In my opinion, it is a good thing that more Chinese people go abroad.There are three reasons.First, the overseas learners can improve their ability through the study.They can grasp advanced technologies and their language ability can be improved as well.Second, with the rapid development of China, more and more overseas learners will choose come back, using their abundant knowledge studied abroad to serve for the motherland.The third, the government and most domestic enterprises are willing to provide favorable treatments to attract them to come back.在我看来,这是一件好事,更多的中国人民出国。原因有三。首先,海外学生可以通过提高他们的学习能力。他们能掌握先进的技术和他们的语言能力可以提高。其次,随着中国的迅速发展,越来越多的海外学习者会选择回来,用他们丰富的知识,为留学为祖国的活动。第三,政府和国内企业最愿意提供优惠待遇,以吸引他们回来。
1.Abroad to study, can exercise the maximum degree of self-development into self, to make it more perfect, it is absolutely impoible to achieve in the country because of the Friends, please refer to square the statement argued.2.To study abroad can be an opportunity to own a rebirth, this opportunity is the creation not because ibid.3.Study abroad, this is a lot of people who can not be expected to go abroad is not something that can not think of going abroad, like studying abroad can not, imagine the case, may also be so secure in my sitting here saying “do not ”it? Reason Ibid.4.Abroad to study, if not succeful, return to work after the work has a thick margin, can also not succeful in China, know that I do not argue that a bit of Friends will also be very clear, this is a hard act to what the!!Ibid cause 5.Abroad can really light Zong-yao Lord!Ibid reasons
And so on, there are many, but on these points, is enough to prove: study abroad, more good than harm!!
In summary, the facts speak for themselves, for the country, for themselves, to parents, can study abroad should go abroad.In a word: the opportunity to go abroad, have no chance to create opportunities to go abroad!!
3.出国留学,这是一个很多不能出国的人可望不可即的事情,可以出国却不想出,想出国深造的却不能,试想这样的话,我国还可能这样稳稳的坐在这里说“不”吗? 原因同上。
综上所述,事实胜于雄辩,为了国家,为了自己,为了父母,可以出国深造就应该出国。总之一句话:有机会就要出国,没有机会创造机会也要出国!!1.Learning languages.2.Knowledge widely 3.A friend 4.'s Future good 5.Taste of high 6.Learn positive point
7.Spiritual cultivation, cultivate a good character..8.Independent 1.学多种语言.2.见识广 3.朋友多 4.前途好 5.品味高 6.学习积极点
7.修心养性,..培养好性格 8.独立
African Republic in 1980, a 17-year silence
Later, again to allow high school graduates to study abroad, the European Union in 1995 enacted the “Socrates Programmer” provides older in
Students must have a certain credit in the overseas acquisition, in 2000 organized by the State Board of Education nearly a hundred foreign universities in Beijing
China International Higher Education Exhibition held in internationalization of higher education in today's common practice.Relying on this background I
They argue with each other friends of the two basic iues, first, in the face of higher education opportunities and challenges of internationalization, China
Should have an open or a closed attitude;second, high school graduates can adapt to living and studying abroad.Under section A problem we believe that high school graduates to study abroad is conducive to individual talent, something beneficial to national higher education
Industry, beneficial to social progre, it should be open.Personally speaking, you do not account for the single-plank bridge entrance,To take the ship to study in overseas, the opportunity to choose more than one higher education course are more good than harm.Second, the state
Higher education, today's institutions of higher learning in China face three fundamental iues: enrollment capacity is limited, competition
Mechanism for the lack of a single training model, while high school graduates to study abroad using foreign resources to ease the domestic colleges and universities
College entrance examination preure, relying on each country's education model features a wide range of education training model in China, they and the International
Market competition, improve the level of education is conducive to solving the fundamental problem, of course, more good than harm.Countries, again , High school graduates will study abroad in foreign cultures, ideas, technology, communication put up a solid bridge, show Hope the achievements of the past century of history indeed rely on the concerted efforts of generations of students.Of course, we also see high
Of graduates to adapt to life overseas students, who received twelve years in the domestic national education, are in
Chinese cultural history, the overall age of 18 years of age and is independent of the basic capabilities to participate in social life and consciousne, its
Fact that they face in foreign countries is a relatively simple, peaceful, clean campus life, we say
Study challenges the country is moderately high school graduates, of course, there are high school graduates to study abroad defects
But we think that harm is apparent, interest is fundamental, long-term, positive, so we think that high school graduates Study abroad more good than harm.Thank you.1980年非洲 共和国在静寂了17年之
后,重又允许高中毕业生出国留学,1995年欧盟订立《苏格拉底计划》规定大龄在 校生必须有一定的学分在海外取得,2000年由国家教委举办近百所海外高校在北京 举行中国国际高等教育巡回展,高等教育国际化在今天蔚然成风。依托这一背景我 们与对方辩友探讨两个基本问题,第一,面对高等教育国际化的机遇与挑战,中国 应持开放还是封闭的态度;第二,高中毕业生能否适应海外的学习和生活。根据第 一个问题我方认为,高中毕业生出国留学有利于个人成才,有利于国家高等教育事 业的发展,有利于社会进步,所以应当开放。就个人来讲,你不占高考的独木桥,就搭留学的越洋船,多一条机会选择接受高等教育当然是利大于弊的。其次就国家 高等教育事业而言,今天中国的高校事业面临三个根本问题:招生能力有限、竞争 机制缺乏、培养模式单一,而高中毕业生出国留学利用国外的高校资源缓解国内的 高考压力,依托各国各有特色的教育模式培养中国多元化的教育模式,他们与国际 市场竞争、提高教育水平有利于根本问题的解决,当然利大于弊。再次就国家而言,高中毕业生出国留学必将在中外文化、思想、科技的沟通上搭起坚实的桥梁,展 望历史近百年的成就也确实依托了一代代留学生的共同努力。当然我们还要看到高 中毕业生也能够适应海外的留学生活,他们在国内接受了十二年的国民教育,有中 华文化史册,总体年龄在18周岁以上并有独立参与社会生活的基本能力和意识,其 实他们在国外面对的是一种相对简单、平和、纯净的大学校园生活,所以我们说出 国留学的挑战对高中毕业生来说是适度的,当然高中毕业生出国留学存在着弊端,但我方认为弊是表面的,利是根本的、长远的、积极的,所以我方认为高中毕业生 出国留学利大于弊。谢谢。
1首先,我们先来看一下对方辩友的逻辑,我们问了解放前,问了欧盟,对方辩友告诉我们的是外国的高中毕业生可以出国,中国以前的高中毕业生也可以出国,但唯独今天的高中毕业生不可以出国,为什么呢?时代不一样了。我们说时代是不一样了,如果说今天的时代跟以前有什么不同,那就是今天有高等教育国际化的背景。今天有国际高教资源的丰富,今天有我们少年求飞、求新、求文明开化、统一世界的勇气。第二,对方辩友告诉我们国内竞争尚且没有信心,又跑到国外去操着半生不熟的英语,可是对方辩友你别忘了,爱因斯坦小的时候板凳做不好怎么样,挨打挨骂,可是后来怎么样,成为一代的科学家呀,你怎么知道适应不了国内的路就走不了国外的越洋路呢?第三,对方辩友告诉我们说,心理学家告诉我们,20岁人才成熟,我就不明白了,法定婚龄女性是20岁,难道只有结婚才能让女性成熟起来吗?根据著名教授顾明远先生所编的《教育心理学》,18岁正是我们今天人生由量变到质变的阶段,我们真正能离开依赖的那一天,就是我们真正相对成熟的那一天,当然,对方辩友告诉我们说,高中毕业出去可能没有文化本根,但是12年的国民教育教育我们了什么呢?难道对方辩友要否定我们九年义务教育的卓越成就吗?再请问对方辩友,外国的高中毕业生可以留学来华,为什么中国的高中毕业生不能出去呢?谢谢。today to oppose high school graduates to study abroad, the Friends of the other four debates
Argument, we think not, make one by one, the common discuion.The other side of a debate to tell us that high school graduates to go abroad
Because students can not adapt, so more harm than good.Indeed a foreign country, the challenge is there, but the challenge is g Clothing.The challenge, 12-year-old Zhan Tianyou get used, 16-year-old *** get used, then we
18,9-year-old high school graduates, much better than before in how the learning environment but it can not meet the
? Other students can not say that because psychological adjustment, then I ask, if you do not let the child exercise, it has to adapt to
Had that day? The other two debates to tell us that high school graduates to study abroad is a foreign cultural aimilation, the To more harm than good.But do not forget that they received before going abroad for a whole 12 years of national education.If the other party debate
Friends of the view that European and American can wash away the true nature of Chinese culture, wash away the letter and even rational sense of honor and virtue and conscience.Please
Ask for your higher education in China is so headstrong 12-year Chinese national education is not how such self-confidence It? The other three debates to tell us that high school graduates to study abroad led to brain drain, so more harm than good.First , It may not come back.America the week of 17-year-old Feng-liter, 18-year-old flower show in Japan do not have the scope back and be proud, and as
Wuhan University is today the founder of leading universities.In fact, the back is the lo of talent do not come back as a standard
Is too narrow, Tsung-Dao Lee, Chen Ning Yang of the Chinese nation are not all the world's respect for reason? Debate to tell the other four
We, high school graduates to study abroad is costly, leading to education, capital flight, so more harm than good.Indeed, Wing Hung spent studying abroad is more than a thousand taels of silver, but he brought from the Western concept of cultural thought, what they value more than
Le money it? Today a family to buy foreign cigarettes, buy wine, do you think is understandable.That I do not buy cigarettes, do not buy
Wine, I buy education, obviously vote wooden peach, reported to Qiong Yao, why does more harm than good for? Today Square One, two, three, four friends face a common mistake defense is that you can not face reality, and blindly put their own The cases on the basis of established Xia Xiang.Today, a high school graduate entrance examination of the goal, but I jump, I am around long The door to the West, as can be Jackie Chan.Today, common sense should not be absorbing enough of the way barely another way of education, then
I choose another education for me, more easily taught.We believe that today's high school graduates to study abroad
More good than harm, the reason is very simple, the first pair of high school graduates, increasing the acceptance and selection of higher education
Opportunity to benefit individual talent;the second pair is for the Chinese higher education, not only eased the preure to quantify , Also proposed on the quality of competition is conducive to the development of Higher Education;the third for the Chinese society, and establish a
Update ideological, technological, cultural exchange and convergence, is conducive to social progre.We recognize some drawback is
But in today's world and the future opening of China, we do not think these temporary difficulties because of
And surface defects, while high school graduates to study abroad to block long-term interests and the maximum value.Thank you.1今天为了反对高中毕业生出国留学,对方辩友提出了四个
论证,我方以为不然,一一提出,共同商榷。对方一辩告诉我们,高中毕业生出国 留学因为适应不了,所以弊大于利。诚然异国他乡,挑战是有的,但挑战是可以克 服的。这种挑战,12岁的詹天佑适应得了,16岁的***适应得了,那么我们今天18、9岁的高中毕业生,在比以前好得多的学习生活环境中怎么反而适应不了了呢 ?对方同学说是因为心理适应不了,那么请问,如果你不让孩子锻炼,那么有适应 得了的那一天吗?对方二辩告诉我们,高中毕业生出国留学会被异国文化同化,所 以弊大于利。但是不要忘记,他们出国前接受了整整12年的国民教育。如果对方辩 友认为,欧风美雨可以冲掉中国文化的本色,冲掉仁义理智信乃至廉耻和良心。请 问,对中国高等教育如此刚愎自用的你们对中国12年的国民教育怎么如此的不自信 呢?对方三辩告诉我们,高中毕业生出国留学导致人才流失,所以弊大于利。首先,未必不回来吧。17岁的留美的周丰升、18岁留日的范秀花不都回来了嘛,而且成 为今天一流大学武汉大学的奠基人。其实,以回不回来作为人才是否流失的标准,实在是太狭隘,李政道,杨振宁不都是世界尊重中华民族的理由吗?对方四辩告诉 我们,高中毕业生出国留学费用昂贵,导致教育资本外流,所以弊大于利。诚然,荣洪出国留学是花了一千多两银子,可他从西方带来的文化思想理念,请问又值多 少银子呢?今天一个家庭买洋烟,买洋酒,大家觉得无可厚非。那我不买烟,不买 酒,我买教育,明明是投以木桃,报以琼瑶,请问为什么是弊大于利的呢?今天对 方一、二、三、四辩友面临共同的错误就在于你们不能面对现实,而一味的把自己 的例论建立在暇想的基础上。今天一个高中毕业生我跳不过高考的龙门,我绕着龙 门去西洋,一样可以成龙。今天不应以吸足事理的方式勉强另一种教育方式,那么 我是否选择另一种教育来适合我,更容易成才。今天我方认为高中毕业生出国留学 利大于弊,原因很简单,第一对高中毕业生而言,增加了接受和选择受高等教育的 机会,有利于个人成才;第二对对于中国高等教育事业来说,既缓解了量化的压力,又提出了质上的竞争,有利于高教事业的发展;第三对于中国社会而言,树立了 更新思想、科技、文化的交流和汇合,有利于社会进步。我们承认,弊端也是有的,但在今天面向世界、面向未来的开放的中国,我们认为不能因为种种暂时的困难 和表面的弊端,而阻挠高中毕业生出国留学的长远利益和最大价值。谢谢。