
2020-02-28 庆典致辞 下载本文


Profeor and Mrs Kao,Vincent(Dr Vincent Cheng, Council Chairman of CUHK),Profeor Wah(Profeor Benjamin Wah, Acting Vice-Chancellor of CUHK),Sir James(Profeor Sir James A Mirrlees, Distinguished Profeor-at-Large of CUHK and Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences),Profeor Yang(Profeor Yang Chen Ning, Distinguished Profeor-at-Large of CUHK and Nobel Laureate in Physics), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, 高教授及夫人,文森特(郑海泉博士,中大校董会主席),华教授(华云生教授,中大署理校长),詹姆斯爵士(莫理斯,中大博文讲座教授,诺贝尔经济学奖得主),杨教授(杨振宁,中大博文讲座教授,诺贝尔物理学奖得主),尊敬的各位来宾,女士们,先生们,It is a great pleasure to join you all this morning.It is also a great honour to have Profeor and Mrs Kao with us today.A warm welcome back to Hong Kong to both of you.今天很高兴和你们在这里,也很荣幸邀请到高教授和他的夫人。热烈欢迎你们二位回到香港。

First and foremost, let me extend my congratulations to Profeor Kao on receiving the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physics.It is worthy recognition of your outstanding work and immense contribution to scientific research in optical fibre.I also commend the Chinese University of Hong Kong on its initiative in celebrating Profeor Kao's succe and achievements through a series of events.They are a fitting tribute to Profeor Kao.首先,我要祝贺高教授荣获2009年诺贝尔物理学奖。这是对您杰出的工作以及对光纤科学研究作出巨大贡献的充分肯定。我同样赞赏香港中文大学主动举办一系列活动来庆祝高教授的成就,这是对高教授的最好献礼。

Profeor Kao is returning to Hong Kong for the first time as a Nobel Laureate.I am delighted that so many of his friends and colleagues are here to welcome him “home” and enjoy this remarkable occasion.Your presence here is a testament to the succe of Profeor Kao's career and to the respect he commands among his peers and indeed the people of Hong Kong.高教授获得诺贝尔奖后首次返港,我很高兴有这么多朋友和同事来这里欢迎高教授回家并享受这难得的时刻。你们的出席是高教授事业成功的明证,也是他获得同辈乃至全香港人民尊敬的明证。

The title of this exhibition: “The Lore of a Laureate: A Tribute to Charles Kao, Former CUHK Vice-Chancellor and Nobel Laureate” is appropriate and inspiring.这次展览取名为“桂冠学人返故园 中大前校长兼诺贝尔奖得主高锟教授成就展”是恰如其分,鼓舞人心的。

I first came to know Profeor Kao when he joined Chinese University as the Vice-Chancellor in 1987.He won the respect of colleagues and students alike by keeping the channels of communication open, promoting academic freedom and building the institution's strengths as a research-oriented university.The University made great strides during Profeor Kao's nine-year tenure thanks to his unswerving commitment to education.我第一次认识高教授是在1987年他到中大当校长的时候。因为高教授秉承着开通交流渠道,推动学术自由,建设研究型大学的理念而赢得同事和学生的尊敬。由于高教授对教育执着的奉献,学校在他任职的九年内飞速发展。

Today, Profeor Kao's reputation extends way beyond that of profeor or even vice-chancellor.He has been internationally renowned as the “Father of Fibre Optics” and is now a Nobel Laureate.His work has fundamentally transformed lives and the way we learn, play, communicate and conduct busine.今天,高教授的声名远超他作为教授乃至校长的头衔。他一直是享誉国际的光纤之父,而今他还是诺贝尔奖得主。他的工作成果从根本上改变了我们的生活,改变了我们学习、娱乐、交流、做生意的方式。

Equally important, Profeor Kao's achievements and commitment have inspired young scientists to dedicate themselves to pushing the boundaries of scientific research.His Nobel Prize also raises public awarene of the importance of innovation, scientific research and the development of technology.同等重要的是,高教授的成就和奉献激励着年轻科学家奉献自己去拓宽科学研究的范围。他获得诺贝尔奖也使大众明白创新、科研以及科技发展的重要性。I am pleased that Hong Kong has been able to keep up with the advancements in information and communications technology and I encourage young people to consider Profeor Kao as a role model in continuing the technological advances and maintain our city's position as an innovation and technology hub.To remind our coming generations of the personal achievements of Profeor Kao in science and his contribution to Hong Kong, the SAR Government has decided to name in his honour a modern architectural element of the Hong Kong Science Park as “Charles K Kao Auditorium”.We are very pleased that Profeor and Mrs Kao have agreed to attend the naming ceremony in early March.我很高兴香港能在信息通信技术方面始终处于先进水平,我要鼓励年轻人以高教授为榜样继续推动科技进步,使我们的城市保持创新与技术的中心地位。为了使我们的下一代记住高教授在科学上的成就以及他对香港所做的贡献,特区政府决定将香港科学公园的现代建筑元素命名为高锟礼堂。我们很高兴高教授和夫人同意出席三月初的命名仪式。

Once again, congratulations to Profeor Kao on your Nobel Prize in Physics and a heartfelt thank you to the Chinese University of Hong Kong for organizing this exhibition.再一次祝贺高教授获得诺贝尔物理学奖,也衷心感谢大家出席中文大学的展览启动仪式。

I wish Profeor and Mrs Kao a most enjoyable stay in Hong Kong and the exhibition a very big succe.祝愿高教授和夫人在香港过得愉快,也预祝本次展览圆满成功。Thank you very much.非常感谢各位。


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