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Benefits of Genetic Engineering to the Environment and Human Health 覃靓

(澳大利亚卧龙岗大学,澳大利亚卧龙岗)Abstract: The purpose of this eay is to argue that the genetic engineering may bring about benefits to human health and the environment.By means of research of secondary source collection, relevant evidence is selected, evaluated and organized into three main parts: improving agricultural environment, providing effective medical therapy and supplying safe and nutrition food to human body.In order to explain the benefits that created by genetic engineering technologies, examples based on opinions of experts and results of experts' experiments are used.The research results strongly suggest that the genetic engineering has positive effects on environment and mankind.Base on those finds, the argument is justified that genetic engineering is certainly beneficial to the environment and human health.In the future, more attention and researches should be focus on the genetic engineering with the purpose of benefiting human beings and the natural worlds.Key words: genetic engineering;benefits;human health;environment

Overseas English 2011年4月

Along with the extremely serious environmental problems worldwide and more public attention on human health, it has become increasingly significant to achieve a harmonious balance between environment and scientific development.Similarly, pursuit of a coordinated(协调的)coexistence(共处)of the genetic engineering and environment is a prerequisite(先决条件)for the development of this technology.Genetic engineering is one of the eco-technologies in the 21st century.Many countries exploit this technology to improve the agricultural productivity and prolong(延长)human life span(寿命).The existing significance of genetic engineering lies in its benefits to human being and natural world.The term genetic engineering can be interpreted as(看作)a high technology used to create new types of plants, animals or organisms(生物体)by changing the gene structures in order to fulfill specific purposes.Genetic engineering has positive effects on the environment and mankind.It can be argued by analyzing three areas about the good effect of genetic engineering on environment and human health, including improving environment, providing effective medical therapy and supplying higher nutritious and safer food to human body.Genetic engineering poees a favourable influence on the environment.Many countries rely on genetic engineering to solve the problems of food shortage and realize the high yield of crops.Thereupon, genetic engineering has been widely applied to agriculture and generated several agricultural environmental benefits.Transgenic crops reduce the wide use of insecticides and eventually protect the environment.According to a recent study(Snow.A et al., 2005, p380), transgenic crops can fight back lepidopteran or coleopteran vermin and prevent common diseases from spreading owing to its natural ability.Their findings demonstrate that transgenic crops own pest control effect itself, thereby they resist the pests and ward off several diseases without any environmental pollution.Meanwhile it relieves overuse of insecticides and fungicides in favour of agricultural environment.This research implies that transgenic crops are of great environmental-friendly values in controlling pests and reducing agricultural pollution.In addition, genetic engineering realizes(achieves)a wide range of greening, in this way, genetic engineering substantially benefit the environment.According to Hisano, H, “With the availability of information of genes involved in ligin biosynthesis and by taking advantage of development in plant transformation technology, it is now poible to modify or reduce ligin content in biofuel crops”(2009,p307).The sedimentation of ligin impedes the growth of plants;however genetic engineering technology help cut down the ligin components and protect the landscaping.From this study it is not difficult to find that genetic engineering is of significant environmental benefits in maintaining wide scope of greening.Finally, genetic engineering is frequently used in the industrial fields to reduce industrial pollution and to improve the environment.For instance, genetic engineering technology supports sanitary biofuel production which is a suitable replacement for energy source.A type of biofuel called ethanol, for it is derived from plants, with a minimal level of toxins, is liable to biological degradation and creates le air pollution than ordinary foil fuel.This biofuel can also decrease the greenhouse gas emiion.(Sticklen,2008,p433).Conclusion draw from this research is that genetic engineering protects the environment by providing alternative clean resources.Therefore, it can be confirmed that genetic engineering indeed plays a positive role in the environment instead of having negative effects.Genetic engineering provides human being with an effective medical diagnosis, prognosis and therapy.Genetic engineering can be reckoned as an optimal technique in medical field and supply signals to predict various types of specific diseases.Genetic engineering output has the great potential to predict sickne recurrence or therapy response, which demonstrates the considerable medical advantages of genetic engineering.Lara Dunn & Angela DeMichele found that gene expreion profiling changes the expreion into signals that prognosticate disease recurrence or therapy reaction(2009, p74).Patients respond distinctively different to specific therapies.Signatures derived from the gene expreion profiling identify these individual differences.Based on these individual differences, doctors analyse each patient's condition and make the decision whether or not use specific treatments and which treatment should be adopted to effectively addre the single patient's disease.Therefore, examining the response of each patient to specific therapies with gene expreion profiling is significant for maintaining the security of patients and pursuing an optimal treatment.This study suggests that genetic engineering is conducive to human health in predicting the sickne recurrence or treatment reaction of patients and instructing people's decision on treatment choice.Besides, genetic engineering has the poibility to predict metastatic potential of breast tumours.One example that has been carefully examined in studies is the genome-wide technology.In his study, Keltouma Driouch et al.states that “Genome-wide technology, with its ability simultaneously to interrogate all *25,000 human genes, provided a way to improve the prediction of the metastatic potential of breast tumours.”(2007,p575).Their findings show that tremendous differences in gene expreion reveal distinguished molecular portraits of breast cancers.As a result, gene expreion prog-nosticates the metastatic breast tumours.From this research it can be found that genetic engineering benefits human health in predicting the metastatic breast cancer.Equally important, genetic engineering make immeasurable contributions to the fields of precautionary diseases.Laria Lumi Watanabe Ishikawa1 et al.state that “DNA vaccines generated humoral and cell-mediated immune responses followed by protective efficacy in different experimental models of infectious diseases including tuberculosis”(2009, p2).Once DNA vaccines are injected into the human body, human bodies contain an intense immune ability and protective function.Human bodies have a strong resistance to several infectious diseases like tuberculosis.It is apparent to find out that genetic engineering is beneficial to human health by producing effective DNA vaccines.Thereby, genetic engineering obviously plays a useful role in aiding medical prognosis and therapy, with ultimately benefiting the human body.Genetic engineering is conducive to(有利于)human body by providing people with safe and high-nutrition food.Food is the eential part of human life.Improving the quality of life and enriching food nutrition are always the focus of the scientists.Since this point, genetic engineering is exploited to improve food.Intensive food researches conducted over the past two decades have proved that genetic engineering supplies high nutrition food to mankind by changing the original gene features.“Golden Rice” can be considered among the most outstanding."Golden Rice” is devised to relieve scarcity of vitamin A and this program signifies genetic engineering technology' s prospect to resolve undernourishment problem especially in developing countries(Patrick, 2006, p114).This research testifies that genetic engineering can benefit human body by lightening the lack of vitamin A and increasing the food nourishment.In addition, transgenic cereals(谷类)with improved quality features enhance the health of consumers.Godwin claims that genetic engineering manufactures cereals with improved and new properties(2009, p383).Cereals are the staple food for most people all around the world.Cereals with enhanced attributes signify higher nutritive value of starch, protein, vitamin, and other nutritional components.By so doing, human beings take in more nutrition by consuming genetic cereals.This study also accounts for advantages of the genetic engineering on human bodies by providing food nutrition.Furthermore, genetic engineering makes food safer.Scientists take the recombinant DNA measures to add new features into crop plants.Some researchers endeavour in triturating a soybean species with specific gene elements.According to Ronald Bailey, this type of soybean can never cause reaction on people who are allergic to nuts(2001, p107).Similarly, genetic engineering can be used to remove allergens in some foods like vegetables and potatoes.From the research, genetic engineering provides safe food and benefits human body.On the basis of reasons above, genetic engineering is undoubtedly beneficial to human body by means of offering rich food nutrition and maintaining food safety.Judging from all evidence presented above, it is strongly believed that genetic engineering holds favourable impacts on the environment, makes a great contribution to the medical field and offers human beings safe and nutritious food.Therefore, genetic engineering creates enormous benefits to the environment and human being.In the future, additional resources and energy should be devoted into the researches of genetic engineering in various fields and allow genetic engineering to make further benefits to mankind.


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