文化概要lecture 2mythology_汉字与中国文化概要
文化概要lecture 2mythology由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“汉字与中国文化概要”。
Lecture 1
Chinese Mythology
★ Language Focus(student’s work)
第二题 给学生三分钟熟悉句子,然后让学生翻译:【②词汇活用】
第三题 大家一起做,顺便讲解内容和词汇
近义词:praise, extol, eulogizeEntwine, intertwine, weave
同一主题的词:神,神话, 宗教:
myth, legend, worship, cult, tenet, deity, pantheon, fairy 【PPT解释点】, saint, polytheistic, prophecy, reincarnation,Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism
★ Warm-up: Picture Discuion
1.The Godde Chang’e’s Fly to the Moon(with the elixir of life, chased by her famous archer-husband).2.Hou Yi Shooting Down Nine Suns
3.The Eight Immortals Croing the Sea
4.Kua Fu Chasing the Sun
★ Team work
Team 1: A brief of Chinese mythology
Exercise 2:
1.When was ancient Chinese mythology created?
How was it circulated?
2.Why is it similar to modern religion?
3.What’s the difference between a myth and a legend? 【PPT解释点】
5.What’s the relationship between Chinese mythology and reality?
Team 2: Roots of Chinese Mythology
Exercise 3:
XiaSnake to dragon 【PPT解释点】
ShangShang Di 【口头解释点】, natural deities,ZhouConfucianism & Taoism 【板书:孔子,老子的说法】Confucius & Laozi
The Qin dynasty【板书:Burn books and bury Confucian scholars alive(Great Confucian Purge)】
【A hierarchy of deities】
Before 100 A.D.Arrival of Buddhism
Team 3: Common Themes
1.What are the common themes?
2.How did ancient Chinese People understand the creation of the world?
3.Why do Chinese people respect the elder and deceased ancestors?
Team 4: Features
1.What are the Features?
Labor & Creation
Perseverance & self-sacrifice
Against oppreion 【fight against nature】
True love
Good deeds
【the shaping of national characteristic: “勤劳”,“诚实”,“勇敢”,“善良”,“智慧”的中国人】
★ Review & Aignment
Brief, history, themes & features
① Exercises of Text C
② 从嫦娥奔月,后羿射日,八仙过海和夸父追日中任选一个故事来讲,篇幅与Text B相仿即可。③ 预习:Unit 2: Language Focus 1-3
Knowledge Focus 2
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