We often find that: when a group of students together, often fall over each other about a certain knowledge or experience, talk rapidly., said that while the excitement will dance.The student life is not the lack of wonderful, students are not understanding.How to make students those wonderful rich knowledge experience feeling excavated, become the writing material? “ I try to practice writing life” teaching, which set aside on the writing techniques, guide the students to pay attention to own real life, encourage students to expre their own true feelings, whether to have real life breath as evaluation standard, guiding students from the life choice, accumulate writing materials, to solve the problem of “ what to write.”.I like to try:
A, memory activation of student life, writing material library construction 生活中每天都在发生许多新鲜有趣的事,如何让学生观察的触觉敏锐地感知,留存那些事,成为写作的有效素材呢?我要求学生写周记,如实记叙自己的见闻感受,但没有一般作文写法的要求。我的批阅也很简单,以是否来源于真实生活作为评价的唯一依据,由此每次都能从芜杂的学生周记中抽取几个新鲜活泼的事例。如有学生写星期天和妈妈一起到服装市场去买衣服,妈妈如何和店家讨价还价的事;有学生写妈妈因为爸爸把钱偷偷借给叔叔家而吵架的事;有写邻居家为孩子该姓爸爸还是妈妈的姓吵得不可开交等等。我把那些富有生活气息的事例原汁原味地打印给学生,让学生辨别生活中有没有这种事。学生纷纷表示这些事经常发生。我明确地告诉学生这些事例就是我们写作时最好的素材,经过加工写入自己的作文,就是一篇洋溢着浓浓生活情趣、具有真情实感的好作文。学生恍然大悟,原来每天发生的那些平常小事都能入文成为写作的材料,只要把身边的事收集起来,作文就会有话可说、有事可写了。
In everyday life has many interesting things, how to let the students to observe the tactile sense, retained those things, to become effective material writing? I asked the students to write a weekly, truthfully narrative of their experience, but no general composition writing requirements.My score is also very simple, whether from real life as the only basis for evaluation, thus always from mixed students weekly extract several fresh and lively.If a student write Sunday and my mother went to the clothing market to buy clothes, my mother how to store for a supply of sth.things;students write because her father to lend money secretly uncle and quarrel;write the neighbor children the surname of father or mother 's name had not open exchange etc..I took the breath of life full of examples of the original print to the students, let the students tell there is no such thing in life.The students have said these things often happen.I tell students in these examples is that we were writing the best material, after proceing into his composition, it is a good composition is filled with a deep interest in life, has one's real feelings.Students see light suddenly, the original ordinary things happen every day all can become the writing material into the text, as long as we collect the things, writing will have to say, so I wrote.我通过写周记发掘学生的真生活,培养学生关注自我的意识,发现、捕捉生活中的琐事,及时采撷生活的浪花,加以积累,再分类形成写作的素材库。如“家庭**”一类就积聚了好几个新鲜活泼的素材:父母为要不要借钱给亲戚而吵架,为孩子该姓哪一方的姓而争执,节http://www.daodoc.com/
http://www.daodoc.com/ 日里爸妈为给双方父母送的礼物价值数量不同而闹别扭等等。随着学生对自我的关注,观察视野不断扩大,学生对生活的感知也越来越敏锐,一些新鲜而富有现实意义的事例不断涌现,素材库也不断更新。
Through my weekly writing students explore the true life, cultivate students to pay attention to the consciousne of self, find, capture the trivial in life, gather the waves of life, to accumulate, then forms the writing material library claification.As a kind of “ family affair” is the accumulation of several fresh and lively material: parents do not want to lend money to relatives and quarrel, argue for the child the surname which side of a surname, holiday gift value for both the number of parents for parents to send different odds.With self focus on students, view of expanding, students' perception of life is more and more sharp, fresh and meaningful examples are constantly emerging, material database has been updated.二、激起学生的生活共鸣,丰满生活事件细节
Two, to arouse the students' life resonance, full details of the incident 周记中学生写的事例往往很简单,几乎没有什么可读性。如何让一个很有现实性的题材用文字活灵活现地表达出来?我要求学生用自己的经历和同学写的片段相比照,尽可能地还原当时的情景。以《妈妈买衣服砍价》为例。原文片断:星期天一早我和妈妈来到中翔服装城买衣服。在一家店里妈妈看中了一件衣服,妈妈里外看着摸着,还拿衣服在我身上比划。老板走过来说:“要不先试试?”“这件衣服多少钱?”妈妈问。“200元!”“200元?太贵了!”妈妈扔下衣服,拉着我要走。“给你打个折,180元,怎样?”老板连忙说。“120元!高了不要!”妈妈说。“130元吧。”妈妈就同意130元成交。
Examples of middle school students to write diary is often very simple, almost no readability.How to make a realistic subject words vivid expreion? I asked the students to use their experience and students write fragment compared, as much as poible to restore the situation.“ My mother to buy clothes to bargain ” as an example.The fragment: Sunday morning my mother and I came to the Xiang clothing city to buy clothes.A piece of clothes on in a shop inside the mother, mother looked at feeling, also to take the clothes out on me.The bo came and said: “ don't try? ” “ How much is this dre? ” Mother asked.200 yuan.200 yuan? Too expensive!“ My mother threw down clothes, pulling me to go.” Give you a discount, 180 yuan, how? “ The bo said hurriedly.120 yuan.High don't!” Mother said.“ 130 yuan.” Mother agreed to 130 yuan transactions.同学们一致认为“砍价”没这么简单。那具体情形是怎样的?
The students agreed that the “ bargain” not so simple.The specific situation is how? 学生七嘴八舌地演说着自己的经历,把妈妈和店老板斗智斗勇的砍价过程绘声绘色地还原出来,生活气息浓郁,人物的语言、动作、神态也非常富有个性特点。
The students all sorts of goip speech with his own experience, the bargaining proce of a mother and the shop owner to fight the brave hit off restore, rich flavor of life, the characters' language, movement, expreion is also very rich personality characteristics.我就此引导,既然大家都有这种真实的体验,如果我们把它写出来,不就是很好的一篇作文吗?趁着学生热情洋溢,又有现成的材料,当堂练习,落笔自然较为流畅。下面是一位同学的习作:
I have this guide, since we have the real experience, if we write it out, a composition is not very good? Students taking advantage of ebullience, and ready-made materials, claroom practice, is naturally more smoothly.Here is a student aignments: 星期天一早我和妈妈来到中翔服装城买衣服。在一家店里妈妈看中了一件衣服,妈妈里外看着摸着,还拿衣服在我身上比划。老板含笑走过来:“要不先试试?”“这件衣服多少钱?”http://www.daodoc.com/
http://www.daodoc.com/ 妈妈问。“200元!”“200元?太贵了!”“哪里贵?这种款式是今年最流行的,布料是全棉的,你看看、摸摸,多柔软啊。200元算便宜的了,这种衣服在大商场里都要卖到500多元呢。”老板喋喋不休地说着。妈妈默不作声,只是摇头。“那你说多少?”老板急切地问。妈妈仍不说话,只是反复看着、摸着衣服,心里盘算着该出多少钱才合算。“120元!120元我就买。”“120元?你也太狠了吧。120元我进价都不止。”老板一副惊讶相夹杂着些不平,“最低180元。”“我经常到你这里来买衣服的,优惠点。”“180元已经是看在熟客的份上了,其他人我不打折的。”老板似乎看出了妈妈的心思,神情很坚决。妈妈让我去试穿一下,我穿好衣服走出来,妈妈对着我横看竖看。“看看,你女儿穿着多合身啊,人都显精神了。这种款式今年是最流行的,我都进了两批货了,这已是最后几件了。”老板不失时机地恭维着,又不忘王婆卖瓜自夸一番。“你觉得怎么样?”妈妈问我。“还好。”“我觉得不好,小了点,不合身。”妈妈摇摇头说。我惊讶地望着妈妈,“我觉得不大不小正合适呀。”但妈妈的表情告诉我不能说出来。“老板,你说个实价,最低多少?”妈妈看着老板,一副无所谓的模样。“180元!不能再低了。”老板似乎也是铁了心。妈妈一声不吭扔下衣服,拉着我就走。“多好的一件衣服啊,你能不能再加起一点?”老板一看苗头不对,口气迅速软下来。“120元!高了不要!”妈妈头也不回地说。“你不要走啊!130元,要不要?”妈妈朝我挤挤眼,故意迟疑了一下,很不情愿地进店拿起衣服再仔细看了看,问我:“你喜欢这件衣服?”“嗯!”我轻轻点了点头。“要不是我女儿喜欢,我还不要买呢。”妈妈一边说一边掏钱。老板一副苦瓜相,一边包衣服一边嘟哝着,“生意难做啊,这衣服只卖130元真的不赚钱的。今天第一单生意,就图个吉利吧。” Sunday morning my mother and I came to the Xiang clothing city to buy clothes.A piece of clothes on in a shop inside the mother, mother looked at feeling, also to take the clothes out on me.The bo smile came: “ or try first? ” “ How much is this dre? ” Mother asked.200 yuan.200 yuan? Too expensive!“ ” Where are you? This style is the most popular this year, the cloth is made of cotton, you have a look, feel, more soft.200 yuan is cheap, this kind of clothes to sell 500 yuan at the mall.“ The bo said chatter without stop.Mother hold one's tongue, just shake my head.” That you say? “ The bo asked eagerly.Mother still did not speak, but repeatedly looked at, his clothes, thought the how much money it cost-effective.120 yuan.I will buy 120 yuan.” 120 yuan? You 's..I have more than 120 yuan purchase price.“ The bo a surprised by something unfair, ” the lowest 180 yuan.“ ” I often to you here to buy clothes, preferential point.“ ” 180 yuan is already in the visitor 's sake, others I do not discount.“ The bo seemed to see the mind of the mother, looked very firmly.My mother asked me to try it on, I wear good clothes and went out to my mother, vertical.” Have a look, your daughter is wearing more fit, have remarkable spirit.This style is the most popular this year, I went into the two batch of goods, this is the last few pieces.“ Seize the opportune moment to flatter the bo, and don't forget to sell the melon boast a.What do you want.My mother asked me.Oh, it 's not so bad.” I don't feel good, small, do not fit.“ Mother shook his head and said.I look at my mother, ” I think not too big and not too small.“ But the mother's face told me not to say it out.” Bo, you say a price, the minimum number? “ She looked at the bo, an indifferent look.180 yuan.Can't be any lower.” The bo seems to be the heart of iron.Mom silent throw clothes, pulling me away.“ A piece of clothing more than good ah, you can add a point? ” The bo see no signs, tone soft down quickly.120 yuan.High don't!“ Mother said without turning his head.” You don't go!130 yuan, or not? “ Mother winked at me, deliberately hesitated, reluctantly into the store and pick up your clothes and look at, ask me: ” do you like this dre? “ ” Well!“ I gently nodded.” But my daughter likes, I also don't want to buy it.“ My mother said that while money.The bo of a pair of balsam pear, one pack of clothes while http://www.daodoc.com/ http://www.daodoc.com/
http://www.daodoc.com/ muttering, ” busine is difficult to do, the clothes sold only 130 yuan really is not making money.Today is the first single busine, is good luck.“ 寻找一个具有普遍性的题材,激起学生的共鸣,学生情绪往往很高昂,因为他们有那么一段亲身的经历,叙述时也都能娓娓道来,一个普通的场景就在学生七嘴八舌的交流中鲜明地凸现在大家眼前了。有感受、有事例、有细节,“我手写我心”也就不是一句空话了。Looking for a universal themes, arouse the students' emotional resonance, students are often very high, because they have a personal experience, it also can explain, a common scene in all sorts of goip exchange students distinctly convex now in sight.Have feelings, there are examples, have the details, ”my heart “ is not an empty talk.三、激励学生生活智慧,提炼生活哲思
Three, encourage students to refine the wisdom of life, life philosophy 引导学生发现生活中的琐事,与学生一起领略生活的情趣,还原形象活泼的场景,这只是帮助学生找到了作文的生活源泉,还要帮助学生善于从生活琐事中发现其中所蕴含的生活智慧,从而提升学生对生活的感悟能力。
Guide students to find out the trivial in life, and the students appreciate the taste of life, reducing the vivid scene, this is just to help students find the source of life writing, but also help students at the wisdom of life from the life, so as to enhance the students' perception of life ability.仍以上文《妈妈买衣服砍价》为例,在学生写出了较为生动形象的作文片段后,我再进一步追问:“从这件事中,你从中获得什么感悟呢?”学生一下陷入了沉思中,他们没想到一件普通平常的小事还能蕴藏着哲理。在我的启发引导下,同学们很快说出了一些道道。Still more the mother buy clothes ” bargain “ as an example, the students to write a more vivid composition fragments, I then asked: ” in this matter, you get anything from them? “ The students look into meditation, they didn't expect a also common things rich in philosophy.In my guide, very soon the students speak out some way.生:买衣服实际上就是一次与人交往的过程。要懂得运用欲擒故纵的策略和高超的语言表达技巧。
Students: the proce of buying clothes is actually an aociate with people.To know how to use at large the better to apprehend him strategy and superb language skills.生:我当时觉得妈妈为了便宜几块钱,费这么大的劲,犯不着。现在想来妈妈为了全家人的生活,能省则省,体会到妈妈持家的不易。
Student: I think her mother for a few dollars cheaper at the time, making such a big deal, not.Now mother to the family, can save a province, realize mother home is not easy.生:妈妈和老板斗智斗勇,每次都是在即将达到目的时退一步,才买到价廉物美的衣服。我想有时不可一味坚持自己的立场,而要根据实际情况采取灵活机动的策略,否则会处处遭遇失败。
Student: his mother and the bo fight brave, every time a step back to achieve a goal, only to buy cheap clothes.I think sometimes can not blindly adhere to their own position, and to take a flexible strategy according to the actual situation, otherwise it will always defeat.生:我平时很怕和生人打交道,经过那次买衣服,我懂得了其实和人交往并不难,只要你敢于走出去,积极参与各项活动,交往能力就能得到锻炼提高。
Student: I was afraid and dealing with people, after the clothes, I know in fact and others is not difficult, as long as you dare to go out, actively participate in various activities, communication ability can get exercise to improve.一件简单的生活小事经过几个回合的引导讨论,激活了学生沉睡的生活记忆,鲜亮了生活的http://www.daodoc.com/
http://www.daodoc.com/ 细节,同时悟到了些许生活道理,学生怎么会无事可写、无话可说呢?如果顺势鼓励学生把这些诉诸笔端,适当指导一下谋篇布局的小技巧,定能写出一篇新鲜活泼的好作文。A simple life after several rounds of discuions, activating the students sleeping life memory, bright life details, also realized some life truth, how could students have nothing to write, have nothing to say? If homeopathy encourage students to take these words, proper guidance about the layout of small skills, will be able to write a good composition of fresh and lively.作文生活化教学源于学生,又回归到学生中,一切以学生的真实生活为起点和终点,引导学生从生活中找米,破解了“巧妇难为无米之炊”的难题。同时,也激发了学生对生活的热爱,擦亮了学生观察生活的一双慧眼。解决了“写什么”的难题,“怎样写”也就是水到渠成的事了。^ The composition teaching in life from the students, and returned to the students, all the students in real life as the starting point and the end, guide students to find meters from life, crack the problem of ” one can't make bricks without straw “.At the same time, also inspired the students to love life, Polish students to observe the life of a pair of eye.To solve the problem of ” what “, ” how to write " is a natural thing.^ http://www.daodoc.com/
张延生 刘红梅【内容摘要】作文教学要贴近生活,必须联系生活实际,必须在融洽活泼的生活气氛中进行。表达真实思想,抒发真实感情,使作文教学变的丰富有趣、生动活泼、其乐无穷。......
