教师资格考试说课教案:《who1599s taller》_教师资格考试说课稿
教师资格考试说课教案:《who1599s taller》由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“教师资格考试说课稿”。
教师资格考试说课教案:《who's taller》
Good afternoon everyone.I'm number8,i'm here to apply for the english teacher in primary school.it's give my honor to do this presentation here.My topic is “who's taller?” and i will analyse materials, students, teaching method, learning method, teaching proce and black board design.1.Materials-analyzing First i will analyse materials 1.1The role of this leon: i will talk about leon 7 unit 2 in grade 5 A, published by PEP.this unit, students will learn comparative degree for the first time, next unit students will learn the superlative, so if students can learn this unit well they will learn the superlative degree more easily.And leon 7 is the first leon of unit 2, it presents lsome simple comparative adjectives, and some simple sentences including comparatives.So students can have a general idea about comparative degree, and are ready to learn more about it.1.2 teaching aims According to the students' english level and the new standard curriculum, i set up the following teaching objectives.Knowledge and skill aims: Students can know usually if you want to change an adjective into its comparative form, “er” should be put at the end of the word.and Students can listen and speak simple comparatives and some simple sentences including comparatives.Proce and method aims: Students can know picutres can help them understand some difficult english words and sentences.Students can know practising with their clamates is one of the ways to improve their english.Emotion and attitude aims: Students can learn to notice their clamates more, not just focus on themselves.And know that people can still get along well with each other even though they may have different appearances and characters.1.3 key points and difficult points The key points and the difficult points are learning comparatives changing rules and the typical sentence pattern.Ok, this is my analysis of material, second, i want to talk something about the students.(八)Students analysing Students in grade 5 a have studied english at least more than two years, and they've had certain skills in english.And their abstract thinking is developing and are eager to learn, eager to show.what's more they are forming the ability to explore english konwledge and skills with some tools such as pictures, radios, dictionaries.(九)Teaching method and learning method third, according to the new curriculum standard and the situation of students, in this cla, i will mainly use task-based instruction, and students will work in pairs and in groups to explore the comparatives changing rules, and the relative sentence pattern.(十)Teaching proce Step 1 warm up and lead in(5 minutes)Now, i'd like to talk about my teaching proce.According to the new curriculumn standard, teachers should be the promoter of students' study, and help students combine knowledge with lives, and communicating skill is especially important for english study, basing on the above ideas, i designed my teaching proce as follows After the greeting, i will ask some two or three students to volunteer to introduce one of their best friends to us, they can use the adjective words and sentence patterns they've learn last unit, which can help them to remember what they've learned.And for the volunteers who do this presentation i will give them stickers as encouragement for their bravene and excellent work.After students introduce their friends i will ask them some questions to lead in the comparatives, like, for example “ i know your friend Jane is tall, and i think you are tall too, but who, do you think, is taller , taller” here, i will repeat the word taller, and say it very slow, and in order to make students get the meaning of taller, i will use body language, drawing and words explanation..And i will ask questions like this for five or six times, and i will repeat students' answer in a complete sentence which is the target sentence pattern of this leon, for example “ Jane is taller than you” so students can notice when we compare two things in english we usually put an “er” at end of the adjective, and also notice the sentence pattern, “who is taller than....” Step 2 listen and do exercises(7 minutes)After the leading-in i will ask students to do exercise A, before this i will divide students into four groups, and give each group a name.And i will write down their group name at the left side of the black board,And i will tell students they should be active and brave and their whole group will get stars for their excellent performance during the cla.And at the end of the cla, the winner group will be rewarded.About exercise A i will ask students to turn to page 14, and ask them to pay attention to the first four pictures, and by asking and anwering i will let them notice that usually there are two students in one picuture, and they have some differences in some way, and their names are on the left bottom of this page, but we still cant match the name with the person, they will listen to the tape to find out their names..after listening i will let give me their answer in a whole sentence, for example “Jack is funnier”, and i will check the answer one picture by one picture.And if neceary, i will let the listen to the tape more than once.And the students who give the right answer will earn one star for their group.Step3 activity-“let's gue”(3 minutes)After listening, i will ask to look at the fifth picture, there are two boys in it, i will let students gue who is smarter and who is quieter, and tell me why.If students find it difficult to say,i will give them a domo, this activity will encourage students to say more target words and sentences and learn to expre their opinion in english.Step 4 compare and say(10 minutes)After step 3 I will ask two students to come here, and let students try to find the differences, by using this sentence, like lily is taller than tom, or lily's hair is longer than tom's hair.One difference will earn one star for their group.By this activity students will have a lot of chance to speak the target words and sentences and they will notice their clamates who get along with them almost everyday always have some difference from themselves.And students at this age like competition, so they will be active in this activity.And some students may find it is difficult to speak the new sentence pattern and words, i will write down the target sentence and words on the blackboard as hints.Step 5 get to notice my clamates(10 minutes)By step 4 students will be able to speak the simple comparatives and relevant sentence pattern.In step 5 i will ask students to try to finish the sentence in exercise C, and after they finish their work, they should check their work with their partner.Then i will ask several students to do report, if they have complete the blanks right, i will give their group a star.By this activity students again will practise using the comparatives and relevant sentences pattern.And they can learn by helping each other they can do work faster and better.Step 6 summarize and homework At the end of the cla, i will account the stars of each group with students, the most one will be the winner.I will give a reward for every student in this group.I will ask to describe one of their clamates, using the structure, he is taller than liming, and his hair is shorter than my hair……,and next cla, they can read it to us, we will gue who he or she is decribing.(十一)blackboard design In order to conqure difficulty and grasp key pointsof the leon.I will put the key sentence pattern and words such as ' jane is taller than tom;jane's hair is longer than tom'[s hair' in the middle of the black board, so students can know the importance of this cla.And i will put the evaluation of each group on the left side of the black board, so can know their performance during the cla, and be active.一组:
3、你组织学生一次户外活动,有个同学突然中暑,你怎么处理? 历年教师招聘考试十八道经典面试题
问:苏亮的考试成绩(chengji)不理想(lixiang),他伤心(shangxin)地(xindi)哭了,作为教师的你会怎么(zenme)办? Primped and polished till you glow 答:首先,苏亮因为(yinwei)考试成绩不理想而伤心,说明(shuoming)他是个爱学习(xuexi),重视(zhongshi)学习的好学生。至于成绩不理想一定(yiding)是有原因(yuanyin)的,所以我作为他的老师(laoshi)首先要给予他信任(xinren)和理解(lijie)。
Two Chinese soldiers are dragged out.其次,要和苏亮及其家长谈心,了解(liaojie)考试他成绩不理想的原因:是由于自身(zishen)的原因还是外界环境的原因,如果(ruguo)是自身原因的话是由于学习方法(fangfa)的原因还是学习策略(celue)的原因,如果是外界环境影响的话是家庭环境还是学校环境。
It all depends on what she cooks like!最后(zuihou),针对苏亮成绩不理想的原因,和他一起(yiqi)来制定一定改善的策略。如:使用(shiyong)新的学习方法、制定合理的学习策略、家长提供轻松(qingsong)的学习氛围(fenwei)、与同学(tongxue)之间建立(jianli)良好(lianghao)的互助学习关系(guanxi)等等。
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