
2020-02-28 其他范文 下载本文


Gap 1.Not knowing what customers expect

Customer expectations

Inadequate marketing research orientation

Insufficient marketing research

Research not focused on service quality

Inadequate use of market research

Lack of upward communication

Lack of interaction between management and customers

Insufficient communication between contact employees and managers Too many layers between contact personnel and top management Insufficient relationship focus

Lack of market segmentation

Focus on transactions rather than relationships

Focus on new customers rather than relationship customers

Inadequate service recovery

Lack of encouragement to listen to customer complaints

Failure to make amends when things go wrong

No appropriate recovery mechanisms in place for service failures↓

Company perceptions of customer expectations

Gap 2.Not having the right service quality designsCustomer-driven service designs and standards↑

Poor service design

Unsystematic new service development proce

Vague, undefined service designs

Failure to connect service design to service positioning

Absence of customer-driven standards

Lack of customer-driven service standards

Absence of proce management to focus on customer requirements Absence of formal proce for setting service quality goals

Inappropriate physical evidence and services-cape

Failure to develop tangibles in line with customer expectations

Services-cape design that does not meet customer and employee needs Inadequate maintenance and updating of the services-cape

Management perceptions of customer expectation

Gap 3.Not delivering to service designs and standardsCustomer-driven service designs and standards

Deficiencies in human resource policies

Ineffective recruitment

Role ambiguity and role conflict

Poor employee-technology job fit

Inappropriate evaluation and compensation systems

Lack of empowerment, perceived control, and teamwork

Customers who do not fulfill roles

Customers who lack knowledge of their roles and responsibilities

Customers who negatively impact each other

Problems with service intermediaries

Channel conflict over objectives and performance

Difficulty controlling quality and consistency

Tension between empowerment and control

Failure to match supply and demand

Failure to smooth peaks and valleys of demand

Inappropriate customer mix

Overreliance on price to smooth demand

Service delivery

Gap 4.Not matching performance to promises

Service delivery

Lack of integrated services marketing communications

Tendency to view each external communication as independent

Not including interactive marketing in communications plan

Absence of strong internal marketing program

Ineffective management of customer expectations

Absence of customer expectation management through all forms of communication

Lack of adequate education for customers


Overpromising in advertising

Overpromising in personal selling

Overpromising through physical evidence cues

Inadequate horizontal communications

Insufficient communication between sales and operations

Insufficient communication between advertising and operations

Differences in policies and procedures acro branches or units

External communications to customers

The Evolution of Customer Relationships

① Customer as strangers

The primary goal with these potential customers is to initiate communication with them in order to attract them and acquire their busine.② Customer as acquaintances

A primary goal of the firm at this stage of the relationship is satisfying the customer.③ Customer as friends

A primary goal for firms at the friendship stage of the relationship is customer retention.④ Customers as partners

The key to succe in the partnership stage is the firm’s ability to organize and use information about individual customers more effectively than competitors.Benefits for Customers:Benefits for Firms:

Receipt of greater valueEconomic benefits:

Confidence benefits:increased revenues

trustreduced marketing and

confidence in provideradministrative costs

reduced anxietyregular revenue stream

Social benefits:Customer behavior benefits:

familiaritystrong word-of-mouth endorsements social supportcustomer voluntary performance personal relationshipocial benefits to other customersmentors to other customers

Special treatment benefits:Human resource management benefits: special dealseasier jobs for employees

price breakocial benefits for employees

employee retention

Relationship Bonds

Level 1—Financial bonds

① Volume and frequency rewards

② Stable pricing

③ Bundling and cro selling

Level 2—Social bonds

① Continuous relationships

② Personal relationships

③ Social bonds among customers

Level 3—Customization bonds

① Customer intimacy

② Ma customization

③ Anticipation/ innovation

Level 4—Structural bonds

① Shared procees and equipment

② Joint investments

③ Integrated information systems

Service Recovery Strategies

① Make the service fail-safe

② Encourage and Track Complaints

③ Act Quickly

1.Take care of problems on the front line

2.Empower employees

3.Allow customers to solve their own problems

④ Provide Adequate Explanations ⑤ Treat Customers Fairly

⑥ Cultivate Relationships with Customers ⑦ Learn from Recovery Experiences ⑧ Learn from Lost Customers


营销802 李静 05保险业中的服务营销服务,对于我们来说并不陌生,从产品服务到个人服务,服务的涵义在不断拓展,但近几十年来人们对服务所下的定义也不尽相同,一般来讲,我们主要从服......









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