重庆教师资格 英语教案_教师资格证英语教案

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课题:The United States of America

课时: 一课时


教具:多媒体(包含一段介绍美国国情的视频)、括号里面的内容可以不写出来黑板 既然写了黑板,肯定是要用黑板,所以有粉笔


知识与技能:1学生能够通过本课程的学习,在阅读中体会并初步掌握生词unrest,unemployment,former,dawn,plain,chief,widesperead,词组in vain,leave alone,insist on,as a result, take a chance,put on, on sale, in turn,学生能够体会文章如何进行内容安排以及写作顺序。过程与方法:1 学生通过快速阅读和精读课文,领会速读和精读的要领。学生在阅读过程中会遇到很多阅读障碍,在老师正确引导下,通过读懂细节,推断隐含内容,掌握大意来获取所需信息,逐步掌握学习的调控策略。(稍微有点多)





教学过程: step1 Greetings

Teacher:Good morning,boys and girls.I'm happy to see you again.Step2 Warming up Task1: talk about American

T:How about your weekends? Who like to share something with us about your weekends? S1:……

T: This weekends are big days for me.I'm focousing on the United States of America election for two months.(这句话应用完成时)In this weekeeds, the results finally came out.Obama was re-elected as president of the United States of America.I believe everybody have ever heard something about this country.What is your fisrt impreion of America? Talk with your deskmates.Then share your opinion with us.Only two minutes for you.S2:…… S3…… S4:……

Task 2: listen and answer questions

Teacher :Now I will show you a vedio(既然是vedio,前面的task就不只是listen)about America.when it over ,you should answer 3 questions What’s on the American national flag?

When did America become an independent country? What are most famous universities in America? T:Excellent!You did well.Now we are going to learn more about America, please turn to page XX and let’s learn Unit 16 The United States of America

Step 3 whil-Reading

fast-reading : let students read the paage quickly and after that do the exercises below: Task 1Choose the best answer:(单项选择题放在fast-reading环节不太合适,因为这种题更多的是考了一些细节,fast-reading用于训练阅读技能skimming的)C 1.Hundreds of years ago, which of the following countries probably killed the native Americans?A.Korea.B.Egypt.C.England.D.Canada.D 2.Which of the following is wrong according to the paage? A.The South has overcome many difficulties ever since the Civil War.B.The fights between blacks and whites in the 1960’s were fierce.C.There is no doubt that Atlanta is a typical Southern city in many ways.D.Today the South has developed far better than the North.B 3.What do you know about Atlanta in the past ? A.The post-war years were easy B.People worked hard to rebuild the city C.The city was very rich D.The city was very rich in the war C 4.What’s the difference between the former Atlanta and the new Atlanta ? A.There were no white people in this new city B.Atlanta’s Indian America community grew in the new city C.Atlanta’s black businees became more succeful

D.The new city was worse than the old one B 5.The text is mainly about ___________ A.The sufferings in the history of the South B.the quick development of the South after the civil war C.the Civil Rights Movement of the black people D.the famous cities of the South

(这个题目完后,教师是让学生相互核对答案讨论后在起来说,还是教师直接核对答案,出完题后,要核对写出来,让改卷老师清楚,你的教学过程中学生做完题后是核对答案了的)careful-reading Task 2 Paragraph 1 The history of the South is one of suffering: what caused so many sufferings? Match each event with the time and find out what hardship or suffering each event caused.Time Events Sufferings(on screen)1492 the Great Depreion : _______________________ 1600 The Civil Rights movement : _______________________ 1861 The slave trades : _______________________ 1930s The arrival of Europeans Settlers _________________________ : 1960s The Civil War : ______________________ pare 2---Para 5 finish the table according to Para 2---Para 5(是让学生自己单独做,还是分组共同完成)Atlanta’s rebuilding / Reconstruction Fields Difficulty Results

Had been rebuilt in only The city Burnt down

______years.______and _______ ___________ took away many

could live together.of black’s right.Society __________________grew There were ____ fights between(civil rights)_____________ become succeful.blacks & whites.________was shot

_____________ eventually to death.disappeared

A________ busine center Economy Have only $_____to build the city.The home of____________ Sports & In 1996_______________ culture

Step 4 Post-reading Task 1 Pairwork

T: Work with your partners,and think about 4questions from this text.Then choose one question and one student in your group to answer before the cla.(4 students as a group)1.Why is Atlanta in many ways a typical southern city? It experienced the hardship of slavery, the Civil War, the post-war years and the Great Depreion

2.People of many different backgrounds live and work together in People with different background Atlanta.What are the advantages of living together with people who are different with people from you? Are there any disadvantages? Advantages: People with different background have different ideas and knowledge,which makes the population more creative.It is good for people to learn about other cultures.Life is more interesting if people are different.Disadvantages: People from different cultures may misunderstand each other.People from different cultures may treat each other badly.Life can be more difficult if people are different.3.Examples of hope and succe of the South The people of Atlanta struggled to rebuild the city and create a new South Atlanta’s African-American community grew and black businees became more succeful.Segregation disappeared and Atlanta was a succeful city proud of its cultural diversity.Atlanta becomes a place where hope and faith have replaced fear and doubt.Atlanta lies in the South.It was burnt down inthe Civil War.The post-war years were hard And the people of Atlanta struggled torebuild The city and create anew South In 1996, Atlanta Hostedthe Olympic Games

4.The suffering of the South in the past: The suffering of the Native Americans who were killed or driven off their land by European settlers.The pains of slaves brought from Africa by greedy slave traders.The hardships of unemployment and civil unrest in the post-war years and the Great Depreion.The many sacrifices of the Civil Rights Movements.在post-reading 环节是学生理解完课文后的语言产出环节,最好能设计出与文章内容相关的开放性问题,让学生们有兴趣进行语言表达。这个环节一般一至两个活动即可,不应过多。Step 5 Homework

Task 1 Introduction the United States of Amerida to your clamates ,friends ,parents and so on in English.Task 2 Write a composition about a country about 200 words expect Americn.You can search on the library or internet to find some imformation about this conuntry.(关于一个国家的情况可以有太多方面的介绍,由于水平有限不可能一一介绍完,而且学生有可能不知道介绍哪些方面,教师这里可以给学生罗列一些课文中出现过的介绍内容,比如教师可以说:write a composition to introduce a country you like,you can include :geography, population, culture, food, places of interest and so on.)





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