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The First Lady’s Travel Journal: Our Official Visit to China Begins 第一夫人旅游日志:我们对中国的正式访问开始 March 21, 2014 2014年3月21日

After a long flight from Washington, D.C.– one that took around 20 hours – my mother, my daughters, and I arrived in Beijing to begin our official visit to China.Our first stop was at the Beijing Normal School, where we were hosted by Madam Peng Liyuan, the First Lady of China.从华盛顿出发,在经历了差不多20个小时的长途飞行之后,我和我的母亲、我的女儿们抵达北京,开始了我们的正式访问。我们的第一站是北师大二附中,中国第一夫人彭丽媛女士接待了我们。

Madam Peng first became known to the Chinese people long before she was First Lady.Madam Peng earned her Master’s Degree in traditional ethnic music at China’s Conservatory of Music, and in 1983, she performed as a folk singer on the Chinese Lunar New Year telecast, which is consistently the most-watched broadcast in the world.In the years since, she has appeared on that telecast multiple times, while also performing for audiences throughout China, becoming one of the most popular folk singers in her country.彭女士在成为第一夫人之前已经在中国家喻户晓。彭女士在中国音乐学院拿到民族声乐硕士学位。1983年,她以一个民族歌手的身份在中国农历新年晚会上演出,这个晚会一直是世界上观众最多的电视节目。之后若干年,她经常上电视,同时在中国各地为观众演唱歌曲,成为中国最受欢迎的民族歌手之一。

In addition to being a singer, Madam Peng has also earned the civilian rank equal to a Major General in the Chinese military(she joined when she was 18 years old).Three years ago, she was named a Global Ambaador by the World Health Organization, and she works to fight diseases like tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS.And last year, she became China’s First Lady when her Husband, President Xi Jinping, became China’s President.除了是一名歌手,彭女士还在中国军队担任文职,级别相当于少将(入伍时她18岁)。三年前,世界卫生组织任命她为国际大使,她也一直致力于抗击艾滋病和肺结核。去年,在她的丈夫习近平成为国家主席后,她成为了中国的第一夫人。

As my family and I can attest from our time together at the Beijing Normal School, Madam Peng is a warm and gracious host.And this visit was a perfect opportunity to highlight the themes of my trip: the value of education and the importance of cultural exchanges between young people in different countries.通过与彭女士在北师大二附中的相处,我和我的家人感到彭女士是个和蔼而热情的东道主。这次访问是一个绝好的机会突出我此行的主题:教育的价值以及各国年轻人之间文化交流的重要性。About 800 students attend the Beijing Normal School, and of those, roughly one in four are international students – including some Americans.All the claes are taught in English(one room even has a map of the United States on the ceiling), and the curriculum prepares students to study internationally once they graduate.Many students here hope to one day attend college in America.北师大二附中的800名学生中大约四分之一是国际学生——其中包括美国学生。所有课程都用英语授课(有一个教室的天花板上甚至有美国的地图),这些课程是为了培养学生毕业后出国深造。很多学生希望能有一天去美国上大学。

Madam Peng and I first visited a cla where students were actually building their own robots, and they were kind enough to do a demonstration for us.The first robot we saw could actually walk over obstacles.Another one, which was shaped like a triangle, was referred to as “bad boy” by its student creators(one of them explained to us that this robot is “really naughty”).After the robotics cla, we stopped by a ping pong practice seion where I got some tips from the instructor and then had the chance to play with one of the students.She was excellent(though I think she may have gone easy on me, just to be nice).We ended our visit by saying a quick hello to the 33 American students who are studying at this school through an exchange program.彭女士和我首先走进一堂课,看到学生们正在自己搭建机器人,他们很友好地给我们示范。我们看到的第一个机器人居然可以跨越障碍。另一个三角形机器人,制造机器人的学生告诉我们它叫“坏小子”(其中一个学生告诉我们这个机器人“很淘气”)。机器人课后,我们经过一个乒乓球练习场,我跟教练学了一些技巧,还跟一个学生打了球。她打得非常棒(我想她友好地对我手下留情了)。最后,我们向正在该校参加交换项目的33名美国学生简单问好后结束了行程。

This visit was a wonderful way to start our trip and a good opportunity for us to see how students here in China are already collaborating with students around the world and preparing to expand and deepen these connections in the years ahead.对学校的访问为我们的中国之行开了一个好头,也为我们提供了一个好机会,让我们看到中国的学生已经在与世界各地学生交流合作,并准备在未来数年扩大深化这种交往。

The First Lady’s Travel Journal: Touring the Forbidden City 第一夫人旅行日志:游览故宫 March 21, 2014 2014年3月21日

After visiting the Beijing Normal School, Madame Peng took Sasha and Malia, my mother, and me to the Forbidden City, which is located right in the heart of Beijing.在访问北京师范大学(微博)第二附属中学后,彭女士带着Sasha、Malia、我的母亲和我去位于北京中心位置的故宫。For more than 2,000 years(up until 1912), China was ruled by emperors who descended from many different dynasties, or families, who paed ruling positions on from generation to generation – and for nearly 500 years, the Forbidden City served as the emperor’s home.2000多年来(直到1912年),中国由许多不同朝代或家族的皇帝统治,一代代地传递统治地位。在将近500年的时间里,故宫就是皇帝的家。

Like the name suggests, the Forbidden City is large enough to be a city of its own – it includes nearly 1,000 buildings and nearly 10,000 rooms.正如其名字所示,故宫(紫禁城)大到足以成为一座城市—它包括了近1,000栋建筑和近10,000间房屋。

In 1925, the new Chinese government turned the Forbidden City into a museum so that visitors like us from all over the world can stroll through many of the beautiful rooms and outdoor spaces.1925年,中国新政府将故宫改为博物馆,这让像我们一样来自全世界的游客都有机会在这些美伦美奂的房间内外漫步。

Despite its size, some of the most interesting aspects of the Forbidden City are actually very small.Intricate carvings in jade and marble and glazed colored tiles fill the rooms and tell stories about ancient Chinese history.The ceilings are covered with detailed, carved designs.And miniature sculptures sit on the buildings’ roofs, where they watched over the emperors centuries ago.尽管规模宏大,但故宫最有趣的一些部分实际上很小。雕刻精致复杂的玉石和大理石,色彩斑斓的琉璃瓦充满了这些房间,讲述关于古代中国历史的故事。天花板上覆盖着精致的雕刻图案。建筑物的屋顶上立着微型雕塑,数个世纪前它们就在那里注视着历届帝王。The Forbidden City is far too large to fully experience in a single visit, but highlights include the following: The Hall of Union and Peace has almost 14,000 ornamental dragons.The Hall of Supreme Harmony is where the emperor viewed birthday celebrations and coronation ceremonies from his Dragon Throne.And then there are the Imperial Gardens, where you can walk along the paths and pavilions, admiring the beautiful rock arrangements, flowers and cypre trees.故宫太大了,一次参观不可能看完,不过亮点有以下这些:交泰殿装饰的龙有近14,000条。太和殿是皇帝坐在龙椅上观看寿辰庆典和举行登基及册封等仪式的地方。然后是御花园,在那里你可以沿着小路和亭台漫步,欣赏美丽的假山,鲜花和柏树。

While we loved our visit to the Forbidden City, we only wish we had more time to see everything.But then again, I’m not sure there could ever be enough time to fully appreciate all of the art and history within this extraordinary place.我们非常喜欢我们的故宫之行,只希望有更多的时间来看遍所有景点。但是话说回来,我不确定,真的能有足够时间来充分地欣赏这个非同寻常的地方所有的艺术和历史。

The First Lady s Travel Journal: Meeting with American and Chinese Students at Peking University


March 22, 2014 2014年3月22日

This morning, I had the privilege of visiting Peking University and speaking with Chinese students and American students studying abroad here in China.Peking University was founded more than a hundred years ago, in 1898, and it is one of China s best-known universities.The American students in the audience today came from a number of different universities, and by studying here in China, they get to experience daily life in this country firsthand, practice their Chinese, and form lifelong friendships with Chinese students.今天上午,我有幸访问了北京大学并与中国学生以及留学(微博)中国的美国学生交谈。北京大学成立于一百多年以前(1898年),是中国最知名的大学之一。今天听众中的美国学生来自许多不同的大学,通过在中国学习,他们得以亲身体验在这个国家的日常生活,练习他们的汉语,并与中国学生结成终生的友谊。

As I said in my speech today, these experiences represent so much more than a fun way to spend a semester.In today s increasingly global, interconnected economy, businees here in America do busine with, and compete with, businees around the world.So these days, knowing a foreign language and being familiar with a foreign culture can actually be an important qualification for a job.正如我在今天的讲话中所说,这些经历代表的远比以开心的方式度过一个学期要多。当今日益全球化、日益相互联系的经济中,美国的企业要与全世界的企业做生意并相互竞争。目前,懂得一门外语并且了解一种外国文化其实是工作中应有的一种重要素质。

拓展阅读:美国第一夫人米歇尔北大演讲双语全文+视频>>> In addition, so many of the challenges we face today like climate change, economic opportunity, and disease are shared challenges, meaning that no one person in any one country can addre them alone.So soon, it will be up to your generation to solve these problems working with other young leaders acro the globe.And by studying abroad, and getting to understand cultures and societies different from your own, you can begin to lay the foundation for that kind of cooperation.此外,我们今天面临如此多的挑战——如气候变化、经济机会和疾病——都是共同的挑战,这意味着任何一个国家都没有任何一个人可以单独应对这些问题。所以很快,就将靠你们这一代和世界各地的青年领袖一起合作来解决这些问题。而通过出国留学,理解与你们自己不同的文化和社会,你们能够开始为那种合作奠定基础。

But make no mistake about it, you don t need to get on a plane to see the world and engage with people from other countries.I told students today that if you have acce to a computer with an internet connection in your home, school, or library, then with the click of a button, you can transport yourself anywhere in the world and connect with people on every continent.And of course, you can do this because in America, ideas and information can flow freely over the internet.As I said today, the First Amendment of our Constitution guarantees all of us the right to free speech, and our government puts few limits on what we can say online, on TV and in the newspapers.但请不要误会,你们不一定非要坐上飞机去看世界并接触来自其他国家的人。我今天告诉学生们,如果你们在家里、学校或图书馆能用电脑上网,那么只要点击一个按键,你就可以把自己送到世界任何地方并与各大洲的人民建立联系。当然,你可以这样做是因为在美国,思想和信息可以在互联网上自由流动。正如我今天所说,我们的宪法第一修正案保障我们所有人的言论自由权,而且我国政府对于我们可以在网络上、电视上和报纸上能说什么几乎没有限制。

The government in China puts restrictions on both the internet and the news media, but when my husband and I travel, we feel that it s important to talk about what we believe in America.This is how we start a conversation through which countries can better understand each other s values and beliefs.That s why, in my speech today, I talked about how in America, we believe that we re strongest when everyone s voices can be heard and people can question and criticize their government freely and openly.That s how we discover the truth about what s happening in our communities, our country and our world.And that s how we decide which ideas are best by hearing everyone s opinions and then judging for ourselves.中国政府对互联网和新闻媒体都有限制,但是当我丈夫和我旅行时,我们觉得谈论我们美国所信仰的东西是很重要的.这就是我们如何开始对话,通过它让国家之间更好地了解彼此的价值观和信仰。这就是为什么今天我在演讲里讲到,在美国,我们如何得以相信,当每个人的声音都能得到倾听,并且人们可以自由、公开地质疑和批评他们的政府的时候,我们是最强大的。那就是我们如何得以发现真相,了解我们的社区、我们的国家和我们的世界正在发生什么。那也是我们如何决定哪些思想是最好的——通过倾听每个人的观点,然后自己进行判断。


Today we drove about an hour north of Beijing to a village called Mutianyu to visit a section of the Great Wall of China, which was simply breathtaking.The scenery on the way there was beautiful a wide vista of mountains and trees so the car ride alone was a treat.But then, running along the highest ridges of the mountains, you see it: The Great Wall one of the great marvels of human history.今天我们驱车一小时来到北京北部的村庄慕田峪,游览了中国长城的一部分,真是激动人心啊!那里的风景非常美,放眼望去满目青山绿树,单单在车上看风景就已经是种享受了。然后登上群山中的最高峰,你就可以看到人类历史上最伟大的奇迹之一:长城。

In its entirety, the Great Wall stretches from east to west acro more than 13,000 miles of Chinese countryside(that's about four times the length of the entire United States from Maine to Oregon!).It is not a single, uninterrupted wall, but rather a series of smaller walls which sometimes overlap and run parallel to each other.长城东西总长度有13000英里(约等于从缅因州到俄勒冈州整个美国东西长度的4倍),它并不是独立不间断的城墙,而是时而迂回重叠、彼此平行的一系列小城墙。

Certain sections of the Wall date back as far as the seventh century B.C., but the majority of the Great Wall we know today including the section at Mutianyu was built between the 1300s and the 1600s.长城的某些部分要追溯到公元前17世纪,但我们今天所熟知的长城,包括慕田峪在内的大部分都是在14世纪到17世纪之间建筑的。

To get to the Wall, we rode a cable car up a mountain(and we later rode back down on a long slide!).The section we visited is one of the more popular parts of the Wall for tourists, and it s easy to see why.At Mutianyu, the Wall is roughly 20 to 25 feet tall and full of stairs, and there s a watchtower every 100 yards or so.Those watchtowers serve as a reminder of why the Wall was built in the first place to defend against attacks from armies descending from the north.Throughout its history, the Great Wall has gone through decades, even centuries, of ruin and disrepair.But it has always served as not only a physical barrier, but a psychological one to intimidate potential invaders.我们乘坐缆车到了长城(回来的时候是通过一个长长的滑道!)我们参观的是长城最受游客欢迎的地方,这里为什么最受欢迎其实一看就知道。在慕田峪,城墙大概有20至25英尺高,上面有很多台阶,同时大约每100码就有一个瞭望台。这些瞭望台是为了纪念最初建筑长城的意义——防御北方敌人入侵。在长城的整个历史中,有几十年甚至几个世纪,长城遭到破坏、年久失修。但现在长城不仅仅是一道实体屏障,还对潜在侵犯起着心理威慑作用。

During our visit to the Wall, I couldn t stop thinking about what a maive undertaking it must have been to build it.Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and peasants were given the dangerous, painstaking and often fatal task of carrying ton after ton of granite, brick, dirt, and wood through the forests, up over the hills, and down through the valleys to create this incredible structure.They did this year after year, decade after decade and it s because of their hard work and sacrifice that the Great Wall remains standing today.游览长城的过程中,我不禁思考这是多么大的工程量啊!成千上万的士兵和农民不辞劳苦、不惧危险,把一吨又一吨的花岗岩、砖块、泥土及木材从山林运到山上、再运到山谷,才铸就了如此惊人的杰作。正是劳动人民日复一日、年复一年的辛勤汗水,才铸就了今天屹立不倒的长城。


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