江苏省南京市旭东中学七年级英语上册《7A Unit 1 This is me》Grammar教学案_南京求真中学英语

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江苏省南京市旭东中学七年级英语上册《7A Unit 1 This is me》Grammar教学案由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“南京求真中学英语”。

《7A Unit 1 This is me》Grammar教学案

Ⅰ.Teaching Objectives:

1.Ask students to make positive and negative statements and ask questions with the verb ‘to be’

2.Ask students to use the simple present tense to talk about things that are always true,things that are true now and things that we do regularly.3.Ask students to master some new words and phrases.Ⅱ.Teaching important point: How to master and use the simple present tense? Ⅲ.Teaching Aids: Multimedia and a blackboard Ⅳ.Teaching procedures Step 1.Organize teaching Ask Ss to answer some questions.Step 2.Review and check up Ask students to do some exercises.Explain simple present tense of the verb ‘to be’

Step 3.New material──Simple present tense of the verb ‘to be’ 1.Go through the tables with students.Point out the contractions.2.Ask students to read the sentences on their own.Then do some exercisees and check answers.3.Go through the tables with students.4.Ask students to do some exercises and check answers.5.Ask students to complete Part E on P11 of SB Then check the answers.Step 4.Gue the new words and master language points.According to the context,learn the new words,and ask students to maser language points.Step 5.New material──Simple present tense of the verb ‘to do’

1.Tell students that we use the simple present tense to talk about things that ●are always true ●are true now ●we do regularly(habits,jobs,school work,etc.)2.Ask students to complete Part A on their own.Ask several students to read out their answers.Check for correct pronunciation.3.Ask students to go through the table with students.Ask students to master verb form changes for the simple present tense in the third person singular.4.Ask students to do some exercises.5.Ask students to master how to make positive and negative sentences in the simple present tense like this.6.Ask students to complete Part B of P9 on their own.Then check the answers.7.Ask students to do some exercise and check the answers.Step 6.Practise 1

1.Ask students to complete Part C of P10.Ask students to read the sentences and check the answers.2.Ask students to complete Part F of P11.Then ask students to read the text and check the answers.Step 7.Gue the new words and language points.Ask students to read the new words and master language points.Step 8.Practise 1.Ask students to do some exercises.2.Ask students do some translations.Step 9.Make a conclusion Step 10.Homework Finish Exercise

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《江苏省南京市旭东中学七年级英语上册《7A Unit 1 This is me》Grammar教学案.docx》
江苏省南京市旭东中学七年级英语上册《7A Unit 1 This is me》Grammar教学案
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