
2020-02-27 其他范文 下载本文



(一)Words and Phrases:

1.百年庆典 centennial

2.本着……精神 in the spirit of

3.毕业典礼graduation ceremony

4.闭幕词 closing speech/addre

5.陛下Your /His / Her Majesty

6.承蒙/应……的盛情邀请 at the gracious invitation of...7.诚挚的欢迎 earnest welcome

8.持续增长 sustained growth

9.崇高事业 noble cause

10.筹委会 the organizing committee

11.答谢宴会return banquet

12.代表…… on behalf of...13.我愿借此机会I would like to take this opportunity to

14.奠基典礼foundation laying ceremony

15.殿下Your / His / Her Highne / Excellency / Royal Highne

16.东道国host country

17.发表热情讲话 deliver/make a warm speech

18.峰会 summit


20.富有成效的访问 a rewarding / productive visit

21.高层领导人 top government official

22.阁下Your / His / Her Honor / Excellency

23.共同繁荣 common prosperity

24.光辉里程碑 brilliant landmark

25.贵宾 distinguished guest

26.欢迎词 welcome speech / addre

27.回顾过去 look back on / in retrospect

28.建交 establish diplomatic relations

29.开国大典founding ceremony of a state

30.开幕词 opening speech / addre


1.首先,请允许我代表在座的各位,向来自澳大利亚的尊贵客人们表示热烈的欢迎和诚挚的问候。First of all, let me, on behalf of all present here, extend our warm welcome and cordial greetings to our distinguished guests from Australia.2.非常高兴能代表董事会向来访的英国代表团表示热烈的欢迎。It gives me such a great pleasure on behalf of the Board of Trustees to extend a warm welcome to all the members of the British delegation.3.首先,我谨代表中国政府,并以我个人的名义,对各位朋友的到来表示诚挚的欢迎,并

向论坛主办方----美国时代华纳集团表示衷心的祝贺!Let me begin by extending, on behalf of the Chinese government and also in my own name, a warm welcome to all of you and sincere congratulations to the sponsor of the Forum, the Time Warner Inc.of the United States.4.主席先生,请允许我向三亚世界家庭峰会的组织者们致以问候,并表示诚挚的谢意,感

谢你们给我机会在此作主题发言。Allow me, Chairperson, to convey greetings and expre sincere gratitude to the organizers of this World Family Summit in Sanya, China for providing me the opportunity to make a keynote speech here.5.我很高兴受中华人民共和国国家主席胡锦涛的委托,本着坦诚、负责、信任、合作的精

神,前来参加这次联大艾滋病高级别会议。Entrusted by His Excellency Mr.Hu Jintao, President of the People’s Republic of China, I have the pleasure to attend this HIV/AIDS High-level Meeting of the UN General Aembly in the spirit of candor, responsibility, trust and cooperation.6.非常欢迎总统先生的来访。感谢您的到来,祝您身体健康。相信您会受到我国人民的热

烈欢迎,他们会以行动展示出他们对两国关系的重视。Mr President, you are greatly welcomed to our country.We thank you for coming;we wish you well;we know that you will receive a warm reception from the people in this country who will demonstrate their affection for the important relations between our two peoples.7.我想向大连人民和大连市政府表达深深的谢意,感谢你们的热情款待及为本次活动所做的精心安排。I would like to expre my deepest appreciation to the people and Municipal Government of Dalian for their warm hospitality and excellent arrangements of this important event.8.我愿借此机会,代表我们代表团的全体成员,对我们东道主的诚挚邀请,对我们一踏上

这块充满魅力的土地便受到的友好款待,向东道主表示真诚的感谢。On behalf of all the members of my miion, I would like to take this opportunity to expre our sincere thanks to our host for their earnest invitation and the gracious hospitality we have received since we set foot on this charming land.9.我非常高兴地欢迎并感激各位前来参加今天的晚宴。I take great pleasure to welcome you

and thank you for attending tonight’s dinner.10.我为有机会就世界和平与发展问题进行发言,向主席先生致以深深的谢意!I’d like to

expre my deep appreciation to Mr.Chairman for this opportunity to addre the topic of world peace and development.


礼仪祝辞(二)Words and Phrases:1.开学典礼school’s opening ceremony2.冷餐招待会buffet reception3.平等互利 equality and mutual benefit4.签字仪式 signing ceremony5.......

[w6] 口译礼仪祝辞词汇

礼仪祝辞开幕式opening ceremony /inaugural ceremony 宣布开幕to declare…open/to declare the commencement of… 开幕辞opening speech/opening addre 致开幕辞to deliver......


1.欢迎辞Words and Phrases:official launch,on the occasion of,opening ceremony,long-term,enthusiastic,enthusiasm,dynamic,dynamics,energy,energetic,vigor,vigorous......


礼仪祝词口译(Ceremonial Speech)第一部分基本词汇开幕|闭幕式opening/closing ceremony开幕词opening speech/addre致开幕词make an opening speech友好访问goodwill visit......


高级口译第三版答案(2)(礼仪祝辞)第一篇:阁下your excellency...建交the establishment of diplomatic relations近海石油勘探offshore oil exploration积贫积弱,任人宰割end......

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