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2012年曾荫权出席驻港领事团晚宴的致辞时间:2012-05-24 14:23来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:900次

Speech at the Consular Corps Dinner

by Mr Donald Tsang, the Chief Executive of HKSAR

February 15, 201


香港特别行政区行政长官 曾荫权


Doyen, Members of the Consular Corps, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,领事团团长、各位领事团人员、各位嘉宾、各位先生、女士:

Good evening everyone and thank you very much for the invitation to join you tonight.Can I just start by extending my belatedwishes for a happy, healthy and prosperous Year of the Dragon.Kung Hei Fat Choy!


Alas, this is the last time that I will break bread with you as the Chief Executive.So, I must thank you all most sincerely for your support of Hong Kong during my tenure.It's been a great pleasure getting to know you and working with you.这是我最后一次以行政长官身份出席这晚宴。我衷心感谢各位在我任期内鼎力支持香港。能够认识大家、与大家携手合作,我感到非常荣幸。

I'd also like to take this opportunity to stre that your presence in Hong Kong matters very much to us120 consulates-general or consulates, and five officially recognised bodies.Your presence here helps to foster deeper economic and cultural exchangesbut on making them broader and deeper for our mutual benefit.It also means making new friends, exploring new markets and developing new contacts.香港能够繁荣兴盛,因为我们与全球各地建立纵深广阔的联系。要巩固香港作为环球金融、贸易及商业中心的地位,我们不但需要维持,更要努力开拓现有的国际联系,达到各方互惠共赢。我们也要致力开发新市场,与更多国家地区交往。

It is important to note that there is a constitutional underpinning to everything we do on the international front.Chapter VII of the Basic Law specifically empowers us to maintain and develop relations with foreign states and regions in areas such as the economy, trade, finance and monetary affairs, shipping, communications, tourism, culture and sport.香港的国际关系受到宪法保障。《基本法》第七章赋予香港权力在经济、贸易、金融、航运、通讯、旅游、文化、体育等方面,与世界各国及地区保持和发展关系。

This complements other sections of the Basic Law which, for example, codify our development as an international financial centre, a separate customs territory, and as a centre of international and regional aviation.这补充了《基本法》的其他章节,包括把香港发展成为国际金融中心、单独的关税地区、国际和区域航空中心等元素编纂为成文法则的章节。

The Basic Law empowers us to maintain our own legal system, to refer to precedents from other common law jurisdictions and to invite esteemed judges from other common law jurisdictions to sit on our Court of Final Appeal.《基本法》赋予香港权力保持自己的法律制度、参考其他普通法适用地区的司法判例,以及邀请其他普通法适用地区的知名法官参加终审法院的审判。

So, as an SAR of China, maintaining our international links is not just something we would like to doestablished under the G20you can say a brains trust that allows

us to adopt, adapt and absorb best practice from around the world.我们一直与全力拥护和支持香港的驻港领事团和国际商会维持密切友好关系。在香港居住的外籍人士为数众多,他们不但为我们这个国际多元社会增添魅力,也拓阔了我们的国际视野和经验。他们可说是香港的知识宝库,有助我们汲取借鉴外国之长。

We try our bestto visit our counterparts overseas to update them about Hong Kong and to promote our unique advantages.We are eager to learn about the challenges and developments in other countries, and how you tackle iues such as environmental protection, heritage preservation, public health and hygiene, or to look at your regulatory regimes or laws.We deepen our official links with bilateral agreements or memoranda of understanding on areas such as trade, vices, double taxation, investment protection and mutual legal aistance.我们会尽量把握时间,向海外国家介绍香港的最新情况和独特优势。藉此我们也希望了解其他国家的发展和挑战,认识他们的规管制度或法律,以及他们如何处理环保、文物保护、公共卫生等事宜。我们努力透过双边协议或谅解备忘录,在贸易、灭罪、双重课税、保障投资及司法互助等方面,加强官方联系合作。

We work hard to expand our contacts and outreachbecause you provide the personal touch that helps Hong Kong to keep in touch with the rest of the world.Long may it continue!


Thank you very much.谢谢。



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