五年级第六单元In a nature park 单元知识点总结与归纳_第六单元知识点总结
五年级第六单元In a nature park 单元知识点总结与归纳由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“第六单元知识点总结”。
Unit 6 In a nature park?
Ⅰ.单词(words): in a nature park: forest;tree;hill;mountain;building;house village;city;bridge;river;lake;boat....Ⅱ.发音(pronunciation)字母组合ou和 ow在单词中的发音 ou /au/ house mouse sound count mouth south about around ow /au/ wow cow flower down Ⅲ.语法(grammatical points)①“There be”句型的一般疑问句形式及肯否定回答: A.(单数句)There is a river in the park.(肯定句)→ Is there a river in the park?(一般疑问句)
肯定回答:Yes, there is.否定回答:There isn't.(is not=isn't)小结:单数句肯定句变疑问句只需将is 和there互换位置,该大写的大写,标点符号由句号变为问号。
B.(复数句)There are some tall buildings in the nature park.→Are there any tall buildings in the nature park? 肯定回答:Yes, there are.否定回答:There aren't.(are not=aren't)小结复数句肯定句变疑问句只需将are 和there互换位置,some变为any,该大写的大写,标点符号由句号变为问号。
②“There be”句型的否定句形式;A.(单数句)There is a lake in the park.(肯定句)→ There isn't a lake in the park.(否定句)B.(复数句)There are some lakes in the park.(肯定句)/ 2
→ There aren't any lakes in the park.(否定句)小结:“There be ”句型肯定句变为否定句时,需要在be后面加not(isn't, aren't),复数句中的some变为any 则可。
Ⅳ.有用表达法(useful expreions)1.Let's go to the forest.(让我们一起去森林吧!Let's=Let us 让我们)2.Is there a river in the park?(单数句)3.Are there any lakes in the park?(复数句)4.There isn't a lake in the park.(否定句)There aren't any lakes in the park.5.What a nice day!(感叹句,多么好的一天呀!)6.Why not?(为什么不呢?)
7.in the sky 在空中;restaurant餐馆;go boating去划船;count to ten数到十;many people许多人;so quiet如此安静; 8.on the mountain在山上;a high mountain一座高山;a small village一座小村庄;on the lake在湖面上;in the nature park在自然公园里;take some pictures/take a picture 照相;beautiful(漂亮的)bridge/mountains/trees;over there在那儿;have a look看一看;so much corn如此多的玉米;a koala bear一只树袋熊;Your card is broken.(你的卡坏了)Ⅴ.谚语(Proverbs)Seeing is believing.(眼见为实)
编辑:红寺乡文寺小学 何彦学/ 2
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