Unit 5 Toys Leon 1 Teaching aims: 1.会唱歌谣“London bridge is falling down”,并能进行律动表演。2.掌握一些与幼儿经验相关的英文玩具名称。Important &difficult points: 1.Words: yo-yo, ball , doll, ballon , blocks, dinosaur 2.Chant: London bridge is falling down Teaching aids: Stickers , MP4 , cards , 实物玩具 Teaching steps: Step 1 Warm up 1.Greeting 2.出示伦敦桥的异行图片,并带读:London bridge。T:London bridge is falling down…
3.播放光盘,让幼儿跟着音乐练习律动。4.Practice the chant.Step 2 Words teaching 1.T: Wow!I have so many toys here.Come on.Look, … Do you know what this is?出示玩具yo-yo, ball , doll, ballon , blocks, dinosaur。T把玩具分给八位小朋友,然后逐一请每位小朋友到前面,引导大家一期用英语说说这个玩具的名称。2.T教读单词。3.Game: Select and Say ①Show the cards and put them up on the board.②Put the toys into the big box.指着yo-yo的卡片说:A yo-yo。再指着箱子里的玩具说:Where is the yo-yo? 引导一位幼儿在箱子里找出溜溜球。
③变换口令,让不同的幼儿从箱子里找出玩具。4.跟着光盘读单词 Task Activity: 1.表演律动“London bridge is falling down”给家长看。
Teaching Reflection:
Leon 2 Teaching aims: 1.复习单词yo-yo, ball , doll, ballon , blocks, dinosaur 2..可以用I want …句型表达自己的意愿。Important &difficult points: 句型:I want a + toys.Teaching aids: Cards , MP4 , box ,实物玩具 Teaching steps: Step 1 Warm up 1.Greeting 2.Let’s sing and dance.Sing “London bridge is falling down” together.Step 2 Review 1.Show the cards , review the words: yo-yo, ball , doll, ballon , blocks, dinosaur.2.Game: Run to me Let the children make a circle.Put the toys in a line.让一名幼儿带上Teddy的头饰站在玩具前。T随意站在圈外任何地方,出示卡片“yo-yo”,这名幼儿要捡起溜溜球跑向老师。Step 3 Presentation 1.T: I have two gifts in my hands.Do you want to know what they are? Let’s gue…
2.T: Look!Which one would you like ? A yo-yo or a doll? S1: A yo-yo.T: You want a yo-yo.OK!Copy me.I want a yo-yo.Ss: I want a yo-yo.3.Game: I can do it.T边唱London bridge is falling down边把桌子放在教室中间当作“伦敦桥”,然后把玩具放在桥的一头,幼儿要钻过桥才可以拿到喜欢的玩具。T 请一名幼儿选出卡片并用“I want…”的句型表达自己想过去取玩具。Eg.Pick up “ballon”.He should say: I want a ballon.Then他从桥下爬过去取气球。
4.Teaching sentences in the same way.5.Watch and copy the sentences.Task Activity: 在家里会用I want…表达自己想要的东西。Teaching Reflection:
Teaching aims: Important &difficult points: Teaching aids: Cards , MP4 , box ,实物玩具 Teaching steps: Step 1 Warm up Step 2 Review Step 3 Presentation Teaching Reflection: Task Activity:
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