英语教案traffic light_英语light教案
英语教案traffic light由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“英语light教案”。
大班幼儿英语教案——the traffic lights
活动名称:Traffic lights 班级:大班
②引导儿童乐于参加英语活动,大胆说英语,体验英语活动的乐趣 活动准备:动物头饰若干,司机、警察头饰各一个;红黄绿色气球各一个;ppt课件 活动过程: Ⅰ、Greetings
Ⅱ、Lend in: 播放一个视频,引出红绿黄灯,“红灯停,黄灯等,绿灯行”
T: At the beginning of this cla, I’ll show you a video.After watching the video, I have a question for you.Please listen carefully.T: What did you see? What did you hear? S: red /yellow/green T: yes!We have learned that three words, red yellow and green.(show the picture of traffic light)Look!Here is traffic light.Do you know some rules of the traffic light?
① repetition : setting the scene “here come a school bus!”
T:(show the picture of the driver)who is him? S: driver T: Yes!Now, I’m the diver, and let’s do some exercises!Stand up!
教师带领全体幼儿一起做韵律操:green light green light go go go ,red light red light stop stop stop, yellow light yellow light wait wait wait
② Role play:请4个小朋友分别选择扮演自己喜欢的动物,一个小朋友扮演警察,控制红绿灯。四个“小动物”要过马路,在路口喊出“I am a pig/tiger/monkey/rabbit”,下面所有的小朋友根据警察控制的traffic light一起指挥小动物,“pig pig(tiger/monkey/rabbit)stop stop stop(go/wait)”.T: There are some old friends, do you know him? Who are them? S: Pig/rabbit/tiger/monkey T: Those friends are going to cro the road, could you help them? S: Yes!T: Now, here are those animals.(Show the picture of animals)who want to act? Choose the animal you like best to act.T: and then, I need a boy to act the policeman.Who want to try? 此时,教师示范一遍游戏规则,引导幼儿开始游戏。等所有动物安全通过马路了,游戏才能结束。
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