03. 金融机构反洗钱规定(.11.14)_金融机构反洗钱规定
03. 金融机构反洗钱规定(.11.14)由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“金融机构反洗钱规定”。
Provisions on Anti-money Laundering of Financial Institutions
Promulgating Institution: Document Number: Promulgating Date: Effective Date: Validity Status: 颁布机关: 文号: 颁布时间: 实施时间: 效力状态: Text 正文
Article 1 In accordance with the Anti-money Laundering Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the People's Bank of China and other relevant laws and administrative regulations, these Provisions are formulated with a view to preventing money laundering, regulating anti-money laundering supervision and administration as well as the anti-money laundering work of financial institutions, and maintaining the financial order.第一条为了预防洗钱活动,规范反洗钱监督管理行为和金融机构的反洗钱工作,维护金融秩序,根据《中华人民共和国反洗钱法》、《中华人民共和国中国人民银行法》等有关法律、行政法规,制定本规定。
Article 2 These Provisions shall apply to the following financial institutions duly established within the territory of the People's Republic of China:(1)commercial banks, urban credit cooperatives, rural credit cooperatives, postal savings institutions and policy banks;(2)securities companies, futures brokerage companies and fund management companies;(3)insurance companies and insurance aet management companies;
(4)trust investment companies, financial aet management companies, financial companies, financial leasing companies, auto financing companies, currency brokerage companies;and
The People's Bank of China
Decree [2006] No.1 of the People's Bank of China 11/14/2006 01/01/2007 Valid 中国人民银行
中国人民银行令[2006]第1号 11/14/2006 01/01/2007 有效(5)other financial institutions designated and announced by the People's Bank of China(PBOC).Institutions engaging in currency exchange busine, payment and settlement busine, and sales of funds shall be governed by the provisions of these Provisions on the supervision and administration over anti-money laundering of financial institutions.第二条本规定适用于在中华人民共和国境内依法设立的下列金融机构:(一)商业银行、城市信用合作社、农村信用合作社、邮政储汇机构、政策性银行;(二)证券公司、期货经纪公司、基金管理公司;(三)保险公司、保险资产管理公司;(四)信托投资公司、金融资产管理公司、财务公司、金融租赁公司、汽车金融公司、货币经纪公司;(五)中国人民银行确定并公布的其他金融机构。
从事汇兑业务、支付清算业务和基金销售业务的机构适用本规定对金融机构反洗钱监督管理的规定。Article 3 The PBOC shall be the competent administrative department of anti-money laundering affairs of the State Council, to carry out supervision and management over the anti-money laundering work of financial institutions pursuant to the law.The China Banking Regulatory Commiion(CBRC), the China Securities Regulatory Commiion(CSRC)and the China Insurance Regulatory Commiion(CIRC)shall perform their duties of supervision and administration over anti-money laundering activities within their respective powers.During the performance of the duties of fighting money laundering, the PBOC shall cooperate with relevant departments and institutions of the State Council and judicial organs.第三条中国人民银行是国务院反洗钱行政主管部门,依法对金融机构的反洗钱工作进行监督管理。中国银行业监督管理委员会、中国证券监督管理委员会、中国保险监督管理委员会在各自的职责范围内履行反洗钱监督管理职责。
中国人民银行在履行反洗钱职责过程中,应当与国务院有关部门、机构和司法机关相互配合。Article 4 The PBOC shall, as authorized by the State Council, engage in international anti-money laundering cooperation for and on behalf of the Chinese Government.The PBOC may conduct transnational supervision and administration over anti-money laundering by establishing cooperation mechanism with anti-money laundering institutions of other countries or regions.第四条中国人民银行根据国务院授权代表中国政府开展反洗钱国际合作。中国人民银行可以和其他国家或者地区的反洗钱机构建立合作机制,实施跨境反洗钱监督管理。
Article 5 The PBOC shall perform the following duties on supervision and administration over anti-money laundering activities pursuant to the law:(1)formulating rules of anti-money laundering of financial institutions independently or in conjunction with the CBRC, the CSRC and the CIRC;(2)monitoring funds of anti-money laundering in RMB or in foreign currencies;(3)supervising and inspecting the performance of duties in anti-money laundering of financial institutions;(4)investigating suspicious transactions within its power;(5)reporting to investigating organs the transactions suspected of involving criminal offenses related to money laundering;(6)exchanging anti-money laundering information and materials with overseas anti-money laundering institutions pursuant to relevant laws and administrative regulations;and(7)performing other relevant duties as specified by the State Council.第五条中国人民银行依法履行下列反洗钱监督管理职责:(一)制定或者会同中国银行业监督管理委员会、中国证券监督管理委员会和中国保险监督管理委员会制定金融机构反洗钱规章;(二)负责人民币和外币反洗钱的资金监测;(三)监督、检查金融机构履行反洗钱义务的情况;(四)在职责范围内调查可疑交易活动;(五)向侦查机关报告涉嫌洗钱犯罪的交易活动;(六)按照有关法律、行政法规的规定,与境外反洗钱机构交换与反洗钱有关的信息和资料;(七)国务院规定的其他有关职责。
Article 6 China Anti-money Laundering Monitoring and Analysis Center, as established by the PBOC, shall perform the following duties in accordance with the law:(1)accepting and analyzing reports on large-sum transactions in RMB or in foreign currencies and reports on suspicious transactions;
(2)establishing the National Anti-money Laundering Database to properly keep the information on large-sum transactions and suspicious transactions reported by financial institutions;(3)reporting the analysis results to the PBOC pursuant to relevant provisions;(4)requiring financial institutions to promptly supplement and correct reports on large-sum transactions in RMB or in foreign currencies as well as reports on suspicious transactions;(5)exchanging information and materials with relevant overseas institutions upon approval of the PBOC;and(6)performing other duties as specified by the PBOC.第六条中国人民银行设立中国反洗钱监测分析中心,依法履行下列职责:(一)接收并分析人民币、外币大额交易和可疑交易报告;(二)建立国家反洗钱数据库,妥善保存金融机构提交的大额交易和可疑交易报告信息;(三)按照规定向中国人民银行报告分析结果;(四)要求金融机构及时补正人民币、外币大额交易和可疑交易报告;(五)经中国人民银行批准,与境外有关机构交换信息、资料;(六)中国人民银行规定的其他职责。
Article 7 The PBOC and the staff members thereof shall keep confidential the information coming into their knowledge during the performance of duties in anti-money laundering in accordance with the law, and shall not, in violation of the provisions, disclose the said information to any third party.The China Anti-money Laundering Monitoring and Analysis Center and the staff members thereof shall keep confidential the identity data of clients, and information on large-sum transactions and suspicious transactions that come into their knowledge during the performance of duties in anti-money laundering in accordance with the law, and may not disclose the said data and information to any entity or individual unle otherwise required by law.第七条中国人民银行及其工作人员应当对依法履行反洗钱职责获得的信息予以保密,不得违反规定对外提供。
Article 8 Financial institutions and the branch offices thereof shall establish and improve the anti-money laundering internal control system pursuant to the law, establish a special anti-money laundering department or aign its internal department to take charge of anti-money laundering tasks, formulate internal operational rules and control measures for anti-money laundering, and conduct anti-money laundering training for the staff members, so as to enhance the capabilities of anti-money laundering.Persons in charge of a financial institution or the branch offices thereof shall be responsible for the effective implementation of the anti-money laundering internal control system.第八条金融机构及其分支机构应当依法建立健全反洗钱内部控制制度,设立反洗钱专门机构或者指定内设机构负责反洗钱工作,制定反洗钱内部操作规程和控制措施,对工作人员进行反洗钱培训,增强反洗钱工作能力。
Article 9 Financial institutions shall establish and implement the client identity identification system in accordance with the provisions.(1)identifying the identity of a client who applies to establish busine relationship or conduct one-off financial busine above the stipulated amount, requiring the client to produce authentic and valid identity certificate or any other identity certification document, verifying and registering the same, and promptly updating the same upon change of the identity information of the client;(2)understanding the purpose and nature of the transaction by a client and effectively identifying the beneficiary of the transaction;(3)re-identifying the identity of a client in the case of abnormal signs in conducting busine or any suspicion over the authenticity, validity and integrity of the identity materials of the client as previously obtained;and(4)ensuring that overseas financial institutions that have agency relationship or similar busine relationship therewith effectively identify the identity of clients, and that neceary identity information of clients may be obtained from the said overseas financial institutions.Specific measures for implementing the provisions of the preceding Paragraph shall be formulated by the PBOC in conjunction with the CBRC, the CSRC and the CIRC.第九条金融机构应当按照规定建立和实施客户身份识别制度。
Article 10 Financial institutions shall, within the stipulated time limit, properly preserve the identity materials of clients and such relevant materials as data, busine vouchers and account books that are able to reflect each transaction.Specific measures for implementing the provisions of the preceding Paragraph shall be formulated by the PBOC in conjunction with the CBRC, the CSRC and the CIRC.第十条金融机构应当在规定的期限内,妥善保存客户身份资料和能够反映每笔交易的数据信息、业务凭证、账簿等相关资料。
Article 11 Financial institutions shall report to the China Anti-money Laundering Monitoring and Analysis Center large-sum transactions in RMB or in foreign currencies and suspicious transactions.Specific measures for implementing the provisions of the preceding Paragraph shall be formulated by the PBOC separately.第十一条金融机构应当按照规定向中国反洗钱监测分析中心报告人民币、外币大额交易和可疑交易。前款规定的具体实施办法由中国人民银行另行制定。
Article 12 The PBOC shall, in conjunction with the CBRC, the CSRC and the CIRC, guide financial industrial self-disciplinary organizations in the formulation of anti-money laundering guidelines for the financial industry.第十二条中国人民银行会同中国银行业监督管理委员会、中国证券监督管理委员会、中国保险监督管理委员会指导金融行业自律组织制定本行业的反洗钱工作指引。
Article 13 Where a financial institution finds, during the performance of the obligations of anti-money laundering, a transaction suspected of involving criminal offenses, the financial institution shall promptly report the case in writing to the local branch of the PBOC and local public security organ.第十三条金融机构在履行反洗钱义务过程中,发现涉嫌犯罪的,应当及时以书面形式向中国人民银行当地分支机构和当地公安机关报告。
Article 14 Financial institutions and the staff members thereof shall aist and cooperate with judicial organs and administrative departments of law enforcement in cracking down on money laundering activities.Overseas branch offices of financial institutions shall comply with the laws and regulations on anti-money laundering of the countries or regions where they are located, and cooperate with the anti-money laundering institutions of the said countries or regions.第十四条金融机构及其工作人员应当依法协助、配合司法机关和行政执法机关打击洗钱活动。金融机构的境外分支机构应当遵循驻在国家或者地区反洗钱方面的法律规定,协助配合驻在国家或者地区反洗钱机构的工作。
Article 15 Financial institutions and the staff members thereof shall keep confidential the identity data of clients and transaction information that come into their knowledge during the performance of the obligations of anti-money laundering in accordance with the law, and may not disclose the same to any entity or individual unle otherwise required by law.Financial institutions and the staff members thereof shall keep confidential such anti-money laundering information as reported suspicious transactions, and cooperation with the PBOC in the investigation of suspicious trading activities, and may not, in violation of the provisions, disclose such information to clients or any other parties.第十五条金融机构及其工作人员对依法履行反洗钱义务获得的客户身份资料和交易信息应当予以保密;非依法律规定,不得向任何单位和个人提供。
金融机构及其工作人员应当对报告可疑交易、配合中国人民银行调查可疑交易活动等有关反洗钱工作信息予以保密,不得违反规定向客户和其他人员提供。Article 16 Financial institutions and the staff members thereof who submit reports on large-sum transactions or suspicious transactions in accordance with the law shall be protected by law.第十六条金融机构及其工作人员依法提交大额交易和可疑交易报告,受法律保护。
Article 17 Financial institutions shall submit the statistical reports, and information and materials on anti-money laundering, as well as the contents relating to anti-money laundering in audit reports in accordance with the provisions of the PBOC.第十七条金融机构应当按照中国人民银行的规定,报送反洗钱统计报表、信息资料以及稽核审计报告中与反洗钱工作有关的内容。
Article 18 The PBOC and the branch offices thereof may take the following measures to conduct field anti-money laundering inspections in light of the needs for the performance of the duties of anti-money laundering:(1)entering the premises of a financial institution for inspection;(2)inquiring the staff members of a financial institution of relevant information and requiring the same to give explanations on the inspection items;(3)inspecting and copying the documents and materials relating to the inspection items of a financial institution, and sealing up the documents and materials that may otherwise be displaced, destroyed, concealed or altered;and(4)inspecting the system through which a financial institution manages its busine data via computer.Prior to a field inspection, the PBOC or the branch offices thereof shall fill out an examination and approval form for establishment of a field inspection project, which shall indicate the object under inspection, the contents and schedule of the inspection, etc.;the inspection shall not be carried out until approved by the persons in charge of the PBOC or the branch offices thereof.There shall be at least two(2)inspectors during a field inspection, and the inspectors shall produce their law enforcement certificates and inspection notices;where there are fewer than two(2)inspectors, or the inspectors fail to produce their law enforcement certificates and inspection notices, a financial institution shall be entitled to reject the inspection.After the field inspection, the PBOC or the branch offices thereof shall prepare written opinions on field inspection, affix thereon the official seal, and serve the same on the institution under inspection.The contents of the written opinions on field inspection shall cover the inspection information, inspection comments, and improvement suggestions and measures.第十八条中国人民银行及其分支机构根据履行反洗钱职责的需要,可以采取下列措施进行反洗钱现场检查:(一)进入金融机构进行检查;(二)询问金融机构的工作人员,要求其对有关检查事项作出说明;(三)查阅、复制金融机构与检查事项有关的文件、资料,并对可能被转移、销毁、隐匿或者篡改的文件资料予以封存;(四)检查金融机构运用电子计算机管理业务数据的系统。
Article 19 As is neceary for the performance of duties of anti-money laundering, the PBOC or the branch offices thereof may interview the directors and senior management personnel of a financial institution, and require the same to give explanations on important matters regarding the performance of the obligations of anti-money laundering by the financial institution.第十九条中国人民银行及其分支机构根据履行反洗钱职责的需要,可以与金融机构董事、高级管理人员谈话,要求其就金融机构履行反洗钱义务的重大事项作出说明。
Article 20 Where neceary, the PBOC may, during field inspections over financial institutions, inform the CBRC, the CSRC and the CIRC of the inspection information.第二十条中国人民银行对金融机构实施现场检查,必要时将检查情况通报中国银行业监督管理委员会、中国证券监督管理委员会或者中国保险监督管理委员会。
Article 21 Where the PBOC or a branch office thereof at the provincial level finds any suspicious transaction that needs to be investigated and verified, the PBOC or the said branch office may, through the financial institution, investigate the account information, transaction records and other relevant information of the client suspected of being involved in the suspicious transaction, and the financial institution and the staff members thereof shall cooperate with the PBOC or the said branch office.For the purpose of the preceding Paragraph, the PBOC or a branch office thereof at the provincial level shall include the headquarter, the Shanghai headquarter, the branch offices, busine management departments, central sub-branches in provincial capitals(capitals of autonomous regions)and central sub-branches in cities at the vice provincial level of the PBOC.第二十一条中国人民银行或者其省一级分支机构发现可疑交易活动需要调查核实的,可以向金融机构调查可疑交易活动涉及的客户账户信息、交易记录和其他有关资料,金融机构及其工作人员应当予以配合。前款所称中国人民银行或者其省一级分支机构包括中国人民银行总行、上海总部、分行、营业管理部、省会(首府)城市中心支行、副省级城市中心支行。
Article 22 Where the PBOC or a branch office thereof at the provincial level investigates suspicious transaction, the PBOC or the said branch office may inquire the staff members of a financial institution of relevant information, require the same to give explanations on the inspection matters, inspect and copy the account information, transaction records and other relevant materials of the clients of the financial institution, and seal up and preserve documents and materials that may otherwise be displaced, destroyed, concealed or altered.There shall be at least two(2)investigators in the investigation into suspicious transactions, and the inspectors shall produce their law enforcement certificates and investigation notices iued by the PBOC or a branch office thereof at the provincial level.The investigators shall not inspect, copy or seal up the account information, transaction records and other relevant information of the clients of a financial institution under investigation until and unle the same is approved by the person in charge of the PBOC or the branch office thereof at the provincial level.Where any of the investigators is in violation of the prescribed procedures, the financial institution shall be entitled to reject the investigation.Proper written records shall be made for inquiry and shall be sent to the interviewees for verification.Where there are any omiion or error in the records, the interviewees may ask for supplement or correction.The interviewees shall sign or seal the records upon confirmation that the contents of the records contain no mistake, and the investigators shall also affix signatures thereon.When sealing up documents or materials, investigators shall, in conjunction with the staff members of the financial institution who are present on the spot, carefully check the same and iue a list of documents and materials so sealed in duplicate on the spot, which shall be affixed with the signatures or seals of the investigators and the staff members of the financial institution who are present.A copy of the list shall be kept by the financial institution and the other copy shall be attached to the case files for future reference.第二十二条中国人民银行或者其省一级分支机构调查可疑交易活动,可以询问金融机构的工作人员,要求其说明情况;查阅、复制被调查的金融机构客户的账户信息、交易记录和其他有关资料;对可能被转移、隐藏、篡改或者毁损的文件、资料,可以封存。
Article 23 Where a transaction is still suspected of money laundering upon investigation, the case shall be reported to a competent investigation authority forthwith.Where a client asks for an outward transfer of the funds in the account involved in the transfer, the financial institution shall promptly report to the local branch office of the PBOC.With approval by the person in charge of the PBOC, the PBOC may adopt temporary freezing measures and inform the financial institution in written form, which shall execute the notice immediately upon receipt.Where an investigation authority is of the opinion that freeze shall be continued upon being informed of the case, the financial institution shall provide aistance upon receipt of the notice of the investigation authority on continuing the freeze.Where the investigation authority is of the opinion that freeze is no longer required, the PBOC shall, upon receipt of the notice of the investigation authority on lifting the freeze, promptly notify the financial institution in writing to lift the temporary freeze.A temporary freeze shall not be longer than 48 hours.Where a financial institution has not received a notice of the investigation authority on continuing the freeze within 48 hours after having taken the temporary freezing measures as required by the PBOC, the financial institution shall lift the temporary freeze immediately upon expiration of the time limit.第二十三条经调查仍不能排除洗钱嫌疑的,应当立即向有管辖权的侦查机关报案。对客户要求将调查所涉及的账户资金转往境外的,金融机构应当立即向中国人民银行当地分支机构报告。经中国人民银行负责人批准,中国人民银行可以采取临时冻结措施,并以书面形式通知金融机构,金融机构接到通知后应当立即予以执行。
Article 24 Where any staff member engaging in anti-money laundering of the PBOC or the branch offices thereof commits any of the following conducts, he or she shall be subject to administrative sanctions in accrodance with the law:(1)making inspection or investigation, or taking temporary freezing measure in violation of the provisions;(2)disclosing State secrets, trade secrets or personal privacy that comes into his or her knowledge during anti-money laundering activities;(3)imposing administrative punishment on relevant institution or personnel in violation of the provisions;or(4)having other failure to perform his or her duties in accordance with the law.第二十四条中国人民银行及其分支机构从事反洗钱工作的人员有下列行为之一的,依法给予行政处分:(一)违反规定进行检查、调查或者采取临时冻结措施的;(二)泄露因反洗钱知悉的国家秘密、商业秘密或者个人隐私的;(三)违反规定对有关机构和人员实施行政处罚的;(四)其他不依法履行职责的行为。
Article 25 Where a financial institution is in violation of these Provisions, the PBOC or the branch offices thereof at or above the level of central sub-branch at the prefecture or city level shall impose punishment thereon in accordance with the provisions of Article 31 and Article 32 of the Anti-money Laundering Law of the People's Bank of China, and may, depending on the circumstances, advise the CBRC, the CSRC or the CIRC to take the following measures:(1)ordering the financial institution to suspend busine for rectification, or revoking the busine license thereof;(2)disqualifying the directors and senior management personnel directly in charge, and other personnel subject to direct liabilities, from holding their respective position, and prohibiting the same from engaging in relevant work in the financial sector;and(3)ordering the financial institution to impose disciplinary sanctions on the directors and senior management personnel directly in charge and on other personnel subject to direct liabilities.Where a sub-branch of the PBOC of a county(city)finds that any financial institution is in violation of these Provisions, the said sub-branch shall report the case to the branch office at the next higher level, which shall impose punishment or give suggestions pursuant to the provisions of the preceding Paragraph.第二十五条金融机构违反本规定的,由中国人民银行或者其地市中心支行以上分支机构按照《中华人民共和国反洗钱法》第三十一条、第三十二条的规定进行处罚;区别不同情形,建议中国银行业监督管理委员会、中国证券监督管理委员会或者中国保险监督管理委员会采取下列措施:(一)责令金融机构停业整顿或者吊销其经营许可证;(二)取消金融机构直接负责的董事、高级管理人员和其他直接责任人员的任职资格、禁止其从事有关金融行业工作;(三)责令金融机构对直接负责的董事、高级管理人员和其他直接责任人员给予纪律处分。
中国人民银行县(市)支行发现金融机构违反本规定的,应报告其上一级分支机构,由该分支机构按照前款规定进行处罚或者提出建议。Article 26 The PBOC or the branch offices thereof at or above the level of central sub-branches at the prefecture or city level shall impose administrative punishment on financial institutions that are in violation of these Provisions in accordance with the Provisions of the People's Bank of China on Administrative Punishment Procedures.第二十六条中国人民银行和其地市中心支行以上分支机构对金融机构违反本规定的行为给予行政处罚的,应当遵守《中国人民银行行政处罚程序规定》的有关规定。
Article 27 These Provisions shall come into effect as of January 1, 2007.The Provisions on Anti-money Laundering of Financial Institutions promulgated by the PBOC on January 3, 2003 shall be simultaneously repealed.第二十七条本规定自2007年1月1日起施行。2003年1月3日中国人民银行发布的《金融机构反洗钱规定》同时废止。
金融机构反洗钱规定第二条 本规定适用于在中华人民共和国境内依法设立的下列金融机构:(一)商业银行、城市信用合作社、农村信用合作社、邮政储汇机构、政策性银行;(二)证券公司、......
金融机构大额交易和可疑交易报告管理办法第四条 中国人民银行设立中国反洗钱监测分析中心,负责接收人民币、外币大额交易和可疑交易报告。中国反洗钱监测分析中心发现金融机......
附件招商银行反洗钱规定(第二版)第一章 总 则第一条制定的目的和依据为预防洗钱和恐怖融资活动,全面履行商业银行反洗钱和反恐融资法定义务,根据•中华人民共和国反洗钱法‣、•......
##金融机构反洗钱工作报告制度(试行)(征求意见稿) 第一章总 则第一条为了及时、全面、准确掌握金融机构履行反洗钱义务情况,有效开展非现场监测分析,为人民银行切实履行反洗钱行政......
