
2020-02-27 其他范文 下载本文


First debater: 一辩Javion Second debater:Holly Third debater:Peter Fourth debater:Maxwell Fifth debater: Winnie My fellow debaters对方辩友

According to your logic根据你的逻辑

We are not opposed to going abroad, we just disagree with going abroad at an early age without parent’s companionship.我们并不反对出国留学,我们只是不同意在一个比较小的年纪出国留学,而且还没有父母的陪伴。

When you can face some things alone, you can choose to study abroad according to your own language skills and adaptability.当你能独立解决一些事情时,你可以根据自己的语言能力和适应能力考虑出国深造。

Opposing views 反方观点

Your view has a logic error.你的观点有逻辑错误。

We just hear my fellow debaters advertising freely for education agency.我们刚刚听到对方辩友为留学中介做的免费广告

Maybe to a certain extent you are right, but in most cases you are wrong.在某种程度上你可能是对的,但是大多数情况下你的观点都不正确。

开场:Honorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good morning.It’s an honor to talk with you all here.We represent the anti-party(negative side).I’m the first debater, Javion.Our second debater is Holly……..As we can hear my fellow debaters just advertised freely for education agency…………

结辩:Thanks for your wonderful argument.But we insist that children going abroad at an early age without parent’s companionship the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.All in all, we stick to the point above.我方论点:

1.We believe that the cost of studying abroad is particularly high for ordinary families, If their parents use almost all their money for their children to study abroad, their life will be hard.(曾经纬)

3.Early study abroad will result in the waste of educational resources, the outflow of domestic education funds and talents.(孟庆帅)

4.Early study abroadwill breed a large number of illegal overseas-study agencies.(孟庆帅)

5.Going abroad at an early age does have a harmful influence to children’s character shaping.The psychology of primary and secondary school students is not yet mature.Their ability to judge right and wrong is weak.It is time for parents to guide them.They are far from home, separated from their parents and lonely facing of language and cultural barriers.It is so easy to have anxiety, depreion and suicidal tendencies.Please do not let these cute children face these problems alone.These difficulties are not easy even for our college students.(余婉琴)

6.The young age students tend to be under great preure from outside, especially cultural identity and sense of belonging, and they can’t tell right from wrong.(曾经纬)

7.Now most families have only one child.If they send their only child going abroad, how lonely they will be!(孔令凯)

8.There is a big difference between Western education and Chinese education.Some students’ academic performance is poorin the domestic.Studying abroad with a totally new language is also a serious problem.It will become a “pain.” Some students go abroad for six months, one year, they has not been admitted to the University, and some students can’t pa the Language exam, finally they has to go back and read in high school,Itisn’t only waste time, but also cause a great psychological preure.(孔令凯)

9.But the child is too young, the mind is not very mature, when they leave their parents, the lack of constraints, it is likely to waste their studies, and even drug abuse, gambling, in this case,do you still think that it is good to study abroad?(张慧莹)

Foreign primary and secondary education is not necearily good, for example: the United States of primary and secondary education is free education.It’s not adapted to learn, and with the campus gunfire andcampus violence, it is difficult to ensure the healthy growth of young people.对方说:


In China, it is not every place the environment is not well, and the foreign environment is not all well,It is not absolute。2.可以吸收外国先进经验:

Children are too young, they can‘t come into contact with advanced experience, we agree to study abroad after high school 3.回来收入高:

Children spend a lot of money to study abroad, when they return home, they do not necearily earn moremoney and they need to adapt to the environment.4.国内升学就业压力大:

把问题6抛过去,低龄儿童压力同样大(The stre of the young children is equally large)5.国内课程单一,刻板:

But our country is reforming, many city‘s teaching institutions also have a strong teaching ability and innovation level.


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