This is the hour rise to the heights of greatne gracious remarks eloquent remarks domination = monopoly be destined to on this most beautiful moon-lit evening take time off one's busy schedule traditional Chinese cuisines cuisine cuisine

结构重组 政府形式 发展道路 事业

崇高的不受外界的干涉和统治 社会政治体系

对……满腹牢骚,心存不满 批评家,评论家 批评

把……强加于……上 深深扎根于,在某人心中根深蒂固=plant in the 有充分依据的 和平共处

以同一种模式来衡量 对……意见一致 想不到的最根本的需求

以极大的兴趣关注着 憎恨

有卓越的远见…… 有卓越的远见

有远见的时不我与,时不我待 攀登理想的高峰 热情洋溢的讲话 雄辩的讲话 垄断

必将……,势必……= be to do = will be doing 在这美丽无比的明月当空的夜晚 拨冗参加

中国传统佳肴 区别于food style

代表一个国家的,并非地方的 French cuisine Italy cuisine authentic in an easy way = in a le formal way in one way wish you good health wish you a happy new year wish you all the best taste to one's heart content well-decorated hall pragmatic 性质

community service Shanghai Municipal Government

法国大餐 意大利菜肴

正宗的,原汁原味的,传统的 以一种轻松的方式

在一方面,从某种程度上说 祝身体健康 祝新年快乐 祝万事如意 尽心品尝


务实的(指的是态度)区别与practical 指的是社区服务 上海市政府

Community Social Workers Aociation 社区工作者协会

people from various circles = all walks of life 各行各业 关于“……业,界,圈”用 field 侧重领域 profeion busine industry our warm welcome also goes to socialist market economy social welfare benefits benefits是各

公司,企业内部订的,有所不同 security system transformation of governmental functions undertake(v.)undertakings = courses career moves macro-management macro-management measures close collaboration join hands to concerted efforts division of responsibility emerge an iue accumulate much experience




我们同时也热烈欢迎…… 社会主义市场经济


福利,区别与welfare, welfare是国家统一的,安全体系 政府职能的转换 从事于…… 事业 职业生涯 宏观调控 宏观调控措施

紧密协作=work in concert = pull together =


一个问题产生了=an iue surfaced 积累经验in this regard merit reference and study is bound for abundant achievement in a friendly manner 在这方面

值得借鉴和学习 必将,势必……


以友好的方式;此处的manner = way = fashion in a step-by-step fashion 循序渐进的,逐步的 exchange views on

对于……问题交流看法 inter-continental exchanges


a pioneering endeavor of historic significance 具有历史性的开创性的努力 widely-shared desire of 共同的愿望 profound changes


a growing trend toward multi-polarity 多极化发展的趋势

have a positive impact on 对……产生积极的影响 the shaping of new world pattern 新世界格局的形成 call for

号召,呼吁,呼声 new methodology

新方法(论)look back on the past experiences


seek common ground while shelving differences 求同存异 eliminate trade discrimination against 消除对……的贸易歧视 eliminate

还可解释为“淘汰” oppose(v.)


imposition of trade sanction 强加的贸易制裁 we on our part 作为我们这一方 EU integration 欧盟一体化

demonstrate openne 主持公道

uphold justice

主持公道,高举正义的旗帜 formulate a set of related laws 制定一系列相关的法律 make positive contributions to 对……做出积极的贡献 oriented toward new century 面向新世纪

internationally-oriented 面向国际的,朝国际定位的 shape a splendid future 创造美好的未来 heartfelt thanks


Royal Government of the Kingdom of Thailand 国政府

the lecture is for beginners 普及性讲座 make a profit on

靠……赚钱 an increase in stock's price 股票价格上涨 stock's price


泰王 a stock is an ownership share in a busine ownership have stock holdings trade on the New York Stock Exchange trade shares

股票是对一个公司的所以权的拥有 所有权 拥有股份

在纽约股票交易所交易 交易股票

stock trades 股票交易 publicly owned company = listed company 上市公司 stockbroker 股票经纪人 dealer bull market bear market short-term trading day trading stock indexes The Dow Jones Industrial Average The NASDAQ Composite Index have a large share in the market have the greatest demand my demand is bulk raise money = collect money champagne sampling party eponymous drink be akin to unique flavor

交易员 牛市


(股票)短期交易(股票)日交易 股票指数

道琼斯工业平均指数 纳斯达克综合指数

在市场上占有很大份额 对……需求很大 我的需求量很大 筹款


与……地方齐名的 与……极其相似 独特的口味

any car can do the trick, but some cars are about more than just getting there 任何车都可以开,但有些车是不仅仅只为了开的painstaking proce take a legal minimum of 15 months it's a wonderful thought that the ultimate drink non-vintage(a.)match…with go especially with oily, richer dishes delicate vegetable tastes boil down to one thing is nothing but = very much is anything but = not at all

整个过程很费心思 按规矩至少要15个月 一想到……就感到非常好 极品饮料 非上等品的 把……搭配在一起 与……相得益彰

油腻的,口味重的菜 精致的清谈的蔬菜 千言万语归结为一点feel free to candlelit dinner 尽情…… 烛光晚餐

look in the Yellow pages under Motel or Lodging exceptionally tall people exceptionally ads in any case mountain resort skiing resort honeymoon resort summer resort resort hotels single bed twin bed double bed queen size bed king size bed ”long boy“ waterbed hide-a-bed rollaway bed camping campground camping park trailer fold out fold up cathedral lay the first stone in the presence of sb.attend services be shaped like a cro shape shape new international pattern bell tower celebrate sb.educational programs grocery market

在黄页中查旅馆,住宿这一栏 特别高的人 格外地,特别地 广告

不管怎样 避暑山庄 滑雪胜地 蜜月旅行胜地 避暑胜地 度假地宾馆 单人床 对床 双人床 大号床 加阔的床 加长的床 水床 暗床 折叠床


露营地,野营地 露营公园,野营公园 房车 展开 折叠起来


在某人的出席下,在某人的注视下(宗)做礼拜,出席宗教仪式 造成十字的样子 做v.形成形成新世界格局 钟楼,塔楼 为了纪念某人

教育计划,教育活动 菜市场

be well stocked with be well stocked with fish and meat quantitative and qualitative differences indispensable Dragon Boat Festival Dragon boat races Mid-autumn festival View the full moon a symbol for completene family reunion on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month lunar calendar solar calendar be celebrated in memory of Qu Yuan glutinous rice sacrificial offerings = sacrifices perform sacrifices pray for country's prosperity offer sacrifices to Heaven and Earth departed soul by extension traditional favorites customarily

有……充足的备货 鱼肉满架

数量和质量上的区别 不可或缺的 端午节 赛龙舟 中秋节 赏月 团圆的象征 家庭聚会 阴历五月初五 阴历 阳历

为了纪念屈原 糯米 祭祀品

进行祭祀(仪式)为祖国的繁荣祈福 祭天拜地


进一步象征着……,其比喻意是 传统美味佳肴 按习惯……

lavishly consuming food and drinking = serious cooking and delighted eating

大吃大喝 niangao / babaofan / zongzi / dumpling be homonymous with busine operation cro-regional cro-trade cro-ownership integrate

同音异意的,双关的商务行为,商务活动,商务操作 跨地区的 跨行业的 跨所有制的 融……于一体

entertainment attractions = recreational attraction 娱乐休闲场所 hub 活动中心 entertainment facility concourse Sino-Australian shanghai-Hong Kong jointly-funded

娱乐设施 娱乐总汇 中澳 沪港合资的textile manufacturing company limited Co, Ltd.Inc.combined capital aets annual turnover subordinate to =affiliated to CNTA scope of busine ranges over = covers in-and-out-bound travel ticket booking take pride in = boast boast enjoy

state-certified proficient in Cantonese Mandarine a fleet of taxies airline ticket office work under the principles of all-round service consultancy service service investigation tour handicraft products tender invitation projects cordially head office = headquarters distribution establishment establishment predeceor succeor International Pre Bureau Branch bureau senior editor equipment for composition printing and distribution plate-making

纺织生产有限公司 有限公司

公司 =incorporation(合资)总资产 年销售额

附属于”=under… 中国国家旅游管理局 经营范围

覆盖了,包括了,涉及了 出入境游



国家认可的,有国家资质的精通于,擅长……=with excellence in 广东话,广东人。广东的 普通话 出租车队



全方位服务,一条龙服务 咨询服务(公司)

可以解释成(服务型)公司 考察旅行 手工艺品 招标 竭诚的 总部 发行社


前身是或用used to be的结构表示 继任者,继承人 国际新闻局 分局 高级主编 排版 发行

制版 printing house children's books tour guidebooks port-of-entry provide proce to 到

China's acce to the TWO slides audio and video tapes video compact disk laser disks nothing compares so well with date back to

envoy of the royal court envoy of friendship thoroughfare the route traversed Shaanxi province the Silk Road Tour Iraq / Syria / Mediterranean originate from…,end at…

印刷厂 儿童读物 旅游指南


提供……的途径,让人体会到,领略到,接触中国入世 幻灯片 音像制品

VCD 激光视盘

表示最高最好的程度 追溯到 朝廷的使者 友谊的使者 通商大道 旅游线路 穿越陕西省 丝绸之路游


中国Hexi Corridor / Tarim Basin / Pamir mountain region / Dunhuang / Turpan Afghanistan/Iran / gunpowder / paper making / printing / compa 四大发明 via Buddhism Buddhist Islam Islamite the wealth of Confucianism Confucius Confucian Taoism Taoist(a.,n.)cucumber pomegranate a wealth of historical relics fascinating scenery ethnic minority = ethnic groups

取道…… 佛教 佛教徒 伊斯兰教 伊斯兰教徒 儒教的丰富内涵 孔子

孔子信徒 道教 道教徒 黄瓜


丰富的历史遗址 迷人风景 少数民族scatter along the route exotic folklore 天方夜谭

superior workmanship local delicacies leave sweet memories to caring unacceptable burden


具有异域风情的民间传说,“天方夜谭” Arabian nights 高超的手工艺 地方风味小吃 留下美好的回忆 有爱心的 不堪重负

be least receptive to learning = at one's least receptive 在某人最不适合学习的时候 penalties death sentence secondary school a wide range of be labeled as failures take the wrong course be ruined ruins remove the preure 13 onwards children 13 and 14year-olds the voice of children is rarely heard sb.have no voice in all too often I'm deeply convinced that… end up as a failure motion sit exams compulsory system authorities at the tender age of examination and selection denounce(v)the sex role of misleading advertisements commercials

heavily advertised products sex sexuality

惩罚 死刑 中学

很多的,广泛的 被认为是失败者 选错课,误入歧途 被毁了 废墟


13岁以上的孩子 13,14岁的孩子

孩子们的呼声永远听不见 某人对某事没有发言权 司空见惯

我对……深信不疑 以失败而告终 提议 参加考试 义务制

当局,权威部门,政府部门 在……的小小年纪 考试与选拔制 公开指责,谴责


特指电视,电台以外的所有广告 特指电视,电台里的广告 广告大肆渲染的东西 性(别)

性(行为,能力)adolescents vulnerable take advantage of insecurity and anxiety in the guise of designer jeans and sneakers convey convey my greetings to femininity masculinity pervasive conventional beauty conventional traditional conventional conform to this norm an ideal artificial image cosmetics manipulate be conditioned to do ironically lay emphasis on mature maturity(n.)immature

immaturene(n.)Wine and judgement mature with age.be placed in a double bind taboo naïve

naivety(n.)seductive virginal be depicted by the worst victim wrinkle blemish go to great length to do detrimental = harmful write a new chapter for go forward hand-in-hand


易受到伤害的 利用

感到不安全感和一种渴望感 假借……的名义 名牌牛仔裤和运动鞋 传达

向某人传达我的问候 女性特质,女子气 男子气概

普遍深入的,流行的 传统的美

区别 traditional

本身就是一种大家一致认可的传统 只是想法,做法上的多数人的习惯性而已 符号这种标准 一种理想 人为的形象 化装品

巧妙地处理,假造 受到……的制约 具有讽刺意味着 重视,看重

酒老味醇,人老识深 受到双重要求的束缚 禁忌,忌语

引诱人的,妖媚的 处女般的,纯洁的 由……所要求的 最大的受害者 皱纹



抒写新的篇章,掀开新的一页 携手共进 ideology hold forth on = dwell on sth minimize


评说,固执己见地强调 将……最小化,弱化,轻视

closed-door past 闭关锁国的过去

we live at nearly opposite ends of the world 我们之间远隔千山万水=we live with a distance of thousands of miles between us personal fulfillment from our roots = from the very beginning deeply-rooted the root reason a body of laws = a set of laws enjoy liberty draw tremendous power from draw on the leon from draw on the fruit from heart and soul go to the heart of then a former president industrious frugal

crackle with the dynamics of change our pacific neighbors countrymen / compatriots / fellow citizen carry a two-way flow take the road to…

enterprises / undertakings / causes courses lofty build up bonds of shared optimism peimism break down barriers of suspicion / mistrust entrust sb.With mighty salute = pay tribute to attribute to revere elders institution

个人成就 从一开始 根深蒂固的 最根本的原因


从……中吸取巨大的力量 从……中吸取教训

从……中吸取成果 全心全意地

正中……的核心,恰如其分地说明了 那是的前任总统 勤勉的节俭的突飞猛进,日新月异 我们的太平洋邻国

同胞,国人 进行双向的交流 走……的道路 事业

课程,路线 崇高的建立纽带,联系

共有的乐观(主义,精神)悲观(主义)排除……的障碍 猜忌,怀疑,不信任 赋予某人…… 万能的,神圣的 歌颂,赞扬 把……归因于 尊老 机构、制度 distinctly distinctive, distinguished dwell on history beckons again institutions = schemes




历史再一次在招呼我们 制度

transfer of authority 政权的交接 oath 誓言

affirm old tradition and make new beginnings 继往开来=a new world that becomes a friend and liberator of the old affirm dignity affirm to do liberator slave-holding society an unfolding promise enact the promise commit to one's promise commit oneself to do hidden prejudice at its best

维护尊严 坚持不懈做…… 解放者


展现在人们面前的一个诺言 履行诺言

坚守诺言=stick to commitments 致力于做…… 潜在的偏见


encourage responsibility is not a search for scapegoats 鼓励人们承担责任并非是找替罪羊 a call to conscience 对良知的呼唤 fullne of life democracy democrat seek a common good a nation of character hold beliefs no wrong can stand against it yield to renew the purpose uncounted unhonored acts of decency civic duty family bonds a saint of our times flawed and fallible people flawle a power

生活的圆满,成功,得志,充实 民主主义,民主制 民主党人


有高尚道德行为的国家 坚持信念

没有任何邪恶可以与之较量 屈服于…… 重申这个宗旨 无数的默默无闻的高尚行为 公民职责 家庭纽带

我们这个时代的一位圣人 有缺点的,容易犯错的人们 完美无缺的 一个强国,大国in a broad sense material culture spiritual culture observable implicit = abstract implication manifestation manifest, demonstrate

从广义上说 物质文化 精神文化

具体,可见的,形象的 抽象的,含蓄的寓意,含义 表明,阐述


注意两者的区别:manifest 用言论表明

demonstrate 用行动表明 etiquette patterns 礼仪规范 broadened views 广阔的视野 geographic location 地理位置 geological accidents 地质运动 unfamiliar 陌生的appropriate

合适的,适合的 be confronted with 面对着

a dual task

双重的任务 precede from = start from 从……出发

in the proce of


basic national policy 基本国策 modernization program = modernization drive 化建设,现代化进程

carry out campaigns for

开展……的运动 pollution prevention and treatment 污染的防治 ecological environmental protection


achieve a sustained average annual growth of 年平均持续增长率 end-results 归宿,最终结果 endeavor

努力 make great efforts to

fulfill obligations 履行义务

give full expreion to

充分表明了,很好地说明了 sincerity and determination 诚意和决心 sustainable development strategy 可持续发展战略 legal and administrative systems 法律行政制度

comprehensively work on 对……的综合治理 urban / rural environment 城市、农村环境 territorial control 国土控管 on a large scale 在大范围内 protect vegetation


现代 return cultivated land to forests or pastures close off hillsides to facilitate afforestation 推广环保知识

raise people's awarene of environmental ethics code of conduct take vigorous action to

退耕还林还草 封山绿化

普及,popularize environmental protection knowledge

提高人们对……的意识 环境意识,环境道德 行为准则


there's a grand task to perform and a long way to go 任重道远 human survival as usual coordinate

(v.)likewise socialist market economy change in the proce of reform surface(v.)= emerge population aging obstruct(v.)sound development of health care system benefits system industrial restructuring place a stricter restriction on place a stricter requirement on the increasing demand of service sector at home and abroad migrant workers migrant into city immigrant employment prospect overall improvement pose a grave threat to the relative growth of divorce rate a lower rate one-child policy a growing concern for

人类生存 一如既往 协调 同样的社会主义市场经济 在改革中改变 出现,形成 人口老龄化

阻碍,限制,束缚 ……的健康发展 医保制 福利制


对……加以更严格的限制 对……提出更高的要求


服务行业,第三产业 =tertiary industry 海内外的 名工 移入 移出,侨民 就业前景 总体提高

对……产生严重威胁 ……的相对增长



独身子女政策=family planning 越来越关注……traditional virtues money worship and obseion urbanization the only way out perpetually changing entail opportunity world economic integration practice martial art the best martial artist body-building nation-building ancient form of combat thrilling get in on the action yourself available any time upon request with unique skills

this is the place for you we are here for you at excellent prices acrobatics well-stocked mutually unintelligible be intimately familiar with approach problems finite infinite in an arbitrary fashion linguistic knowledge linguistic competence novel(a.)generate regenerate the regeneration of body iues well-formed comprise complexity mammalian neurons cell

传统美德 拜金主义 城市化 唯一的出路 不断变化的 孕藏着机遇

世界经济一体化 习武 武林高手 健身



扣人心弦的,激动人心的 亲身体验,身临其境 随叫随到 身怀绝技

这是适合你的地方 我们愿意为您效劳 价格优惠



互相不可理解的,相互听不懂的 非常熟悉…… 解决问题 有限的无限的以一种任意的方式 语言知识

语言能力=linguistic performance 新颖独特的 产生 再生

人体组织的再生 组织有序的 由……组成 复杂性

哺乳动物(的)神经原 细胞 stem cell gene genome interconnected vastly complicated network intricacy intricated(a.)on-off device be programmed to do develop potential(n.)potentiality be equivalent to 水平,等级相同 duplicate duplication(n.)a point of concern biological revolution biomedical technology be simulated by implanted electrodes implantation modification hormone startling accurate posthuman stage continuity a devil's bargain mental capacity blur the lime between with freedom from scenario plastic(a.)plastic surgery psychotropic drugs trait self-esteem stolid vivacious introspective

干细胞 基因 基因组

互相联系的一张极其复杂的网络 错综复杂


按所编的程序做……,注定…… 发挥潜力=potentialities


等同于(特指性质相同)区别于 复制

复制,副本 关注点,焦点 生物革命 生物化学技术 由……假冒的 植入的电报 移植



非常地精确,令人诧异地精确 后人类时代


魔鬼的交易,不道德的交易 脑力

混淆……与……的界限 不受……的影响,没有…… 情况,表现形式 可塑的 整容手术

作用于精神的药物 特征,特性


僵硬的,顽固的,守旧的 活泼的灵活的 内向的27


introverts extrovertive extroverts regenerate tiue Alzheimer's dementia human aging population aging mentally rigid screen embryos at the embryo stage of optimize doesn't live up to physical endurance resistance to disease human genetic engineering emotional sensitivity manipulate behavior the medical profeion unequivocally a good thing unequivocally

debility be in vegetative stage vegetable make sense of

neurological disease waste away the likelihood of come down with develop +疾病 life expectancy caretakers imperative foreign exchange rate have the edge on sb a wide coverage of breaking news proprietary knowledge profit margin market player

内向的人 外向的 外向的人


阿尔茨海默病,早老性痴呆症 痴呆(医)人类的衰老 人口老龄化 思想僵化,顽固的 筛选胚胎

在……萌芽时期,在……的初期 优化 辜负 体力,耐力 抗病能力

人类基因工程 情感敏感性

控制自己的行为,修饰自己的行为 医学界



衰弱,能力的减退,能力的丧失 植物人状态,植物人(医学)植物人(冒犯)使……有意义 神经(系统疾)病 衰退,丧失 ……的可能性(最终)患上……病 得……病 寿命,生命周期 护理人员

势在必行的,不可避免的=it must…外汇兑换率

比某人更有优势,胜过某人 导致行情下跌的新闻的覆盖面很广 有所属权的知识 利润率 市场玩家

electronic dealing with the presence of sb a boom in your attendance is most welcome addre on culture clashes fusion present / put forward post-Cold War confrontation ideology be concerned about Confucian / Islamic countries friction imitate make people awaken integrate the merits of stubborn diseases exceive violence self-discipline pacific a sense of corporate responsibility clear-cut complementary swell the torrent of situation-dependent Chinese calligraphy


在某人的出席下,在某人在场下 发达,增加,兴旺,快速发展 欢迎届时光临

以……为题发表演讲 文化冲突 融和

提出(见解,理论)后冷战 对抗

信奉儒教和伊斯兰教的国家 摩擦



集……的优点之大成的 顽疾

过度的暴力行为 自我约束 温厚儒雅的

泾渭分明的 互补的 推波助澜 受到场合的约束 中国书法

any mountain can be famous with the presence of an immortal 山不在高,有仙则名 any river can be famous with the presence of a dragon 水不在深,有龙则灵 inscriptions on tortoise shells or bones 甲骨(铭)文 inscriptions on tortoise shells or bones bronze wares seal character official character regular script running script cursive script

铭文 青铜器 篆书 隶书 楷书 行书 草书pictograph inscribed stone tablets horizontal inscribed board

象形字 石刻碑文 匾额

couplets written scrolls hung on the pillars of halls Confucius' Temple at Qufu the Dai Temple at Mt.Tai residential development community residential district committee the Ministry of Civil Administration popularize

advance / progre in a vigorous manner outline of 10th Five-year plan outline of long-range objectives for 2010 deficiency none governmental sectors at appropriate time / timely academic report have a late start entrepreneurial culture entrepreneurship New economy outfit the exception rather than the rule an army of = a group of academics and consultants hold sth.Up as reward aggreive strategy abolish A, in favor of B a paragon a paragon of management management virtue paramount performance stodgy if only that were true tumble down gain acclaim take individual initiative

厅堂卷轴对联 曲阜孔庙 泰山岱庙 小区 社区

街道委员会 民政部 推广

蓬勃展开 十五计划

2010年远景目标纲要 不足(之处)非政府组织 切合时宜 学术报告

起步较晚 企业文化

企业家才能,企业家精神 新经济

装置,体系 = organization 是很罕见的例子,及个别的现象


把……奉为……,推崇为=reward = in favor of 推崇进取性战略 废除A,推崇B 典范,模范 管理典范 管理功效

突出表现,业绩出众 平庸的可惜这一切不是真的 栽跟头 受到青睐


coupled with = together with unethical means give too much leeway to aume Enron CEO recruit tradition-bound seniority-based highly leveraged compensation undergraduates graduates = grads post graduates run loose without supervision make the numbers sth.was ripe for the environment was ripe for abuse a runaway train draw on the leon from culture and leadership leon slow-moving nimble= flexible transformation core values a utility alleged corruption at the top earning growth

shocking absence of corporate checks and balances increasingly rely on minimize failures maximize individual authority grant A to B offer cash bonuses offer stock options loose and tight environment sth.edge into chaos flourish in(v.)= boom in boom(n)= flourishing the preure is overwhelming overwhelming


不道德的手段 给予太多的余地 担任安然公司的CEO 招募

受到传统束缚的 由资力决定的更有激励性的分配制度 本科在读生 本科毕业生


管理松懈=hands--off management 作假帐


这环境成了为所欲为的温床 脱缰的野马


有关文化和领导方面的教训 动作迟缓的灵活的(公司的)转型,变革 核心理念


高层所谓的(无充分证据的断言)腐败收益上的增长 严重缺乏……

公司制约和平衡机制 越来越依赖于

使失败可能性降到最小 最大程度发挥个人权利 把A授予,奖励给B 现金奖励 奖励公司股票 张驰有度的氛围 渐渐陷入混乱 兴旺,繁荣


corporate bonds equities capital appreciation = capital growth interest = saving rate borrowing cost cash deposits in a nutshell = in general diversification diversification in investment fall somewhere between the two extremes opt for in an event of a default creditor credit rating agency credit worthine entities iuing bonds liquidity secondary market be well suited to an alternative to sth carry more risks than cupon payment relatively low yield immediate yield it is noteworthy that bygone age epoch-making would-be genius exalt stigma never-say-die start-ups high flyers venture capitalists dot.com millionaires support staff first pot of gold more weight is given to track record

公司债劵 股票 利润增长 贮蓄利率 贷款成本 现金存款

多样性 多元化投资 介于两者之间


当公司无法偿付时,在违约情况下 债权人 信用评级机构 信用等级

发放债劵的公司实体 资金变现能力

二级市场(各类有价证劵交易变现的市场)很对某人的胃口 某样东西的替代品 比……更具风险性 息票支付 相对低的收益 眼前收益 值得注意的是 过去的年代 划时代的 明日天才 赞颂 耻辱 永不言败 创业者

出类拔萃者,佼佼者 风险投资家 网络百万富翁 后勤员工 第一桶金 更注重于 成长历程

multiracial society proliferation nuclear weapon proliferation disillusioned setbacks maintain the cutting-edge in science a cut edge patent laws in an open letter be patented patenting busine models the public domain one-click purchasing option lobby mimic allegedly abuse with the advent of online bookseller Amazon-dot-com 金融业 业: service 发展趋势

有一个……的趋势 特殊的 历史地位 有优势的 地理位置 地质的地质运动、地貌变化 上世纪三十年代 曾是……

鉴于,基于,归功于 经济实力

强劲的,蓬勃的,蒸蒸日上的 已成定局,必将…… 决策层,决策者 决策

已故的…… 已……为领导

多种族社会 激增,扩散


在科学领域中保持前沿地位 一把利器,一把双刃刀 专利法

在一封公开信中 受到专利保护的给予专利保护的经营模式 公众领域

鼠标一次点击购物法 游说


所谓的无充分依据的滥用 随着……的出现 网上图书经销商亚马逊 financial industry

industry, busine, profeion, field, circle, development trend a move toward… distinct

historical position superior

geographic location geological

geological accidents back in the 1930's

was then…

thanks to, in view of, owning to, given actual economic strength vigorous

it is inevitable that, inevitably decision maker decision-making the late… with…as the leader

已……为主体 与……并存 中央银行 中国人民银行 比较健全的 外资金融机构 财务公司 抢滩上海 代表处 迄今为止 具有一定规模 具有相当影响 证劵市场 外汇市场 贴现市场

金银买卖市场 黄金市场


辐射全国,影响深远 综合国力

在更高层次上 全面拓展


由……制定的蓝图 上海市政府 把……基本建设成 全天候交易

人民币实行自由兑换 明确提出 金融家 企业家 黄金宝地

First Annual Conference Boao Forum profound culture great tolerance take shape make some observations early launch of negotiation

with…as the main body with…developing together Central Bank

People's Bank of China

comparatively / relatively complete

foreign-funded financial institutions financial companies

swarm in, trying to secure a place in Shanghai representative offices by now

with a fair size

with a quite strong influence securities market foreign exchange market discount market

bullion trading market gold market

attract the widest attention, impreive

radiate its profound influence acro the country comprehensive national strength at a higher level

over-all development in an all-round manner blueprint drawn by

Shanghai Municipal Government sth.primarily grow to 24-hour trading operation RMB enjoys free convertibility explicitly state financiers


treasured placed, preferred place, cherished 第一届年会 博鳌论坛

博大精深的文化 宽大的胸襟 成形,形成做出评论,发表看法 进行早日的谈判

ASEAN insightful views make contacts for the sake of reinforce sub-Asia cooperation pan-Asia cooperation consolidate facilitate open broader horizon self-reclusive exclusive groups ASEM unswerving pursuit open the door wider to honor our WTO commitments lower tariffs remove non-tariff barriers transparent transpancy(n.)“going global” strategy multiple ownership


独到的见解 进行接洽 为了…… 加强 次区域合作 泛亚合作 加强,巩固 促进

打开更广阔的领域 自我封闭的,闭塞的 排他性集团 亚欧会议 不懈的追求


坚守我们的入世誓言 降低关税 去除非关税壁垒 透明的

走出去战略 多种所有制

laws and regulations concerning / governing 有关……的法律法制 legitimate rights 合法的权利 legal right lawful right national economy export-oriented application examination and selection approval certificate of approval cancel busine license authorized by

与法律一致的权利 法律赋予的权利 国民经济 外向型 申请 审核 批准 许可证 吊销营业执照 由……授权的industry and commerce administrative authorities

工商行政管理部门 status of legal entity 法人的地位 merger(企业的)合并 separation



dismial remuneration welfare benefits trade union conduct independent accounting set up account books submit the accounting statements enjoy preferential treatment tax reduction or exemption income tax refund remit abroad profits liquidation nullify registration chronological change distinguish A from B

雇佣 解雇 报酬



建立会计帐务制度 递交会计报表 享有优惠待遇 减免税

收入所得税 资金的返还

把利润所得汇往海外 企业的清算 取消注册 年代的更新 区分A与 B revamp the structures / systems / mechanisms 更新结构,制度,机制 readjust relationships 更新关系 update philosophies trade liberalization give full regard to economically disadvantaged county at a disadvantage conducive = helpful / conductive allocate world resources productive force

更新思想 贸易解放 充分考虑到

经济上处于劣势的国家 处于劣势的 传导的,导电的 世界资源的分配,配置 生产力

sharpen the polarization between the rich and the poor 扩大贫富两级的分化 opt for carry forward the spirit of score tremendous achievements a well-to-do society advance with the times

弘扬……的精神 取得巨大的成功 小康社会 与时俱进

comply with universally acknowledged rules concerning / governing 符号全球一致公认的关于……的原则 implement 制定 multi-directional and multi-level opening-up in a wide range of areas 全方位,多层次,宽领域的对外开放

irritable alternate alternative(n.)/ substitute(n.)slow-weave sleep rhythm bone whistle phonograph phonogram turntable ma-produced mono enthusiastic listener to music realistic reproduction of music high fidelity hi-fi stereo system compact caette magnetic tape compact disk digital format digital audio tape mutually incompatible obsolete transistor pea plant mate ethical Mendal bold ideas microcircuit perception cortex wrinkled mantle neurological development cognitive ability symmetrical asymmetric left hemisphere perceptual skill

易怒的 交替改变 替代物 慢波睡眠 节奏

骨哨 留声机

留声机的唱片 留声机

大批量生产的 单声道的音乐的狂热爱好者 音乐的真实再现 高保真

高保真立体环绕系统 盒式磁带 磁带 CD

数码模式 数码音带 互不兼容的过时的,陈旧的 晶体管 豌豆秧 交配 道德的 孟德尔 大胆的想法 微电路

感知,感觉,理解 大脑皮层 褶皱的 覆盖物

神经(系统)的发展 认知能力 对称的 不对称的左半球,左脑 感知技能

melody paralysis crucial reasoning intricate(a.)intricacy(n.)the dim uncertainty of prehistory be traced back to the same root Chinese ancestors profound

oracular writing system sub-tropical / temperate climatic zone carry infection / malaria Guinne Book of Records man's oldest and deadliest insect enemy the Stone Age proceed the vicious cycle of develop resistance to can't breed feed on blood chopsticks meat and vegetable bamboo / jade / ivory artistic table manners menacing suckling pig roast Beijing duck sliced mutton barbecue Mongolian fire pot spicy and hot bean curd abalone hot and sour soup shark fin Yangchow fried rice porridge cold noodles noodles with fried brown sauce paste

旋律 瘫痪 至关重要的 推理


史前的混沌期 同宗同源 华夏祖先 源远流长 神喻圣言 书写体系 亚热带 /温带 携带传染病菌


人类的宿敌以及最致命的敌人 石器时代

进入一个周而复始的恶圈 产生免疫力 无生殖能力的 嗜血为生


竹子/玉石/象牙 有艺术性的用餐规矩

威胁的,虎视耽耽的,咄咄逼人的乳猪 北京烤鸭 羊肉串 刷羊肉 麻婆豆腐 鲍鱼 酸辣汤 鱼翅 扬州炒饭 粥 冷面 炸酱面

macaroni steamed bun filled with roast pork spring roll

通心粉 叉烧包 春卷

pan-fried cake with sesame seeds and green onion fried twisted stick pan-fried dumpling steamed bread glutinous rice dumpling in soup steamed meat dumpling champagne yellow rice wine white liquor mineral water jasmine tea chrysanthemum tea civet durian Hami muskmelon = cantaloupe lychee mango kiwi fruit fig Lazy Susan stir-frying quick-frying deep-frying pan-frying steaming braising with soy sauce house-special Japanese Sake 葱油饼 油条 锅贴 馒头 汤团

小笼包子 香槟

黄酒,花雕酒 白酒 矿泉水

花茶,茉莉花茶菊花茶 榴莲 哈密瓜 荔枝 芒果 猕猴桃 无花果 餐桌圆转盘 煸炒 爆 炸

煎 清蒸 红烧 招牌菜 日本清酒


第二单元接待口译 Interpreting for Reception Service 2-1 机场迎宾 Greeting at the Airport 人力资源部经理:manager of Human Resources.Top-notch: 顶尖的 能够成行:mak......




中高级口译常用词汇、短语、和高频句型(二) Bryan 一、高频词汇、短语平均寿命、平均预期the average life span/the average life expectancy 寿命人口爆炸population explos......


新东方口译:http://edu.21cn.com/kcnet440/1 上海中级口译常用词汇汇总A abbey修道院abide坚持,遵守,忍受abolish废除,废止(法律、制度等) abound富于,大量存在 abuse辱骂,滥用acco......



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