中级口译教程Model Test M1E1~M15C1分析_中级口译教程对照
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中级口译教程Model Test M1~M13分析
中级口译教程M1E1 gracious invitation 盛情邀请 heartwarming 暖心的When the visitor arrives, it is as if returning home.宾至如归。joint venture 合资企业 gained and profited 获利的
中级口译教程M1E2 the restructuring of the group’s organization 集团组织的重建 give rise to the problem of …
引发„的问题 relocate the new group 为新的集团选择所在地 head offices 总部机构 recommend 推荐,意见
中级口译教程M1C1 上有天堂,下有苏杭
Just as there is a paradise in Heaven, there are Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth.毫无夸张之意
be no exaggeration 苏杭这两座邻近上海的历史名城以其秀丽的景色每年吸引了数以百万计的海内外游客。
The scenic beauty of this two historic cities near Shanghai attract millions of tourists from home and abroad every year.迷人的苏州造景园林
charming Suzhou landscape garden 中国南方园林建筑艺术的典范
the typical of Chinese southern garden architecture 造就了无数自然景观
create numerous natural landscape 给游客带来了如诗般的意境
bring the tourists a poetic mood 苏州观光的必游之地
a must for tourists visiting Suzhou
中级口译教程M1C2 尤为引人注目
particularly spectacular 逐渐形成„
with … coming into shape 崛起
rising 黄金宝地
most valuable place 海外投资热点
a hot destination of overseas investment 璀璨的东方明珠
brilliant oriental pearl 独特的魅力
unique charm 富有远见卓识的„
… with broad vision 金融家
financiers 企业家
entrepreneurs 大展宏图
readily materialize one’s ambitions
中级口译教程M2E1 act according to the principle of …
遵循„的原则 mutual respect and mutual benefit 互相尊重,互惠互利 dignity and fairne 尊严与公平 fundamental interest 根本利益 ambitious undertaking 雄心勃勃的伟业 great endeavor 伟大的事业
中级口译教程M2E2 two roughly symmetrical hemisphere 两个大致相称的半球 be comparable in …
在„方面相近 i.e.也就是说 spatial 空间的musical perception 对音乐的感知
sophisticated cognitive abilities 复杂的认知能力
中级口译教程M2C1 上海联华制衣公司
Shanghai Lianhua Garment Manufacturing Company 海外营销部
Overseas Marketing Department 进行业务洽谈
have busine talk with sb.建立公司海外销售网
the establishment of overseas marketing network 请多多指教。
Your advice will be very much appreciated.中级口译教程M2C2 远亲不如近邻
Distant relatives are not as helpful as close neighbors 值得推崇的cherished 经得起时间考验的time-honored 信条
belief 广为人们所接受的widely accepted 很有意义得表明
indicate meaningfully A在B中所起的重要作用
the important role of A in B 相互照顾
mutual care 义务工作者 = 志愿者
volunteers 年老体弱者,残疾人和所需要帮助的人
aged, sick, handicapped and people who need help 出于“人人为我,我为人人”的信念
act according to the belief of “all for one and one for all”
中级口译教程M3E1 Sydney Agricultural Technology Exhibition 悉尼农业技术展览会 extend this personal welcome to …
中级口译教程M3E2 Sino-American joint venture 中美合资企业 busine management 经营管理 direct and straightforward 直截了当 aggreive 咄咄逼人的proce of decision-making 决策过程 time-consuming 冗长的 merits and demerits 利与弊 busine executives 经理人员humane 富有人情味的
中级口译教程M3C1 extend the personal welcome to sb.以个人的名义,欢迎„ Sydney Agricultural Technology Exhibition 悉尼农业技术展览会 trade expansion 贸易扩张
中级口译教程M3C2 中外文化交流节
Sino-Foreign Cultural Exchange Festival 中国书法
Chinese calligraphy 人类的文化财富
human’s cultural wealth 宝贵的旅游资源
valuable tourist resources 山不在高,有仙则名;水不在深,有龙则灵。
Any mountain can be famous with the presence of an immortal, and any river can be holy with the presence of a dragon.中国书法笔墨
Chinese calligraphic works 仙
immortal 汉字
Chinese characters 象形文字
pictographs 字形
form of characters 无论是刀刻书法还是笔墨书法
both calligraphies done by knife and brush 产生引人入胜的艺术效果
yield attractive artistic effects 字形的夸张
the exaggerative form of the characters 研究艺术
an artistic study 古代书法遗迹
ancient calligraphic relics 艺术享受
artistic entertainment
中级口译教程M4E1 brilliant people in China’s automobile industry 中国汽车业的杰出人士 中级口译教程M4E2 official launch of …
the important occasion in the MIB history MIB历史上的重要时刻 a sign of good busine 做生意的好兆头 electronic industry 电子产业
excellent price versus performance ratio and high quality 优异的价格与优质的产品
中级口译教程M4C1 中外合资
Sino-foreign joint venture 最大限度地发挥双方的优势
maximize the strengths of both parties concerned 幅员辽阔,资源丰富,劳动力价格低廉,消费市场潜力大
have maive lands, abundant resources, cheap labor and potential consumer market 优惠的投资政策
preferential investment policies 管理知识
managerial expertise 机械
machinery 丰厚的经济回报率
rich economic returns
中级口译教程M4C2 在这个满天星斗、举国同庆的夜晚
on this starlit night of national celebration 谨代表
on behalf of 从百忙之中拨冗光临
take one’s time off one’s busy schedule 良辰佳时
a wonderful and joyous occasion 轻松、欢快
relaxing and delightful 尽情品尝
taste … to one’s heart’s content 中国的传统佳肴和美酒
the traditional delicious Chinese food and wonderful wine 最后
in close 祝各位身体健康、事业有成wish all of you good health and succeful career 中级口译教程M5E1 cordial friends 诚挚的朋友
中级口译教程M5E2 investment environment 投资环境 promising city 有前景的城市
中级口译教程M5C1 交换看法
exchange views on … 广泛领域
extensive area 具有历史意义的开拓性会议
a pioneering conference with historic significance 共同愿望
common aspiration 双边关系和多边关系
bilateral relations and multilateral relations 向„表示衷心的感谢
extend heartfelt thanks to … 东道主 the host 携手合作
join hands / make joint efforts 圆满结束
succeful conclusion
中级口译教程M5C2 教育书展
the Education Book Exhibition 新一轮展会系列的开始
the beginning of a new round of exhibition series 参展者
participants 国际出版商和书商
international publishers and booksellers 国内出版商和书商
domestic publishers and booksellers 国内图书爱好者
domestic book-loving readers 促进国际出版业的进一步交流
further promote the exchange of international publishing 出版经验和发行经验
publishing and distribution experience 中级口译教程M6E1 be your host in my country 在我国接待你们 pay tribute to …
the succeful conclusion of the cooperation agreements 成功达成合作协议
中级口译教程M6E2 have poor experiences with their partners in China 与中国相处不好 have pulled out of joint venture 从外资企业中撤出
fresh thinking from around the world 来自世界各地的新思维 within the Chinese system 在中国体制下
中级口译教程M6C1 富有中华民族文化特色
characteristic of Chinese national culture 举世闻名的world-renowned 景点名胜
scenic spots and historic sites、雄伟的古建筑群
magnificent ancient architectural complexes 珍贵的历史文物
precious historic relics 戏剧
operas 杂技表演
acrobatic shows
中级口译教程M6C2 对外汉语学习班
Chinese as a Foreign Language Program 对于这门拥有世界上使用人数最多、文学历史最悠久的语言来说largest number of speakers and the longest history of literature 这股学习热潮早该出现了。
This interest is long overdue.从某种意义上来说
in a sense 汉字
Chinese characters 适时
in due time 中华民族的文化和思维
the culture and thoughts of Chinese nation
Considering that Chinese has the 中级口译教程M7E1 gracious words of welcome 热情的欢迎词
dynamic and impreive city 充满活力与令人印象深刻的城市 matter for all of us 对我们来说非常重要 have a big stake in …
The poibilities are extraordinary.机遇是巨大的。(poibilities可以解释为机遇)forge a long-term strategic partnership with China 与中国建立一种长期的战略伙伴关系 become an expansionist military power 成为一个军事扩张的强国
integrate it more fully into the international system 使之更完全得融入国际社会 work to all of our advantage 给我们所有人都带来好处
中级口译教程M7E2 world city 国际大都市
a global center for trade, finance, busine and communications 一个全球贸易、金融、商务和通讯中心
the most demanding challenge 最大的挑战
implement sustainable development 实现可持续发展 effect a change of mindset 转变观念
think in terms of real longer-term benefits 着眼于长远利益 It is only natural that …
难怪„ … than …
immediate problems and poibilities 当下的问题与可能性 for the benefit of future generation 为了后代着想
ensure the sustainable viability of our society 保证社会的可持续发展 There is more to sth.不应该局限于„ accumulate material wealth 积累物质财富 sustainable public health 公共卫生的可持续发展 the preservation of our cultural heritage 文化遗产的保存
the availability of services for an aging population 老龄化社会的服务问题 中级口译教程M7C1 促进全球化时代的世界经济平衡有序地发展
promote the balanced development of world economy in a globalized era 深入讨论
have in-depth discuion 达成共识
reach an agreement 深信
deeply convinced / firmly believe 对„产生积极的影响
have a positive influence on … 共同发展
common development 经济全球化趋势深入发展
the trend of economic globalization is going to greater depth 以„为代表的现代科技进步日新月异
The modern technology represented by … are ever changing.面临难得发展机遇
face rare opportunities for development 日益突出
more and more salient 携手
join hands / make joint efforts / make concerted efforts 应对挑战 take on challenges
中级口译教程M7C2 共同利益
common interest 巨大的商机
huge busine opportunities 广阔的市场
huge market 价廉物美的消费品
inexpensive and quality consumer goods 增长最快的the fastest growing … 出口市场
the export market 加速发展的the accelerated development of … 动力
dynamic 旅游业
the tourist industry 航空业
the aviation industry A带动了B B be prompted by A 可观的实惠
considerable benefits 农产品
agricultural products 农业
agriculture 保持稳定快速的经济增长
maintain a steady and rapid economic growth 提供更广阔的发展空间
provide a huger space for development
中级口译教程M8E1 extend a warm welcome 表示热烈的欢迎 warm greetings 热烈的问候
Chinese Provincial Trade Delegation 中国地方贸易代表团 the Canadian Chamber of Commerce 加拿大商会 square meters 平方米
special-purpose exhibition halls 用于特殊目的的展厅 multi-functional conference hall 多功能会议厅
an international marketplace for innovation and technology 一个致力于创新和科技的国际市场 networking opportunities within the industry 产业内部的机遇
中级口译教程M8E2 concern all of us here 与在座各位有着密切联系 develop hand in hand
the sustainability of our current way of living 我们现今生活方式的可持续发展 widespread concern 广泛的关注
respond with a high level of commitment 积极参加会议 key element 核心要素
bring into sharp belief that …
addre the principles of sustainable development 制定可持续发展的方针 the governance of city 城市的治理
core feature of our future plans and projects 未来发展计划的核心
中级口译教程M8C1 中国和亚洲世纪
China and Asian Century 充分表达
fully indicate 发展前景
development prospects 推动力量
growth engine 合作共赢的机会
cooperative and win-win opportunities 开放市场
open up the market
中级口译教程M8C2 喜庆日子
joyful occasion 学位颁授典礼
commencement 你们内心的喜悦
the happine in your hearts 毕业生
graduates 急剧的变化
rapid change 不断学习
keep learning 自强不息
never cease to improve yourself
中级口译教程M9E1 pioneering conference 开拓性会议 signify 表明 multi-polarity 多极化
中级口译教程M9E2 intricacy = complexity 复杂性
computer switches and components 电脑开关和元件
中级口译教程M9C1 中国国民经济年均增长速度
the annual growth rate of Chinese national economy 现实的realistic 将目光投向
pay one’s attention to 投资活动
investment activities 中国中西部开发
the development of China’s central and western regions „越来越多
… will be created 中国中西部经济的潜力将得到更大的释放。
Greater space will be created for the economy of Chinese central and western regions.中级口译教程M9C2 异常迅速
at an extraordinary speed 经济形势
economic situation 对此
in terms of it 无可否认
There in no denying that … 引发
trigger 全球范围内的worldwide 主体
major player 面临的竞争压力不言而喻
be obviously under preure from competition
中级口译教程M10E1 in the Pacific Basin 在太平洋区域 Far East 远东 Near North 近北
中级口译教程M10E2 Oxford Brookes University 牛津布鲁克斯大学 the best new university 最佳的新兴大学 a school of art 工艺学校
a college of technology 技术专科学校 a polytechnic college 工程技术大学 the Times
泰晤士报 Financial Times
comprehensive university 综合性大学 中级口译教程M10C1 中国进出口商品交易会
Chinese Import and Export Commodities Fair 广交会
the Canton Fair 它是中国目前历史最长、层次最高、规模最大、商品最全的贸易展会。
It is a trading fair with the longest history, the highest level, the largest scale and the most complete commodities in China.以„为主
feature … 保险
insurance 运输
shipping 广告
advertising 咨询
consultation 看样成交
negotiating against samples 盛会
event 互通商情、建立关系、增进友谊
exchanging busine information, establishing relationship and enhancing friendship
中级口译教程M10C2 奠定了一定的物质技术基础
lay down a certain material and technological foundation 有利的市场环境
a favorable market environment 指导方针
guiding principle 扩大内需
the expansion of domestic demand 调整经济结构
the restructuring of economy 推动科技进步
the advancement of science and technology 促进对外开放
the promotion of opening up 西部大开放战略
the strategy of developing the western regions 稳步推进
steadily push forward „得到充分发挥
… be brought into full play 把工作重点放在„
priority is given to … 软环境
soft environment 中级口译教程M11E1 frontier research 前沿研究 biological engineering 生物工程
中级口译教程M11E2 holding company 控股公司 listed company 上市公司 market-driven 以市场驱动的 busine-driven 以商务驱动的 responsive 反应敏锐的
中级口译教程M11C1 无拘无束地
freely 在这个高度竞争的时代
in the era of intensive competition 人际关系
interpersonal relations 传统意义上的人间温暖和关怀
the traditional human warmth and care
中级口译教程M11C2 矛盾
disparity 双重任务
dual task 从国情出发
preceding from its national conditions 实现经济可持续发展
the realization of economic sustainable development 基本国策
the fundamental state policy 全球范围内
worldwide 全国范围内
nationwide 污染防治工作
campaigns for pollution prevention 生态环境保护
the ecological environmental protection 工业污染
industrial pollution 实践证明
the practices have demonstrated that …协调A与B的关系
balance between A and B
中级口译教程M12E1 fundamental differences 根本差异 ideology 意识形态
be distinctly different in …
在„有着明显的差异 deepest aspirations for …
中级口译教程M12E2 Wharton Busine School 沃顿商学院 busine education 商务教育
source of applications of foreign students 外国生源 MBA program 工商管理硕士班
executive education program 管理人员教育班
中级口译教程M12C1 我国社会主义市场经济体制
China socialist market economy system 社会福利保障体制
social welfare and security system 社区服务
social services 政府职能
governmental functions 原来由政府包揽的initially undertaken by the government 民间组织
non-governmental organizations 密切合作
close collaboration 研讨会
seminar 制定未来社区工作的发展战略和行动计划
addre the development strategy and action plan for the social works in the future
中级口译教程M12C2 三面环山
be enclosed on three sides by hills 环湖一周15公里
with a circumference of 15 kilometers 小瀛洲
small islands 青松朱栏
green pine trees and red parapets 白堤
Bai Causeway 苏堤
Su Causeway 北宋
Northern Song 西湖十景
ten beautiful vistas 人工美景
man-made beauty 天然美景
natural beauty 历代诗人
poets of various dynasties 把A比作B compare A to B 绝代美女
unrivalled beauty 欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。
Whatever her makeup, Xishi always radiates with beauty.So is the West Lake.中级口译教程M13E1 celebrate the centennial year of your university 庆祝贵校建成100年 administrators 行政管理人员
the next generation of China’s leaders 中国下一代的领导人 strong partnership 强有力的友好关系 virtually 实际上(= actually)be shut off from the world 与外事隔绝
lift hundreds of millions of people from poverty 使亿万人民脱贫 thrill the whole world 使全世界都感到振奋
中级口译教程M13E2 the Western Pacific Oceans 西太平洋 contrast in …
在„上是不同的in certain fundamental respects 在一种基本面上 per capita 人均endowment of natural resources 自然资源的占有 industrial capabilities 产业能力
中级口译教程M13C1 月光明媚的moonlit 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。
It is such a delight to have friends coming from afar.乒乓外交
pingpong diplomacy 上世纪70年代中期
in the mid-1970s 自那时起
Since then 与„签订合同
sign contracts with … 时装公司
fashion company 贸易额
trade volume 时多时少
there are ups and downs in...我们的合同下个月到期
Our contract is expiring next month.新合同的谈判
negotiation for a new contract
中级口译教程M13C2 面临
overlooking 漓江
Lijiang River 桂树
caia trees 以„而得名
The name is derived from … „香飘四方
… fill the air with sweet scent 临江部分
the section near the river 山清水秀
beautiful mountains and clear rivers 石美洞奇
grotesque rocks and mystic crags 桂林山水甲天下
The landscape of Guilin tops that of any other place under heaven.自古以来
from ancient times 石灰岩峰
limestone crags 几十米
tens of meters 奇特的形状
peculiar shape „形成世界奇景之一
… creates scenes unparalleled elsewhere in the world 中国山水画
Chinese landscape painting
中级口译教程M14E1 Young Chinese minds should be free to reach the fullne of their potential.中国年轻人应该解放思想,充分发挥自己的潜力。
mandate of our time 我们这个时代赋予我们的使命 embrace 拥抱,接受
grandeur of your history 你们辉煌的历史 constantly 不断地
中级口译教程M14E2 excitement 激情 genius 才华
awaken a spirit 唤醒了一种精神 a spirit of involvement 参与精神 a spirit of uplifting 向上精神 hearten sb.鼓舞某人 cheer sb.使某人感到愉快
中级口译教程M14C1 恰逢其时
be a marker of the good time 商务代表团
busine delegations 互利贸易
mutually beneficially trade
中级口译教程M14C2 多样化的自然地理环境
diversified natural conditions 开发
exploit 系统的调查和修缮
systematic investigations and repairs 旅游点
tourist places 不可替代的人文景点
exclusive cultural attractions 多民族国家
a multinational country 富有少数民族特色的characterized by minority nationality 少数民族
minority nationality 避暑胜地
summer resorts 滑雪胜地
skiing resorts 疗养胜地
sanatoriums resorts 野营胜地
camping resorts 业内的专家学者
the experts and scholars in the … industry
中级口译教程M15E1 motive force 动力
all-round cooperation 全面合作
中级口译教程M15E2 infrastructure construction 基础设施建设 subway trains 地铁 light trains 轻轨
on most occasions 大部分情况下 inter-city train 城际火车 punctual 准时的 dining car 餐车
metropolitan tourists 都市旅行者
中级口译教程M15C1 上海新国际博览中心
Shanghai New International Expo Center 多功能的multi-functional 室内面积„平方米
cover an indoor area of … square meters 室外面积„平方米
cover an outdoor area of … square meters 扩建
expansion 东亚地区会展中心
East Asian exhibition center
《 中级口译教程》学习重点2—1 Greetings at the Airport机场迎宾1.人力资源部经理Manager of Human Resources Division 2.top-notch顶尖的/拔尖的 notch: 槽口/ 凹口3.......
新东方口译:http://edu.21cn.com/kcnet440/Unit One Part 1 shopping over the internet Virtuallyadv.在各重要方面; 事实上; 实际上; 几乎 To spring up 迅速地或突然地出......
1.This is a fantasitic airport, absolutely one of the top-notch international airports.这个机场太美了,绝对是一个顶尖的国际机场。2.I'm very bad with a jet-lag.Bu......
《中级口译教程》(第三版)使用指南《中级口译教程》(第三版)终于问世拉! 第三版教材和第二版教材相比,不仅价格翻了一番,内容也增加了近四分之一,由原先第二版的十四个单元增加到......
