
2020-02-28 庆典致辞 下载本文




It's my great honor to attend the opening seion of the Seminar on NGOs in Globalization.First of all, please allow me to extend, on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China and in my own name, warm congratulations on the succeful convocation of the seminar.注:红色标注部分是这一类演讲开头最为常用的句型和词汇,一式百通。NGOs,非政府组织,即non-governmental organizations,在媒体中经常直接使用。


As far as I know, it's the first ever seminar in China co-sponsored by government agencies, academic institutions and foreign NGOs.It is also the first time for China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to co-host such an event.This is a highly creative idea and it fully reflects the significance of this seminar and the greate importance the Chinese government attaches to NGOs.我愿借此机会,对外交部涉外安全事务司、清华大学NGO研究所、救助儿童会为举办这次研讨会所做工作表示赞赏和感谢,对与会各政府部门、学术机构及中外非政府组织的支持和参与表示感谢。

I would like to take this opportunity to expre my appreciation and thanks for the efforts made for this seminar by the Department of External Security Affairs of the Foreign Ministry, the NGO Research Center of Tsinghua University and Save the Children.I also want to thank all the government agencies, academic institutions and Chinese and foreign NGOs for their support and participation.当今世界正处在大发展大变革大调整时期。世界多极化和经济全球化深入发展,国际金融危机影响持续显现,全球性问题突出,国际和地区热点问题此起彼伏,世界各国的前途命运正日益紧密联系在一起。

The world is undergoing major development, major transformation and major adjustment.The trend towards multi-polarity and economic globalization is gaining momentum.The international financial crisis is still taking

its toll.Global iues are becoming more pronounced and regional and international hotspot iues keep flaring up.Countries in the world are increasingly interconnected in their destiny.注:这一段陈述是官方对国际形势的常用描述,出现频率很高。红色标注部分的翻译十分常见,可以直接套用。


Under such circumstances, NGOs have enjoyed vigorous development and have been more active than ever in economy, social affairs, education, health and environmental protection, playing an important role in promoting economic and social development of all countries and safeguarding world peace.Governments of all countries and international organizations such as the United Nations attach great value to the NGOs.There are broader prospects for NGO development.

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