题 目
系 外 国 语
专 业 英 语
姓 名 褚丹君
班 级
学 号
弗·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德是二十世纪美国“迷惘的一代”作家之一,被人称为“爵士时代”的代言人,其小说生动形象地再现了资产阶级上流社会灯红酒绿、追名逐利的腐朽与堕落。所谓“爵士时代”(The Jazz Age)是菲茨杰拉德在其1922年出版的短篇小说集《爵士时代的故事》(Tales of the Jazz Age)中对自第一次世界大战结束至二十年代末经济危机爆发之间这十年的称呼。而本文所要研究之短篇小说《本杰明·巴顿奇事》被归入《爵士时代的故事》“幻想故事”类下。菲茨杰拉德以及后来的评论家大都认为,他的短篇小说远不及他的长篇小说那样深刻、生动、有分量。但近年来,人们又已开始了对他的短篇小说的研究。不得不说,短篇小说的创作既为他创造了一片艺术“练兵场”,使他得以借此磨笔练艺;又为他提供了重要的生活来源,使他不必整日为维持生计而到处奔波。
而查阅相关期刊后也发现了不少热衷读者对此短篇小说的鉴赏和评论。比如,魏然[3]在其论文《逆流的时间,精神的荒原---短篇小说〈本杰明·巴顿奇事〉的主题解读》中对小说主题进行解读,并指出小说揭示了美国上世纪20年代人们精神生活的萎靡和颓废,假象背后人们被掩盖的精神危机和灾难。王晓倩[4]在其论文《论〈返老还童〉中的时间意识》,通过对其代表作《返老还童》中奇妙的人生倒置情节,分析作者的时间意识,以及这种时间意识所反映的人生观、爱情观和时代烙印。胡锦凤[5]在其论文《爵士乐时代的通俗代言人---略论菲茨杰拉德作品中的超自然成分》中写道:第二种,超自然成分表现在一些让人难以置信的奇闻趣事上。比如,《本杰明·布顿奇案》是一个完全虚构的荒唐故事。这则故事貌似荒诞,却似乎是在向人们说明,无论多么美好的事物,最终都会走向它 1的反面。在歌舞升平,富丽繁华的表象下掩藏着的是危机和灾难,眼前的世界无论多么美好,都是虚幻的假象,摆脱不了最终灭亡的命运。宋利娜[6]在其论文《〈返老还童〉中“美国梦”的破灭》中指出,“美国梦”的破灭是菲茨杰拉德创作的一贯主题。奇幻之作《返老还童》以一个传奇性的故事处理了一个关于生命的严肃思考:人生正如“美国梦”的幻灭,从憧憬,到获得,到最后失去。作者通过本杰明“返老还童”的一生告诉人们:一切表面的虚华都会消失,所有美好的事物终将走向灭亡,人们用尽平生追求的梦想只是幻影,返老还童也不能带来永恒的美好。成丽[7]在其论文《浅析菲茨杰拉德短篇小说〈本杰明·巴顿奇事〉中的魔幻现实主义色彩》中就魔幻现实主义这一艺术手法对小说进行分析解读,从而揭示出奇幻色彩描写中所蕴含的对于现实的批判和嘲讽。
1.1 弗·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德及其作品《本杰明·巴顿奇事》 1.2魔幻现实主义 1.3 文献综述 2.时间逆行者的扭曲亲情 2.1 和祖父“一起玩耍” 2.2 跟父亲“称兄道弟” 2.3 做儿子的“小侄子”
3.奇幻人生的变质爱情 3.1 成熟稳重的理想丈夫 3.2 社交活跃的年轻小伙 4.逆行生命的虚幻友情 4.1虚情假意的小镇居民 4.2“利”字当头的大学球队 4.3冷嘲热讽的军队战友 5.结论
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 时间 2012年10月下旬 2012年12月19日 前 2013年3月20日前 2013年4月20日前 2013年5月20日前 2013年6月17日前
选题、制定写作计划 上交开题报告 上交文献综述 上交第一稿 上交第二稿
[2]菲茨杰拉德著;张力慧,汤永宽译.返老还童[M].上海:上海译文出版社,2009.3:7-8.[3]魏然.逆流的时间,精神的荒原——短篇小说《本杰明·巴顿奇事》的主题解读[J].合肥工业大学学报(社会科学版),2010,24(3):107-109.[4] 王晓倩.论《返老还童》中的时间意识[J].黑龙江科技信息,2010,31:191-194.[5] 胡锦凤.爵士乐时代的通俗代言人——略论菲茨杰拉德作品中的超自然成分[J].华南农业大学学报(社会科学版),2004,3(3):105-110.[6] 宋利娜.《返老还童》中“美国梦”的破灭[J].衡水学院学报,2012,14(3):55-57.[7] 成丽.浅析菲茨杰拉德短篇小说《本杰明·巴顿奇事》中的魔幻现实主义色彩[J].延边教育学院学报,2011,25(2):12-14.[8] Curnutt, K.The Cambridge Introduction to F.Scott Fitzgerald[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2008:100.[9] Curnutt, K.The Cambridge Introduction to F.Scott Fitzgerald[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2008:100.七、开题报告英文版
I.Literature Review Collision of Fantasy and Reality:Magic Realism in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
F.Scott Fitzgerald, one of “the Lost Generation” writers in twentieth century of the United States, is known as the spokesperson of “The Jazz Age”.His novels vividly recreate corruption and depravity of the bourgeois society for chasing pleasure、fame and wealth.“The Jazz Age” is a decade between the end of the World WarⅠand the outbreak of economic crisis in the end of 1920s, which is written in Fitzgerald‟s collection of short stories, Tales of the Jazz Age , published in 1922.And the short story The Curious Case of Benjamin Button which this paper will study , is claified as “fantasy story” in Tales of the Jazz Age.Later critics and even Fitzgerald himself mostly think, that his short stories are nowhere near as profound、vivid and weight as his long novels.But in recent years, people have begun to study his short stories again.It has to say that, it not only creates a piece of art “maidan” for him to practice his writing but also provides an important source of live for him through creating short stories.The short story The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is not a popular research of Fitzgerald‟s various works, but after consulting domestic researches in recent ten 4
years, the author finds that this short story and its creative conception are mentioned in some academic monographs on Fitzgerald, more or le.Wu Jianguo[1], in his book Research of Fitzgerald, summarizes the main content of the short story and evaluates it.Wu thinks, this seemingly absurd story actually explain that no matter how good things seem to be, they will eventually go to the opposite side..The metaphor of the story is that crisis and disaster are concealed under the surface of peacefulne and welfare.No matter how beautiful the in-front world, it is a fictional illusion which cannot get rid of the doom.In the introduction of the book The Curious Case of Benjamin Button translated by Zhang Huili and Tang Yongkuan[2], it is written that the skeleton of the story can make a novel which has been compreed into a short story.This involves money, aociated with the input-output ratio.All the stories in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button occur in everyday scenes.Only in a few places, the author cannot help but make the text a running account of daily life and burst out a trace of fairy-like glow or absurd tone.After consulting some relevant journals, the author also finds some academic theses on appreciation and comments of the short story.Wei Ran[3], in her paper “Retrograde Time, Spiritual Wasteland---On Theme of the Short Story The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”, points put that the short story reveals the droop and decadence of people‟s spiritual life in 1920s of the United States, and the concealed spirit crisis and disaster behind the illusion.Wang Xiaoqian[4], in her paper “On Time Consciousne in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”, analyzes the author‟s time consciousne and the philosophy of life、views on love and the brand of the times reflected from time consciousne, according to the plot of the upside down life in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.Hu Jinfeng[5], in her paper “The Popular Mouthpiece of the Jazz Age——On Supernatural Element in Fitzgerald‟s Works”, writes that “Second, supernatural component of performs in the incredible anecdotes.For example, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is a completely fictional absurd story.This seemingly absurd story actually explain that no matter how good things will eventually go its opposite.The metaphor of the story is that crisis and disaster are concealed under the surface of peacefulne and welfare.No matter how beautiful the in-front world, it is a fictional illusion which cannot get rid of the doom.” Song Lina[6], in his paper “On the collapse of the American Dream”, shows that the collapse of the “American Dream “ is a consistent theme of Fitzgerald‟s creation.The fantasy story The Curious Case of Benjamin Button deals a serious thinking about life with a 5
legendary story: life just likes the collapse of “American Dream”, from longing to achievement and lo in the end.The author tells people through Benjamin‟s life that all the surface vanity will disappear, and all the good things will eventually go extinct.The dream people chasing for is Mirage and rejuvenation cannot bring the eternal happine.Cheng Li[7], in her paper “On Magic Realism Color in the Short Story The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”, analyzes the story by using the means of artistic expreion---Magic Realism, thus reveals the crisis and ridicule to the reality behind the fantasy color description.As the abroad research on this short story is minimal, the author can only find a few relevant texts in some academic monographs about Fitzgerald.For example, Curnutt, K[8], in his book The Cambridge Introduction to F.Scott Fitzgerald, mentions that “not all Fitzgerald‟s supernatural stories are so dark.The Curious Case of Benjamin Button recounts the biography of a man born into the body of a seventy-year-old who grows younger rather than older.As Lawrence Buell[9] suggests, what links these fantastic tales is Fitzgerald‟s insistence that „dreams of a metamorphosed reality are emotional and social neceities which we cannot help but indulge, and that they are in another sense insubstantial, ludicrous, pathetic‟”.The studies mentioned above are generalized into two aspects: from text analysis of the new critics and social history research.These studies lay stre on the study of social history and other theories such as time conception rather than magic realism.My thesis attempts to make a detailed analysis on the short story by using the theory---Magic Realism, with the purpose of helping readers appreciate the story from a different perspective and know Fitzgerald‟s creation of psychological experience.II.Statement of the Problems
The main contents of this thesis fall into three parts:1.literature review of Fitzgerald and the short story The Curious Case of Benjamin Button;2.the introduction of Magic Realism;3.Analysis of specific performance of Magic Realism in the Curious Case of Benjamin Button.This thesis attempts to analyze the content of the short story and find specific performance of Magic Realism in it.III.Methodology
Firstly, previous studies of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button from both home and abroad will be collected and claified, among which some most representative ones will be listed.Then the Magic Realism will be introduced.After 6
that, the content of the short story and specific performance of Magic Realism in it will be analyzed.IV.Tentative Outline 1.Introduction
1.1 F.Scott Fitzgerald and his short story The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
1.2 Literature Review
1.3 Magic Realism 2.The distorted affection of a time traveler
2.1 Playing with his grandfather
2.2 Being buddy with his father
2.3 Calling his son “uncle”
3.The metamorphic love of a fantastic life
3.1 Mature ideal husband
3.2 Socially active young guy 4.The illusory friendship of a retrograde life
4.1 Insincere town people
4.2 Utilitarian university football team 4.3 Cynical army comrades 5.Conclusion
References [1]吴建国.菲茨杰拉德研究[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2002:259.[2]菲茨杰拉德著;张力慧,汤永宽译.返老还童[M].上海:上海译文出版社,2009.3:7-8.[3]魏然.逆流的时间,精神的荒原——短篇小说《本杰明·巴顿奇事》的主题解读[J].合肥工业大学学报(社会科学版),2010,24(3):107-109.[4] 王晓倩.论《返老还童》中的时间意识[J].黑龙江科技信息,2010,31:191-194.[5] 胡锦凤.爵士乐时代的通俗代言人——略论菲茨杰拉德作品中的超自然成分[J].华南农业大学学报(社会科学版),2004,3(3):105-110.[6] 宋利娜.《返老还童》中“美国梦”的破灭[J].衡水学院学报,2012,14(3):55-57.[7] 成丽.浅析菲茨杰拉德短篇小说《本杰明·巴顿奇事》中的魔幻现实主义色彩[J].延边教育学院学报,2011,25(2):12-14.[8] Curnutt, K.The Cambridge Introduction to F.Scott Fitzgerald[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2008:100.[9] Curnutt, K.The Cambridge Introduction to F.Scott Fitzgerald[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2008:100.
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