Taking meages Pre-listening: 1.Show a picture of calling sb.and set up a situation: There is a phone for Mi Li, but she is not here.So you need to take a meaasage for her.教师创设电话情景,激发学生的学习气氛 2.Review the words and sentence patterns: make a note, at the moment, take a meage, call back,the phone number Hello, this is...speaking? May I speak to...? May I take the meage for you? Your name please? Your telephone number? 要求学生掌握听力材料中必要的短语和基本的句型,通过一个小练习对词组进行检测。
While-listening: A: Hello, this is Mi Fang speaking.B:May I _____ to Mr zheng, please? A:I 'm ______ she is not in at the ______.Can I take a meage for you? B:Yes, please....A: Ok, I'll give her the meage.I am sure she will be very _____ B: Thank you.Goodbye.指导学生听完一遍后能尽力填到所听内容,再听第二遍的时候确定所填写内容是否正确。After-listening:
1.Check the answers with sutdents.2.Listen more maages and fill in the blank.Call's name_______ Caller's phone number_____________________ Meage__________________________________ 进行巩固练习,掌握在捎口信中的基本短语和句型。Homework: Listen to the tape again and try to write down all the dialogue.Earthquake Pre-listening: 1.Everybody had various experiences.Some of them were exciting, and some were terrible.Let the students watch a video and answer the questions: What happened? When did it happen? Where did it happen? 教师通过视听结合,让学生熟悉本课的主题,培养他们获取具体信息的能力。2.Show some pictures and lead the students to learn some new words and phrases.Disaster , San Francisco,survive,try our best...熟悉并掌握有关地震的词汇,为学生听力扫清障碍 While-listening: 1.Listen for the first time and answer the questions: When did the earthquake happen? Where was the man driving when it happened? Was he hurt? 通过泛听培养学生获取文章主旨大意的听力技能
2.Listen for the sencond time and answer the questions.The man was on his way to his daughter’s school.Then what do you think he was going to do there? What was the first thing he saw? What had he done before the earthquake? 设置细节问题,让学生保持高度的集中,边听边进行笔记,培养学生对细节和关键词的把握。
3.Listen for the third time and fill in the blanks.a.I ________ myself in the dark.b.Then I remembered what __________.c.It was clear to me now that I ______________ in an earthquake.d.Then I _____________ people _____________ towards me.e.A team of people ______________ to see if anyone _____________ under the broken road.培养学生在听时捕捉关键词和短时记忆的能力, 同时也检 测了学生的写的能力
After-listening 1.What do you think of the parents in this story? 2.What can you learn from this paaage? Homework: Write a sveral sentences about your unforgettable/intersting/ exciting/wonderful expenerice
Different kinds of TV programmes Pre-listening: 1.The teacher Shows some pictures of different kinds of TV programmes.2.Let the students remember these words of different kinds of TV programmes.教师通过展示图片教授相关单词,引入本节课学习的话题——各种类型电视节目。
3.The teacher shows the pictures of Part A and let students match sentences with the correct programmes.4.Let students talk about the answers in pairs and checks the answers.教师通过完成听力材料前的练习。为以下的听力任务完成做好铺垫。While-listening: 1.Read through the dialogue and fill the blanks that you can according to Part A 2.Students listen to the tape twice and complete the dialogue using the words in PartA A: what types of TV programmes do you like ? B:I like watching ____because I learn a lot about history and real-life from them.A: I prefer_____.I hope one day I can take part in one of them,answer all the questions!
C:I like ____because the actors in them are always very funny and they make me laugh.D: I love____so much.My favourite one is Hello Kitty.E: Do you like____? I think they are great.They always have such interesting things.A:Yes, but sometimes they are too long.I don't have time to sit in front of the TV for hours every night.听一段听力材料,完成听力。教师利用第一环节的铺垫,完成部分空格,然后听材料两遍,完成剩余空格。After-listening: 1.Check the answers by playing the tape.2.Let six students take the parts of the dialogue and act it out.教师通过边播放录音边检查同学们的答案,逐个答案检查完之后再整体地听一遍文章。Homework: Write several sentences about your favourite programmes and the reasons why you like it best
Expre the views Pre-listening: 1.Let students to say their expereicences in English in front of their clamatets.训练学生的口头表达能力,检查复习上次听力课所要求的内容。
2.Make a mini-dailogue in pairs about sharing their esperiences and tell the reaons.While-listening: 1.Listen to a dialogue and get a main idea of of.When /where/who/what/ how 听对话,概括整个对话的进行的一个基本要素
2.Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks.3.Listen to dialogue and find out how they expere like and dislike, write down those sentences 听对话,获取细节信息并提取关键有效信息进行填空 After-listening 1.Find a topic and let students to give their views on the topic.Homework: Make a dialogue with the important phrases we learn today.
《发展汉语中级汉语听力》上册 第十课 健身三人谈 教案一、教学基本情况1、教学对象:中级一班留学生2、学生人数:20人左右3、教学时间:2课时4、授课人:李莉二、课文处理(一)处理生......
听力教学教案一、导入Presentation: 听一听:找出下列单词的发音 A: cat bag rat sad apple B: set bed get wet red C: sitbigpig zip his 让学生找出每组单词中的......
Teaching Manuscript for Listening英语听力教案Zhou Dongni周东妮1 Unit One : Can I take a Meage? ( I ) Teaching focus : The teaching focus of this unit is telepho......
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内容:Unit 1 《The new term》 目的:听大意 复述所听内容 T: Now cla, we are going to listen to a dialogue you need to listen carefully ,because I need you to repeat......