Speech at HKU Centennial Campus Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony
by the Chief Executive, Mr.Donald Tsang
March 16, 2010
香港特区行政长官 曾荫权
Members of the University Family, Ladies and Gentlemen,各位香港大学的成员、各位先生、女士:
One hundred years ago, on this very day, a small foundation stone was laid for what would become a great university in China, in Asia and in the world.Even the most optimistic champion of this project at that time would probably not have been able to imagine the growth, development and advancement that this august institution has seen over the past century.一百年前的这一天,一块小石为香港奠下这所“怀抱中华、标领亚洲、旷眼世界”的巍巍学府。当年的创校先贤,即使是最乐观的,大概都想像不到香港大学过去一个世纪的茁壮成长和长足发展。
Much of course has changed in that time.Hong Kong is no longer the little colony it was back in 1910;our country is no longer ruled by an Emperor.时移势易,香港今日不再是一九一零年那细小的殖民地,而我们的国家也不再由皇帝统治。
What hasn't changed, though, is the University's vision to contribute to the advancement of society and the development of leaders.Throughout the years, the University of Hong Kong has remained an institution that embodies freedom, diversity and integrity;has embraced interaction with the world;and has instilled in different generations of students a sense of miion and a willingne to
accommodate new ideas, face new challenges and undertake new ventures.不过,港大“树人淑世、明德新民”的理想,却始终如一。悠悠百载,港大一直体现自由多元,力求进步完善,促进与世界各地的学术交流,培育的每一代学生莫不勇于承担使命,乐于接受新思维新考验,敢于开创新天地新里程。
Since its foundation, HKU has grown side by side with our city.It has nurtured more than 130,000 graduates, many of whom have become leaders in their various fields;it has contributed to the social, cultural and economic development of our society;and, it has engaged in pioneering research that has put Hong Kong on the world map.These achievements would not have been poible without the concerted efforts of academics, students, Council members, and all those who have given support to the university.The recent ranking of HKU as “No.1 in Asia” could not have come at a more appropriate time and is indeed the best reward for all who have helped build the university's commitment to excellence over the past 100 years.建校以来,港大与本港并肩成长,至今培育出超过13万名毕业生,不少已成为各行各业的精英翘楚。港大对本港的社会、文化和经济发展贡献宏大。港大参与的先导研究,使香港在全球稳占一席。这些辉煌成就,全赖学者、同学、校务委员会成员同心协力,以及社会各界的鼎力支持。在最近一项大学排名中,港大居“亚洲第一”。这项殊荣来得正好,可说是对百年以来所有致力协助港大向前奋进的人士的最佳回报。
Knowledge recognises no borders.Since the College of Medicine era, this university has become home to scholars and students from every corner of the globe.Whether they settle here, or move on, their presence has enriched the academic life at HKU, and the networks of alumni and faculty are lasting source of inspiration.These networks have made HKU all the stronger, to the benefit of our students and Hong Kong as a whole.知识无分疆界。自医学院年代起,港大已经是世界各地不少学者和学生安身立命的地方。不论最终是否长居香港,他们的事迹都丰富了港大的校园生活,开拓了一个经久不衰、宽广有力的校友和教职人员网络,让港大不断壮大,利惠本校学生和香港整体社会。
I admire the vision of our predeceors, and I urge you to keep pushing the boundaries of excellence that has become a hallmark of HKU.In the same vein, the Government has stepped up efforts to develop Hong Kong as a regional education hub.We will achieve this through the internationalisation and diversification of our higher education sector;through better promotion;by maintaining a robust quality aurance regime, developing a healthy self-financing sector, and with the unwavering support of our excellent publicly-funded institutions.The University of Hong Kong has a vital role to play in this important proce.我钦佩港大先贤的远大目光,期盼与大家秉承港大生生不息、不懈求进的精神。政府方面已经增拨资源,发展香港为区域教育枢纽。为实现目标,本港的高等教育将迈向国际化、多元化,我们会加强课程推广,维持稳健的质素保证制度,发展健全的自资高等教育。这些工作,有赖本港由公帑资助的全体院校继续支持,其中港大当可发挥重大作用。
At the foundation stone laying ceremony 100 years ago, Governor Frederick Lugard said that the beginnings of this University are, and I quote, “the nucleus of what will some day be a great and beneficent institution whose proportion will transcend and exceed our scheme of today, as much as the completed building will transcend and exceed this small and comparatively insignificant block of granite”.一百年前,总督卢嘉爵士在港大奠基仪式上说:“这里将孕育出一所卓越不凡、惠泽社的学府。它往后的发展将远超我们今天的预期,正如建筑物落成之日,也会远超这块卑微的花岗小石。”
Today, as we lay the foundation stone for a new campus, we are also cementing in place our high hopes for the future of this university.I am sure this state-of-the-art campus will provide another solid foundation for HKU to pursue its vision as a university of Hong Kong, for Hong Kong and by Hong Kong.I am sure that it will continue to contribute to the development of our nation, and of global academic endeavour.I am also sure it will achieve many great things that will exceed and transcend what any of us here could conceive today.今天,我们为新校园奠基,也同时标志我们对港大的厚望。我深信这个设计先进的校园会提供另一坚固的基础,让港大名符其实,继续处身香港、建基香港、造福香港。我亦深信,港大会继续为国家和全球学术研究作出贡献,日后定必更上层楼,成就远超我们今天想望。
Ladies and gentlemen, let us all be torch bearers of this great miion to advance society and mankind with Wisdom and Virtue, Sapientia et Virtus, as the Latin motto of this great university suggests.各位嘉宾,让我们今天一同弘扬使命,遵循港大“明德格物”的校训,为社会进步和人类文明发展奋斗。
Thank you.多谢各位。
曾荫权香港大学百周年校园奠基仪式致辞时间:2010-03-16 20:15来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:3180次Speech at HKU Centennial Campus Foundation Stone Laying Ceremonyby t......
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