研究生英语读写译教程 课文小结_研究生读写译教程

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小结 Unit One

“The End of Something", by Ernest Hemingway, is a short story about two young people who witne how time can change the world and the people in it.The broken mill represents Nick and Marjorie's broken relationship.Once, the mill was the center of the town.The town was a place full of activity.In the present of the story, as the time paed by ,the mill lies deserted, as does the relationship between Nick and Marjorie.we can clearly see that time can change everything , when they cannot stay young forever,so the weak foundation of their relationship is torn down and left in pieces.Eventhough they will meet one day ,the love is not there,because the two lovers have their own understanding of love.Just as the story says“ the fish will not strike anymore, and love is not fun anymore.” The good old past feeling isn't good enough anymore, even one of the lovers does not want give up on catching the love,and still clings to what is left and still hopes for the best.The past has become past, only can we cherish the good memory.what one must focus on is what is, now, and what is to come, tomorrow.One must look beyond what was and look for the love belong to themselves.Unit Two

Ignorance is a condition or state where a person ignores, disregards, or overlooks knowledge about something.It is when the person is uninformed, is uneducated about something.However, only an person is full of knowledge,can he has courage to admit his ignorance.The author began the eay by telling the experience of waking in the morning and finding him practically ignorant of anything.The author felt sad about his current store of knowledge after many years of costly education.He has a limited range of knowledge and the inadequate understanding of the major phenomena of the world.However, it suddenly occurred to him when he has gone his way serene and happy, he may be the only one who is ignorant, for anyone will not admit that he is a ignorant person.So someone may have the psychology of remaining to be a happy ignorant person, so he or she would not be able to know more knowledge.And he or she is not vulnerable to ignorance.Unit Three

“A sound mind in a sound body is a short, but a full description of a happy state in this world.” Nowadays research suggests that we should think there is deep link between body and mind health in order to achieve happy state of mind.In this way, exercise is a state of mind.Michael Craig Miller uses scientists’ experiments as evidence to show that exercise has exerted great effects on people’s mind health.Regular exercise can improve your mood, decrease anxiety, and raises self-esteem through inducing biological changes.Exercise is also a pretty good antidepreant which can relieves and prevents depreion through regulating mood and storing memories.On the other hand, exercise is under genetic control.Genes can influence both people’s physiological responses to exercise and people’s subjective experience of exercise.In the end, the author advices that we form the habit of exercise.You needn’t spend too much and the type of exercise doesn’t matter.Continuing exercise and motivation to exercise are good to your body and mind health.Unit Four

“Opportunity is the crux of the American ideal.” People in the American society used to think that with hardwork and self-determination, they are sure to succeed and realize their dreams.But in recent years the traditional doctrine of “American dream” is seriously challenged, esp.with regard to the economic development.Clive Crook holds that in spite of new immigrants, America is already a middle-aged country, and peimistic spirit has come to dominate the national consciousne.Most important of all, the economic mobility in America is getting lower and lower as compared to any other western country.The idea of the “American Dream” is starting to fade since rich children stay rich whereas poor children still stay poor.And the real focus of any effort to restore economic opportunity is to get out of poverty, and to this end one effective way may be to improve education, which will definitely have a great effect on economic mobility acro generations.Unit Five

It is probably safe to say that every language has a pair of words expreing good and evil, for it is generally believed that a sense of moral judgment and a distinction between good and evil or right and wrong are cultural universals.But what really is good, and what really is evil? Moral relativists would argue that the standards of good and evil are only products of local culture, custom, or prejudice.Moreover, believers in the duality of “good versus evil” would say evil cannot exist without good, nor good without evil, as they are both objective states and opposite ends of the same scale.As boys and girls, we were taught to do good, not evil.(Remember that good will be rewarded with good, and evil with evil?)Yet as Plato observed, there are relatively few ways to do good, but there are countle ways to do evil, which can therefore have a much greater impact on our lives, and the lives of other beings capable of suffering.For this reason, some philosophers(e.g.Bernard Gert)maintain that preventing evil is more important than promoting good in formulating moral rules and in conduct.To prevent evil, the author of this article argues, we must first know what is truly “evil”, for there can be no genuine understanding of goodne in human behavior unle we also understand evil.Beginning with the recognition that neither good nor evil exist outside the human personality, the author distinguishes creative and destructive potentials, and then finds social forces that may activate destructive potentials.With such whats about evil, the author concludes the text by offering some hows as to teaching our children.

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