英汉篇章翻译(技巧综合分析)Category: 本科四年级
Key words: comprehensive analysis, shift of perspective, amplification, parataxis, other techniques, E-C translation Abstract: It discues the comprehensive analysis of such major techniques as shift of perspective, amplification, and parataxis used in text translating.Compiler: 许建平等 Date: 2000年
E-C Paage 1 ①On my last holiday in the Bahamas, as I walked along the beach feeling the gentle waves wash over my feet, I felt part of universe, even if only a minuscule one, like a grain of sand on the beach.②Although I had to restrict the size of my practice, I felt a closer empathy with my patients.③When I walked into the Intensive Care Unit there was an awesome feeling knowing I, too, had been a patient there.④It was a special satisfaction to comfort my patients with cancer, knowing that it is poible to enjoy life after the anguish of that diagnosis.⑤It gave me a feeling to see the sparkle in one patient's eyes-a man with a total laryngectomy-when I asked if he would enjoy a cold beer and went to get him one.⑥If one realizes that our time on this earth is but a tiny fraction of that within the cosmos, then life calculated in years may not be as important as we think.⑦Why measure life in heartbeats?
⑧When life is dependent on such an unreliable function as the beating of the heart, then it is fragile indeed.⑨The only thing that one can depend upon with absolute certainty is death.①上次到巴哈马度假期间,我沿着海滩漫步,海浪轻轻抚揉着我的双脚,此时此刻,我蓦然觉得自己与整个宇宙融为一体,尽管我显得微不足道,就像海滩上的一粒沙子。②虽然我不得不限制自己的医务工作量,但我感到与病人更加心灵相通。
⑨而只有死亡才是人们唯一可以绝对依赖的。(许建平清华大学出版社)[分析] 本文主要涉及视角转换(shift of perspective),增词(amplification),和意合(parataxis)等翻译技巧。具体分析如下:
① 意合:英文形合的一个复合句翻译成中文意合的七个散句。视角转换:词性的转换,介词转换成动词“到”。
切分:“I walked along the beach feeling the gentle waves wash over my feet”在译文中分成两个句子。
② 视角转换:由肯定“had to”转换成否定形式“不得不”。形合:译文中仍为由“虽然”和“但是”这一组转折连词连接。
③ 视角转换:“knowing I, too, had been a patient there”这一分词短语转换成由“因为”引导的原因状语从句
④ 视角转换:句序调整 增词:增加连词“因此” 切分:“knowing that it is poible to enjoy life after the anguish of that diagnosis”这一分词短语切分成译文中的三个分句。
⑤ 意合视角转换:句序调整;词性转换,名词“sparkle”转换成动词“闪耀着”。
切分:“It gave me a feeling to see the sparkle in one patient's eyes”分成译文中的两个分句。增词:增加“感激的神情”,“顿时”等。
⑥ 形合:译文仍由“倘若”和“那么”这一组条件状语从句连词连接。⑦ 增词:增加语气助词“呢”。
⑧ 视角转换:词性转换,形容词“is dependent on”转换成动词“依赖于”。⑨ 省词:省略“thing”。paage 2
Key words: comprehensive analysis, division, other techniques, C-E translation Abstract: It discues the comprehensive analysis of the major technique “division” and other techniques used in text translating.Compiler: 李运兴编著 Date: 1998年
E-C 英文原文:
(1)Someone once remarked that the British and the Americans are two peoples separated by the same language.(2)Most epigrams exaggerate for effect, and this one is no exception.(3)But it is, neverthele, undeniably true that some commonly used words mean different things in these two cultures.(4)Consider the seemingly single term-“the government.”(5)To parliamentarians trained in British terminology, “the government” means “the cabinet: a group of the legislature's own members, chosen by it to devise public policies, to manage the legislature's major activities, and to exercise executive powers.(6)In theory, at least, the government continues office only so long as it commands the support of a majority of the legislature.(7)Losing that support, it may be turned out of power at almost any moment.(8)When Americans say ”the government,“ they mean something quite different: it connotes the whole governmental structure-executive, legislative and judicial.(9)Americans aume a situation in which the branches of government are deliberately separated and in which the powers of each check and balance those of the other.(李运兴编著”英汉语篇翻译“,清华大学出版社,1998)
分析:这段文字主要用了切分(division)等翻译技巧,此外,还用了一些其它技巧。(1)Someone once remarked that the British and the Americans are two peoples separated by the same language.(1)有人曾说,英国人和美国人是被同一种语言分隔开的两个民族。句1:
(2)Most epigrams exaggerate for effect, and this one is no exception.(2)警句为求效果大多过于夸张,上述警句也不例外。
1)视角转换:most在原句中为定语,但在译文中用作副词; 2)增词:译文中多了个“也”字;
(3)But it is, neverthele, undeniably true that some commonly used words mean different things in these two cultures.(3)尽管如此,在这两种文化中,一些常用词汇表达了不同的事物,这一点却是千真万确的。句3:
1)切分:原文中只有一个并列句,但译文将其分成了两个独立的句子; 2)视角转换(此处表现为“词序调整”):“在......千真万确的”。
(4)Consider the seemingly single term-”the government.“(4)让我们看看一个貌似简单的词-“政府”。句4:增词:译文中“让我们”是原文中没有的;
(5)To parliamentarians trained in British terminology, ”the government“ means ”the cabinet: a group of the legislature's own members, chosen by it to devise public policies, to manage the legislature's major activities, and to exercise executive powers.(5)对于那些受英国术语熏陶的议员们,“政府”指的是内阁,是立法机构本身的一批成员,由立法机构任命来制订公共政策,处理议会的重大活动并行使行政权力。句5:切分:原文冒号后面部分在译文中都成了句子;
(6)In theory, at least, the government continues office only so long as it commands the support of a majority of the legislature.(6)政府只有赢得议会多数成员的支持,才可以继续执政,至少在理论上是这样。句6:切分+词序调整(即视角转换中的一种):原文的短语 “In theory, at least” 在译文中成了一个完整的句子 “至少在理论上是这样”;
(7)Losing that support, it may be turned out of power at almost any moment.(7)失去了多数支持,政府几乎随时有可能下台。
(8)When Americans say “the government,” they mean something quite different: it connotes the whole governmental structure-executive, legislative and judicial.(8)美国人说到“政府”,意思就完全不同了。它指的是整个政体,包括行政、立法和司法部门。句8:
1)减词:“when” 一词在译文中没有译出 ;
2)切分:原文冒号部分在译文中单独成句,并把破折号后面部分译成了句子; 3)增词:译文中“部门”一词原文中没有;
(9)Americans aume a situation in which the branches of government are deliberately separated and in which the powers of each check and balance those of the other.(9)按照美国人的做法,政府三大部门是有意识地分立的,每个部门与其他部门相互制衡。句9:
2)增词:译文中“三大部门”的“三”和“其他部门”中的“部门”是译文中添加的;3)减词:原文中“the powers”没有译出。Paage 3 Key words: comprehensive analysis, amplification, omiion, shift of perspective, parataxis, domestication, E-C translation Abstract: It discues the comprehensive analysis of such techniques as amplification, omiion, shift of perspective, parataxis and domestication used in text translating.Compiler: 冯庆华编著 Date: 1997年
Venus and the Cat
(1)A cat having fallen in love with a young man, besought Venus to change her into a girl, in the hope of gaining his affections.(2)The Godde, taking compaion on her weakne, changed her into a fair damsel;and the young man, enamoured of her beauty, led her home as his bride.(3)As they were sitting in their chamber, Venus, wishing to know whether in changing her form she had also changed her nature, set down a mouse before her.(4)The girl, forgetful of her new condition, started from her seat, and pounced upon the mouse as if she would have eaten it on the spot;whereupon the Godde, provoked at her frivolity, straightaway turned her into a cat again.(5)What is bred in the bone, will never out of the flesh.维纳斯和猫
(4)这位姑娘忘了自己现在的身分,禁不住从座位上一跃而起,向老鼠猛扑过去,好像要把它当场吃掉。女神为她的轻举莽动所激怒,立刻又把她变回一只猫。(5)所谓江山易改,本性难移。[分析] 本文主要采用的翻译技巧是:增词(amplification)、减词(omiion)和视角转换(shift of perspective)等,具体分析
如下: 句(1):增词和音译:译文“爱神维纳斯”增加了“爱神”二字,明确了“Venus”的身份;“Venus” 的翻译运用了音译的方法
句(2):减词和切分:译文中省略了定冠词“the”,“her weakne”也被省略,因为其含义已包括在“深表同情”之中了;译者把原文分号后的分句独立译成一个句子。
句(3):意合和视角转换:译文的句序与原文相比,有了较大的调整,既有分句间顺序的调整,也有分句内部词序的变化,通过这种调整,体现了句与句间的关系(因果和时间先后);译者在翻译“wishing to know whether in changing her form she had also changed her nature”这句的时候运用了视角转换的技巧。
句(4):视角转换,增词,减词和切分:原文中“forgetful of her new condition”是形容词短语,在译文中变为动词短语;译文中增加?quot;禁不住“,省略了连词”and“;原文中分号后的分句被单独译成一个句子。
Paage 4 Category: 本科四年级 Key words: comprehensive analysis, omiion, shift of perspective, other techniques E-C translation Abstract: It discues the comprehensive analysis of such major techniques as omiion and shift of perspective used in text translating.Compiler: 刘庆宓编著 Date: xxxx年
The Beauty of Britain J.B.Priestley Translated by Lu Jie(1)I suspect that we are always, faintly conscious of the fact that this is a smallish island, with the sea always round the corner.(2)We know that everything has to be neatly packed into a small space.(3)Nature, we feel, has carefully adjusted things---mountains, plains, rivers, lakes---to the scale of the island itself.(4)A mountain 12,000 feet high would be a horrible monster here, as wrong as a plain 400 miles long, a river as broad as the Miiippi.(5)Though the geographical features of this island are comparatively small, and there is astonishing variety almost everywhere, that does not mean that our mountains are not mountains, our plains not plains.英伦之美 J.B.普里斯特莱
陆洁 译
[分析] 本文采用的翻译技巧主要有:视角转换(shift of perspective)和减词(omiion),具体分析如下:
句(1):视角转换和减词:原文中with引导的伴随状语在译文中通过视角转换变成了动词短语,语态也发生了变化;译文与原文相比,句序也有很大的调整,英文中it作形式主语的句子翻成中文,往往把真正的主语提前,再用指示代词翻译”it“,如译文中的”这一点“;原文中”I suspect that“和”smallish“ 被省略,因为前者不具有实际的意义,而后者的意思将在译句3中体现(亦算”词序调整“)。
句(3):减词,具体化和增词:译文中省略了”we“和”itself“;将原文中的”things“具体化为”江山“;为加强修辞效果,增加了”小小的“来修饰”岛国“,似乎也正好补上了原句1中 ”smallish“之含义。
句(4):视角转换,具体化,增词和专有名词/音译:英语中定语的位置可前可后,而中文的修饰词往往放在被修饰词的前面,所以英译中的时候,词序调整必不可少,该句中的”山脉“,”平地“和”河流“就是很典型的例子;原文中的”here“在译文中具体化为”在英国“;译文中还增加了”如果“和”或者“之类的词,使译文行文更为流畅;”密西西比河“的翻译属于专有名词的翻译,遵循了音译的方法。句(5):视角转换,具体化和切分:原文though引导的让步状语从句的翻译使用了视角转换的技巧;将原文中?quot;variety”具体化为“地形地貌”;that后面的部分被独立译为一个句子,其中使用了增词(“英伦虽小”)、视角转换(反说正译)和重复。Paage 5 ①All the trees, the living and the dead, are clothed with green and silver crusts of lichens.②Tufts of the bearded lichen or old man's beard hang from the branches like bits of sea mist tangled there.③ Green woodland moes and a yielding carpet of reindeer mo cover the ground.④ In the quiet of that place even the voice of the surf is reduced to a whispered echo and the sounds of the forest are but the ghosts of sound----the faint sighing of evergreen needles in the moving air;the creaks and heavier groans of half-fallen trees resting against their neighbors and rubbing bark against bark;the light rattling fall of a dead branch broken under the feet of a squirrel and sent bounding and ricocheting earthward.⑤ But finally the path emerges from the dimne of the deeper forest and comes to a place where the sound of surf rises above the forest sounds-the hollow boom of the sea, rhythmic and insistent, striking against the rocks, falling away, rising again.From R.Carson Walking to the Seacoast ①所有这些树,不论生死,都披着一层绿色和银色的地衣。
[分析] 文中基本以直译/语义(literal/semantic)翻译为主,另涉及拟声词(imitative words)翻译等技巧。具体分析如下:
句1:颜色词的直译:green and silver→绿色和银色。句2:选词:tangled there→萦绕于斯。句3:语义翻译。
① 切分:把原长句分为三短句处理,既保持原文语序,亦符合中文思维。② 具体化:evergreen→四季常青;in the moving air→在风中。
③ 拟声词的翻译:原文没有拟声词,译文中出现,Whispered echo→喃喃的回响。④ 视角转换:从语法角度,把原文的独立主格结构转换成单独的句子。
⑤ 拟声词的直译:the creaks and heavier groans→阵阵咯咯声和更重的呻吟声。⑥ 视角转换:从语法角度,把原文的独立主格结构转换成单独的句子。⑦ 拟声词的直译:light rattling→轻微的嘎嘎声。句5:
① 切分:前半句按中文习惯分成四个短句。② 省略:介词above略去不译。③ 增词: 增加动词“发出”。
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