中英文对照版 《最高人民法院关于修改关于适用《中华人民共和国公司法》若干问题的规定的决定》_中华人民共和国公司法
中英文对照版 《最高人民法院关于修改关于适用《中华人民共和国公司法》若干问题的规定的决定》由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“中华人民共和国公司法”。
Decision of the Supreme People's 共和国公司法》若干问题的规定的决定
Court on Amending Provisions on 法释(2014)2号
Iues Relating to Application of Company Law of the People's Republic of China
(Adopted at the 1607th Seion of Judicial Committee of the Supreme 《最高人民法院关于修改关于适用〈中华人民共和国公司法〉若干问题的规定的决定》已于2014年2月17日由最高人民法院审判委员会第1607次会议通过,现予公布,自2014年3月1日起施行。
最高人民法院 People's Court on 17 February 2014)
Fa Shi [2014] No.2 最高人民法院关于修改关于适用《中华人民共和国公司法》若干问题的规定的决定 Announcement of the Supreme 根据2013年12月28日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第六次会议的决定和修改后重新公布的《中华人民共和国公司法》,最高人民法院审判委员会第1607次会议决定:
People's Court of the People's Republic of China
The Decision of the Supreme
People's Court on Amending
Provisions on Iues Relating to Application of Company Law of the People's Republic of China, adopted at the 1607th Seion of Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on 17 February 2014, is hereby promulgated and shall come into effect on 1 March 2014.Supreme People's CourtFebruary 2014
Pursuant to the decision made at the 6th Seion of Standing Committee of the 12th National People's
Congre on 28 December 2013 and Company Law of the People's Republic of China promulgated anew after amendments, the Decision has been made at the 1607th Seion of Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court as follows:
一、《最高人民法院关于适用〈中华人民共和1.Article 75 referred to in Article 3 国公司法〉若干问题的规定
(一)》(法释〔2006〕of the Provisions of the Supreme 3号,以下简称《规定
(一)》)第三条中的“第七十People's Court on Iues Relating to 五条”修改为“第七十四条”。
Application of Company Law of the People's Republic of China [I](Fa Shi [2006] No.3, hereinafter referred to as Provisions [I])is renumbered as Article 74.二、《规定
2.Article 152 referred to in Article 4
of the Provisions [I] is renumbered as
Article 151.三、《最高人民法院关于适用〈中华人民共和3.Article 183 as referred to in 国公司法〉若干问题的规定
(二)》(法释〔2008〕Paragraph 1, Article 1 of the 6号,以下简称《规定
(二)》)第一条第一款中的“第Provisions of the Supreme People's 一百八十三条”修改为“第一百八十二条”。
Court on Iues relating to
Application of Company Law of the
People's Republic of China [II](Fa Shi [2008] No.6, hereinafter referred to as Provisions [II])is renumbered as Article 182.四、《规定
(二)》第二条、第七条第一款中4.Article 184 referred to in Article 1 的“第一百八十四条”修改为“第一百八十三条”。
and Paragraph 1 of Article 7 of the
Provisions [II] is renumbered as
Article 183.五、《规定
5.Article 186 referred to in Articleof the Provisions [II] is
renumbered as Article 185.六、《规定
(二)》第二十二条第一款中的“第6.Article 81 referred to in Paragraph 八十一条”修改为“第八十条”。of Article 22 of the Provisions [II]
is renumbered as Article 80.七、《规定
(二)》第二十三条第二款、第三7.Article 152 referred to in 款中的“第一百五十二条”修改为“第一百五十一条”。
Paragraph 2 and 3 of Article 23 of the Provisions [II] is renumbered as Article 151.八、删去《最高人民法院关于适用〈中华人民8.Item 1 of Article 12 of the 共和国公司法〉若干问题的规定
(三)》(法释〔20Provisions of the Supreme People's 11〕3号,以下简称《规定
(三)》)第十二条第一Court on Iues Relating to 项,并将该条修改为“公司成立后,公司、股东或者Application of Company Law of the 公司债权人以相关股东的行为符合下列情形之一且损害公司权益为由,请求认定该股东抽逃出资的,People's Republic of China [III](Fa Shi [2011] No.3, hereinafter referred 人民法院应予支持:
(一)制作虚假财务会计报表to as Provisions [III])is deleted, and 虚增利润进行分配;
Article 12 of the Provisions [III] is amended to read “Upon
incorporation of a company, where
the company, the shareholders or the creditors of the company file(s)a request with a people's court to determine that a shareholder has withdrawn capital contribution, on the grounds that the actions of the shareholder in question falls under any of the following circumstances and thus harms the interests of the
company, the people's court shall uphold the request:(1)prepare false accounting statements to inflate profits for distribution;(2)transfer capital contribution out through fictitious relationship of debt and creditor's rights;(3)transfer capital contribution out making using of affiliated transactions;and(4)other withdrawal of capital contribution without authorization by statutory procedures.九、《规定
9.Article 148 referred to in Paragraph 4 of Article 13 of the Provisions [III] is renumbered as Article 147.十、删去《规定
10.Article 15 of the Provisions [III] is deleted.十
(三)》第二十四条改为第二十11.Article 24 of the Provisions [III] 三条。该条中的“第三十二条、第三十三条”修改为“第三十一条、第三十二条”。
is renumbered as Article 23.Article
and Article 33 referred to in this
article is renumbered as Article 31 and Article 32.十
(三)》条文顺序作相应调整。12.The sequences of articles of the
Provisions [III] are adjusted
三、本决定施行后尚未终审的股东出资相关13.This Decision applies to cases 纠纷案件,适用本决定;本决定施行前已经终审的,regarding disputes over capital 当事人申请再审或者按照审判监督程序决定再审
contribution of shareholders that are 的,不适用本决定。
not finally closed before this Decision comes into force, but it does not apply to cases that have been finally closed before this 最高人民法院关于适用《中华人民共和国公司Decision comes into force but the 法》若干问题的规定
parties concerned apply for retrial or a retrial is required under procedures(2006年3月27日最高人民法院审判委员会for trial supervision.第1382次会议通过根据2014年2月17日最高人民法院审判委员会第1607次会议《关于修改关于适用The Provisions [I], [II] and [III] are 〈中华人民共和国公司法〉若干问题的规定的决定》修正)
promulgated anew upon amendments pursuant to this Decision accordingly.Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Iues Relating to Application of Company Law of the People's Republic of China(I)(Adopted at the 1382nd Seion of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on 27 March 2006 and amended pursuant to the Decision of the Supreme People's Court on Amending Provisions on Iues Relating to Application of Company Law of the People's Republic of China made at the 1607th Seion of Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on 17 February 2014.)
For the purpose of correct application of Company Law of the People's Republic of China amended at the 18th Seion of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congre on 27 October 2005, the following provisions are made in respect of the application of Company Law for hearing related civil dispute cases by people's courts:
Article 1 Following implementation of Company Law, the prevailing laws and regulations and judicial 公司法实施后,人民法院尚未审结的和新受理
interpretations shall apply to civil 的民事案件,其民事行为或事件发生在公司法实施 cases pending trial and newly
accepted civil cases if the civil action 以前的,适用当时的法律法规和司法解释。
or event has occurred prior to implementation of Company Law.第一条
Article 2 For cases lodged with a people's court in respect of a relevant civil action or event prior to 因公司法实施前有关民事行为或者事件发生
implementation of Company Law 纠纷起诉到人民法院的,如当时的法律法规和司法and where there are no specific 解释没有明确规定时,可参照适用公司法的有关规 provisions in the prevailing laws and
regulations and judicial 定。interpretations, reference may be
made to the relevant provisions of Company Law.第二条
Article 3 Where a plaintiff lodges a case with a people's court in respect of a matter stipulated in the second 原告以公司法第二十二条第二款、第七十四条
paragraph of Article 22 and the 第二款规定事由,向人民法院提起诉讼时,超过公second paragraph of Article 74 of
Company Law after the period 司法规定期限的,人民法院不予受理。
stipulated in Company Law, the people's court shall not accept the case.第三条 第四条
Article 4 The consecutive
shareholding period of 180 days or more as stipulated in Article 151 of 公司法第一百五十一条规定的180日以上连续
Company Law shall be the 持股期间,应为股东向人民法院提起诉讼时,已期shareholding period which has 满的持股时间;规定的合计持有公司百分之一以上expired at the time when the
shareholder lodges a case with a 股份,是指两个以上股东持股份额的合计。people's court;the aggregate
shareholding of 1% or more
stipulated shall mean the aggregate shareholding of two or more shareholders.第五条
Article 5 The provisions of Company Law shall not apply to retrials of cases which have been finally closed
prior to implementation of Company Law.Article 6 These Provisions shall enter into force on the date of promulgation.本规定自公布之日起实施。
最高人民法院关于适用《中华人民共和国公司Provisions of the Supreme People's 法》若干问题的规定
Court on Iues Relating to Application of Company Law of the(2008年5月5日最高人民法院审判委员会第People's Republic of China(II)1447次会议通过根据2014年2月17日最高人民法院审判委员会第1607次会议《关于修改关于适用
(Adopted at the 1447th Seion of 〈中华人民共和国公司法〉若干问题的规定的决定》 the Judicial Committee of the 修正)
Supreme People's Court on 5 May 2008 and amended pursuant to the 为正确适用《中华人民共和国公司法》,结合Decision of the Supreme People's 审判实践,就人民法院审理公司解散和清算案件适用法律问题作出如下规定。
Court on Amending Provisions on Iues Relating to Application of Company Law of the People's Republic of China made at the 1607th Seion of Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's
Court on 17 February 2014.)For the purposes of proper application of Company Law of the People's Republic of China and taking into account judicial practices, the following provisions are made in respect of iues pertaining to applicable laws for hearing by the people's courts cases on diolution and liquidation of companies.Article 1 Where one or more
shareholders, who hold(s)more than 10% of the voting rights of a 单独或者合计持有公司全部股东表决权百分
company solely or jointly, file(s)a 之十以上的股东,以下列事由之一提起解散公司诉lawsuit with a people's court for 讼,并符合公司法第一百八十二条规定的,人民法diolution of the company on the
grounds of any one of the following 院应予受理: and the application complies with
Article 183 of Company Law, the
(一)公司持续两年以上无法召开股东会或者people's court shall accept the
application: 第一条
(二)股东表决时无法达到法定或者公司章程规定的比例,持续两年以上不能做出有效的股东会 或者股东大会决议,公司经营管理发生严重困难的;
(1)the company has not been able to convene a shareholders' meeting or a general meeting of shareholders for more than two years consecutively,(三)公司董事长期冲突,且无法通过股东会and the company has serious 或者股东大会解决,公司经营管理发生严重困难的; difficulties in its busine
(2)the shareholders' voting is unable to attain the statutory ratio or the ratio stipulated in the company's articles of aociation, the company 及公司被吊销企业法人营业执照未进行清算等为由,提起解散公司诉讼的,人民法院不予受理。
has not been able to pa effective resolutions at the shareholders' meetings or general meetings of shareholders for more than two years consecutively, and the company has serious difficulties in its busine management;
(3)the directors of the company are in long-term conflict and the conflict is unable to be resolved at the shareholders' meetings or general meetings, and the company has serious difficulties in its busine management;or
(4)the company has serious difficulties otherwise in its busine management and continuing operation of the company will cause a significant lo to shareholders' interests.Where a shareholder files a lawsuit with a people's court for diolution of the company on the grounds of harm to his/her right to know and right to request for profit distribution, lo or insolvency of the company or failure to carry out liquidation following revocation of the
company's enterprise legal person busine licence, the people's court shall not accept the application.第二条
Article 2 Where a shareholder files a lawsuit with a people's court for diolution of the company and concurrently submits an application to the people's court for liquidation of the company, the people's court shall not accept the application for liquidation.The people's court may notify the plaintiff that, upon
rendering a judgment by the people's
court for diolution of the company, the plaintiff may proceed with liquidation by himself/herself or separately submit an application to the people's court for liquidation of the company pursuant to the provisions of Article 183 of
Company Law and Article 7 of these Provisions.Article 3 Where a shareholder of a company, who files a lawsuit with a people's court for diolution of the 股东提起解散公司诉讼时,向人民法院申请财
company, submits an application to 产保全或者证据保全的,在股东提供担保且不影响the people's court for preservation of 公司正常经营的情形下,人民法院可予以保全。
aets or evidence, the people's court
may grant preservation provided that the shareholder provides a guarantee and the company's normal operation is not affected.第三条 第四条
股东提起解散公司诉讼应当以公司为被告。原告以其他股东为被告一并提起诉讼的,人民 法院应当告知原告将其他股东变更为第三人;原告坚持不予变更的,人民法院应当驳回原告对其他股
Article 4 In a lawsuit filed by a
shareholder with a people's court for diolution of a company, the company shall be the defendant.Where the plaintiff has filed the lawsuit naming the other
shareholders as the co-defendant, the 东的起诉。
for diolution of a company shall notify the plaintiff to name the other shareholders as a third party instead;if the plaintiff insists on naming the other shareholders as the
co-defendant, the for diolution of a company shall reject the lawsuit filed by the plaintiff against the other shareholders.The plaintiff, who has filed the lawsuit for diolution of the company, shall notify the other shareholders;alternatively, the other shareholders shall be notified by the people's court to participate in the lawsuit.Where the other shareholders or the relevant stakeholders submit an application for participation in the lawsuit as a co-plaintiff or a third party, the people's court shall grant approval.Article 5 In the trial of a lawsuit for diolution of a company, a people's court shall focus on mediation.人民法院审理解散公司诉讼案件,应当注重调
Where the parties concerned have 解。当事人协商同意由公司或者股东收购股份,或negotiated and agreed on continuing 者以减资等方式使公司存续,且不违反法律、行政the operation of the company through
acquisition of shares by the company 法规强制性规定的,人民法院应予支持。当事人不or shareholders or through capital 能协商一致使公司存续的,人民法院应当及时判决。reduction, etc., and such proposal
does not violate the mandatory
provisions of laws and administrative 经人民法院调解公司收购原告股份的,公司应
regulations, the people's court shall 第五条
uphold such proposal.Where the parties concerned are unable to
negotiate unanimously on continuing the operation of the company, the people's court shall promptly render a judgment.Where the company agrees to acquire the shares of the plaintiff following the mediation by the people's court, the company shall transfer or cancel the shares within six months from the date on which the letter of mediation takes effect.Prior to the transfer or cancellation of the shares, the plaintiff shall not contest the creditors of the company by citing the company's acquisition of shares.Article 6 A judgment rendered by a people's court on diolution of a company shall be legally binding 人民法院关于解散公司诉讼作出的判决,对公
upon all shareholders of the 司全体股东具有法律约束力。company.第六条
人民法院判决驳回解散公司诉讼请求后,提起Upon a people's court rejects by a 该诉讼的股东或者其他股东又以同一事实和理由提起解散公司诉讼的,人民法院不予受理。
judgment a lawsuit request for
diolution of a company, where the
shareholder, who has filed such lawsuit, or the other shareholders file a lawsuit for diolution of the company again on the grounds of the same facts and reasons, the a people's court shall not accept the case.第七条
Article 7 A company shall, pursuant
to Article 183 of Company Law,establish a liquidation group within 15 days from the date of the 公司应当依照公司法第一百八十三条的规定,occurrence of a diolution event to 在解散事由出现之日起十五日内成立清算组,开始carry out liquidation.自行清算。
Under any of the following 有下列情形之一,债权人申请人民法院指定清circumstances, where a creditor of 算组进行清算的,人民法院应予受理:
the company submits an application to a people's court for appointment of a liquidation group to carry out liquidation, the people's court shall accept the application:
(三)违法清算可能严重损害债权人或者股东(1)the company fails to establish a 利益的。
liquidation group within the stipulated period to carry out liquidation for its diolution;(2)the company has established a liquidation group but deliberately delays the liquidation;or
(3)the illegal liquidation may cause serious harm to the interests of creditors or shareholders.Where the creditor has not submitted an application for liquidation under any of the circumstances provided in the second paragraph of this Article but the company's shareholders have submitted an application to the people's court for appointment of a
liquidation group to carry out liquidation, the people's court shall accept the application.Article 8 Where a people's court has accepted a case regarding liquidation of a company, it shall promptly 人民法院受理公司清算案件,应当及时指定有第八条
appoint relevant personnel to form a
liquidation group.Members of a liquidation group may comprise the following personnel or organisations:
(1)shareholders, directors, supervisors and senior executives of
the company;(2)social intermediaries such as law firms, accounting firms, bankruptcy liquidation firms, etc.established pursuant to the law;and
(3)qualified practitioners with the relevant profeional knowledge employed by social intermediaries such as law firms, accounting firms, bankruptcy liquidation firms, etc.established pursuant to the law.Article 9 Under any of the following
circumstances involving a member of the liquidation group appointed by a
people's court, the people's court may replace the member of the liquidation
group at request by a creditor or a shareholder or pursuant to its official
(1)the member of the liquidation group has acted in violation of the laws or administrative regulations;(2)the member of the liquidation group has lost his/her/its practising competence or capacity for civil conduct;or
(3)the member of the liquidation group has committed an act which causes serious harm to the interests of the company or the creditors.Article 10 Prior to the completion of liquidation and of deregistration
formalities by a company pursuant to 公司依法清算结束并办理注销登记前,有关公
the law, civil lawsuits involving the 司的民事诉讼,应当以公司的名义进行。company shall be proceeded in the
name of the company.第十条
Where the company has established a liquidation group, the
person-in-charge of the liquidation group shall represent the company to participate in the lawsuits;where the company has yet to establish a liquidation group, the original legal representative shall represent the company to participate in the lawsuits.第十一条
Article 11 During the liquidation of a company, the liquidation group shall, 公司清算时,清算组应当按照公司法第一百八十五条的规定,将公司解散清算事宜书面通知全体已知债权人,并根据公司规模和营业地域范围在全国或者公司注册登记地省级有影响的报纸上进行公告。
pursuant to Article 185 of Company Law, notify all known creditors in writing of the diolution and liquidation of the company, and based on the scale of the company and the scope of its geographical busine locations, publish a public announcement on influential newspapers nationwide or at the place of incorporation and registration of the company at provincial level.Where the failure of the liquidation group to perform notification and public announcement obligations pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph causes the creditors to be unable to declare the creditor's rights in time and in turn to repay such creditor's rights, and the creditors aert that the members of the liquidation group bear
compensation liability for the loes incurred thereto, the of the liquidation group shall uphold the aertion pursuant to the law.Article 12 During the liquidation of a company, the creditors, who disagree with the creditor's rights ascertained 公司清算时,债权人对清算组核定的债权有异
by the liquidation group, may request 议的,可以要求清算组重新核定。清算组不予重新the liquidation group to re-ascertain 核定,或者债权人对重新核定的债权仍有异议,债 the creditor's rights.Where the
liquidation group refuses to 权人以公司为被告向人民法院提起诉讼请求确认re-ascertain the creditor's rights or
where the creditors disagree with the 的,人民法院应予受理。
re-ascertained creditor's rights and the creditors file a lawsuit for 第十二条
confirmation with the of the liquidation group naming the
company as the defendant, the of the liquidation group shall accept the case.Article 13 Where the creditors of a company fail to declare their
creditor's rights within a stipulated 债权人在规定的期限内未申报债权,在公司清
period but make a supplementary 算程序终结前补充申报的,清算组应予登记。declaration prior to the conclusion of
the procedures for liquidation of the 公司清算程序终结,是指清算报告经股东会、company, the liquidation group shall
register the creditor's rights.第十三条
The conclusion of procedures for
liquidation of the company shall refer to the completion of confirmation of the liquidation report by a shareholder's meeting, a general meeting of shareholders or a people's court.Article 14 Creditor's rights stated in a supplementary declaration by creditors of a company may be 债权人补充申报的债权,可以在公司尚未分配
repaid using undistributed aets of 财产中依法清偿。公司尚未分配财产不能全额清偿,the company pursuant to the law.债权人主张股东以其在剩余财产分配中已经取得的Where the undistributed aets of the
company are insufficient for full 财产予以清偿的,人民法院应予支持;但债权人因repayment and the creditors aert
that the creditor's rights be repaid 重大过错未在规定期限内申报债权的除外。
using aets obtained by the
shareholders from the distribution of 债权人或者清算组,以公司尚未分配财产和股
remaining aets, the people's court 东在剩余财产分配中已经取得的财产,不能全额清shall uphold the aertion, except that
the creditors fails to declare creditor's 偿补充申报的债权为由,向人民法院提出破产清算
rights within a stipulated period due 申请的,人民法院不予受理。to gro negligence.第十四条
Where the creditors or the liquidation group submit(s)an application to a
people's court for bankruptcy liquidation on the grounds that the undistributed aets of the company and the aets obtained by the shareholders from the distribution of remaining aets are insufficient to fully repay the creditor's rights stated in the supplementary declaration, the people's court shall not accept the application.第十五条
Article 15 In the event of liquidation carried out by a company, the
liquidation scheme shall be tabled at a shareholder's meeting or a general meeting of shareholders for confirmation.In the event of
liquidation organised by a people's court, the liquidation scheme shall be submitted to the people's court for confirmation.The liquidation group shall not execute a liquidation
scheme that has not been confirmed.Where the execution of an
unconfirmed liquidation scheme causes the company or the creditors to incur loes, and the company, the shareholders or the creditors aert that the members of the liquidation group bear compensation liability thereto, the people's court shall uphold the aertion pursuant to the law.第十六条
Article 16 In the event of liquidation organised by a people's court, the
liquidation group shall complete liquidation within six months from 人民法院组织清算的,清算组应当自成立之日
the date of its establishment.起六个月内清算完毕。
Where the liquidation cannot be 因特殊情况无法在六个月内完成清算的,清算组应当向人民法院申请延长。
completed within six months due to special circumstances, the liquidation group shall submit an application to the people's court for extension of time.第十七条
Article 17 Where a liquidation group
of a company appointed by a people's court discovers, during sorting the company's aets and preparing balance sheets and statements of aets, that the company's aets are insufficient to repay its debts, the liquidation group may negotiate with the creditors on making a debt repayment scheme.Where the debt repayment scheme is confirmed by all the creditors and will not harm the interests of other stakeholders, the people's court may rule on endorsement of the debt repayment scheme upon the application submitted by the liquidation group.The liquidation group shall, upon repayment of debts based on such repayment scheme, submit an application to the people's court for ruling on completion of liquidation procedures.Where the debt repayment scheme is not confirmed by the creditors or is not endorsed by the people's court, the liquidation group shall submit a bankruptcy application to the people's court pursuant to the law.第十八条
Article 18 Where the shareholders of a limited liability company or the directors and controlling
shareholders of a company limited by shares fail to establish a liquidation group within the statutory period to commence liquidation, resulting in devaluation, lo, destruction or extinguishment of the company's aets, and the creditors aert that such shareholders of the limited liability company or directors and controlling shareholders of the company limited by shares bear compensation liability for the
company's debts to the extent of the lo, the people's court shall uphold the aertion pursuant to the law.Where the shareholders of a limited liability company or the directors and controlling shareholders of a company limited by shares neglect the performance of obligations, resulting in extinguishment of the company's key aets, accounts, important documents, etc.and rendering liquidation impoible, and the creditors aert that such shareholders of the limited liability
company or directors and controlling shareholders of the company limited by shares bear repayment liability jointly and severally for the company's debts, the people's court shall uphold the aertion pursuant to the law.Where the aforesaid circumstances are caused by the actual controlling party and the creditors aert that the actual controlling party bears the corresponding civil liability for the company's debts, the people's court shall uphold the aertion pursuant to the law.第十九条
Article 19 Where the malicious disposal of the company's aets by the shareholders of a limited liability company or the directors and controlling shareholders of a
company limited by shares and the actual controlling parties of a
company following the diolution of the company causes the creditors to incur loes or where the
shareholders of a limited liability
company or the directors and controlling shareholders of a
company limited by shares and the actual controlling parties of a company use a false liquidation report to handle legal person
deregistration formalities with the company registration authorities without carrying out liquidation
pursuant to the law, and the creditors
aert that such shareholders of the limited liability company or directors and controlling shareholders of the company limited by shares and actual controlling parties of the company bear the corresponding compensation liability for the company's debts, the people's court shall support the aertion pursuant to the law.第二十条
Article 20 A diolved company shall complete deregistration formalities upon completion of liquidation pursuant to the law.Where the company has completed
deregistration formalities without carrying out liquidation, resulting in liquidation of the company
impoible, and the creditors aert that the shareholders of the limited liability company or the directors and controlling shareholders of the company limited by shares and the actual controlling parties of the
company bear repayment liability for the company's debts, the people's court shall uphold the aertion pursuant to the law.Where a company has completed deregistration formalities without carrying out liquidation pursuant to the law, the shareholders or any third parties have undertaken to bear liability for the company's debts when handling deregistration formalities with the company registration authorities and the creditors aert that such
shareholders or third parties bear the
corresponding civil liability for the company's debts, the people's court shall uphold the aertion pursuant to the law.Article 21 Where the number of the shareholders of a limited liability company or the directors and 有限责任公司的股东、股份有限公司的董事和
controlling shareholders of a 控股股东,以及公司的实际控制人为二人以上的,company limited by shares and the 其中一人或者数人按照本规定第十八条和第二十条actual controlling parties of a
company is more than two, one or a 第一款的规定承担民事责任后,主张其他人员按照few of them, who have borne civil
过错大小分担责任的,人民法院应依法予以支持。liability pursuant to the provisions of
Article 18 and the first paragraph of Article 20 of these Provisions, aert that the other personnel bear liability according to the extent of fault, the people's court shall uphold the aertion pursuant to the law.第二十一条 第二十二条
Article 22 At the time of diolution of a company, unpaid capital
contributions of shareholders shall be deemed as liquidation aets.Unpaid capital contributions of shareholders shall include due and payable but unpaid capital contributions and capital contributions by installments which are yet due pursuant to the provisions of Article 26 and Article 80 of Company Law.Where the aets of the company are insufficient to repay its debts and the creditors aert that shareholders with unpaid capital contributions and other shareholders or subscribers at the time of incorporation of the company bear repayment liability
jointly and severally for the company's debts within the scope of unpaid capital contributions, the people's court shall support the aertion pursuant to the law.第二十三条
Article 23 Where the members of a liquidation group of a company, in the course of carrying out liquidation matters, have violated laws and administrative regulations or the company's articles of aociation, or caused the company or the creditors to incur loes, and the company or the creditors aert(s)that the members of the liquidation group bear compensation liability, the people's court shall uphold the aertion pursuant to the law.Where the shareholders of a limited liability company or the shareholders 公司已经清算完毕注销,上述股东参照公司法of a company limited by shares who 第一百五十一条第三款的规定,直接以清算组成员
hold more than 1% of the company's 为被告、其他股东为第三人向人民法院提起诉讼的,shares solely or jointly for more than 人民法院应予受理。
180 days consecutively file a lawsuit with a people's court pursuant to the third paragraph of Article 151 of Company Law on the grounds of the acts committed by the members of the liquidation group mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the people's court shall accept the application.Where the company has completed liquidation and deregistration
formalities, the aforesaid shareholders file a lawsuit directly with the people's court pursuant to the provisions of the third paragraph of Article 151 of Company Law naming the members of the liquidation group as the defendant and other shareholders as a third party, the people's court shall accept the application.第二十四条
Article 24 Lawsuits pertaining to diolution of a company and
company liquidation cases shall be governed by the people's court at the location of the company.The
location of the company shall refer to the location of the main busine office of the company.Where the location of the busine office of the company is non-specific, the cases shall be governed by the people's court at the place of registration of the company.Basic people's courts shall have
jurisdiction over lawsuits pertaining 最高人民法院关于适用《中华人民共和国公司to diolution of companies 法》若干问题的规定
incorporated by company registration authorities at county, county city or district level and liquidation cases of companies incorporated by company registration authorities at county, county city or district level.Intermediate People's Courts shall 为正确适用《中华人民共和国公司法》,结合have jurisdiction over lawsuits 审判实践,就人民法院审理公司设立、出资、股权确认等纠纷案件适用法律问题作出如下规定。
pertaining to diolution of companies incorporated by company registration authorities at prefecture or prefecture city level or above and liquidation cases of companies incorporated by company registration authorities at prefecture or prefecture city level or above.Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Several Iues Relating to Application of Company Law of the People's Republic of China(III)(Adopted at the 1504th Seion of the Judicial Committee of the People's Republic of China on 6 December 2010 and amended at the 1607th Seion of the Judicial Committee of the People's Republic of China on 17 February 2014 pursuant to the Decision of the Supreme People's Court on Amending Provisions on Iues Relating to Application of Company Law of the People's Republic of China.)
For the purpose of proper application of Company Law of the People's
Republic of China, taking into account the trial practices, the following provisions on applicable laws for trial of dispute cases pertaining to incorporation of company, capital contribution, recognition of equity, etc.by people's courts are stipulated.Article 1 Persons who execute the articles of aociation of a company, make capital contribution or 为设立公司而签署公司章程、向公司认购出资
subscribe shares and perform 或者股份并履行公司设立职责的人,应当认定为公company incorporation duties for 司的发起人,包括有限责任公司设立时的股东。
incorporation of the company shall
be deemed as the promoters of the company and shall include shareholders at the time of
incorporation of a limited liability company.第一条
Article 2 Where a promoter enters into a contract in his/her name with an external party for incorporation of 发起人为设立公司以自己名义对外签订合同,a company, and the counterparty of 合同相对人请求该发起人承担合同责任的,人民法the contract requests that the
promoter bears contractual liability, 院应予支持。
the people's court shall uphold the request.第二条
Where the company has confirmed the contract stipulated in the preceding paragraph upon incorporation, or has actually enjoyed the contractual rights or performed the contractual obligations, and the counterparty of the contract requests that the
company bears contractual liability, the people's court shall uphold the request.Article 3 Where a promoter enters into a contract in the name of a proposed company with an external 发起人以设立中公司名义对外签订合同,公司
party, and upon incorporation of the 成立后合同相对人请求公司承担合同责任的,人民company, the counterparty of the
contract requests that the company 法院应予支持。
bears contractual liability, the people's court shall uphold the 公司成立后有证据证明发起人利用设立中公
司的名义为自己的利益与相对人签订合同,公司以此为由主张不承担合同责任的,人民法院应予支持,Upon incorporation of a company, 但相对人为善意的除外。
where there is evidence to prove that a promoter has entered into a contract with the counterparty of the contract in the name of the proposed company for his/her own interests, and the company aerts that it shall not bear contractual liability based on this reason, the People's Court shall support the request, unle the counterparty is well-intentioned.Article 4 Where a company is not
incorporated for some reason, and a creditor requests that all or some of 公司因故未成立,债权人请求全体或者部分发
the promoters bear joint and several 起人对设立公司行为所产生的费用和债务承担连带liability for settlement of the
expenses and debts incurred for the 清偿责任的,人民法院应予支持。
proposed incorporation of the
company, the people's court shall 部分发起人依照前款规定承担责任后,请求其
uphold the request.第四条
Where some of the promoters who have borne the liability pursuant to 定出资比例的,按照均等份额分担责任。
the provisions of the preceding paragraph request that the other promoters bear the liability, the people's court shall order the other promoters to bear the liability pursuant to the agreed ratio of liability sharing;where there is no agreement on ratio of liability sharing, the other promoters shall bear the liability pursuant to the agreed capital contribution ratio;where there is no agreement on capital contribution ratio, the other promoters shall bear the liability equally.Where a company is not incorporated due to the fault of some of the promoters, and the other promoters aert that such promoters shall bear the expenses and debts incurred for the proposed incorporation of the company, the People's Court shall determine the scope of liability of the parties at fault based on the extent of the fault.Article 5 Where a promoter of a company causes others to suffer damages in his/her performance of 发起人因履行公司设立职责造成他人损害,公
company incorporation duties, and 司成立后受害人请求公司承担侵权赔偿责任的,人upon incorporation of the company, 民法院应予支持;公司未成立,受害人请求全体发the victims request that the company
bears tort compensation liability, the 第五条
People's Court shall support the request;where the company is not incorporated, and the victims request 公司或者无过错的发起人承担赔偿责任后,可that all the promoters bear
compensation liability jointly and 以向有过错的发起人追偿。
severally, the People's Court shall uphold the request.起人承担连带赔偿责任的,人民法院应予支持。
Upon bearing compensation liability, the company or the promoter(s)who is/are not at fault may seek recourse from the promoter(s)at fault.第六条
Article 6 Where a subscriber of a company limited by shares has not made payment for the subscribed shares within the stipulated period and payment is not made within the reasonable period following chaser by the promoters of the company, and the promoters of the company raise funds separately for such
shares, the People's Court shall rule that the fund raising is valid.Where the deferred payment by a subscriber for the shares causes the company to suffer loes, and the company requests that the subscriber bears compensation liability, the people's court shall uphold the request.Article 7 Where a capital contributory makes capital
contribution using aets for which 出资人以不享有处分权的财产出资,当事人之
he/she has no right of disposal, and 间对于出资行为效力产生争议的,人民法院可以参there is a dispute between the parties
concerned on the validity of the 照物权法第一百零六条的规定予以认定。
capital contribution, the people's court may rule that the capital 以贪污、受贿、侵占、挪用等违法犯罪所得的contribution is valid with reference to 货币出资后取得股权的,对违法犯罪行为予以追究、the provisions of Article 106 of the
Property Law.第七条
Where a capital contributory makes capital contribution in monetary form using illegal income from corruption, bribery, encroachment, misappropriation, etc.to obtain equity, the equity shall be disposed by way of auction or sale at the time of pursuit or punishment for illegal criminal acts.第八条
Article 8 Where the capital
contributory(ies)make(s)capital contribution by way of allocation of land use rights or make(s)capital contribution using land use rights with encumbrance, and the company, the other shareholders or the
creditors of the company aert(s)that the capital contributory(ies)has/have not performed capital
contribution obligations, the people's court shall order the parties
concerned to complete land title change formalities or remove the encumbrance within a designated reasonable period;where the land title change formalities are not
completed or the encumbrance is not removed within the stipulated period, the people's court shall rule that the capital contributories have not fully performed capital contribution obligations pursuant to the law.Article 9 Where a capital contributory makes capital contribution in the form of 出资人以非货币财产出资,未依法评估作价,non-monetary aets which have not 公司、其他股东或者公司债权人请求认定出资人未been valuated pursuant to the law, 履行出资义务的,人民法院应当委托具有合法资格and the company, the other 第九条
shareholders or the creditors of the company request(s)that the court 著低于公司章程所定价额的,人民法院应当认定出rules that the capital contributory has
not performed capital contribution 资人未依法全面履行出资义务。
obligations, the people's court shall entrust a legitimate and qualified valuation organisation to evaluate the aets.Where the valuation is
evidently le than the price stated in the company's articles of aociation, the people's court shall rule that the capital contributory has not fully performed capital contribution obligations pursuant to the law.的评估机构对该财产评估作价。评估确定的价额显第十条
Article 10 Where a capital contributory makes capital
contribution in the form of aets such as buildings, land use rights or intellectual property which requires completion of change of ownership registration formalities, and has delivered the aets to the company for use but has not completed the change of ownership registration formalities, and the company, the other shareholders or the creditors of the company aert(s)that the capital contributory has not performed capital contribution obligations, the people's court shall order the parties concerned to complete change of ownership registration formalities within a designated reasonable period;where the change of
ownership registration formalities are completed within the aforesaid period, the People's Court shall rule that the capital contributory has performed capital contribution obligations;where the capital
contributory aerts that it enjoys the corresponding shareholder's rights at the time of actual delivery of aets to the company for use, the people's
court shall uphold the request.Where a capital contributory makes capital contribution in the form of aets stipulated in the preceding paragraph and has completed the change of ownership registration formalities but has not delivered the aets to the company for use, and the company or the other
shareholders aert(s)that the capital contributory shall deliver the aets to the company and that the capital contributory did not enjoy the corresponding shareholder's rights prior to the actual delivery, the people's court shall uphold the request.Article 11 Where a capital
contributory who makes capital
contribution in the form of the equity 出资人以其他公司股权出资,符合下列条件
of another company satisfies the 的,人民法院应当认定出资人已履行出资义务: following criteria, the people's court
shall rule that the capital contributory
(一)出资的股权由出资人合法持有并依法可has performed capital contribution
obligations: 第十一条 以转让;
(1)The equity used for capital
contribution is legitimately held by the capital contributory and can be transferred pursuant to the law;(2)The equity used for capital contribution has no title defect or is 股权出资不符合前款第(一)、(二)、(三)unencumbered;项的规定,公司、其他股东或者公司债权人请求认定出资人未履行出资义务的,人民法院应当责令该出资人在指定的合理期间内采取补正措施,以符合上述条件;逾期未补正的,人民法院应当认定其未依法全面履行出资义务。
(3)The capital contributory has performed the statutory formalities for transfer of equity;and(4)The equity used for capital contribution has been valuated pursuant to the law.Where the capital contribution in the form of equity does not satisfy the criteria stipulated in items(1),(2)and(3)of the preceding paragraph, and the company, the other shareholders or the creditors of the company request(s)that the court rules that the capital contributory has not performed capital contribution obligations, the people's court shall order the capital contributory to adopt correction measures within a designated reasonable period so as to satisfy the aforesaid criteria;where correction is not made within the stipulated period, the people's court shall rule that the capital contributory has not fully performed capital contribution obligations pursuant to the law.Where the capital contribution in the
form of equity does not satisfy the criterion stipulated in item(4)of the 1st paragraph of this Article, and the company, the other shareholders or the creditors of the company request(s)that the court rules that the capital contributory has not performed capital contribution obligations, the people's court shall deal with the case pursuant to Article 9 of these Provisions.第十二条
Article 12 Upon incorporation of a company, where the company, the shareholders or the creditors of the company request(s)that the court rules that a shareholder has withdrawn capital contribution,citing that the actions of the relevant shareholders fall under any of the following descriptions and harm the interests of the company, the people's court shall support the request:(1)Prepare false accounting
statements to inflate profits for
(四)其他未经法定程序将出资抽回的行为。(2)Transfer capital contribution out
through fictitious relationship of debt and creditor's rights;
(3)Transfer capital contribution out making use of affiliated transactions;or
(5)Withdraw capital contribution without authorisation by statutory procedures.Article 13 Where a shareholder has not performed capital contribution obligations or has not fully 股东未履行或者未全面履行出资义务,公司或第十三条
performed capital contribution
obligations, and the company or the
other shareholders request(s)that the shareholder fully performs capital contribution obligations to the
company pursuant to the law, the
people's court shall uphold the
request.Where a creditor of a company requests that a shareholder that has not performed capital contribution obligations or has not fully performed capital contribution
obligations bears supplementary
compensation liability for the portion of outstanding debts of the company within the scope of the principal and interest of unpaid capital
contribution, the people's court shall support the request;where the shareholder that has not performed capital contribution obligations or has not fully performed capital contribution obligations has borne the aforesaid liability, and the other creditors make the same request, the people's court shall not uphold the
request.Where a shareholder has not performed capital contribution obligations or has not fully performed capital contribution obligations at the time of
incorporation of a company, and the Plaintiff who files a lawsuit pursuant to the 1st paragraph or the 2nd paragraph of this Article requests that the promoters of the company and the respondent shareholders bear joint and several liability, the people's court shall support the request;the promoters of the company who have borne the liability may seek recourse from the respondent shareholders.Where a shareholder has not performed capital contribution obligations or has not fully performed capital contribution obligations at the time of the company's increase of capital, and the plaintiff who files a lawsuit pursuant to the 1st paragraph or the 2nd paragraph of this Article requests that the directors and senior executives who have not performed
the obligations stipulated in the 1st paragraph of Article 147 of Company Law to ensure that the capital is fully paid-up bear the corresponding liability, the people's court shall support the request;the directors and senior executives who have borne the liability may seek recourse from the respondent shareholders.第十四条
Article 14 Where a shareholder has
withdrawn capital contribution, and the company or the other
shareholders request(s)that the
shareholder repays the principal and interest of the capital contribution to the company and that the other
shareholders, the directors, the senior executives or the actual controlling party who aist(s)withdrawal of capital contribution bear(s)joint and several liability for withdrawal of capital contribution, the people's court shall uphold the request.Where a creditor of a company
requests that the shareholder that has withdrawn capital contribution bears supplementary compensation liability for the portion of outstanding debts of the company within the scope of the principal and interest of the withdrawn capital contribution, and that the other shareholders, the directors, the senior executives or the actual controlling party who aist(s)第十五条
withdrawal of capital contribution bear(s)joint and several liability for withdrawal of capital contribution, the people's court shall support the request;where the shareholder that has withdrawn capital contribution has borne the aforesaid liability, and the other creditors make the same request, the people's court shall not uphold the request.Article 15 Where a capital contributory makes capital contribution in the form of
non-monetary aets which satisfy
the statutory criteria, and the aets used for capital contribution devalue
due to market changes or other
objective factors, and the company,the other shareholders or the creditors of the company request(s)that the capital contributory bears the liability to make up the capital
contribution, the people's court shall not support the request, unle
otherwise agreed between the parties concerned.Article 16 Where a shareholder has not performed capital contribution obligations or has not fully
performed capital contribution
obligations or has withdrawn capital contribution, and the company
stipulates the corresponding reasonable restrictions on
shareholder's rights such as the right to request for profit distribution, the pre-emptive right for subscription to new shares, the right to request for distribution of remaining aets, etc.in accordance with the company's articles of aociation or the
resolution of shareholders' meeting, and the shareholder requests that the court rules that the restriction is invalid, the people's court shall not uphold the request.第十七条
Article 17 Where a shareholder of a limited liability company has not performed capital contribution obligations or has withdrawn all capital contribution, and has not
made payment or returned the capital contribution within the reasonable period following chaser by the
company, and the company paes a resolution of shareholders' meeting to remove the qualification of the shareholder, and the shareholder requests the court to confirm that the removal of the qualification of the shareholder is invalid, the people's court shall not uphold the request.Under the circumstances stipulated in the preceding paragraph, the People's Court shall clarify in the judgment that the company shall promptly complete the statutory capital reduction procedures or that the other shareholders or a third party shall make payment for the corresponding capital contribution.Prior to completion of the statutory capital reduction procedures or payment for the corresponding capital contribution by the other
shareholders or a third party, where a
creditor of the company requests, pursuant to Article 13 or Article 14 of these Provisions, that the relevant parties concerned bear the corresponding liability, the people's court shall uphold the request.第十八条
Article 18 Where a shareholder of a limited liability company has not performed capital contribution obligations or has not fully performed capital contribution obligations, i.e.transfer the equity, and the transferee is aware or should be aware, and the company requests that the shareholder performs capital contribution obligations and the transferee bears joint and several liability thereto, the people's court shall support the request;where a creditor of the company files a lawsuit against the shareholder pursuant to the second paragraph of Article 13 of these Provisions and requests that the aforesaid transferee
bears joint and several liability thereto, the people's court shall uphold the request.Where the transferee who has borne the liability pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph seeks recourse from the shareholder that has not performed capital contribution obligations or has not fully performed capital contribution obligations, the people's court shall uphold the request, unle
otherwise agreed between the parties concerned.第十九条
Article 19 Where a shareholder of a company has not performed capital contribution obligations or has not fully performed capital contribution obligations or has withdrawn capital contribution, and the company or the other shareholders request(s)that the shareholder fully performs capital contribution obligations or repays the capital contribution to the company, and the respondent shareholder cites limitation of action in the defence, the people's court shall not uphold the request.Where a creditor of a company whose creditor's rights are within the limitation of action period requests,pursuant to the provisions of the 2nd paragraph of Article 13 and the 2nd paragraph of Article 14 of these Provisions, that the shareholder that has not performed capital contribution obligations or has not fully performed capital contribution obligations or has withdrawn capital contribution bears compensation liability, and the respondent shareholder cites expiry of limitation of action period for the capital contribution obligations or the obligations for returning the capital contribution in the defence, the
people's court shall not uphold the request.Article 20 Where there is a dispute on performance of capital
contribution obligations between the 当事人之间对是否已履行出资义务发生争议,parties concerned, and the plaintiff 原告提供对股东履行出资义务产生合理怀疑证据provides evidence for reasonable 的,被告股东应当就其已履行出资义务承担举证责 doubt over a shareholder's
performance of capital contribution 任。obligations, the respondent
shareholder shall bear the burden of proof that the capital contribution obligations have been performed.第二十条
Article 21 Where a party concerned files a lawsuit with a people's court requesting that the court confirms its 当事人向人民法院起诉请求确认其股东资格
shareholder's qualification, the 的,应当以公司为被告,与案件争议股权有利害关 company shall be the respondent, and
the stakeholder(s)interested in the 系的人作为第三人参加诉讼。
disputed equity of the case shall be named as a third party in the lawsuit.第二十一条
Article 22 Where there is a dispute over ownership of equity between the parties concerned, and one of the 当事人之间对股权归属发生争议,一方请求人
party concerned requests that the 民法院确认其享有股权的,应当证明以下事实之一: people's court confirms its
entitlement to the equity, any of the
(一)已经依法向公司出资或者认缴出资,且following facts shall be proven: 第二十二条
(1)The party concerned has made
capital contribution or payment for
capital contribution to the company pursuant to the law, and has not violated the mandatory provisions of laws and regulations;or
(2)The party concerned has obtained the company's equity by way of 第二十三条 当事人依法履行出资义务或者依法继受取得股权后,公司未根据公司法第三十一条、第三十二条的规定签发出资证明书、记载于股东名册并办理公司登记机关登记,当事人请求公司履行上述义务的,人民法院应予支持。
aignment or any other form, and has not violated the mandatory provisions of laws and regulations.Article 23 Where a party concerned has performed capital contribution obligations pursuant to the law or has
obtained equity by way of transfer
pursuant to the law, and the company does not iue a capital contribution
certificate, make entry in the register
of shareholders and complete
registration formalities with the company registration authorities pursuant to the provisions of Article 31 and Article 32 of Company Law, and the party concerned requests that the company performs the aforesaid obligations, the people's court shall uphold the request.Article 24 Where an actual capital contributory of a limited liability company enters into a contract with a nominal capital contributory to agree that the actual capital contributory shall make capital contribution and enjoy investment rights and interests and the nominal shareholder shall be the nominal capital contributory, if there is a dispute between the actual capital contributory and the nominal shareholder over the validity of the contract, in the absence of the circumstances stipulated in Article 52 of Contract Law, the people's court shall rule that the contract is valid.Where there is a dispute over the
ownership of investment rights and interests between the actual capital
名册、记载于公司章程并办理公司登记机关登记的,contributory and the nominal 人民法院不予支持。
shareholder stipulated in the preceding paragraph, and the actual capital contributory aerts the rights against the nominal shareholder, citing that it has actually performed capital contribution obligations, the people's court shall uphold the request.Where the nominal shareholder disaffirms the rights of the actual capital contributory, citing the records in the register of shareholders of the company and registration with the company registration authorities, the people's court shall not uphold the request.Where the actual capital contributory requests, without obtaining the consent of a majority of the other shareholders of the company, that the company changes its shareholders, iues a capital contribution certificate, makes an entry in the register of shareholders, makes an entry in the company's articles of aociation and completes registration formalities with the company registration authorities, the people's court shall not uphold the request.第二十五条
Article 25 Where a nominal shareholder transfers, pledges or otherwise disposes of the equity registered under its name, and the actual capital contributories request that the court rules that the disposal of equity is invalid, citing that they are actually entitled to the equity, the people's court may deal with the case with reference to the provisions of Article 106 of the Property Law.Where the disposal of equity by a nominal shareholder causes the actual capital contributories to suffer loes, and the actual capital contributories request that the nominal shareholder bears compensation liability, the people's court shall uphold the request.Article 26 Where a creditor of a company cites that a shareholder registered with the company 公司债权人以登记于公司登记机关的股东未
registration authorities has not 履行出资义务为由,请求其对公司债务不能清偿的performed capital contribution 部分在未出资本息范围内承担补充赔偿责任,股东obligations and requests that the
shareholder bears supplementary 以其仅为名义股东而非实际出资人为由进行抗辩compensation liability for the portion
of outstanding debts of the company 的,人民法院不予支持。
within the scope of the principal and
interest of unpaid capital 名义股东根据前款规定承担赔偿责任后,向实
contribution, and the shareholder 际出资人追偿的,人民法院应予支持。cites that it is a nominal shareholder
and not the actual capital
contributory in its defence, the people's court shall not uphold the request.第二十六条
Where a nominal shareholder that
has borne compensation liability pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph seeks recourse from the actual capital contributories, the people's court shall uphold the request.第二十七条
Article 27 Where the original shareholder failed to complete
change registration formalities with the company registration authorities following transfer of equity and transfers, pledges or otherwise disposes of the equity registered under its name, and the new
shareholder requests that the court rules that the disposal of equity is invalid, citing that it is actually entitled to the equity, the people's court may deal with the case with reference to the provisions of Article 106 of Property Law.Where the disposal of equity by the original shareholder causes the new shareholder to suffer loes, and the new shareholder requests that the original shareholder bears compensation liability and the directors, the senior executives or the actual controlling party at fault for failure to promptly complete change registration formalities bear(s)the corresponding liability, the People's Court shall support the request;where the new shareholder is also at
fault for failure to promptly complete change registration formalities, the liability of the aforesaid directors, senior executives or actual controlling party may be mitigated appropriately.第二十八条
Article 28 Where a person has made capital contribution by impersonating another person and registered such person as a shareholder with the company registration authorities, the impersonator shall bear the
corresponding liability;where the company, the other shareholders or the creditors of the company request(s)that the registered shareholder bears the liability to make up the capital contribution or bears compensation liability for the portion of outstanding debts of the company, citing that it/they has/have not performed capital contribution obligations, the people's court shall not uphold the request.
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