
2020-02-28 其他范文 下载本文



Translation: Venerate Mother Nature(Yan Chunyou)(translated by: alexcwlin;edited by: adam.L)

人们常常把人与自然对立起来,宣称要征服自然。殊不知在大自然面前,人类永远只是一个天真幼稚的孩童,People always put Man against Mother Nature and pronounce Man wants to conquer Nature.Little do they know in front of Nature Man will forever be a naive immature child.只是大自然机体上普通的一部分,正像一株小草只是她的普通一部分一样。如果说自然的智慧是大海,那么,人类的智慧就只是大海中的一个小水滴,Man is just an ordinary part in the organism of Nature – just like a stem of gra is only one of her ordinary parts.If you say Nature’s wisdom is the vast sea, then the wisdom of mankind is only a droplet in the vast sea.虽然这个水滴也映照着大海,但毕竟不是大海。可是,人们竟然不自量力地宣称要用这滴水来代替大海。

Even though this droplet echoes the vast sea, nonethele it is not the sea.But Man doesn’t know his limits, and says he wants to substitute this droplet for the vast sea.********************************************************************** 看着人类这种狂妄的表现,大自然一定会窃笑——就像母亲面对无知的孩子那样的笑。

In watching Man’s conceited demeanor, Mother Nature must have been snickering – much like how a mother would snicker at his child’s childishne.人类的作品飞上了太空,打开了一个个微观世界,于是人类就沾沾自喜,以为揭开了大自然的秘密。

Man’s creation flew up to space and opened a microscopic view of Universe, and so Man is all smug about it.They think they have revealed the secret of Nature.可是,在自然看来,人类上下翻飞的这片巨大空间,不过是咫尺之间而已,就如同鲲鹏看待斥鴳一般,只是蓬蒿之间罢了。

But in the view of Nature, the ―maive space‖ in which Man’s action-packed activities have taken place is only minuscule distance apart, just like the thousand-mile traveling distance of the mythological Fish Kun or Bird Peng compared with the pitiful flying distance of a swan.即使从人类自身智慧发展史的角度看,人类也没有理由过分自傲:

Even from the perspective of Man’s history of intellectual development, Man should not have any reason to be overly full of himself.人类的知识与其祖先相比诚然有了极大的进步,似乎有嘲笑古人的资本;

There is no question Man’s knowledge has taken a huge step forward compared to that of his ancestors, and seemingly he is laughing at what were capitalized in ancient days.可是,殊不知对于后人而言我们也是古人,一万年以后的人们也同样会嘲笑今天的我们,也许在他们看来,我们的科学观念还幼稚得很,我们的航天器在他们眼中不过是个非常简单的儿童玩具。However, unknowing to them we will be the ancestors in the view of our future generations, and people ten thousand years later will similarly laugh at today’s us.Maybe the way they would see it, our scientific perceptions are very immature.In their eyes, our spacecrafts would merely be simple children toys.人类的认识史仿佛是纠错的历史,一代一代地纠正着前人的错误,于是当我们打开科学史的时候,就会发现科学史也是犯错误的历史。

It seems Man’s history of cognition is a history of correction, and generations after generations ancestors’ mistakes are being corrected.So when we open the history of science, we will find the history of science is also the history of mistakes.那么,我们有什么理由和资格嘲笑古人,在大自然面前卖弄小聪明呢?

Then what grounds and credentials do we have to jeer at our ancestors and show off our petty know-how in front of Nature? ********************************************************************** 人类发明了种种工具,挖掘出大自然用亿万年的时间积累下来的宝藏——煤炭、石油、天然气以及其他各种矿物质,Man has invented a variety of tools to dig out treasures which Nature spent one-hundred-million years to accumulate – such as coal, oil, natural gas, and other minerals.人类为自己取得的这些成就而喜形于色,然而,谁能断言那些狼藉斑斑的矿坑不会是人类自掘的陷阱呢?

Man has been beaming with joy at these accomplishments.Yet who can say with certainty those mey mine pits are not self-created traps of Man? ********************************************************************** 在宇宙中,一定存在着远比我们的智慧要高得多的生物。因为,我们的太阳系只有四十多亿年的历史,就演化出了有智慧的生物;

In Universe, there has to be living beings elsewhere with far superior intelligence than we have.Our solar system only has four and some odd billion years of history and already we have evolved intelligent beings.而宇宙至少已有二百亿年的历史了。可以推想,在那些比我们更古老的星系里,一定早就演化出了更高级的生物。

On the other hand, Universe has been in existence for at least twenty billion years.It can be deducted that galaxies older than us must have evolved more advanced living creatures.这些生物的智慧是我们所无法比拟的。他们看我们,也许就像我们看蚂蚁一般,即使我们中的那些伟大人物,在他们看来也不过尔尔。

The intelligence of these living creatures has to be way ahead of us.The way they look at us would be the same way we look at ants.Even our great men of historical significance are nothing special in their eyes.********************************************************************** 人类的智慧与大自然的智慧相比实在是相形见绌。无论是令人厌恶的苍蝇蚊子,还是美丽可人的鲜花绿草;无论是高深莫测的星空,还是不值一提的灰尘,都是大自然精巧绝伦的艺术品,展示出大自然深邃、高超的智慧。

Man’s intelligence is dwarfed by a long shot compared with Nature’s intelligence.A repulsive fly, a lovely flower/gra, the unfathomable starry sky, and an inconsequential dust are Nature’s masterful works of art illustrating Nature’s profound wisdom.大自然用―死‖的物质创造出了这样丰富多采的生命,而人类却不能制造出一个哪怕是最简单的生物。

Nature uses inorganic substances to create such rich and vibrant lives, yet Man is not able to create even the simplest living thing.就目前所知,人本身就是自然智慧的最高体现,是她最杰出的作品之一。人体共有一万亿多个细胞,As far as we know at this moment, Man himself is an epitome of Nature’s intelligence to the highest degree, and a paradigm of her distinguished creations.Man’s body is comprised of over one trillion cells.这么多的细胞不仅能够相互协调,而且每个细胞都有着与众不同的特殊分工,每个细胞都有其特定的工作,绝对不会混淆,从而使整个人体处于高度有序的状态。

All these cells not only can collaborate in harmony, they also are able to discharge different and designated functions without chaos.As a result, Man’s body is in a highly organized state.在近百年的时间中,人体细胞尽管替换许多次,但这种秩序并不会改变。

In the period of time covering close to one hundred years, despite cells in Man’s body have changed many times, this orderline has not change.最不可思议的恐怕要数我们的大脑了,它使人有喜怒哀乐,能够思维,能够理解、想象。

Our brain perhaps is considered as the most unimaginable in functioning;it procees emotions, thinks, reasons, and imagines.大自然也很―懂得‖美学原则,在创造每个事物以及我们身体的时候运用了各种美的规律,比如对称性、协调性等等,使人体、花朵等表现出难以形容的美。

Nature also appreciates the principle of beautification.In creating every object and our body it applies various doctrines of beautification, such as symmetry, compatibility, etc.so that Man’s body and flowers look their best.要造出这样的一个人来,让一万亿个细胞协调工作,是人类的智慧所不能胜任的。

To create a Man such that a trillion cells work harmoniously coordinated is something which Man’s intellect is incapable of.********************************************************************** 大自然之所以创造出会思维的生物,也许是有深意的。宇宙创造智慧生物是为了进行自我认识,为了欣赏她自己壮丽无比的美。人是自然发展的高级阶段,人的智慧是宇宙智慧的高级形态,其高级之处就在于他会思维、能够理解、有自我意识。人的智慧与宇宙的智慧是同一智慧的不同阶段。宇宙(或者说自然)借我的眼睛来观看她自己,借我的嘴来表达她自己,说出她亿万年来想说而没有说出的话。

There could be profound reasons why Nature creates living beings which can think.In creating intellectual beings, the Universe is going about self-cognition as an individual and self-appreciation of its own beauty.Man is at the advanced stage of natural evolution, and his intelligence is ranked as Universe’s advanced form of intelligence.The ―advanced‖ claification is attributable to his capability in thinking, comprehension, and self-awarene.Man’s intelligence and Universe’s intelligence is the same intelligence at different stages.Universe(or Nature in other words)looks at her own self through my eyes.She exprees her own self through my lips speaking out words which she has yearned to say but hasn’t for one-hundred-million years.从这个角度可以说,我的智慧即是自然的智慧,我对宇宙的认识即是宇宙对自己的认识,我思维即是宇宙在思维,我痛苦即是自然在痛苦,我欢笑即是宇宙在欢笑。所以,人仅有的一点小智慧也是大自然所赋予的,并不属于他自己所有,他只不过是宇宙自我认识的工具。因此,人对自然的种种误解,也许是自然对她自己的误解吧。

From this perspective, it can be said that my intelligence is Nature’s intelligence.My understanding of Universe is the understanding of Universe in itself.My thought is Universe’s thought.My pain is Universe’s pain.My laughter is Universe’s laughter.Therefore the little intelligence which Man poees is bestowed upon him by Nature and it doesn’t belong to him.It is only a tool which Universe uses for self-cognition.Therefore all the misunderstandings which Man has in Nature perhaps is misunderstandings of Nature in herself.********************************************************************** 这样看来,我就只是宇宙机体上的一个部分,一个器官,就如同大脑是我们身体的一个器官一样,Looking at it this way, I am only a part or an organ in the organism of Universe just like the brain is an organ of our body.人与宇宙本来就是一体的。宇宙是一个大生命,而我只是这个大生命的一个组成部分。那么,让我们爱护自然就像爱护我们的身体一样吧。

All along Man and Universe is one entity.Universe is a gigantic living being, and I am only a component part of this gigantic living being.Then taking care of Nature is the same as taking care of our own body.********************************************************************** 谁说宇宙是没有生命的?宇宙是一个硕大无比的、永恒的生命,那永恒的运动、那演化的过程,不正是她生命力的体现吗?

Who says there is no life in Universe? Universe is an immeasurably large and eternal life.Wouldn’t the eternal motion and the evolution proce be reflection of its life force?

如果宇宙没有生命,怎么会从中开出灿烂的生命之花?这个宇宙到处都隐藏着生命,到处都有生命的萌芽,If Universe does not have life, then how could wonderful lives bloom from within? In this Universe everywhere there are lives in hibernation and germination.到处都有沉默的声音。你难道没有听到石头里也有生命的呐喊吗?你难道没有用心灵听到从那遥远的星系里传来的友好问候吗?

Everywhere there are muted voices.Haven’t you heard the cry of life inside rocks? Haven’t heard with your soul the friendly greetings from galaxies afar? ********************************************************************** 即使那些看起来死气沉沉的物质,也是宇宙生命的构成部分,也是生命的一种存在形式。那些高级的生命形态正是从这―死‖的物质中产生的,Even those lifele materials are also component parts and existence modes of Universe’s lives.High life forms are created from these ―lifele‖ materials.换言之,包括我们人类在内的高级生命,只是物质的另一种存在方式。在物质中,有无数的生命在沉睡着,一旦出场的时间到了,它们就会从睡梦中醒来。

In other words, high life forms including us-human beings, are only other modes of existence of materials.Inside materials there are numerous lives in deep sleep and when it’s time to come on stage they will wake up from their dreams.********************************************************************** 因此,人类并不孤独,在宇宙中处处是我们的弟兄。

Therefore mankind is not alone.We have brothers everywhere in universe.********************************************************************** 因此,我们再也不应该把宇宙的其他部分看作只是我们征服的对象,再也不应该把其他生物仅仅看作我们的美味佳肴,As such, we shouldn’t regard other parts of universe as targets of our conquest.Also we should not treat other living beings as merely our dining delicacies.而首先应该把它们看作是与我们平等的生命,看作是宇宙智慧的创造物,看作是宇宙之美的展示者,We should treat them as our equals among living beings, Universe’s intellectual creations, and illustrations of Universe’s beauty.首先应该敬畏它们,就像敬畏我们自己一样。敬畏它们,就是敬畏宇宙,敬畏自然,就是敬畏我们自己。

We should venerate them, just like we venerate ourselves.Venerating them is venerating Universe.Venerating Nature is venerating our own selves.**********************************************************************











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