
2020-02-28 其他个人工作总结 下载本文


Unit 1-5

galleyterminate tru stretch extension skid revise pneumatic external cart thermal substitute meet meed isolation integral curve

dotted line solid line ascend descend depict versus mercury identical exert

overboard available aural ceiling leak horn specify beneath basin

bowel chute

Unit 5-10

gaseous diluter attendant gage vent activate repellent vane vision alpha vane mast impact expose formation lo sink embed gasket fitting intensity integral fluorescent floodlight identity

incandescent modification troubleshooting rack

auto throttle analog

yaw damper static inverter rectifier conversion is rated at slip-ring commutator armature fed into deliver subdivide storage

vent surge tank fuel tight baffle

boost pumpport overfill defueling feed

respective chip

resistive current leakage code graduate prior to

corresponding bracket blanket label


nose wheel steering relief

keel beamguarded switch knot disarm respective transit

configuration malfunction serve as impact taxi aure drag brace trunnion pin tow lug

crobolt tow bar nitrogen fold collar maneuver lateral

longitudinal vertical axes angular establish magnitude refair feedback bus drum transducer

aileron fore limiter tabquadrant control rod crank admit

Unit 16-20

identical stator vane via

is capble of corebooster bearing support transfer blockage is ported to meter

transmitter byba valve rotater idle case stage

convert into sufficient adverse triaxial lead

precooler revers deploy pritor to bolt translate forcing cascade segment exceed sequence reset enclose split path jet pip readily inspection hoist

centrifugal radial override initial

hermetically metal interfacecontuct drip pan gap furnish stud closing triping hold gain coil polarity relative

magnetic bearing deviation slant range heading aural visual

optimization specific advent

with the advent of highly desirable potential verify onboard step climb suppreion


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