christmas 凯傲集团圣诞祝贺_常用圣诞节祝贺词
christmas 凯傲集团圣诞祝贺由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“常用圣诞节祝贺词”。
Christmas Chatmail from the KION Executive Board
Dear colleagues,亲爱的同事们:
The one thing that stands out as we look back on 2010 as the year comes to an end, is that the material handling market is undergoing a maive change.The principles that held true before the crisis are now of limited value.Economic cycles are getting shorter and the performance of the global economy in general is increasingly affected by uncertainty.在2010年即将结束之际,我们回顾过去的一年,特别引人注目的就是物料搬运市场正经历着一场巨大的变化。在经济危机之前适用的原则现在却价值有限。经济周期变得越来越来短,全球经济的表现总体上越来越明显地受到不确定性的影响。
The one thing we know for certain though, is that we as Linde MH, Linde Hydraulics, STILL, OM or Baoli employees – and therefore as KION employees-poe the strengths needed to succeed in a maively changing environment.We also managed it in 2010.All markets – in Europe as well as in the Americas and Asia – have succeeded in generating higher unit sales overall.All of KION’s brand companies have benefited from this upturn and have beaten the targets they were set.但有一件事情我们可以确定,那就是我们作为林德物料搬运,林德液压,STILL, OM 或者是宝骊的员工,同时作为凯傲的员工,具备能够在这种变化巨大的环境下取得成功的能力。我们也成功地在2010年实现这一点。在包括欧洲,美洲以及亚洲在内的所有市场,我们总体上都成功地实现了更高的销售额。凯傲集团的所有品牌公司都在这次的经济好转中获利,并超额完成各自设定的目标。
However, this should not distract us from the fact that we still have structural problems to contend with.The pace of growth in the emerging markets is causing the most fundamental, permanent shift in market structures.Our main market in Western Europe, where we are traditionally very succeful, is still languishing at a low level and it is diminishing in global importance.The high-growth markets are in Asia, South America and Eastern Europe, and they now account for around half of the growth in our new trucks busine.Furthermore, our competitors have also been working hard.They have improved margins over the long term and increased unit sales on a consistent basis, so competitive preure will continue to increase.尽管如此,我们不得不承认我们仍然还有架构上的问题亟待解决。新兴市场的增长速度正在使市场结构发生着最根本性、永久性的转变。我们一直做得很成功的西欧市场,现在却处在较低水平的增长并正渐渐失去在全球范围内的重要性。迅速增长的市场出现在亚洲、南美洲以及东欧,他们目前已经占到了近一半以上的新叉车业务增长。此外,我们的竞争对手也在奋起直追。他们的利润在日渐扩大,销售额也在日益增加,所以我们的竞争压力将会继续增大。
The challenges we face in the coming years are clear.In 2010, we were already working flat out on various ways of confronting them, such as relocating products from Basingstoke, Reutlingen and Kahl to Aschaffenburg, Česky Krumlov and Hamburg, which has been
succefully carried out.Combining the strengths of STILL and OM has taken us another major step closer to organising ourselves much better as a group.The STILL RC40 with torque converter is a significant advancement in our corporate strategy of extending our product portfolio and making optimum use of existing products within the Group.我们在接下来一年所要面对的挑战非常清晰。2010年我们已经竭尽全力制定各种方案来应对这些挑战,比如成功地将生产从Basingstoke, Reutlingen and Kahl 转移到Aschaffenburg, Česky Krumlov 和Hamburg。将STILL和OM的优势相结合使我们进一步发挥集团优势。液力变矩车STILL RC40系列是公司扩大产品系列以及优化利用集团现有产品策略的一个重大进展。
In May, KION took full control of our economy brand Baoli.KION Baoli is the mainstay of our strategy for expanding in the world’s high-growth markets.In June, we shook hands on the strategic alliance between Linde Hydraulics and Eaton, which will have a real effect on our ability to boost our global presence, to serve a broader proportion of the hydraulics market and to expand our portfolio.五月份,凯傲集团全面接管我们的经济型品牌宝骊。凯傲宝骊是我们在全球高速增长的市场扩展业务这一策略的主要支柱。六月份,林德液压和伊顿正式达成战略性合作联盟,这将大大提高我们的全球业务,并服务于更广泛的液压市场以及扩大我们的产品种类。
Whenever we make strategic decisions, our thoughts constantly return to our roots – roots that have made us what we are today as a company.The two anniversaries we celebrated in 2010, the 90th anniversary of our STILL brand and 50 years of trucks with Linde hydrostatics, brought this home to us particularly clearly.无论何时我们做战略性决定时,我们的思想都必须回归到根本---使我们今天作为一个公司的根本。2010年的STILL成立90周年庆和林德流体静力平衡叉车诞生50周年庆就很好地向我们证明了这一点。
As we look back in late 2010, we can be proud of what we have achieved together this year.We can see our efforts to respond to the market crisis with a sense of proportion coming to fruition.You, the workforce, have made a major contribution to the savings we needed to make, and you have shown great personal commitment in taking the neceary steps.We are gradually emerging from the crisis, but we still have a good way to go in the next few years until we reach our previous level of revenue and earnings.回首2010年这一年,我们为我们所取得一切感到自豪。我们可以看到我们在应对市场危机时所付出的努力已逐渐取得成效。你们一线员工为公司必要的节省做出了巨大的贡献,并在采取必要措施的过程中体现了个人责任。我们在危机中逐渐凸显我们的实力,但在接下来的几年里我们仍然还有很长的路要走,直到我们达到之前的收入和盈利水平。
We would like to thank all KION staff for their efforts and their loyalty.We wish you a happy Christmas with your family and your friends and all the best for 2011.在此我们想衷心地感谢所有凯傲员工所付出的努力。祝您和您的家人朋友圣诞节快乐,2011年一切顺利!
With best wishes
Gordon RiskeOtmar HauckHarald Pinger
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