攀登,向更远的山峰——中联重科董事长CEO 詹纯新在总结表彰大会上的讲话_中联重科詹纯新接班人

2020-02-27 发言稿 下载本文

攀登,向更远的山峰——中联重科董事长CEO 詹纯新在总结表彰大会上的讲话由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“中联重科詹纯新接班人”。

攀登,向更远的山峰——董事长/CEO 詹纯新在2015年度总结表彰大会上的讲话


Honorable Minister Mr.Вовк В.М., distinguished guests and dear colleagues,上午好!今天,我们再次欢聚,重温一年的奋斗与艰辛、合作与希望、收获与感动。在中国农历新年即将来临之际,请允许我代表中联重科,向远道而来的尊贵嘉宾,向一直以来信任和支持中联重科的各级领导和朋友们,向与我们真诚相伴的离退休老同志,向与公司一道奋勇攀登的中国同事、意大利CIFA、纳都勒同事、德国M-TEC同事以及俄罗斯、印度、荷兰、巴西等各国同事,致以新春的祝福和崇高的敬意!

Good morning.Thank you for joining us today at Zoomlion’s annual conference to celebrate together our one year’s hardwork and achievements.With China’s lunar New Year around the corner, may I extend, on behalf of Zoomlion, our heartiest greetings and highest respect to every honored guest who comes from afar, to every Zoomlioner who keeps forging ahead with our company, to all leaders and friends who always believe and support Zoomlion, to all Zoomlion retired leaders and all Zoomlioners families, to our overseas colleagues and aociates from Italy CIFA, Italy LADURNER, Germany M-TEC, from Ruia, India, Holland and Brazil.2015年,是中联重科奋力攀登的一年,是挑战极限的一年。

For Zoomlion, 2015 is a year of keeping striving and ascending, and a year of us pushing our limits.在这不寻常的一年中,我们走过了一段不平坦的路。这条路,蜿蜒崎岖,荆棘丛生,但却是到达下一个山峰的必经之路。我们在行进中披荆斩棘,哪怕是忍受切肤之痛;我们在行进中卸掉包袱,哪怕是舍弃曾经引以为自豪的光环。当2015年渐行渐远,回望一年来走过的路、越过的坎,才蓦然发现,身后的崎岖,在不知不觉中已抬升了我们的高度。而这,正是对攀登者的致敬!正是攀登者的无上荣光!

In this particular year, the road we walked through was uneven and tough.But it’s the only path leading to the next mountaintop.We hewed our way forward through brambles and thorns in spite of painful cuts and hurts;we unloaded our burdens and put aside the crowns we once proudly put on.As the year 2015 went away, we suddenly realized, the rugged way we paed has lifted us to a higher level, which is in fact the salute to a mountaineer, and the greatest honor.回首向来萧瑟处,也有风雨也有晴。

“Looking back at the bleak place where we started, we had rain and also fine.”


When we get ready for a new journey to yet another high mountain, we have to reflect, what does climbing mean to us.Tramping over hill and dale, what have we created, and what have we harvested?The answer is, ascending is a state of mind, a character, and a spirit of perseverance.Unremitting efforts of ascending elevate our state, harden our character, and strengthen our spirit.攀登,是一种境界。平庸者的山,在眼里;攀登者的山,在心里。平庸者的山,是风景;攀登者的山,是目标。平庸者有时看不见山,攀登者永远胸中有丘壑。这就是境界的高低。我们深知,视野的极限并不代表世界的极限,登高望远才知天地之大。能看到更多的山,才能翻越一座座峰。20多年前那个院办企业眼里的山,是员工的安居乐业,是在夹缝中求生存,是红海里的征战;而今天中联重科心中的山,是全面国际化,是融入全球产业生态,是携手世界共建美好家园。持续的攀登中,我们走过一程又一程,跨过一峰又一峰,从未停歇。

Ascending, is a state.The mountain exists in the mediocre’s eyes only, while the mountaineer holds it in his heart;the mountain is a scenery to the mediocre ,while to the mountaineer it is a target.The mediocre cannot see the mountains at times while the mountaineer always has the picture of mountains and rivers on his mind.That makes the difference of a person’s vision.We deeply understand, the view of the world should not be restricted by the limit of our eyesight.Higher ascending makes us more open-minded and farsighted.The humble mountaintop for Zoomlion over 20 years ago, was just striving for content living and surviving fierce competition in ‘red ocean’;and the mountaintop for us today, is total globalization, to be part of the global industrial ecology, and to make the world a better place with joint efforts.We’ve overcome mountains of difficulties and never stopped moving forward.攀登,是一种品格。攀登,与其说是体力和耐力的比拼,不如说是对品格的考验。攀登的路,磨得破双脚,磨不破意志;沿途的风雪,浇得透衣衫,浇不灭激情。攀登者注定与喧嚣无缘,与孤独相伴;注定与享受无缘,与艰苦相伴;注定与退缩无缘,与坚毅相伴。在中国经济转型的当下,我们面对的是直立而上的峭壁,垂直攀援成为我们唯一的选择。也许,我们迈出的步伐有大有小,向上的速度有快有慢,但我们将踩实每一步、踩稳每一步、踩准每一步,最终会顺势而上,借力登顶。这就是攀登者的品格!

Ascending is a character.Ascending, is a test to character rather than to physical strength and endurance.The asperity of ascending, can wear one’s feet but cannot destroy one’s will.The mountaineer is destined to be lonely, arduous and perseverant, hardship being his company and retreat out of the question.At the time of China’s economic transformation, we are faced with steep cliffs, climbing straight up is our only option.Our steps and paces may vary at times, yet it’s critical that our steps be solid, steady and accurate, which will finally take us to the top.That’s the character of a mountaineer.攀登,更是一种坚定。年复一年的攀登,动作单调甚至乏味,但真正的攀登者却乐此不疲。因为每迈出一步,就更接近高峰。二十三年前,我们白手打拼,逢山开路,遇水搭桥,用双脚把一座座山峰甩在身后。而今天,我们的战略方向从未如此清晰,我们手握的资源从未如此丰富,我们继续攀登的信心也从未如此坚定。我们已经感受到,经历洗礼的中联人,创业之初的那股蓬勃进取精神又一次扑面而来。我坚信,当这种士气席卷中联重科的每一个角落,那么即便是山再高、壁再陡,中联人仍将继续创造奇迹!

Ascending is also perseverance.Year over year, every move seems monotonous, but the real mountaineer never feels bored, for each step forward takes us closer to the top.Twenty-three years ago, we started from scratch, and climbed over one mountain after another with our hands and feet.Today our strategic direction is clearer than ever, our resources are more abundant than before, and we’re more determined in ascending even higher.We’ve already felt that, Zoomlioners vigorous and aggreive entrepreneurial spirit is coming back.I am fully confident that this spirit will prevail and Zoomlion will create more miracles as gritty mountaineers.山峰,为攀登者而存在。每一次,我们所挑战的高度,都曾被认为不可逾越。然而,艰苦的环境往往是激发大智慧、开创大格局的催化剂。2016年注定是更为艰苦的一年,但也是通过卓绝的攀登能改写竞争态势的一年。经验告诉我们,市场在淘汰落后产能和弱势企业的同时,也为百炼成钢的企业腾出了新的空间。当向上攀登成为唯一的信念,我们走过最艰险的路途,必将迎来最壮美的风景。Mountains are there for mountaineers.Every height we challenged was thought insurmountable.However, the adverse conditions could turn out to be the catalyst of great wisdom and create new dimensions.2016 will be even tougher, yet it’s also opportunity to rewrite the competition situation through wise and bold ascending.We learn from experiences that, market makes room for long-tested enterprises while eliminating backward overcapacity and weak players.When ascending becomes our only faith, the hardest journey will surely take us to the best view.中联重科的全体员工!背水临战,需要激起全部的血性和力量;打的艰苦,才能赢的痛快。我们要以登高望远的视野和雄心,以脚踏实地的坚守和攀登,抓牢笔直矗立的山崖,坚持、再坚持!向上、再向上!攀登、再攀登!

All Zoomlioners, pluck up our courage and strength, we must fight to win or die.Let’s fight hard for a clear victory.With vision and ambition, with down-to-earth persistence and a mountaineer’s determination, we shall hold on tight to the cliff, keep climbing up, higher and higher, ascending to new glorious heights.











《攀登,向更远的山峰——中联重科董事长CEO 詹纯新在总结表彰大会上的讲话.docx》
攀登,向更远的山峰——中联重科董事长CEO 詹纯新在总结表彰大会上的讲话
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