As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate.
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.
Essay Response ― Score 6
The statement linking technology negatively with free thinking plays on recent human experience over the past century. Surely there has been no time in history where the lived lives of people have changed more dramatically. A quick reflection on a typical day reveals how technology has revolutionized the world. Most people commute to work in an automobile that runs on an internal combustion engine. During the workday, chances are high that the employee will interact with a computer that processes information on silicon bridges that are .09 microns wide. Upon leaving home, family members will be reached through wireless networks that utilize satellites orbiting the earth. Each of these common occurrences could have been inconceivable at the turn of the 19th century.
The statement attempts to bridge these dramatic changes to a reduction in the ability for humans to think for themselves. The assumption is that an increased reliance on technology negates the need for people to think creatively to solve previous quandaries. Looking back at the introduction, one could argue that without a car, computer, or mobile phone, the hypothetical worker would need to find alternate methods of transport, information processing and communication. Technology short circuits this thinking by making the problems obsolete.
However, this reliance on technology does not necessarily preclude the creativity that marks the human species. The prior examples reveal that technology allows for convenience. The car, computer and phone all release additional time for people to live more efficiently. This efficiency does not preclude the need for humans to think for themselves. In fact, technology frees humanity to not only tackle new problems, but may itself create new issues that did not exist without technology. For example, the proliferation of automobiles has introduced a need for fuel conservation on a global scale. With increasing energy demands from emerging markets, global warming becomes a concern inconceivable to the horse-and-buggy generation. Likewise dependence on oil has created nation-states that are not dependent on taxation, allowing ruling parties to oppress minority groups such as women. Solutions to these complex problems require the unfettered imaginations of maverick scientists and politicians.
In contrast to the statement, we can even see how technology frees the human imagination. Consider how the digital revolution and the advent of the internet has allowed for an unprecedented exchange of ideas. WebMD, a popular internet portal for medical information, permits patients to self research symptoms for a more informed doctor visit. This exercise opens pathways of thinking that were previously closed off to the medical layman. With increased interdisciplinary interactions, inspiration can arrive from the most surprising corners. Jeffrey Sachs, one of the architects of the UN Millenium Development Goals, based his ideas on emergency care triage techniques. The unlikely marriage of economics and medicine has healed tense, hyperinflation environments from South America to Eastern Europe.
This last example provides the most hope in how technology actually provides hope to the future of humanity. By increasing our reliance on technology, impossible goals can now be achieved. Consider how the late 20th century witnessed the complete elimination of smallpox. This disease had ravaged the human race since prehistorical days, and yet with the technology of vaccines, free thinking humans dared to imagine a world free of smallpox. Using technology, battle plans were drawn out, and smallpox was systematically targeted and eradicated.
Technology will always mark the human experience, from the discovery of fire to the implementation of nanotechnology. Given the history of the human race, there will be no limit to the number of problems, both new and old, for us to tackle. There is no need to retreat to a Luddite attitude to new things, but rather embrace a hopeful posture to the possibilities that technology provides for new avenues of human imagination.
Reader Commentary for Essay Response ― Score 6
The author of this essay stakes out a clear and insightful position on the issue and follows the specific instructions by presenting reasons to support that position. The essay cogently argues that technology does not decrease our ability to think for ourselves, but merely provides “additional time for people to live more efficiently.” In fact, the problems that have developed alongside the growth of technology (pollution, political unrest in oil-producing nations) actually call for more creative thinking, not less.
In further examples, the essay shows how technology allows for the linking of ideas that may never have been connected in the past (like medicine and economic models), pushing people to think in new ways. Examples are persuasive and fully developed; reasoning is logically sound and well supported.
Ideas in the essay are connected logically, with effective transitions used both between paragraphs (“However” or “In contrast to the statement”) and within paragraphs. Sentence structure is varied and complex and the essay clearly demonstrates facility with the “conventions of standard written English (i.e., grammar, usage and mechanics),” with only minor errors appearing. Thus, this essay meets all the requirements for receiving a top score, a 6.
6 A 6 paper presents a cogent, well-articulated analysis of the complexities of the issue and demonstrates mastery of the elements of effective writing.
A typical paper in this category
--develops a position(看到了吗,a position,要选取一个角度) on the issue with insightful reasons and/or persuasive examples (看到OR了吗,所以没有例子也可以,如果你可以congent并且给出非常insightful的`理由。)
--sustains a well-focused, well-organized discussion(关于文章结构的要求)
--expresses ideas clearly and precisely
--uses language fluently, with varied sentence structure and effective vocabulary (关于语言的要求的,你对语言的mastery就应该从这几个方面体现出来)
--demonstrates superior facility with the conventions (grammar, usage, and mechanics) of standard written English but may have minor flaws(这个minor flaws是建立在不影响理解的基础之上。)
1--Topic: Generalists vs. Specialists
Present your perspective on the issue below, using relevant reasons and/or examples to support your views.
“In our time, specialists of all kinds are highly overrated. We need more generalists -- people who can provide broad perspectives.”
SAMPLE-1 (score:6)
In this era of rapid social and technological change leading to increasing life complexity and psychological displacement, both positive and negative effects among persons in Western society call for a balance in which there are both specialists and generalists.
这一段非常干净利索的引出来题目的theme: specialist and generalist这个就是general statement。一些朋友拿文章出来修改的时候我经常发现没有一个引子,一个general statement。缺少这个部分的文章是得不到高分的.
Specialists are necessary insgroupsto allow society as a whole to properly and usefully assimilate the masses of new information and knowledge that have come out of research and have been widely disseminated through mass global media.肯定了specialist的必要性。句式不错,几个定语从句套在一起。As the head of Pharmacology at my university once said (and I paraphrase):“I can only research what I do because there are so many who have come before me to whom I can turn for basic knowledge. It is only because of each of the narrowly focussed individuals at each step that a full and true understanding of the complexities of life can be had. Each person can only hold enough knowledge to add one small rung to the ladder, but together we can climb to the moon.” This illustrates the point that our societies level of knowledge and technology is at a stage in which there simply must be specialists insgroupsfor our society to take advantage of the information available to us.
Simply put, without specialists, our society would find itself bogged down in the Sargasso sea of information overload. (Figurative expression。) While it was fine for early physicists to learn and understand the few laws and ideas that existed during their times, now, no one individual can possibly digest and assimilate all of the knowledge in any given area.
On the other hand, Over specialization means narrow focii in which people can lose the larger picture.
No one can hope to understand the human body by only inspecting one's own toe-nails. What we learn from a narrow focus may be internally logically coherent but may be irrelevant or fallacious within the framework of a broader perspective. Further, if we inspect only our toe-nails, we may conclude that the whole body is hard and white. Useful conclusions and thus perhaps useful inventions must come by sharing among specialists. Simply throwing out various discovieries means we have a pile of useless discoveries, it is only when one can make with them a mosaic that we can see that they may form a picture.
Not only may over-specialization be dangerous in terms of the truth, purity and cohesion of knowledge, but it can also serve to drown moral or universall issues.
出现了generalist开始展开并且将二者结合讨论了Generalists and only generalists can see a broad enough picture to realize and introduce to the world the problems of the environment. With specialization, each person focusses on their research and their goals. Thus, industrialization, expansion, and new technologies are driven ahead. Meanwhile no individual can see the wholisitc view of our global existence in which true advancement may mean stifling individual specialists for the greater good of all.
Finally, over-specialization in a people's daily lives and jobs has meant personal and psychological compartmentalization. People are forcedsintospigeon holes early in life (at least by university) and must conciously attempt to consume external forms of stimuli and information insgroupsnot to be lost in their small and isolated universe. Not only does this make for narrowly focussed and generally pooprly-educated individuals, but it guarantees a sense of loss of community, often followed by a feeling of psychological displacement and personal dissatisfaction.
Without generalists, society becomes inward-looking and eventually inefficient. Without a society that recongnizes the impotance of braod- mindedness and fora for sharing generalities, individuals become isolated. Thus, while our form of society necessitates specialists, generalists are equally important. Specialists drive us forward in a series of thrusts while generalists make sure we are still on the jousting field and know what the stakes are.
This is an outstanding response -- insightful, well reasoned, and highly effective in its use of language. The introductory paragraph announces the writer's position on the issue and provides the context within which the writer will develop that position: “In this era of rapid social and technological change leading to increasing life complexity and psychological displacement”
先肯定了文章的结构和表述。well-reasoned highly effective
The argument itself has two parts. The first part presents a compelling case for specialization, primarily in the field of medicine. The second part presents an equally compelling, well-organized case against overspecialization based on three main reasons:
-- logical (narrowly trained specialists often fail to understand the whole)
-- moral (usually generalists understand what is needed for “the greater good”)
-- personal (specializing/pigeonholing too early can be psychologically damaging)
The argument's careful line of reasoning is further strengthened by the skillful use of expert testimony (quotation from a prominent medical researcher) and vivid metaphor (to inspect only one's toenails is to ignore the whole body).
It is not only the reasoning that distinguishes this essay. The language is precise and often figurative (“bogged down in a Sargasso sea of information overload,” “a pile of useless discoveries,” and “specialists drive us forward in a series of thrusts, while generalists make sure we are still on the jousting field”). The reader is constantly guided through the argument by transitional phrases and ideas that help organize the essay and move the argument forwa
6 A 6 paper presents a cogent, well-articulated analysis of the complexities of the issue and demonstrates mastery of the elements of effective writing.
A typical paper in this category
--develops a position(看到了吗,a position,要选取一个角度)on the issue with insightful reasons and/or persuasive examples (看到OR了吗,所以没有例子也可以,如果你可以congent并且给出非常insightful的理由)
--sustains a well-focused, well-organized discussion(关于文章结构的要求)
--expresses ideas clearly and precisely
--uses language fluently, with varied sentence structure and effective vocabulary (关于语言的要求的,你对语言的mastery就应该从这几个方面体现出来)
--demonstrates superior facility with the conventions (grammar, usage, and mechanics) of standard written English but may have minor flaws(这个minor flaws是建立在不影响理解的基础之上。)
1--Topic: Generalists vs. Specialists
Present your perspective on the issue below, using relevant reasons and/or examples to support your views.
“In our time, specialists of all kinds are highly overrated. We need more generalists -- people who can provide broad perspectives.”
SAMPLE-1 (score:6)
In this era of rapid social and technological change leading to increasing life complexity and psychological displacement, both positive and negative effects among persons in Western society call for a balance in which there are both specialists and generalists.
这一段非常干净利索的引出来题目的'theme: specialist and generalist这个就是general statement。一些朋友拿文章出来修改的时候我经常发现没有一个引子,一个general statement。缺少这个部分的文章是得不到高分的.
Specialists ar
Issue 17
“The primary goal of technological advancement should be to increase people's efficiency so that everyone has more leisure time.”
The speaker contends that technology's primary goal should be to increase our efficiency for the purpose of affording us more leisure time. I concede that technology has enhanced our efficiency as we go about our everyday lives. Productivity software helps us plan and coordinate projects; intranets, the Internet, and satellite technology make us more efficient messengers; and technology even helps us prepare our food and access entertainment more efficiently. Beyond this concession, however, I find the speaker's contention indefensible from both an empirical and a normative standpoint.
注意这种新结构:运用了大量的'事实作出对原文观点的让步性同意,但是在最后还是有所创新的提出自己的读到见解。这种开头给人一种很爽的感觉――have forcibly posed your viewpoints.让我们记住:The speaker contends that...I concede that...Beyond this concession, however, I find the speaker's contention indefensible from both an empirical and a normative standpoint.
The chief reason for my disagreement lies in the empirical proof: with technological advancement comes diminished leisure time. In 1960 the average U.S. family included only one breadwinner, who worked just over 40 hours per week. Since then the average work week has increased steadily to nearly 60 hours today; and in most families there are now two breadwinners. What explains this decline in leisure despite increasing efficiency that new technologies have brought about? I contend that technology itself is the culprit behind the decline. We use the additional free time that technology affords us not for leisure but rather for work. As computer technology enables greater and greater office productivity it also raises our employers' expectations--or demands--for production. Further te
3.33.1 控制
bridle v. 控制,抑制;n. 马笼头
contain v. 控制;阻止,遏制;包含,含有 (container n. 容器)
containment n. 遏制,阻止
curb v. 控制;n. 路缘,(街道的)镶边石;马勒
dominate v. 控制,支配
dominant adj. 显性的,优势的
domination n. 控制,支配,管辖
governance n. 支配,统治
maneuver v./n. 操纵,策略;(军队)调遣 (maneuverable adj. 可移动的,可操纵的)
manipulate v. 操纵
manipulative adj. 操纵别人的,老于世故的
other-directed adj. 受人支配的
predominate v. 支配,统治;占优势
regiment v. 严格控制;n. (军队)团
rein v. 控制;n. 缰绳
steer v. 操舵,驾驶;n. 公牛,食用牛
subject n. 受支配的人,隶属
tractable adj. 易于驾驭的,温顺的
virago n. 好骂人或好支配人的女人,泼妇
wield v. 支配,掌权
yoke v. 控制,束缚;n. 牛轭
3.32.3 对抗,抵制
antagonize v. 使对抗;与…对抗 (antagonist n. 敌手,对手 antagonistic adj. 对抗的,敌对的)
buck v. 反对;n. 雄鹿;雄兔
compete v. 对抗,竞争 (competition n. 竞赛 competitive adj. 竞赛的)
confront v. 对抗;面临 (confrontation n. 对抗 confrontational adj. 对抗的;抵触的)
contumacy n. 抗命,不服从
defiance n. 违抗,反抗,挑战
defy v. 违抗,藐视
demonstrate v. 示威;证明,论证
expostulate v. (对人或行为进行)抗议,告诫
malcontent n. 反抗者,不满分子;adj. 不满的
mutinous adj. 反抗的;叛变的
protest v./n. 抗议,反对
rebellious adj. 反抗的,难控制的
recalcitrant adj. 顽抗的
remonstrance n. 抗议,抱怨
remonstrate v. 抗议;规劝
rivalry n. 对抗,竞争
overpowering adj. 不可抗拒的,压倒性的
peremptory adj. 不容反抗的;专横的
boycott v. 抵制(贸易)
conflict v./n. 抵触,冲突;斗争,战斗
jar v. 抵触,冲突;震惊;(n. 罐子,缸)
deadlock n. 僵局,相持不下
impasse n. 僵局;死路
logjam n. 僵局;浮木阻塞;阻塞状态
stalemate n. 僵局;和棋局面
3.32.2 禁止,干扰
bar v. 禁止,阻挡;n. 条,棒
curfew n. 宵禁
interdict v. 禁止;切断(补给线)
moratorium n. 禁止活动;停止偿付 (moratory adj. 延期偿付的)
proscribe v. 禁止
taboo n. 禁忌;adj. 讳忌的
veto n. 禁止,否决
licit adj. 不禁止的,合法的
interference n. 干涉,妨碍 (interfere v. 干涉)
interlope v. (为图私利)干涉他人之事;闯入
intervene v. 干涉,介入 (intervention n. 干涉)
meddle v. 干涉,干预
meddlesome adj. 爱管闲事的
molest v. 干扰,骚扰
obstacle n. 干扰,障碍
3.32.1 阻碍
arrest v. 阻止,抑制;依法逮捕
balk v. 妨碍;(因困难等)不愿前进或从事某事;n. 大方木料
barricade v. 设栅阻挡;n. 栅栏
blackball v. 投反对票以阻止;排挤
blockade v./n. 封锁
brake v. 阻止,减速;n. 刹车
check v. 阻止,使突然停止
clog v. 阻塞;n. 障碍
contain v. 阻止,遏制;控制;包含,含有 (container n. 容器)
containment n. 阻止,遏制
cumber v. 妨碍,拖累
debar v. 阻止
deter v. 阻止;威慑,吓住
dissuade v. 劝阻,阻止
encumber v. 妨害,阻碍
filibuster v./n. 妨碍议事,阻挠
forbid v. 妨碍,阻止;不许,禁止
forestall v. 预先阻止,先发制人
hamper v. 妨碍,阻挠;n. 有盖提篮
hinder v. 阻碍,妨碍
impede v. 妨碍
impediment n. 妨碍,阻碍物
stonewall v. 设置障碍,拖延议事
obstruct v. 阻塞,截断 (obstructed adj. 受阻挠的)
occlude v. 使闭塞 (occluded adj. 阻塞的)
quell v. 制止,镇压
retard v. 妨碍;减速
stanch v. 制止(血液),止住
stem v. 阻止,遏制(水流等);n. (植物的)茎,叶柄
stunt v. 阻碍(成长);n. 特技,绝技
stymie v. 妨碍,阻挠
thwart v. 阻挠,使…受挫
trammel v./n. 妨碍,束缚;n. 鱼网
irrepressible adj. 无法约束或阻止的
overwhelming adj. 势不可挡的,压倒性的
barrier n. 路障;障碍
blockade v./n. 封锁
blockage n. 障碍物
clog n. 障碍;v. 阻塞
impediment n. 阻碍物,妨碍
hurdle n. 障碍;跳栏(跨栏);v. 克服(障碍)
malfunction n. 故障,障碍;v. 发生故障
obstacle n. 障碍,干扰
obstruction n. 阻碍(物),妨碍
banister n. (楼梯的)栏杆
barricade n. 栅栏;v. 设栅阻挡
coop n. (鸡)笼,栏
corral n. (牛、马等)畜栏
fold n. 羊栏,畜栏;v. 折叠
hedge n. 树篱;限制
palings n. 篱笆,木栅栏
pen n. 围栏;监禁;母天鹅;(钢笔)
rail n. 栏杆;铁轨;v. 咒骂,猛烈指责
stockade n. 栅栏,围栏
1. 必须研究范文
2. 养成联想思维能力
必须要做到形成惯性思维,考试时间非常紧张,只有有充分思维准备的人,才能驾轻就熟,运用自如。题目中提到politics,大脑中就应当出现Franklin Roosevelt, Lincoln, Gerhard Schroeder, Gandhi; 提到art,就该想到Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Starry night, night watch, Hemmingway, the old man and the sea; 提到Scandal,就该想到Nixon,Watergate,bill Clinton,sex sandal,Enron。总之,熟练非常重要.
3. 借鉴别人的文章
4. 多动脑筋多思考
5. 通读GRE作文题库
6. 准备原创作文例子
必须要有自己的例子。没有哪个考官会喜欢几百号人都说Van Gogh, Einstein, Curie。要结合自身经历,准备一些比较独家又有代表性的例子。
具体做法:首先分析文章,分析每一句和上一句的关系。美国人写作文的一个特点是,通常每段的第一句就包含整段文字的内容,也就是我们常说的topic sentence。另一个特点是当你写完一个句子后,你要多问为什么。提出一个问题,然后给出一个圆满的回答,这就是一篇优秀的作文。
在众多英语类写作考试中,托福写作是相对容易的。因为它的作文题本身非常简单,看到一个作文题你几乎就知道该怎么写。而GRE作文就相对复杂了。GRE作文方式永远是两种态度,两种方式让你选择。它永远是有对照性的。TOEFL作文考:“吃饭是在家里吃好,还是到饭店里吃好”; GRE作文考得就是:“在我们这个社会中间,现在专业人士太多了,而有综合知识的人太少了。你认为我们是更需要具有专业知识的人呢,还是需要具有广博知识的人?”TOEFL考生活、学习;GRE考日常学术行为。但是不管它出什么题目,总是会摆出两种态度供你选择。另外,GRE的作文题目是提前发给你的,考试时出的题目绝不会超出它事先发给你的题目。GRE决不会出让学生看不懂的题目。所出的题目永远是世界性的,不涉及民族、宗教、政治色彩。
3.4.2 进取
aspiration n. 抱负,热望 (aspire v. 向往,有志于)
aspirant n. 有抱负者
assertive adj. 有进取心的;过分自信的
aggressive adj. 进取的;好斗的
enterprise n. 进取心;公司,事业单位
mettle n. 斗志,勇气
morale n. 士气,精神力量
strive v. 奋斗,努力
3.4.1 勤奋
assiduous adj. 勤勉的;专心的 (assiduity n. 勤勉)
diligence n. 勤勉,勤奋
industrious adj. 勤劳的,勤勉的
sedulity n. 勤奋,勤勉
sedulous adj. 勤勉的,聚精会神的
engaged adj. 忙碌的,使用中的
fag v. 苦干;n. 苦工
lucubrate v. 刻苦攻读,埋头苦干
spartan adj. 刻苦的;简朴的
3.6.5 疏忽
delinquent adj. 疏忽职务的(玩忽职守的)
delinquency n. 失职,过失
derelict adj. 玩忽职守的;荒废的;n. 被遗弃的人
disregard v./n. 疏忽,漠视
malfeasance n. 渎职,不法行为
malpractice n. 玩忽职守,渎职
negligence n. 疏忽,粗心 (neglect v./n. 忽视;疏忽)
noncommittal adj. 态度暧昧的;不承担义务的
oblivious adj. 疏忽的,遗忘的
omit v. 疏忽;省略,遗漏
overlook v. 忽视;俯视
oversight n. 疏忽,失察,勘漏
remiss adj. 疏忽的,不留心的
3.6.4 草率
bandy v. 轻率谈论;来回抛球
cursory adj. 草率的,粗略的
curt adj. (言词、行为)简略而草率的
facetious adj. 轻浮的,好开玩笑的
flippant adj. 轻率的;无礼的
frivolous adj. 轻薄的,轻佻的 (frivolity n. 轻浮)
giddy adj. 轻浮的,不严肃的
headlong adj./adv. 轻率的(地),迅猛的(地)
imprudent adj. 轻率的;不智的
levity n. 轻率;轻浮
perfunctory adj. 草率的,敷衍的
skittish adj. 轻浮的,轻佻的
slipshod adj. 草率的,马虎的
abrupt adj. 唐突的;突然的,意外的
brusque adj. 鲁莽的,唐突的
compulsion n. 难以抗拒的冲动;强迫
daredevil adj./n. 冒失的(人);胆大的(人)
forward adj. 莽撞的,过激的 (forwardness n. 大胆,鲁莽)
impetuous adj. 冲动的,鲁莽的 (impetuosity n. 冲动)
impudent adj. 鲁莽的(粗鲁的),无礼的
impulse n. 冲动;刺激
impulsive adj. 易冲动的
liberty n. 冒失,随意
lowbred adj. 鲁莽的,粗野的
precipitate adj. 鲁莽的;v. 加速,促成 (precipitous adj. 陡峭的;仓促的)
temerity n. 鲁莽,大胆
GRE备考背单词前先搞清这两个问题 考试高分要求词汇量数据解读
第二个问题与第一个有关,严格来说民事GRE的出题范围是美国人认可的主流单词(以MW-韦氏字典为准),总数六万以上,若去除词性变换和不可能考的词(如习语、俚语、行话)大约在两万左右,其中最为常用的有四千到五千词,基本等同于四级考试(CET4)的单词量,一般英文基础者均已掌握(注意,此五千词包括a, an, the, I, you, he, she, they….所以其实我们的单词量还是很大的)。这样,按照ETS的标准,我们需要准备的词汇就不会超过1万5千个。
此外,通过多年研究参与GRE考试的老师和同学比较科学的排除之后,已成功地将这个词汇要求列表缩减至 1万1千个词左右。而红宝书(《GRE词汇精选》)可以名符其实地算是这些词的精选,红宝书含单词8395个,根据同学们阅读专业论文的经验,其中有超过七成是经常出现的。
GRE 词汇就是靠背,但不需要作为一项单独的任务来进行,可以把背单词当做一种消遣活动来做,没有必要把红宝书背得滚瓜烂熟再进行其它项目的复习。背单词要通过各种环境多背多看,学生可以从网上找各种各样的单词书,单词书是不存在权威与不权威之说,一种背烦了可以换另一本背,另外,在阅读过程中也可以背单词,这样记得可以牢固一些。不要被GRE词汇的超大需求量所吓到,虽然背诵单词相较于其他方面稍显枯燥,但是只要有恒心,坚持背下来,便会发现,这是一个非常不错的基础,对于以后考试活着是留学生涯都是非常有益处的事情。
GRE新手背单词入门词汇书专家推荐 从红宝书开始打好词汇基础
1. 第一阶段背红宝,可以按杨鹏的17天全面背诵或按自己的情况量体裁衣,最好利用集中时间比如寒暑假,早中晚轮番轰炸,时间最好不超过1个月,有空多听红宝MP3的单词录音;
2. 第二阶段背红宝,时间要快,强化记忆,以提高效率(用电脑时可随时听迷你版,累了可以玩趣味游戏);
3. 第三轮背高频词即常考的词,可以利用词汇串讲(GRE单词百分百里的比较好)来背词频。
1. 若要顺利地通过新GRE考试,一般的中国学生需要准备8000个左右的新单词。
2. 这些单词中的大部分有实际的用处,因专业不同有差异;以红宝书词汇量为准,其中约有2000词对以后学业无太大帮助。
3. 对之前参加过托福考试的同学来说,已经背过的托福三千词已属于红宝书的8千范围,所以实际需要背得单词量在5000左右。
1. You bet.没错。
Bet是下赌注的意思,所以“You bet.”就是指,“You can bet money on that.” (你可以把钱压在这上面),言下之意,就是说这件事百分之百正确。
例如:-Is this the way to High Tower Museum? 这是往高塔博物馆的路吗?
-You bet.“ 一点也没错。
2. There you go.就这样了。
”There you go.“是老外希望结束一段对话时,很自然会脱口而出的一句话,特别是在完成某项交易的时候。像是你去买一样东西,当你付完钱之后店员会说,”There you go.“或”That’sit.“就表示交易已经完成,你可以离开了。
”There you go.“也常常用来鼓励别人有好的表现,例如小宝宝开始会说话了, 你就可以说,”There you go.“来鼓励他,我们也常在球场上听到教练对表现不错的球员大叫,”There you go.“
3. Here you go.干的好。
”Here you go.“和”There you go.“听起来只有一字之差,所以很多人都会乱用,这二者倒底有什么区别呢?仔细来分,”Here you go.“指的是一件事情还在进行之中,而”There you go.“则是事情已经结束,例如店员正把你买的东西交付给你,他会说,”Here you go.“而不是”There you go.“反之,如果东西己经到了你手上,则他会说的是,”There you go.“
此外,”Here you go.“和”There you go.“一样,也有鼓励别人的意思在里面。打棒球的时候每次有人大(微博)棒一挥,老外就会兴奋地大叫”Here you go.“
4. Oh! My God!喔!我的老天!
老外在惊讶时很喜欢说,”Oh! My goodness!“或是”Oh! My God!“,相信这两句话各位都不陌生,不过这都是跟宗教信仰有点关系的。如果你是无神论者,你可以学另一句,”Oh! My!“或是加强的用法,”Oh! My! My!“,都是非常惊讶的意思。
5. Oh! Boy!天啊!
这句话是不是对男生说的呢?其实不是,你不论跟男生或女生都可以说,”Oh! Boy!“甚至你自己自言自语的时候也可以说,”Oh! Boy!“例如你一出门,却发现钥匙忘在里面,这时候你最想说的话就是,”Oh! Boy!“ (天啊!)
6. Holy cow!不会吧!(哇赛)!
Holy系列感叹语有”Holy cow!“和”Holy shit!“两个,当然后者是不雅的,我们尽可能不要用它。这二者同样都是表示出十分惊讶,相当于汉语里的”不会吧!“。
7. Kind of.是有那么一点,(还好啦!)
Kind of和Sort of是用来表示有那么一点点,但不是很强烈。
-Kind of/Sort of.
(还好啦! 有时候会看到kinda和sorta这两个字,它们是kind of和sort of的简写,例如,
He is just kinda weird.
8. The thing is, we need to talk.重点是,我们必须谈谈。
在老外口中,thing就是代表“重点”的意思,相当于key point。
I really like that new house,but the thing is,how much is it?
9. Duh.废话。
很多人会把duh和bull (or bullshit)这两个用法给搞混,其实duh是“废话”的意思,而bull则表示“胡说八道”。一般而言,duh指的是很显而易见的事情,而bull 指的是完全错误的事情。例如,你问一个瑞士人,”Do you like chocolate?“ (你喜欢巧克力吗?)那他可能就会跟你说,”Duh!“因为这种问题太低能了,还有瑞士人不喜欢巧克力的吗?可是你要是说,”You must be very fat.“(那你一定很胖。)他可能会说,”That’s bull.“ (真是胡说八道)因为爱吃巧克力的人也不一定就很胖啊。
1.aboveboard /?’b?v'bord/ adv. &adj. 正大光明的
【解词】above 在……上面;board 板子,因此aboveboard,即汉语中的“摆在台面上的”,引申为“正大光明的”。
【例句】You can rebuild trust, but only if your husband behaves in a manner that is completely aboveboard. 只要你的丈夫的行为方式完全光明正大,你们完全可以重新建立信任。
2.dissipate /‘d?s?pet/ vt. & vi. 驱散; 消失
【例句】The sun dissipated the mists. 太阳驱散了雾。
3.auspicious /?’sp???s/ adj. 有前途的,有希望的,吉祥的,吉兆的
【解词】au-=bird; spic-=spect-=look;看;-ious为形容词后缀,表示数量很多。这个词的根本含义是“看到鸟儿飞过来了”,象征着吉祥。看到的鸟儿,是那只衔着橄榄枝的白鸽。
【例句】The project had an auspicious beginning. 这个计划有一个良好的开端。
4.maladroit /?m?l?’dr??t/ adj. 不机敏的,笨拙的
【解词】mal-=bad,坏的,不好的,adroit 灵巧的。因此这个词表示“不灵巧的”,即“不机敏的,笨拙的”。
【例句】a maladroit translation 笨拙的翻译
5.acquiesce /??kwi??s/ vi. 默认,默许 adj. 默认的 n. 默认,默许
【解词】ad-=to; quie-=quiet,安静的;-esce为后缀。因此表示“默许”。
【例句】They acquiesced in the decision. 他们默默赞同那个决定。
6.incipient /?n’s?p??nt/ adj. 开始的,初期的
【例句】an incipient black eye. 刚发生的丑事。
7.propitiate /pr?’p???et/ vt. 劝解,抚慰,使息怒
【例句】propitiate the gods with a sacrifice. 用祭品使上帝息怒
8.painstaking /‘penztek??/ adj. 极小心的;辛勤的, 辛苦的
【例句】You said in your address that ”developing excellence is a slow, painstaking process”. 你在你的致词中说“发展卓越性是一个缓慢艰苦的过程”。
9.austere /?’st?r/ adj. 朴素的, 无装饰的;严格的; 严峻的, 一丝不苟的
【例句】an aloof and somewhat austere figure. 一位冷漠又有些冷峻的人物。
10.tacit /‘t?s?t/ adj. 缄默的,不说话的
【例句】The deal had the tacit approval of the President. 这笔交易得到总统的默许。
注意这四点 雅思写作上6并不难
Some people think money which the government spends on art, such as music and painting, would be better spent on things more important. Do you agree or disagree?
该题话题属于政府支出类,题目中有两个对立面,分别是art和things more important,都需要阐述。而有的同学只写things more important,比如教育和医疗,忽略其对立面art,那么这样的文章就是偏题,没有完全回应题目的要求,会因此而失分。
雅思写作 考官喜欢的高分句型实例
雅思考官评分标准中最后一项 GRA (grammatical range and accuracy),明确考察的是学生写英语句子多样性和准确性的能力,即测试考生简单句和复杂句的综合运用能力。
Unfortunately, professionals from other fields who make a much greater contribution to human society, are paid so much less that it is hard to disagree with the statement.
Obviously, education systems are based on the belief that all children can effectively be taught to acquire different skills.
Like self-awareness, this is also very difficult to achieve, but I think these are the two factors that may be most important for achieving happiness.
As a result of media attention, sports professionals in my country have become stars and celebrities.
With the political will, such measures could really reduce the amount of rubbish we produce.
This will affect the job market, which, after all, is a key target in any economic plan.
Sports stars and pop stars, for example, are soon replaced by the neat younger, more energetic generation.
So overall, I believe that, attending schools from a young age is good for most children.
Universities, when it is functioning well, should offer both theoretical knowledge as well as professional training
1 )
Parents should spend time on their children. They should also communicate with them.
2 )
We can never lose sight of the significance of education.
这两个句子没有任何错误,但都很单调平淡,如果使用倒装,效果就不一样了。第一句可以用not only t also 句型来改写成倒装句:Not only should parents spent time on their children, they are also advised to interact with them.
On no account/by no means/ in no way/never can we lose sight of the significance of education.
Only in this way can this problem be effectively solved.
We can see that not only are there very large differences between these economies-s, but that these gaps are widening.
Strange as it may seem, parents’ attention sometimes hinders students’academic development.
Equally important to success in learning a foreign language is constant attention to details.
雅思大作文:young people are leaving their homes from rural areas
雅思大作文题目:Young people are leaving their homes from rural areas to study or work in the cities. What are the reasons? Do the advantages of this development outweigh its disadvantages?
Nowadays, metropolises attract an increasing number of the youth. For the younger generation who has experienced higher educational background and abundant international new trends, living in big cities is regarded as the most efficient way to get close to the advanced development of all walks of life, ranging from technology to daily necessities; besides, the diversity of lifestyle in the city is more entertaining, by which they can have access to an easier environment for socializing, and undoubtedly, young people place high value on this feature which also gives more sources of interpersonal relationship in the future career and marriage.
Generally speaking, that young people burst into cities can bring some fresh atmosphere to the depressed city, because they are filled with energy and passionate to everything, and the bold nature can be the motivation to drive them to try and innovate fearlessly, which gives the urban areas opportunities to revolute in industry, economy and so on through building the talent pool. At the same time, young people can take advantage of the resources as a chance to reach the social mobility.
However, such major cities cannot always be the paradise for all the adolescents, since the huge pressure coming from both financially and mentally is looming. One of the side-effects of modernization is the high living cost, which could not be affordable for the green hand with limited income; meanwhile, the heavy work in international enterprises causes unexperienced stress. From the above, actually, it is not realistic for the generation to enjoy the metropolitan life as they expect, but even suffer health issues. The future of rural area would be put into a dangerous position, if there is no younger to build up; thus, after a long time, the distance between cities and countryside would be widen.
In conclusion, moving to major cities is reasonable for the youth who want to achieve a better life, while the impact also should be noticed by the authorities in order to keep a balanced development of the whole society.
雅思大作文:famous people’s support towards international aid organizations
雅思大作文题目:Some people believe famous people’s support towards international aid organizations draws the attention to problems, while others think celebrities make the problems less important. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
In this day and age, celebrities’ support towards international aid organizations is at an unprecedented level, which has triggered spirited debate regarding whether it draws the public attention to the problem or not. Personally, I agree with this opinion provided that celebrities give the appropriate assistance and set up good images.
From proponents’ perspective, the publicity of celebrities could raise the public awareness of certain social issues. To start with, campaigns of international organizations launched by famous singers, movie starts and sports professionals could cause widespread concern from ordinary citizens. For example, last year the Ice Bucket Challenge spread around the world within a few days by the sharing of it on the social networking sites by many celebrities. Moreover, since the support from the influential figure could generate media awareness, those charities can become the beneficiaries too. The reputation and credibility of charitable institutions can be greatly enhanced under the positive impact of top stars.
From opponents’ perspective, however, little has been done by celebrities to help address the problems. Firstly, instead of bringing tangible help to international charity organizations, some celebrities just advocate for themselves by taking advantage of the organization. Therefore, the public might lose confidence in these organizations. Furthermore, the assistance from stars is anyhow limited, thus playing a tiny role in resolving such international problems as alleviating diseases, illiteracy and poverty at an international level.
To conclude, although celebrities’ endorsement to charity organizations might play a trivial role in tackling problems, they should still do their utmost to assist these institutions both because of their social obligations and the beneficial influence it might bring.
recently there is a debate over whether …..some people assert that..,
while other people believe that…as a matter of fact, the issue of whether
….. is a complex and controversial one. different people hold different
views due to their distinct backgrounds. therefore, there is not a
universal answer to this question, and whether one choice takes precedence
over the other may quite depend on the specific situation. the decision,
nevertheless, is not an easy one to make. actually, the final judgment
should rely on a case-by-case analysis. as far as i am concerned, however,
i agree that …. , and do not agree that….. my view can be greatly
substantiated by the following discussions.
the first argument that can be presented to develop my position is that… a
good example may be found in the case that… under this circumstance, it is
obvious that….
in addition, there is another reason for me to choose this statement. the
reason is not far to seek…. to illustrate, let us consider that … hence,
another equally important aspect is that….
admittedly, it may be true that …. in some conditions. however, this alone
does not constitute a sufficient support to claim that ….,actually, these
cases are rare and therefore are too specific and too weak to strengthen
the view that…when the advantages and disadvantages of x and y are
carefully examined, the most striking conclusion is obvious that…
to sum up, due to the above mentioned reasons, which sometimes correlate
with each other to generate an integrate whole and thus become more
convincing than any single one of them, we may be comfortable to say that
…., because….
in this argument, the author concludes that… to support his conclusion,
the author points out that…. in addition, the author reasons that…
further more, he also assumes that … . at first glance, the author’s
argument appears to be somehow appealing, while a close examination will
reveal how groundless it is. we do not have to look very far to see the
invalidity of this argument. this argument is problematic for the following
in the first place, this argument rests on a gratuitous assumption that ….
the author unfairly assumes that…. however, the assumption is questionable
because the author provides no evidence to support this argument. the
arguer fails to take into account other facts that might contribute to the
result that …….. it is likely that , ……………..; it is also likely that
………………………… any of these scenarios, if true, would show that
………………….. (72)
therefore, this argument is unwarranted without ruling out such possibility.
in the second place, the argument commits a logic fallacy of “after this
and therefore because of this”. in no case can the mere fact that… be
cited as evidence to support the assumption that there is a causal-effect
relationship between a and b. moreover, that just because b can be
statistically correlated with a does not necessarily mean that a is the
cause of b. in fact, the author has obviously neglected the possibility of
other alternative facts such as…, or … may contribute to a certain extent
to b. it may be only a coincidence that …… . unless the author can rule
out other factors relevant to …, this assumption in question can not be
in the third place, the evidence that the author provides is insufficient
to support the conclusion drawn from it. one example is rarely sufficient
to establish a general conclusion. unless the arguer can show that a1 is
representative of all a, the conclusion that b… is completely unwarranted.
in fact, in face of such limited evidence, it is fallacious to draw any
conclusion at all.
in the fourth place, the argument has also committed a false analogy
fallacy. the argument rests on the assumption that a is analogous to b in
all respects, and the author assumes without justification that all things
are equal, and that the background conditions have remained the same at
different times or at different locations. there is, however, no guarantee
that this is the case. nor does the author cite any evidence to support
this assumption. lacking this assumption, the conclusion that … is
entirely unfounded. in fact, it is highly doubtful that the facts drawn
from b are applicable to a. differences between a and b clearly out weight
the similarities, thus making the analogy highly less than valid. for
example, a..., however, b.... thus, it is likely much more difficult for b
to do....
in addition, the conclusion unjustifiably relies on the poll while the
validity of the survey itself is doubtful. the poll cited by the author is
too vague to be informative. the claim does not indicate who, when, how and
by whom the survey is conducted, neither does it mention what is the sample
size, or how the samples are selected. until these questions are answered
the results are worthless as evidence to support that….
besides, the author assumes that a and b are mutually exclusive
alternatives. however, the author has never offered any reasons or
evidences for imposing an either/or choice. common sense and observation
tells us that adjoining both a and b might produce better results.
to sum up, the conclusion lacks credibility because the evidence cited in
the analysis does not lend strong support to what the author claims. to
make the argument more convincing concerning…. , the arguer would have to
provide more information that………………. the arguer should also
demonstrate that……………….to make this argument logically acceptable.
since the author commits the above mentioned logical mistakes and fails to
consider the whole situation comprehensively, his ideas should not be
adopted. the conclusion would be strengthened if he….
in conclusion, the arguer fails to substantiate his claim that …. because
the evidence cited in the analysis does not lend strong support to what the
arguer claims. to strengthen the argument, the arguer must convince us
that…. in addition, the arguer could have to provide more precise
information to support his claim.
it is entirely possible that management has become lax regarding any number
of factors that can affect the bottom line such as inferior products,
careless product pricing, inefficient production, poor employee expense
monitoring, ineffective advertising, sloppy buying policies and other
wasteful spending.
These days many of us prefer to throw damaged things away, whereas in the past people used to repair damaged items and keep them for a long time.Explain why you think this change has happened.What are the effects of this change in attitude?
例如这道题目,如果用大段文字描述 why do you think this change has happened? 只稍稍提了下 What are the effects?这项评分给6,如果完全没有提及effects的话会降到5。如果两个问题多回应很充分(well-developed),这项会提到7。
Countries are becoming more and more similar because people are able to buy some products anywhere in the world.Do you think this is a positive and negative development?
官方conclusion(感受下考官的雄风):Some may argue that all people are entitled to have access to the same products, but I say that local objects suit local conditions best, and that faceless uniformity worldwide is an unwelcome and dreary prospect.
3.main ideas(理由)有被论证,但是可能论证不充分。
176-240 这个评分标准扣一分
101-175 这个评分标准扣二分
1-100 这个评分标准扣三分
什么是机械?虽然你用的也差不多对,但是没有那么自然,痕迹明显,有一定的强迫性。例如一篇大作文充斥着:firstly, secondly, thirdly,as a result, because ,this is because,therefore,有点过度使用的嫌疑。如果想上7分,要更自然,一是通过语意上的衔接,另外多用代词(reference)和替换词(substitution),例如this,they, these,it, another reason 可以让作文更自然。5分的作文连词使用较差,另外代词和替换词使用少,词汇重复多。
2.6分的作文有分段并且有合适的整体推进(Overall progression)
没分段降到5分。什么叫overall progression?今天听考官讲的时候,感觉有种只可意会,不可言传的感觉。我总结了下三点会影响到Overall progression:
1.6分要求掌握一定话题词汇(Range)。例如题目讲的是健康问题?你可以想到哪些和健康相关的词汇?平时背写作话题词汇很有必要。5分体现词汇量有限,而且几个主题词不停重复。7分话题词汇使用较为精准,8分是skillful use,自行体会下。另外考官强调8分需要idiomatic language, 带动词的固定地道习语,例如 use a hammer to smash an egg。
2.会使用less common words,有的同学想这些词是不是巨难?考官总体对这项上很宽容,例如作文中period, slightly 都认为非常不错的词汇。6分是尝试用,但有错误,7分是用的精准,5分你都不尝试,另外拼写错误还多。
什么叫复杂结构?是不是一定是从句?考官认为这句话是复杂结构(大家感受下:)However,in terms of females, the number increase dramatically from 5 million in 1980 to 10 million in 。估计这句话超出大家的预料。我们可以得出结论:一切不是最为单纯的主谓宾结构的都可以作为复杂结构。大家做的是尽量多样化你的复杂结构使用,例如各种从句,被动句,强调句,倒装句,插入语都是复杂结构。5分作文的句子结构单调,7分的多样化程度更高。
Some people think animal experiments should be stopped because they are too cruel. Others think they are necessary for the development of sciences. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
果然又是老题换个形式之后再出,题目考前给同学讲解过的(到北京来讲课了,但还是总收到长沙A类和G类同学们的来信,说拿到了好分数很高兴。我也很想念你们!)这类文章想素材当然用咱们思考素材四类方法当中的综合法,相加得出观点:动物实验应该继续,但是要尽可能减小动物的痛苦。相应的写四段,大正小负,当然还是小的放在前面写。还是那句话,考IELTS学术类写作想拿高分或者满分永远只要按照English academic writing的规则写英文八股文就成。
1 开头段(不少于4句);2 有一些动物实验确实cruel(五句);3 但是一些领域的研究又不能缺少动物实验(七句);4 综合,得出结论(不少于3句)。创作全程使用IELTS作文cold storage冷处理+assembly line装配法,给自己规定从开始写25分钟内要贴上Google。
高分关键词:friends or foes 或敌或友 subject(vt) animals to experimentation拿动物去做实验unjustifiable站不住脚的,不合适的 necessitate 使……成为必需callous残酷的 confinement 囚禁 veterinary 动物医疗 vaccination 接种 vivisection 活体解剖 rodent 指老鼠那一类动物 primate 灵长类 pragmatic 灵活的追求实效的(pragmatism也是美国人最大的特征)pharmaceutical companies制药公司anthropological and genetic 人类学的和基因学的analgesic, anesthetic and tranquilizing drugs医学当中镇痛最常用的三种方法
Animals were friends or foes of humanity at different times of the human history. In modern times, experiments upon animals have long been a breeding ground for spirited debate. Some animal activists argue that we should ban animal experiments altogether because subjecting animals to experimentation is unjustifiable on moral grounds. Yet some other people contend that the advancement of science necessitates animal testing. Personally, I believe both their views have merit and demerit.
Granted, empirical evidence suggests that many animal experiments are performed callously without any heed to the discomfort or pain that laboratory mammals endure. First and foremost, improper confinement of test animals such as locking them up in cramped cages or poor veterinary is inhumane .It can gravely disrupt natural biological functions of the test animal. Further, the effects of vaccination and vivisection conducted on live rodents, primates and other lab mammals can be gruesome and chilling. They may, in some cases, even constitute sheer torture of live animals.
However, from a more pragmatic perspective, evidence is mounting that animal experimentation is still largely a necessary evil and there is no practical alternative for it at this point. In the first place, it is manifest that drug experimentation on live mammals is far more effectual than experimentation on bacteria or on other lower species in testing drug safety. Drugs that have severe potential side effects on homo sapiens must be tested by pharmaceutical companies on live mammals first to ascertain their toxicity. In the second place, in space research, live animals are still the only viable alternative to humans in testing living creature reaction to outer-space experience on a flight not considered to be sufficiently safe for human astronauts. Lastly, lab research about the behavioral tendencies of chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans and other members of the primate group is also necessary. It produces valuable outcomes consistently advancing anthropological and genetic studies.
To conclude, I concede that experiments upon animals may induce suffering to the test animals. However, I am convinced that there are no feasible alternatives to this methodology at the current stage of scientific development. On balance , I think that we should allow animals testing to be continued but at the same time use techniques such as analgesic, anesthetic and tranquilizing drugs to minimize the pain inflicted upon the test animal and augment the general welfare of these animals.
L6.5 R6 W6 S6,总分6,/2/26考的,昨天收到成绩单:)蛮高兴的
不过写作的时候还是比较有“人情味”的,用的单词很少有所谓的“高分词”,而是利用一些生动的比喻和活泼的语言,文末还写了“I'm determined to ..”,不像有些高分作文那么的严肃和死板,这是我个人的一次尝试,收获了6分还是蛮欣慰的!
对了,本人感觉就是考试的时候一定要装得很轻松,GZ问我“紧张吗”的时候,我说“不”,还说“FULL OF CONFIDENCE”,呵呵,老外喜欢积极乐观的人,与其让对方知道你的不安,还不如绽放自信的笑脸!别忘了在最后说一些“I WISH U HAVE A NICE DAY“类似的话!一定要有礼貌!!最后6分。
Number of correct Reading answers IELTS band score
39-40 9.0
37-38 8.5
35-36 8.0
33-34 7.5
30-32 7.0
27-29 6.5
23-26 6.0
20-22 5.5
16-19 5.0
13-15 4.5
10-12 4.0
6-9 3.5
4-5 3.0
3 2.5
2 2.0
1 1.0
absent 0.0
最后,由于官方没有公布确切的评分标准,就是因为每次考题评分标准不是固定不变的,但是变化甚微,一般最多相差1-2个。 以下整理的评分标准是相对权威的,也可以说是很多培训机构认可或者以此来参照进行模拟测试。欲了解自己成绩的考生,可以以此为参考。但是准确率不一定是百分百。
409.0 398.5 388.0 36-37 7.5 34-35 7.0 32-33 6.5 30-31 6.0 26-29 5.5 23-25 5.0 19-22 4.5 15-18 4.0
听力和雅思词汇阅读为非主观题,可以出现0.5分。一般来讲,听力和阅读有40—42题。雅思评判分数的依据是按照考生做对的正确题数,做对 18—24题,可获得5.0(这当中,评分可能会根据题目的深浅而作微调,这时就可能出现0.5的浮动),做对26题的可获得6.0。
Today's teenagers seem to be more liberal in their ideas than their _______ grandparents.
A. freethinking B. traditional
C. old D. happy
Klebold and Harris felt _______ and wanted to revenge against those who disliked playing
together with them or laughed at them.
A. discouraged B. ashamed
C. tired D. separated
根据下文的disliked playing together with them判断此处应为”感到孤立“,故选D。
1)He had been overworking and fell ill at last.
1)You must stop dreaming and face reality.(-ty为名词的标志)
2)The country is trying to popularize education. (-ize为及物动词的标志,再如realize, modernize)
Family members take turns choosing a special activity for the evening, and everyone partakes in for fun.
根据短语构成及上下文意思看,此处partakes in相当于takes part in。
再如break out-outbreak(名词”爆发“),set out-outset(名词”起始“),come in-income(名词”收入“)
适量的听力真题练习是非常有帮助的,可以熟悉雅思听力考试的形式和内容,以及巩固做题方法,但更重要的是可以帮助自己查漏补缺,分析出自己错题的原因,避免下一次在同样的地方或在同类的问题上出错,否则只会是the more you做,the more you错!
比如同义替换的总结,在真题录音中有一些固定的常见的替换,那么一旦自己注意到了这一点,下次再遇到类似的题目,就很容易在录音里听出它的同义替换了;另外就是积累一些特别“丧心病狂”的同义替换,扩大自己的脑洞,比如剑14 test 2录音中有一个表达“dip in the ocean”,能够听出来已经不容易了,再一看选项,头发抓秃了都想不到这是“swimming possible”的替换。在海洋里蘸一下?出题的大神,脑回路就是这么清奇!但是你积累的越多,在考场上就越见多识广,遇事不慌。
例如剑桥10的test 4的section 3的第21题出现了错误,在错题本上可以简写为C10T4S3Q21,以便去相应的真题集中查看录音稿等信息。这里提醒大家一定要把题目抄下来,不抄题目的话,复习的时候没有相应的题目或选项辅助理解,可能会忘记当时自己错在哪里。
有人觉得口语交际,对话占据主导。这点不假。既然和交际联系到一起,那就一定得谈一谈交际当中可能出现的任何情况。我发现一些常看欧美剧的同学在一定时间之后身上有了一些潜移默化的东西,比如他们中的一些喜欢添加很多面部表情FACIAL EXPRESSIONS,在描述事物的时候补充不少BODY LANGUAGE,甚至在讲到重要地方会稍微放慢语速和重读。这种情况在老外的对话中都会出现,看过网上模拟口语考试的同学也不难发现得高分的烤鸭在这一块隐性测试(交际技巧)中是游刃有余的。当然在听力中,这种交际也是无处不在。只不过我们的眼睛看不见,但是用心听,从说话的语音语调都能很轻松的了解说话人的心理状况。举个例子。在CAMBRIAGE 4 的TEST1 的SECTION 3中一对师生就学生所写论文的修改进行讨论。在清楚人物关系之后,从录音里能听出老师的措辞和语调中流露出为人师表者的威严。而这个学生很明显是“位低者”她的语调多为温和,诚恳,反映了她“有求于人”的心态。尤其是21,21题出现的原文部分,这名女生因为某个原因没有能按时交作业,当她去请求导师延期时,语速恨慢,并且那种不自信的声音将这个胆怯,惭愧的学生形象栩栩如生的呈现出来。尤其是这句话As long as I don’t have to remove them altoghter.(只要我不用全部删除这个部分就好了)是该学生“劫后余生”的感叹,联系上下文理解,想必很多同学都能感受到其中暗含的幽默。这是个典型的语速放慢的例子,对于考生来说,无疑是有利的。但是情景转变成两个熟人的对话情况就大不一样了。当人物增加到三人或更多时,考生必须要弄清楚人物的关系,以便理解语义。雅思听力的对话都是地道的口语表达,两个人在说话的时候都有针对前文的省略语,很多地方必须理解上文某人说的话才能理解下文另一人所说的话,这在口语中很常见。把雅思加入收藏
上文提及对话类,那么另一类独白,则往往成为很多考生的绊脚石。大家不难发现雅思听力独白部分的特点有着几乎相同的地方:开头并不开门见山地进入主题,大量充斥着背景内容。这里没有对话中的直接或者间接表达思想的句子,取而代之的是大段的文字介绍,恨容易造成我们身心疲惫。这样,不少考生不知不觉的去听内容介绍,而忘记了搜索核心词做题的目的,等核心词一旦出现,没有引起我们注意,轻易放过答案位置。这时我的建议是一定要把握好听力里面的节奏,有效答题。大家可能都还记得大纲式填空题,里面的标题,副标题以及从属项之间的逻辑关系在英文当中都用了连接词(LINKING WORDS)体现。而这些连接词在听力独白部分中也是重要的脉络。尤其在听的时候要多注意like(表举例),also, too (表并列)。
对策: 必须预览题目,不求记住每个题目意思,但求有印象,带着题目有针对性地听,listen for 而不是 listen to。先看section 4, 从后面往前看。利用一切interval time来预览题目,包括每个section结束后的checking time, 不要去check前面听过的题目,而应该preview下面的题目。
因为学生自己的发音不准,导致辨音困难甚至错误。比如company这个词,[5kQmpEni] ,重音在前面,可是有人偏偏读成[kQm5pAni],结果怎么听都没反应。翻开听力文字一看,company,这个词我明明认识啊,但是为什么愣是听不出来呢? 因为你的发音和标准发音有出入。
对策:建议练听力之余,平时也练习练习发音。通过模仿和跟读改善发音, 中国学生要尤其注意个别辅音的读法以及重音的位置。另外,还要注意一些特殊的语音现象,如连读,失去爆破和清辅音浊化等。这对于提高雅思口语都是有很大帮助的,可谓一举两得。
雅思听力的平均语速是每分钟220-300字左右。由于我们自己的语速太慢,跟不上听力的速度, 所以经常是反应不过来。有些句子连续replay5次都听不懂,更何况考试时听力只播放一遍。
对策: 提高自己讲英语时的语速, 学习一口气说一句话甚至两句三句话, 研究native speaker讲英语时的节奏和韵律, 另外, 还要注意停顿的位置。可以在实在听不懂的情况下或练习听力的最后阶段拿剑桥雅思真题集听力文字来当作口语朗读材料疯狂地操练。要想提高听力,必须先张开嘴巴,听说不分家。
如果听不懂, 看听力文字却看得懂, 那就是听力的问题。如果听不懂,看听力文字也看不懂, 那很可能就是词汇量的问题。雅思听力的填空题(包括填图表题,补全信息题,简答题等)要求学生能spell出所听到的单词或词组, 如果学生的词汇量达不到要求,那是很难对付填空题的。
对策:重点记忆雅思常考听力场景词汇(听力核心词汇加起来大概1000多个), 经常看听力机经 。雅思听力75%来自机经题库。听力机经的作用——用来熟悉听力场景,巩固听力高频词汇,对于应对填空题特别有效。听力机经不必死记硬背,只需要对其中出现过的词汇混个眼熟就行了。
一个英语考试如果含有听力部分,那么这个考试就是在综合地测试英语能力,因为听力能考察英语的方方面面,包括语法在内。雅思听力是怎么考语法的呢? 譬如说,考点那句话本身是长句子,很可能是从句,甚至是从句套从句等等。例如剑桥4Test2section4的多选题Q39和Q40,听力中说:
The main crime here was indifference to the human results rather than actual intention to harm anyone, but that didn”t make the results any less tragic.
本人上课的时候给学生反复播放这句话10遍,学生还是听不懂,那是因为这句话很长而且说得很绕,以致于根本没反应,最后只能end up reading the audio scripts。这种情况下,听力放10遍跟放1遍是make no difference的。
对策:记忆力是可以训练的。譬如说,可以一句一句的repeat,训练瞬间记忆能力。一次记不住就再听一次,until你能完整地repeat出来为止,甚至可以把听到的内容全部记录下来,这就是练习精听的方法。考试时可以利用一些符号做速记,帮助记忆,在最后10分钟转涂答题卡时间里,根据符号把答案回忆出来。例如professor速记为prof,New Zealander速记为 NZer,International Student Card速记为 Int“l St C。
对策:想办法让自己在考听力的时候高度集中注意力,例如blink眨眼,sit up坐直等,千万不要让眼睛stare at sth就好了。另外,考前的那个晚上一定要休息好,保证第二天考试的精神状态很重要。
1. 不找主题词
Cambridge 4 test 1 section2:
11. Riverside Village was a good place to start an industry because it had water, raw materials and fuels such as … and
本题中,Riverside Village 虽然是大写,但因为这个section的总标题是“Riverside Industrial Village ”,所以Riverside Village 在录音中出现的次数肯定不少,绝对不可以作为关键词。而题目中需要填的词是fuels的例子,所以关键词划的应该是fuels才对。
2. 不找同意题型中反复出现的词
Cambridge 4 test 2 section1:
1. What does Peter want to drink?
A. tea B. coffee C. a cold drink
2. What caused Peter problems at the bank?
A. The exchange rate was down B. He was late C. The computers weren’t working
3. Who did Peter talk to at the bank?
A. an old friend B. an American man C. a German man
这三道题中,除了第一道题Peter需要划以外,第二道第三道题虽然还有Peter这个大写的人名,可是根本就没有再划的必要了。因为第一道与第二三道题的主人公并没有发生变化,而是将同一个人发生的事情往不同的层面发展。第二道题关键词自然就转移到problems at the bank了。而第三道题连bank都已经出现过,所以也只能注意who,知道需要的是谈话的对象了。
1. “高调词”
剑桥真题四test 3:
22. The ‘Study for Success’ seminar lasts for____.
分析:题干中,课程名称既用了大写又加了引号,显而易见是所谓的”高调词”,所以考生可以毫不犹豫地等待音频中的原词重现。 ☆ 剑桥真题五 test 2:
14. What does Dan say about the town of Rivas?
分析:题干中,Rivas是个明显的专有名词,应该是一个地名。考试中建议考生将这个词默读一下,熟悉其发音,便于听时定位到这个词。 ☆ 剑桥真题五 test 2:
1. “低调词”
剑桥真题四 test 3:
23. In the seminar the work on writing aims to improve
A. confidence
B. speed
C. clarity
分析:这道题目中录音文本提到一句: … techniques to write clearly. 在此,clearly明显地为clarity的paraphrase, 这是副词与名词间替换的典例。
1. 否定词:
no,not,dis-,un-,im-,in-,under-,counter-,-less,hardly,barely,seldom,few,little,rare 等等词。
2. 时间,时态:
future,be planning,in the coming year,soon,today,now,recently,in the past,used to 等等词。
3. 限定词,程度副词,频度副词:
first ,only,majority, mainly,usually,normal 等等。
4. 比较级:
than,less,more,similar,different,like,unlike 等。
5. 因果关系:
a. 表示由引起的,后接原因的词或词组:because,because of,as a result of, as a consequence of, due to, result from, be attributed to, be contributed to, arise from, owing to, thanks to, in that
b. 表示导致,后接结果的词或者词组:so, therefore, thus, as a result, as a consequence, lead to, result in, attribute to, contribute to, give rise to, bring about, generate
6. 目的,条件:
aim, target, object, objective, focus, topic, if, unless 等。
Cambridge 5 test 1 section 3:
Questions 24 and 25:
What TWO types of coursework are required each month on the part-time course?
A a case study B an essay C a survey D a short report E a study diary
本题需要注意答案要的是两个TWO, 是有限定的,同时涉及到时间考点each month. 假使我们没注意到这个时间,很多干扰项就没办法剔除,答案就不一定对了。
Cambridge 4 test 1 section 3:
21. Melanie says she has not started the assignment because
A she was doing work for another course
B it was a really big assignment
C she hasn’t spent time in the library.
本题除了需要注意关键词Melaine,assignment以外,还需要注意否定考点词not 和 因果关系词 because. 不是考她开始作业的原因,而是不开始的原因;不是考她没做作业的结果,而是考原因解释。这里听到的原因应当要与事件对得上号。
Cambridge 5 test 2 section 1:
Computers can be booked up to 6… hours in advance
通过审题,我们注意到本题需要的是个数字,但是,同时别忘了数字的前面有个限定:up to,这个代表的是最大值,也就是最早可以提前几个小时预定电脑。那么,要把up to 跟 the earliest time联系在一起也就不难了。
造成后者的原因其实很简单,就是所谓的“强读”与“弱读”。以but为例,正常发音是:[b?t],但考试中音频经常为[b?t], 甚至[b?], 而且速度非常快,导致众多考生没法识别出来。
剑桥真题五 test4
25. What does Karin think the company will do?
A. look for private investors
B. accept a takeover offer
C. issue some new shares
Obviously they have the choice of accepting the very favourable terms that another company… have given them to buy them out. Or they could decide on a bolder move and offer some new shares if they wanted. But I think they are more cautious than that and expect that they will start trying to find individuals who’d be prepared to back them with some of the capital they need.
在这里,B和C的同义置换均有所出现。buy out即买断,对应B项的takeover; offer some new shares对应C项。但是下文又都予于否定,重点就在于but之后的内容。所以建议考生在听力过程中积极识别强转折信号词。正确答案选A。
剑桥大学考试委员会在雅思成绩的评定规则中,对雅思6分的分数级别是这样表述的:能较为有效运用英语,虽然有不准确、不适当和误解,但能在熟悉的语境下理解复杂的英语。也就是说考生的英语水平能应付日常的交流和工作,但是存在一些用词不准确 、不恰当和误解的情况。
7、大四考雅思应该是读研的吧,那单项一般都是不低于6分,总成绩6.5 不过你要是要求6分应该问题应该不大,学习方法来说,个人感觉不要老盯着题做,没事多听听英语,找老外练练口语那才是最重要的,毕竟雅思考的是生存英语,都是最实用的,你得能用出来才好。英语学习是个慢功夫,短时间提高听力和阅读是可能的,但是口语和写作就靠平时的积累了
1.禁用You know 因为他们什么都不知道,而是要你告诉他们的!
2.禁用That’ all/That’s over 建议大家用what excatly would u want to know?这是一句很好的句子!
4.口语中,其实不会说比较偏的难词,但是需要多样性!特别记住:如果想的高分,不能常用i think,要用i believe,i insist等!不然考官会觉得你的词汇量太少。
不知道怎么判断的“烤鸭”,可以试着数一下你PART2回答的单词数来粗略判断一下,一般来说,native speakers 2分钟的时间,大概能说到240个单词左右,那对于“烤鸭”们来说,在回答的时候要说到200个单词左右。如果少于这个数,那说明可能你讲话太慢,如果超过了,你可能语速有偏快了点,可以稍微的缓一缓。
我们在回答的时候要注意看一下,如果是实义词,例如说music,我们可以试试能不能通过细分music的类别来使你的词汇实现多样性,例如说你可以挑music的其中一两个你比较熟悉的类别来讲,例如说opera, jazz, R&B;不过其实也不需要太担心重复实义词,即使是native speakers 也会存在重复的。你应该重点检查功能词汇,比如“I think”,同学们很容易一直重复这些词,让自己练习使用不同的词可以在词汇多样性上得到提高。
总体方法:task 1分析思路,使用固定词汇及句式;task 2 针对题型,写模板(一共用了两天时间);剩下3天,打印出来几套雅思写作专用纸,每天两篇task 1,一篇task 2(必须完全使用自己的模板)。一共是5天,结果:从第一次坑爹的5分到了6.5。
task 1 操作方法::
雅思真题4-8里的line chart, bar chart, pie chart和table题以及地图题、流程图题各找出一个,参考后面的范文(只看7.5分以上及官方范文,放心吧LZ找过,这几种类型都有的,不是范文就是8分的好文),然后分析其写作结构;
task 2 操作方法:
discuss both views and give your own opinion;
“To what extent do you agree or disagree”(细分:完全同意/不同意;折衷——同意一部分,不同意一部分)
“To what extent do you think the advantages ofthis practice outweigh the disadvantages”(细分:利大于弊/弊大于利;折衷——利弊均衡)
报告题:“What are the causes/what problem will thiscause and what can… do to solve these problems?
恩,我就是用了这样的方法在5天内真的把作文从5提高到了6.5. 其中task 1用了一整个白天准备完成;task 2用了1个白天+2个晚上准备完成。高度紧张啊!但是很有成效,这里也附上了我自己总结的内容,大家参考下形式就好,我觉得分析、写模板、改编范文的工作是一定要自己做才能够熟练运用的!!真的!!!咬咬牙两天就搞定了
1. 雅思作文评分主要讲究逻辑关系以及结构的好坏,所以无论再怎么没有时间,宁愿少扩展点论据,也要把结尾写完。
2. 作文的首尾句要做到:龙头虎尾,也就是首句和尾句要漂亮,首句一般都是中心句,所以每段的第一句务必“开门见山”,也就是不要啰啰嗦嗦写半天考官都不明白你的意思,要言简意赅的提出你的观点或者论据。
3. 句型要多样,首先保证各种简单句的正确性(比如主谓宾,主谓双宾等等);
另外一个重中之重就是一定要包含三大从句(定语从句,状语从句和宾语从句),长难句占到作文评分的大概30%分值左右,否则写作你写得逻辑性再好的话也是肯定5.5分以下的;除此之外,加上一些强调句,主语从句,同位语从句等等。你的句型就很具有广泛性了。 总结一下,你先想想自己的语法哪里有问题,再进行有的放矢的补缺补差,这样目的性较强,成功可能性也大些。
Employers should give their staff at least a 4-week holiday a year to make employees better at their jobs. To what extend do you agree or disagree?
The lengths of annual holidays vary in different companies and different countries. Some people think that all employees are entitled to have at least 4 weeks of holidays every year. I believe that this practice would enhance the satisfaction of employees and promote the long-term development of the company.
Most employees would welcome the four-week long vocation, which means they would have more time to travel and stay with their family members. It is common for people to suffer from high stress in their work and taking more time off is an effective way to relieve this pressure. Those busy parents can take this vocation together with their children, which would increase their communication and enhance family cohesion. Some employees may take advantage of the holidays to attend training courses and improve their professional skills.
From the perspective of the company, some people may argue that long vocation would increase the labor cost and affect the normal operation. However, once the employee’s welfare is improved, they are expected to have more motivation to serve the company better. The company may need to hire more people and spend more money on human resources, but it will be rewarded in the long term if employees are happy with how they are treated in the company.
To summarize, I believe that 4-week holidays would be popular with people in workplaces as this policy can improve the quality of their lives and motivate them to make more contribution to the company. Therefore, it is also beneficial for the company’s long term development.
提问标志:some people think that …… to what extent do you agree or disagree?
首段:背景介绍(个性开篇)+ 有待反驳的观点(原题观点改写)+ 作家立场(清晰表达)
尾段:再次亮明观点 +总结理由
1. 词汇替换
2. 主题观点
3. 头脑风暴
4. 正文写作
5. 仔细检查
It is not necessary to travel to other palces to learn about the other culture. we can learn as much as from books, films and internet. To what extent fo you agree or disagree?
In recent years, people have been interested in making a long journey to some unfamiliar cities which are far from their hometown. One of their tourism purposes is mainly to experience the local culture and learn the traditions. However, someone doubts that people can obtain culture-related information through books, films and internet instead of travel. I disagree on this view to a certain degree, although books, films and internet are useful resources for providing valuable cultural information.
It is a time-saving way to search comprehensive cultural information concerning tourism destinations by using books and the internet. Many published travel guide books have summarized helpful strategies and explored cultural landscape in detail for tourists like Lonely Planet and National Geographic. People nowadays also tend to record their journey on some online travel websites such as Trip Advisor, which offer a convenient platform for worldwide travelers to share their own cultural experiences. Also, general public may not get an insight into local customs and traditions when they are traveling, due to some objective limiting factors like holiday length, tourism budget and language barrier.
As primary travelling information sources, books, films and internet all have their obvious drawbacks. Travel records on travel notes may have been out of date when tourists are reading them as everything is changing in a country in the age of globalization, including cultural sector. For example, Spanish women have no longer used a fan as a kind of body language. Besides, information from films and internet seems to show a lack of reliability. Film is a kind of art which is exaggerated and dramatic in the respect of content description. On the internet, every net user can express their opinions to a same cultural phenomenon or traditional event so that the word-of mouth is not authoritative and objective to a high degree.
To summarise, relying on books, films and the internet to obtain cultural information is not enough because lacks trust and authority, even though these resources are sufficient and accessible. The combination of travel and knowledge (from books, films and internet) would be the best choice.
篇22: GRE作文
The ability of a student to think clearly using reasoning and logical thinking is of paramount importance in order to ensure his or her success as an individual after graduation from a university. To be able to look at a situation and use logic and reason to analyze the facts and develop an opinion or solution is to have a solid foundation for success in all aspects of life. Exploring one s emotions is important, but it is outside of the realm of what can be learned in a university classroom. Emotional self-exploration is best done outside of a classroom situation, although there may be some opportunity for students in the classroom to learn a methodology for doing so.
The ability to survive and thrive in a society is based on the assumption that human beings act according to reason and logic. From a very early age, most people are taught that certain actions will bring about certain reactions, and that by using logic you can figure out what the response will be in most situations. Reasoning is also developed early on, although sometimes it is difficult to explain reasoning to a two-year old. Humans are probably born with a desire for reason and logic, as demonstrated by almost any child s incessant asking of the question Why? . To understand the underlying reasons why something happens is a fundamental part of human nature, proven by the exploits of explorers, scientists and mathematicians over the course of human history.
The following memorandum is from the business manager of Happy Pancake House restaurants.
”Recently, butter has been replaced by margarine in Happy Pancake House restaurants throughout the southwestern United States. This change, however, has had little impact on our customers. In fact, only about 2 percent of customers have complained, indicating that an average of 98 people out of 100 are happy with the change. Furthermore, many servers have reported that a number of customers who ask for butter do not complain when they are given margarine instead. Clearly, either these customers do not distinguish butter from margarine or they use the term 'butter' to refer to either butter or margarine.“
Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.
拿到题目,要找这个段落的结论是什么。应该是第二句:This change, however, has had little impact on our customers. 在这个段落中说到两个原因来证明结论:第一,only about 2 percent of customers have complained, indicating that an average of 98 people out of 100 are happy with the change. 第二,many servers have reported that a number of customers who ask for butter do not complain when they are given margarine instead. 其实这两个原因都不能充分地证明这个结论。
首先,我们可以先看看第一个原因,only about 2 percent of customers have complained, indicating that an average of 98 people out of 100 are happy with the change. 2%没有抱怨就一定代表100人中98人是乐于接受人造黄油吗?不一定,在100人中98人没有抱怨可能是因为他们自身的原因,觉得抱怨比较麻烦或者赶时间吃完就走了或者吃完不满意下次再也不来了,都有可能导致没有接受到所有的抱怨。
其次,第二个原因是,many servers have reported that a number of customers who ask for butter do not complain when they are given margarine instead. 这里说“many”, 很显然,vague data, 一些人没有播报,但到底是多少呢?占服务生总量的百分比是多少?而且是不是就某个连锁店里的一些服务生这么说的呢?所以他们多少人、有没有代表性都是令人质疑的。并且后边还有一个“report”,就算前边的“many”很多人也很有代表性,但是他们不一定会“report”实情,因为他们是饭店的服务生,很有可能会隐藏有抱怨的事实,没说真话。
再次,either these customers do not distinguish butter from margarine or they use the term 'butter' to refer to either butter or margarine.”注意这里面出现的”either”、”or”字眼,它们是false dilemma非常标志性字眼,简称假两难。可能就算有抱怨也不是either、or里面的任何原因导致的,有可能是:他们是冲着这的就餐环境来的,上什么都无所谓;或者他们觉着这的dish price比较低;或者非常的tasty等等优点让他们不再计较是人造黄油还是天然黄油。
The above argument concludes that when Happy Pancake House replaced butter with margarine in their restaurants in the Southwest, there was no effect on their customers. To support this claim, they point the fact that only 2 percent of customers have complained about the change and that many servers say customers do not complain when given margarine instead of butter. They reason that customers generally fail to distinguish margarine from butter or use the term ‘butter’ to refer to both. However, their conclusions do not follow from the evidence presented.
The author claims that only 2 percent of customers complained, and that this indicates 98 out of 100 people are satisfied. First of all, the statistic itself is suspect. Where does the 2 percent come from? Perhaps they estimated their total number of monthly customers based on sales figures and then divided their number of monthly complaints by that number, but the reader can only guess. What if customers tend to only complain the second time an error is committed? Depending on how the statistic was calculated, this could mean that it only represents half the extent of customer dissatisfaction.
Second of all, even assuming the statistic is accurate, their assumption that 98 out of 100 people must then be happy does not logically follow. Some customers may not voice their dissatisfaction—perhaps the company’s protocol for filing complaints is too inconvenient for most customers to bother with, or perhaps dissatisfied customers stop dining at the restaurant altogether. Hence there are many possible scenarios in which complaint statistics do not accurately reflect customer dissatisfaction. The author could strengthen their argument by indicating how they arrived at the 2 percent statistic and why it is a valid measure of overall customer satisfaction.
The second piece of data used in the author’s argument is even worse. Dispensing with numbers altogether, they put forward a weakly worded claim that “many servers” reported “a number of customers” do not complain when given margarine after asking for butter. The errors here are essentially the same as those in the preceding discussion, just more grievous. To begin with, how many data points were used? What constitutes “many” servers? The sample size was likely too small to generate a valid statistic, so instead we are left with this nebulous phrasing. Perhaps only a handful of servers in a couple of restaurants reported this; we cannot know. Maybe they only looked for feedback in poorly performing restaurants where customer expectations were already low; again, we cannot know.
Furthermore, even if they were able to get a wide sample of restaurants and customers, it is possible that customers are reluctant to complain directly to servers because of the awkwardness it might cause. It also might be the case that butter and margarine are relatively unimportant to customers in comparison to the overall quality of their meal. We cannot assume their silence betokens a failure to distinguish butter from margarine, or that they must use the word ‘butter’ to refer to both spreads. Without some type of a control, this piece of data is essentially meaningless.
Customer complaints can be a useful form of feedback, but the author fails to use them reasonably in their argument. Eliminating butter from their restaurants may very well be an effective long-term business strategy for Happy Pancake House. However, the pieces of data provided are not persuasive enough to advise that course of action. (570 words)
Q:请问issue应该怎样积累素材呢 有什么可用的素材书吗?
GRE issue里的instruction有没有哪一条需要特别注意的,看instruction的话,issue是否比较注重两面性
老师:不同GRE issue的instruction的写作方法的确不同。
能够able→ capable, in a(ny) position
一直all the time→ continually, continuously, constantly, perpetually
许多地a lot→ noticeably, considerably, a great deal, substantially
许多的a lot of→ many, numerous, a wide variety of (themes), a whole range of, a wide spectrum of (problems, themes, etc),an abundance of (opportunities, sources etc.)
总是always→ invariably
数量amount→ quantity
结果as a result→ consequently
本质上basically→ essentially, in essence, substantially
组成be, amount to→ constitute
下降become smaller→ be on the decline, be on the decrease, decline, decrease, diminish, dwindle, recede 等等
变糟糕become worse→ deteriorate
在 之前before→ prior to
开始begin→ commence
更好better→ superior
习惯于be(come) used to→ be accustomed to
严重的,重大的big→ major, significant, substantial
执行carry out→ conduct, execute, commit, implement
更改change→ alter, alteration, modify, modification
办理,执行do→ conduct, transact(business)
未能do not→ fail to, omit to
结果end→ conclusion (to bring sth. to a conclusion)
充足的enough→ ample, sufficient, adequate (grounds, evidence, preparation, resources etc.)
普遍的,透彻的everywhere→ ubiquitous(mistakes), pervasive (influence)
适当地fairly→ comparatively, moderately, reasonably
弄清楚find out→ ascertain (the cause of sth., the truth of sth., whether sth. is true or not, what really happened etc); discern, discover (the cause of, factors behind sth. etc.)
适当的fitting→ proper, appropriate
憎恨hatred→ animosity
含有have→ contain, be equipped with, possess
假如if→ in the event of, in case (of)
最终in the end→ eventually, finally, ultimately
保持,一贯keep (doing)→ continue, continually, continuously, consistently, constantly, persist in
了解know→ be aware of, conversant with, familiar with
之后的later→ subsequent(ly)
越来越少less and less→ decreasing(ly)
准许let, allow→ permit
喜欢like→ to be partial to sth., liking
喜好liking→ predilection for sth, partiality for sth.
冗长的long→ extensive(coverage, footnotes, passages, scope), protracted (delay, negotiations), 长时间的prolonged(illness, interrogation)
look at→ consider, examine (argument, fact), explore, investigate (possibility), observe (behaviour)
money→ funding, funds, resources
more and more→ increasingly
much→ considerably, substantially(相当的,可观的)
need→ demand, require
next to→ adjacent
now→ at present, at this juncture, at this moment, currently
often→ frequent(ly)
quick(ly)→ rapid(ly), prompt(ly)
rich, wealthy→ affluent, opulent(society, life-style)
right→ appropriate, correct, proper
rough(ly)→ approximate, correct, proper
set up→ establish (a new state, a government, a business), institute (custom, inquiry, restrictions, democracy, rule, government)
sharp→ abrupt, drastic (rise and falls)
show→ demonstrate, evince, manifest
→ reveal, divulge
side→ aspect(of a problem)
small→ minor/insignificant (problems, differences etc), marginal (differences)
therefore→ consequently
thing→ element, aspect, object, factor, consideration
too→ excessively, inordinately, unduly
too many→ an excessive number of, a disproportionate number of
too much→ excessive(ly)
try→ endeavor, strive
understand→ appreciate
ups and downs→ vicissitudes (of war, history, fortune)
very→ extremely, in the extreme, immensely, intensely
yield→ produce(results)
能够able→ capable, in a(ny) position
一直all the time→ continually, continuously, constantly, perpetually
许多地a lot→ noticeably, considerably, a great deal, substantially
许多的a lot of→ many, numerous, a wide variety of (themes), a whole range of, a wide spectrum of (problems, themes, etc),an abundance of (opportunities, sources etc.)
总是always→ invariably
数量amount→ quantity
结果as a result→ consequently
本质上basically→ essentially, in essence, substantially
组成be, amount to→ constitute
下降become smaller→ be on the decline, be on the decrease, decline, decrease, diminish, dwindle, recede 等等
变糟糕become worse→ deteriorate
在 之前before→ prior to
开始begin→ commence
更好better→ superior
习惯于be(come) used to→ be accustomed to
严重的,重大的big→ major, significant, substantial
执行carry out→ conduct, execute, commit, implement
更改change→ alter, alteration, modify, modification
办理,执行do→ conduct, transact(business)
未能do not→ fail to, omit to
结果end→ conclusion (to bring sth. to a conclusion)
充足的enough→ ample, sufficient, adequate (grounds, evidence, preparation, resources etc.)
普遍的,透彻的everywhere→ ubiquitous(mistakes), pervasive (influence)
适当地fairly→ comparatively, moderately, reasonably
弄清楚find out→ ascertain (the cause of sth., the truth of sth., whether sth. is true or not, what really happened etc); discern, discover (the cause of, factors behind sth. etc.)
适当的fitting→ proper, appropriate
憎恨hatred→ animosity
含有have→ contain, be equipped with, possess
假如if→ in the event of, in case (of)
最终in the end→ eventually, finally, ultimately
保持,一贯keep (doing)→ continue, continually, continuously, consistently, constantly, persist in
了解know→ be aware of, conversant with, familiar with
之后的later→ subsequent(ly)
越来越少less and less→ decreasing(ly)
准许let, allow→ permit
喜欢like→ to be partial to sth., liking
喜好liking→ predilection for sth, partiality for sth.
冗长的long→ extensive(coverage, footnotes, passages, scope), protracted (delay, negotiations), 长时间的prolonged(illness, interrogation)
look at→ consider, examine (argument, fact), explore, investigate (possibility), observe (behaviour)
money→ funding, funds, resources
more and more→ increasingly
much→ considerably, substantially(相当的,可观的)
need→ demand, require
next to→ adjacent
now→ at present, at this juncture, at this moment, currently
often→ frequent(ly)
quick(ly)→ rapid(ly), prompt(ly)
rich, wealthy→ affluent, opulent(society, life-style)
right→ appropriate, correct, proper
rough(ly)→ approximate, correct, proper
set up→ establish (a new state, a government, a business), institute (custom, inquiry, restrictions, democracy, rule, government)
sharp→ abrupt, drastic (rise and falls)
show→ demonstrate, evince, manifest
→ reveal, divulge
side→ aspect(of a problem)
small→ minor/insignificant (problems, differences etc), marginal (differences)
therefore→ consequently
thing→ element, aspect, object, factor, consideration
too→ excessively, inordinately, unduly
too many→ an excessive number of, a disproportionate number of
too much→ excessive(ly)
try→ endeavor, strive
understand→ appreciate
ups and downs→ vicissitudes (of war, history, fortune)
very→ extremely, in the extreme, immensely, intensely
yield→ produce(results)
GRE,全称Graduate Record Examination,中文名称为美国研究生入学考试,适用于除法律与商业外的各专业,由美国教育考试服务处(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS)主办。GRE是世界各地的大学各类研究生院(除管理类学院,法学院)要求申请者所必须具备的一个考试成绩,也是教授对申请者是否授予奖学金所依据的最重要的标准。GRE,首次由美国哈佛,耶鲁,哥伦比亚,普林斯顿四所大学联合举办,初期由卡耐基基金会(Carnegie Foundation)承办,1948年交由新成立的教育测试中心ETS负责。之后每年在世界许多地方举行。中国国外考试协调处负责中国归口管理和承办GRE等国外考试。有些美国名牌大学把GRE专项成绩作为“推荐成绩”:即希望申请人能够提供此项成绩,无论本科专业是否与其申请研究生专业相同,但不把它作为必须要求。这时若能提供专项GRE成绩是很有利于申请奖学金资助的。因此,如果申请人有较为充足的时间,不妨参加专项考试,一个优秀的专项GRE成绩很能反映申请人的专业素质与学习潜力。GRE普通考试是申请研究生入学的必要考试,申请法律或商业学研究生以LSAT或GMAT替代GRE普通考试。目前美国大学在成绩替代上比以往要求松些。许多学校是可以提供GRE普通考试或GMAT考试成绩的任何一种作为商业类研究生应提供的成绩,法律研究生亦有以GRE普通考试成绩替代LSAT成绩的。
1. 考试内容
2. 考试形式
3. 算分方法
● 尝试替换某个词汇
● 尝试替换某个句型
● 尝试替换某个例子
● 尝试替换某个理由
● 尝试换一种说法
● 尝试表述对立的观点
第一阶段(1周): 随机阅读10~15篇范文,每天2~3篇。做笔记,背诵其中有用的词汇以及句型。
第二阶段(2周): 改写10~20篇范文。每天1~2篇。每天睡觉前背诵当天改写过的作文。这个阶段没必要限定每篇完成的时间。
第三阶段(1周): 不限时练习5~10篇。每天1~2篇。一定要不限时,这样才能保证质量。多查词典,反复修改。如果时间充裕,应该多练5~10篇。
第四阶段(2周): 限时练习10篇。每天练习一次。注意限时25分钟完成――因为只有这样才能在考场上游刃有余。注意:完成之后,有时间的话可以反复修改。最重要的事,睡觉之前,把当天的作文背
1) X-factor
基础薄弱的考生几乎不可能在短时间内将自己的英文能力提高到一个能够应对任何雅思口语话题的水平。所以考生们如果要考到一个好的分数,最好的方法就是提前准备。考生可以事先编好大约8到10个比较长的故事,保证这几个故事基本上能够将一些经常考的话题都涉及到。这样一来,考生们就能在最短的时间内得到最大的效果。 当然,与此同时,考生还应该注意两方面:
1. 语法与简单词汇的应用。其实英语口语更加注重语法和简单词汇的应用,要求考生们能够很快地将自己的想法用英文表达出来。为了实现这个目的,考生们应该平时多说多练,学会用简单的单词表达复杂的意思。
2. 关键词。不同的口语话题所涉及的专业词汇是不一样的。如果关键词不会表达,这恐怕会对考生的表达造成很大的困难。
1. Do you usually do any housework?
2. Do you like to do housework?
3. What housework do you least like doing?
4. Do you think it’s important for children to do some housework?
5. Have there been any changes in the housework people do?
1. Are weekends important to you?
2. How do you (usually) spend the weekend?
3. Which do you prefer, Saturday or Sunday?
4. Is it important for people to have weekends off?
5. Should people be paid overtime for working at the weekend?
1. Do you like music?
2. What's your favourite kind of music?
3. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?
4. Which instrument would you prefer to study - the piano or the violin?
5. Do you think it's important for children to learn (to play) a musical instrument?
1、 练习比较少,导致很多单词看的都懂,一说说的吞吞吐吐,发音不准确。平时一定要尽可能多说,还有跟读一些听力材料,让嘴巴的肌肉适合说英文,让普通的单词脱口而出,复杂的单词能够说得很清晰。
3、 心理作用。考场上很怕自己卡壳,怕自己没话可说,怕自己说错单词和时态;怕自己遇到题目没想法,有想法没单词,有单词说不出,说了说不流畅或者说错等等。这样导致陌生的话题没反应,熟悉的话题又说的不好。这个还是平时练习不够的结果
4、 心里有鬼。备考的时候主要以背诵为主,背素材,背答案,到了考场怕自己背漏,背错,或者考到没背到的东西,所以会高度敏感。考官有时候一打断,加问问题,学生马上就奔溃。
5、 缺乏语境。平时很少和外国人交流,考场的时候不知道对方是否能听懂,是否认可自己,是否听出自己的错误等等,这种想法也会导致紧张的情绪。
6、 将雅思想成一个魔鬼。平时对雅思口语考试听了很多负面的报道,包括印度考官,5分老太,声音太低,语速太快等等,因此,到了考场的时候,也怕自己是受害人,进入考场前已经开始紧张。
7、 考场因素。 等待的时间比较长,而考试的时间又比较短,学生总是觉得一不小心就会考不过,所以很紧张,影响发挥。 或者有些题目,特别是part3的题目,没有准备过,也完全没有任何的想法,刚好遇到比较挑剔的考官,也会影响分数。
1、 多练习。
2、 熟悉考题。
考试当日可以兜里揣着1-2页口语的题目和回答, 进考场前自己看一下,闭着眼睛说一下,这样会让自己的嘴巴热身。
3、 开始说慢。
刚开始练习的时候,可以放慢速度,争取每个单词都发音清楚,特别是长单词,譬如说accomplish, babysitter, procrastination, paragraph, 等等。 只有你嘴巴的肌肉很熟悉发长单词的音,你才会轻松发好每个单词的音,你才会更加自信。
自己一个人练习的弊端是没有对话的感觉。考场上有时候考官会随机按照你的回答加问一些问题,这个时候你的随机回答能力很重要。在和朋友练习的时候,可以叫对方多问你why, 逼迫你解释自己的回答,这样也可以提升你面对质疑时候的信心和交流能力。
雅思口语p2话题范文:a city you’ve visited that you like 去过的城市
You should say:
Where is it
When did you go there
What did you do their
And explain why you like it
Recently, I have visited Agra, in India, It's been a very beautiful place. I have gone to visit this place with my father who has some business meetings at there.
This place has many number of historic monuments built during reign of Mughal Era. In all places, I like Red Fort and Taj mahal very much. Taj mahal is considered as one of the seven wonders of the world. Its beauty is simply the best, completely inexplicable. Made in white marble and looks as same as from all four sides, very gigantic sculpture. while Red Fort is completely different. Inceptionally, I thought that it would be mere a giant castle. But inside the Fort there was a city inside with many places of market, theatre, food streets and kings' palaces. These all are worth visiting places. One can not find the way if he lost. Very distantly scattered all these places inside the Fort. So nobody can see in a single day. People of city are also very friendly and always endeavour to assist. They have great hospitality sense and I have really enjoyed, had taken many selfies and snaps with others and posted on my social sites and many people inquired about this place too. Just only drawback I found that has been dirt. People seemed not taking care seriously about maintaining cleanliness around such beautiful places. Later, I have heard that government has initiated towards that part; but overall felt a great experience.
雅思口语p2话题范文:a bicycle trip单车之旅
Who you are with
And explain why it is impressive
Follow-up Questions
Do you think its important t What kind of transportation do you chose when you go out?
Do people like to travel by bike in your hometown? Why?
What kind of transportation are good for environmental protection? Why?
Do you think travel by bicycle is better for traffic? Why?
Do you like to travel on your own or with your family?
I’d like to describe a travelling idea that I think would make an awesome experience. It’s a motorbike trip to Tam Dao, a town of Vinh Phu province, which has become an attractive place for Hanoi residents to visit at weekends and during holidays. Tam Dao, also known as Da Lat of the North due to its cool weather around the year, is not far from Hanoi. It’s just 70 kilometers away from our capital city, so I think it’d be sensible to travel there by motorbike.
I think it’d be an ideal trip if we had a small group of 4 or 5 members, who all knew each other well, as travelling companions. We would need to share a lot of common interests as well as characteristics, you know, so the experience would be more laidback, fun and memorable, in my opinion.
There are several reasons why I prefer travelling by motorbike rather than by car, but most of all, I wouldn’t want to miss the breathtaking scenery along the way. Moreover, my travelling timeline would be more flexible if I went there by motorbike, as I wouldn’t have to worry about being stuck in traffic jams. Last but not least, I think it would be a way to make the trip somehow more challenging and interesting, so we would have more things to recall afterwards
雅思口语题库part2话题参考答案之:a future plan which is not related to work or study(与学习工作无关的计划)
You should say
- what the plan is
- when you thought of the plan
- who is involved in the plan
- and say how you think you will achieve the plan.
Let me talk about my plans for this upcoming Christmas holiday.
Just a few weeks ago, my friend in Argentina contacted me and told me that he and his family are planning to visit the San Francisco Bay Area during the holidays. Since he is one of my best childhood friends and I've been living in the area for several years, I didn't hesitate and offered to be their tour guide.
They plan to stay here for only a week, and my plan is to drive my SUV and take them to some of the most popular tourist spots within the city of San Francisco, which includes the Golden Gate Bridge, Lombard Street, and the Coit Tower. I'm also thinking to spend a day to tour some of the most famous wineries in the Napa Valley. And if they are up for longer drives, I'm also willing to take them to Lake Tahoe and the Yosemite National Park.
I've always been good at making travel arrangements. As soon as my friend can confirm their dates, I will start doing research on hotels and restaurants, and try to come up with a detailed itinerary so that they can know what to expect during their stay.
Oh, since they will be here during the winter, which tends to be rainy and snowy, I will also have to constantly check on the weather forecast and make changes if necessary. The point is to be safe throughout the entire trip and find alternatives if the weather doesn't cooperate.
雅思口语题库part2话题答案:a good service
You should say:
who provided the service
when you received the service
who was with you at the time
and explain how you felt about receiving the service
I’d like to tell you about a recent purchase I made and the service I received which I thought was outstanding.
I bought a necklace from a small online shop that I found whilst surfing the net. It wasn’t a shop that I had bought things from before so I was slightly apprehensive about it. The shop didn’t have a wide range of gold jewellery but what it had was unique in style without doubt.
So, about three weeks ago, I selected a gold necklace to buy from this shop and within just three days it arrived through the post. The delivery came beautifully wrapped in fine Japanese style wrapping paper along with a gift voucher for a discount on my next order. I was truly impressed with the care that had been taken in wrapping it and the personal note that also came with it. But what impressed me the most was the free gift that arrived as well. I wasn’t expecting that at all. Along with my necklace was a matching bracelet which was also exquisitely made.
I remember the day it all arrived because my best friend was visiting me at the time. When I opened the parcel, we were amazed at both items of jewellery. My friend immediately went online and put in an order of her own. So, I suppose it goes to show that good customer service has its own rewards.
It’s hard to describe how I felt. Of course, as I said, I was amazed but it was more than that. Life can be tough sometimes and when you get such a lovely, unexpected present, it makes you feel as though anything is possible in the world. I’m pretty sure that small shop will do very well in the future. I know I will certainly order from that shop again.
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